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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1461092512' post='3031444'] It's a good job there are some good originals bands out there otherwise cover bands would have nothing to play [/quote] True, so more power the the originals bands with talent and great material. Blue
  2. The right thumb/index finger ratio to exposed pick is key. Blue
  3. How about this, is this a fair statement? Based on many of the responses here, Flea "bombed". It can happen to anyone. Blue
  4. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1461092163' post='3031437'] Not sure what you are trying to say here Blue... you're merely talking from your own perspective. Many younger players would say the opposite and Flea has influenced a whole host of musicians- in terms of bassists, it's hard to think of anyone significantly more influential in the last 20 years. He has a very unique style that is all his own and will stand alongside some of the most important bass players of all time. I say that not as a huge fan, either. [/quote] Agreed My comment was generational and yes I was talking from my perspective. Like many of my heroes, McCartney, Joco, Rocco Prestia, Larry Graham, Stanley Clark, Chuck Rainy, Willie Weeks etc.. these guys are not relevant to some of the younger generations of bass players. I don't want to be critical of Flea, he's just not relevant to me. Blue
  5. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1461091087' post='3031423'] I'm finding it harder to defend this 3 page thread full of anger, holier than thou judgments, narcissism and negativity. Flea started his journey as a punk, heavily influenced by Jazz musicians in his family home and Funk on the record player. He clearly improvises for the love of it, doesn't give a monkeys about rules and restrictions and often admits himself that sometimes improvisation doesn't pull off and we all have off days. As a kid I watched his bass video, he called bad improv days something like 'days when your head feels like a stale marshmallow' He's also human, sensitive and allowed a bad day at the office. If he did have a bad day at the office, so what? If he was nervous, so what? If he's happy with what he played then also, so what? At least he had the balls to do it and isn't on a forum picking holes in it [/quote] I guess I would bring the same defense to any of my generations bass heroes if any of them had a bad night. Blue
  6. Gauge of the pick will be important. I use these paper thin picks. I like using just a tiny bit of pick to the string, and getting the grip and keeping it through a whole song can be challenging. Blue
  7. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1461051755' post='3030886'] No, but the first since the tendon tore a few weeks ago. I was already unable to play finger style as the tendon was 'hanging on by a thread' (according to the doctor) but last gig was 12th March, then I had a third operation a few later and a day or two later the tendon went. [/quote] Man, I hope your up and running back at your normal speed soon. Is a full recovery realistic? Blue
  8. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1461078410' post='3031243'] The one major PITA regards bands is the high quota of lazy and bone idle gits who, rather than put in the work, just want to brag to their mates they're in a band. [/quote] That sounds more to me like most guys I know that are in originals bands. They spend more time in the basement then those out there sweating and working.Just my opinion. Cover bands are not all a like, some are marginal, some are fantastic. It's the same with originals bands. Some are suprisely good with great material.And some are marginal at best. Blue
  9. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1461083637' post='3031324'] Fair comment. I guess also, that is what happens when you take a simple tune and try to do something unique and individual with it. Can't say I'm impressed that after the announcer said "remove you hats", he didn't. But could he have been nervous? Lack of confidence in what he'd "prepared"? Was it prepared? Had he forgotten what he'd prepared? If you asked him afterwards, would he say he was proud of it? What would YOU do? How about a few folk here post on this thread THEIR rendition of the "Stars & Stripes" ? (No, I'm no massive Flea fan either.) Need the music? [url="https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=88014765C749B87!205&authkey=!ADeEgLtmLqvZrd4"]The Star Spangled Banner[/url][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] - USA national anthem [/size][/font][/color] [/quote] I like your honesty and I agree. I think it's hard even For Flea fans to defend this embarrassing performance. I think it was a bad idea and Flea does not seem prepared.Not a professional performance, there was nothing cool about it IMO. Blue
  10. [quote name='Balcro' timestamp='1461086749' post='3031368'] He should have remembered the old adage "if it ain't broke don't fix it". This is from nearly 7 years ago - Lakers v Rocket, game 5 play-off. It's just over 2 minutes - more straight ahead all round. When you get to about 1 minute, turn up the volume and enjoy classic bass tones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGuEagHDL9M Balcro. [/quote] What tone? Blue
  11. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1461048992' post='3030863'] Flea is a major player in the bass playing community. Wouldn't have thought that was in question. A decent percentage of bassists out there if asked who are the influenced by, flea would be in the list. But yes.... It was a car crash bass solo. [/quote] Flea is not a major player in my generation's community of bass players. Blue
  12. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1461009449' post='3030657'] That's very subjective. I'd argue that probably Flea himself would say he is *NOT* in the same league as those guys but he has been pretty influential too. McCartney leaves me cold, while a lot of Flea's stuff really speaks to me (a lot of it leaves me cold too... Flea is capable of the most beautiful basslines and the most inane too...). [/quote] Were not that far apart. What speaks to us usually is generational. I've always said and been criticized for my opinion that unless your into your 60s, most of the bass players from 50 years ago are probably not relevant to you. Blue
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1461016973' post='3030774'] +1 However, this one seemingly simple task can be overwhelmingly difficult... [/quote] Good honest, trustworthy folks with band experience. I'm a working bass player so for what I want I can usually tell fairly easy if the opportunity is potentially a fit. Established Working Band 1. Tell me about turn over in the band, are you recruiting any positions besides bass guitar 2. How long has the current line up been in place 3. Why are you looking for a new bass player 4. Tell me about your book of business, venues and travel if any. How many shows did you do in 2015 and what's on the books for 2016 5. Tell me a little bit about how and what the job pays Now that's all straight forward. Whether they are all good,fun, honest trustworthy people takes a little more time to discern. Blue
