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Everything posted by blue

  1. Daryl Strummer Phil Collin's guitarist is also from Milwaukee. He still lives here. Blue
  2. I'm devastated. One of the few that could take something from inside his head, share it and put millions in a great state of mind. Huge loss. Rest In Power Prince Blue
  3. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1461233430' post='3032642'] Presumably you still need a lead from the bass to the transmitter and from the receiver to the amp though, yes? [/quote] Yes, the line 6 transmitter is small and fits with plenty of room in my front pocket. I use a short high quality patch from my bass to the transmitter. Blue
  4. I'd be the first to say I'm sort of stuck in the 60s & 70s. And there's not a better musical time period to be stuck in. I'm quite comfortable here. Blue
  5. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1461226039' post='3032547'] Who on earth is 'Joco'? [/quote] A circus monkey? Blue
  6. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1461189114' post='3032380'] IME the band are looking for two things – someone who can adequately cover the gig and someone who they want to spend a large part of their life with over the next few years. If you seem committed, can pick up songs quickly, lock in with the drummer, look like you belong in the band and seem easy to get along with then you will do fine. Bear in mind that they may be looking for certain things that may or may not be your strengths – so if they need someone who can sing a high harmony and you can’t sing then you won’t get the gig, no matter how well you can play. But if they get two guys who turn up and seem to be able to play their set well enough they will nearly always go for the one who seems to be a bit of a laugh – even if the other guy might be a slightly better player… [/quote] Hi Pete, I think bands are also looking for someone who can commmitt. There are some guys out there that will audition knowing It's not the right time for them. Personally experience is important. I'm not sure I want to bring on a guy to a busy working band that has no gigging experience. Blue
  7. Audition advice is a tough one because there's so many variables, age, genre, location, fit, gender, originals, established and working ,start up the list goes on and on. If you can't answer this question there's something wrong. "Why Do I Want To Be In This Band?" Blue
  8. [quote name='skychaserhigh' timestamp='1461168867' post='3032130'] That's not a lead........ [/quote] No,but an option to consider. Blue
  9. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1461198679' post='3032438'] I have just read through the thread (thoroughly ammused by comments from the usual suspects) and watched the video. Based on the comments, and given the source material of the American national anthem I was expecting something far worse than what I saw. There are some really neat moments in there, the harmonic double stop whilst closing the whah pedal sounded especially nice. It was no disaster. It definitely had a knowing nod to Hendrix, which non musician members of the audience would have picked up on. [/quote] Jecklin, many younger bass players here have been critical of Jaco, and I get that Jaco is not relevant to many younger bass players. So, isn't it fair for older bass players like me where Flea is not relevant, to critique Flea? Blue
  10. [quote name='OutSpoon' timestamp='1461177972' post='3032252'] I'm not poking the fire here - but blue; can you explain the generational thing to me? For me, I am influenced by all the music I hear - whether it was recorded 100 years ago or yesterday. But your opinion is that it is only the music that is recorded during your lifetime, or formative years that has relevance. Seriously - I would like to understand your perspective. [/quote] Yes for me it's only the greats from my generation that have relevance to me. Paul McCartney Rocco Prestia Chuck Rainey Carole Kaye Larry Graham Willie Weeks Stanley Clarke Jaco Its just me, and I just happened to grow up when these greats we're in their prime.Most on my list are still very active. I would say my generation has more true great bass heroes than any other since. Am I biased, yes, I am. Blue
  11. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1461173047' post='3032195'] The problem is though Blue, when other forum members might say McCartney isn't relevant to them, or they just don't like him, you have been known to jump down their necks a little bit. [/quote] True, but here's my position. I understand McCartney is not relevant to the younger bass player.And I think everyone is cool with that. I also say anyone standing verticle playing an electric bass guitar in a rock band has been influenced by McCartney at some level whether they know it or not. Even if they've never heard of Paul McCartney.That's my take on it. Blue
  12. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1461187857' post='3032359'] Use all your own gear inc amp full rig, and use the sound you normally would[/quote] I would ask if it's ok to bring my own rig first. They might have a reason they don't want him to bring his own rig. It could have to do with how they've scheduled auditions and they want to save time. Blue