  14. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1461035625' post='3030823'] I was talking to a Hofner rep, and he said they sell more left handed basses than right, and the vast majority are hung on walls. [/quote] That doesn't surprise me. Me, I'm not a collector. I have a German made limited edition Club Bass with cavern club PU spacing. I take it to all gigs, and play it for at least one set. Blue
  15. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1460996714' post='3030499'] Cheers, Blue, my band seem to think I'm doing OK, they like the clearly, better defined sound...and so do I, but I miss the direct contact with the strings. Gig on Friday in my village, so the audience won't hold back from telling me what they think! [/quote] First gig since your accident? Blue
  16. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1460996714' post='3030499'] Cheers, Blue, my band seem to think I'm doing OK, they like the clearly, better defined sound...and so do I, but I miss the direct contact with the strings. Gig on Friday in my village, so the audience won't hold back from telling me what they think! [/quote] First gig since your accident? Blue
  17. I'm sure Lee"s phone is always ringing. Blue
  18. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1460832894' post='3029246'] I put some money in the bank last year but when I drew it out last week it wasn't my money, I put two fifty pence pieces in but they gave me a pound coin. Same thing isn't it? Landlord has a collection for the band and then gives the band their money Might not be the same coins and notes but you got your money. I can see how it might make you feel but it's up to the LL how he gets the money for your fee. Without any more information you have to just accept that he paid you your fee and everyone, including you had a great night. Job done! [/quote] There's a bar in my neck if the woods that really books some good local blues rock bands. Older but very responsive and appreciative clientele. High end food. They provide meals for the band members and pass around a hat. We won't play there. Blue
  19. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1461018928' post='3030789'] There's a venue in my city that declares proudly, on it's website, that all the entry money goes to the band. I know that isn't the case because he pays us far less than the ticket takings over the 3 hours that we are playing. It has a capacity of 140 people, they charge £5 entry and there is usually a queue trying to get in. The place is packed yet we get the same fee every time we play. He also expects us to pay for the sound engineer and the hire of the venue PA, out of our fee (he doesn't mention that on the bloody website). The guy is a musician (well a drummer) himself, so you would think he would have a bit of sympathy for his fellow musicians; obviously not. By the way...... I played a venue in Orkney, that put a bucket around, at the end of the night I took a quick look, and there was significantly more money in the bucket than we were actually being paid. The swines!! [/quote] All in all. I'd say, creepy. Blue
  20. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1461015918' post='3030761'] They weren't being paid from the pass round. The owner was using the pass round to subsidise the amount he had to find from the takings. Or looking at it another way - if the jar had more money in it than the agreed fee - what should happen to the extra money? [/quote] Cool, I get it, but I'm still not sure I approve. Blue
  21. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1461001658' post='3030555'] I think the current Duff is Mexican and around £1070 new The active "Power" model comes up quite frequently on here Lozz. The passive, original (about 84-91) rarely comes up. They are quite nice, i'll take a photo one day I'll have to dig the bloody bass out 1st! [/quote] £1070 for a MIM? Blue
  22. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1461000974' post='3030544'] I know what you mean Blue, tone does come from the player, and Duff has a particularly aggressive way of playing. But my point is more that for anyone liking Duff, rather than having to try and customise/piece together a bass to get his sound/look, well there`s one there for them as the original series isn`t made anymore - though occaisonally they turn up on evilbay. Unlike the Dee Dee which, if you want a bass that looks and sounds like his, well any white/maple Precision with a change of pickguard and you`re pretty much there. [/quote] Were not far apart on this one. I am the worlds biggest Macca fan. I play a Hofner Club bass because of the look, but I don't sound like Paul. I wish 😄. Interesting that Paul has no business ties with Hofner, never has. Yet one could say any Hofner violin style bass is Macca Signature.Paul put Hofner in the real big business arena as far as I'm concerned. Blue
  23. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1461018965' post='3030791'] Been reading the book British rock guitar which is an updated version of 17 watts by mo foster. It's basically a collection of often very funny stories by famous names, talking about there first guitars, first amps, experiments etc etc. It's a really good read! What got my attention is the fact that it's so much easier to get equipment that actually works, even the cheap gear. And we have internet so learning and music in general is so accessible. It's so much easier in every way. We are indeed lucky. However why I'm I yearning that it was still a bit like that. Even when I was fairly young in the 90s it was still easier than the 50s, 60s and so on. Although I am still relatively new to playing it would of been much easier when I was young to do so. So I never got to really experience the "struggle" of previous decades. The experimentation of it all seems really exciting. Even the crap instruments and struggling to get even the latest record has a certain fun element. I can't help thinking in a way lacking all that now has lost us something, some magic in it all. [/quote] Agreed, I started gigging in 1966 and a lot of the magic and enthusiasm for gigging is now gone. Most are content in their bedrooms noodling away. To each his own. Blue
  24. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1461010788' post='3030683'] That is a good point. And it would not be unreasonable. But the collection has to be presented as being collected in order to put live music in the bar, I think. [/quote] No being paid from a pass around. Were getting paid our fee by the owner or we don't do business with you. Blue
  25. Not my generation, never been a fan.Never considered him as a big league player. Flea is not and has never been in the same league as a McCartney, Stanley Clark, Larry Grahm, Rocco Prestia, Chuck Rainy or Willie Weeks etc... I thought it was embarrassing. To his defense it's not a very good vehicle for bass guitar Blue
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