  13. [quote name='AndrewJordan' timestamp='1461169557' post='3032145'] Unless they kicked him out for being no good. [/quote] Sounds like there is probably another side to that story. Was he good when they hired him and he became bad? Could be a "red flag" maybe not. Blue
  14. Staggering, I'm just lucky to be in a working band with good honest trustworthy people. Things like what songs are played, what time I get to a gig, how much set up and tear down I do. I never even think about those things. They're all just part of the job. I love it and words like "job" and "business" are fine with me. I have a fun job in a fun business. Blue
  15. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1461151475' post='3031867'] I was about to say "there werent any rock bands 50 years ago" till I realised I did my first paid gig in.... 1954! Time flies! October-ish of this years I have 62 years of gigging (at least semi-pro) in! Wow. I remember thinking I would probably quit once I hit about 25..... [/quote] Congrats Yeah, gigging more than ever at 63. What else am I going to do? Blue
  16. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1461141881' post='3031737'] 1966, coincidentally about the same time that your musical heroes lost their enthusiasm for gigging. IMO, The Beatles best work came about during their years of 'bedroom noodling' (Ok, their 'bedroom' was in Abbey Road, but even so . . . At least the Stones have stayed on the road). [/quote] I wouldn't compare my circumstance or the type and level of gigs to The Beatles or what was happening to them at the time. Paul has stayed on the road as well. He opened his North American tour in Fresno CA last Wednesday. Blue
  17. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1461146204' post='3031776'] Some good points there... I'm told there is an amp but mine will be in the car just in case it's a fartbox in the room. I'm assuming no audience as its in a rehearsal space but who knows? From email interactions I expect we will get on well. The previous bassist played as per the record almost, good tone and nothing flash, including nothing flash from the recorded versions... Will be interesting [/quote] If they said don't bring an amp, don't If they want you to audition using a fart box, that's a "red flag" Blue
  18. Set up fast, if the audition is at 5:00, that means be set up and ready to play at 5:00. Make sure they can hear you. Remember if they can't, it doesn't mean they're going to tell you. You might want to ask if the sound your using fits the song. Own the audition material like it was the back of your hand. Be polite and professional, tear down fast and leave, don't engage in a lot of small talk. Look out for "red flags" If it's a pro operation and your good, you'll here from them sooner than later. Blue
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1461139010' post='3031705'] I don't see how the era you grew up in has any relevance to what you like today[/quote] I do. Blue
  20. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1461132757' post='3031645'] Or did I miss something? [/quote] Sort of, We didn't like the performance.😄😄 Blue
  21. In my 50 years of playing bass in rock bands, rehearsals have always been in someone home. I would never join a band that was paying for rehearsal space unless they were making big bucks. Blue
  22. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1457440508' post='2998526'] I'm far too much of a "safe and secure job" type guy to ever have the balls to go it alone like you are![/quote] That would be most people. Me,life is to short not to spend it doing what you want. In many way I really didn't start living until I started playing for a living, leaving the 9-5 world. Blue
  23. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1461108435' post='3031605'] OK, if you insist Skipping through the alphabet then to Exhibit R: Rickenbacker 4004LK I had to wait quite a while to get my hands on one of these and it was definitely worth it. Despite my initial claims that it would be a player, it doesn't gigged because it's just too damn lovely. Far too ostentatious for some and a thing of beauty for others. Either way, it's a lovely bass to play and come back to from time to time. The edition run I think was somewhere in the order of 60 and this one is slightly unusual in that it's not quite as heavily oiled as others. The wings are individually hand carved and no two are the same. There are also some pick-up placement variations and there are some with only two pick-up's instead of three. [/quote] Elegance Blue
  24. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1461098666' post='3031536'] I agree, I am steadily reducing the amount of exposed pick. [/quote] Cool, I'm constantly trying to improve my picking, so every note from my lines, riffs and licks is clean and clearly defined. Getting your up and down pick strokes accurately also makes a huge difference. Blue
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