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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1459722143' post='3019033'] Fela Kuti is dead. You can see either of his two sons Femi Kuti or Seun Kuti who are still touring. [/quote] Cool, then it must be Femi. Blue
  2. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1459723704' post='3019055'] I don't see it as unreasonable. Groups of people who actually just want to play music, but don't want all the hassle that goes with dealing with the public. I am sure we have all done gigs when we would have prefered to be at home! [/quote] I know some people that are terrified of performing in public. However, they still do it because they want to share the music they have created. They're flexible and heroic. For those who might not get what I'm saying, it's a compliment. Blue
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1459715201' post='3018950'] Yes, indeed, and many more than one would think, I reckon. Almost by definition, these folks are not well known outside of their immediate circle (and sometimes not even there..! I've come across lots of people, of all ages, playing music, of many different genres, purely at home. I worked for several years in a music shop as a technician; most of our trade, for sales and repairs, were from amateurs. Many (but not all..!) were highly skilled and knowledgeable. They were, on the whole, far nicer customers than many of the 'pros'..! Blue... I'll address this directly; it's almost beyond a joke now. How does one have to explain that disparaging comments of this sort, whilst being, apparently, your firmly held opinion (and you're welcome to it...) are not well received on this, and I doubt any other, forum..? I'll restrain myself from returning the compliment and giving vent to my full opinion concerning these 'opinions' of yours, but would heartily suggest a session of 'neck pulling-in' as starters, and a serious period of reflection before putting fingertip to keyboard in the future. I don't believe this to be a cultural, trans-Atlantic issue; rudeness is rudeness. Stay up there in your ivory tower if you wish, enjoy the heady view and unspoilt atmosphere, but please carefully consider the disagreeable nature of these, and other of your, affirmations to a great many fellow BC members. Thanks in advance. No need to 'Report' this post; I'll do that myself. Good day to you. Douglas [/quote] At the end of the day I'm a bass guitar player in a bar band. It's really not much to be proud of. But if you want to criticise me and cut it down, that's ok. How serious do you want to take me? I'm not an expert on any of this. My post are my opinions just like everyone else here. If you detect rudeness it's cultural in my opinion. Blue
  4. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1459714764' post='3018942'] That depends massively on who is running the band. If you're talking about a bunch of weekend warriors getting together to play some of their favourite songs, you're most likely right, they'll never get out of the rehearsal room. On the other hand, I joined a 'start-up' before Christmas that is run by 2 very motivated and organised fellas - we have done 2 gigs so far (including one that they set up and promoted themselves), and the diary is steadily filling up. [/quote] Your the exception, good news just the same. Blue
  5. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1459715360' post='3018953'] Blue...love your natural ability...to piss everybody else off.... Do you doing it on purpose or do you not think before you hit the "Enter" key?? Whenever you do this you lower my opinion of you...fortunately there ain't too much further for you to go. BTW Andrew...thanks for posting this..really enjoyed it - inspirational!! [/quote] No, I'm just passionate about certain things and I have been misinterpreted and misunderstood a lot. Blue
  6. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1459717812' post='3018992'] Fela is THE guy to go to when trying to venture towards African music. His sound is so relatable and easy to understand! For more similar stuff, check out Toumani Diabte, Sidiki Diabte, Ali Farka Toure, Femi Kuti, Seun Kuti, Issa Bagayogo, Orchestra Baobab, Salif Keita (Recently worked with Snarky Puppy on Family Dinner Vol 2) and Youssou N'Dour. [/quote] He's in Milwakee this summer, I plan on checking him out. For those who have misinterpreted my othher responses on this thread. The above means Fela is a musician I'm interested in seeing live. Blue
  7. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1459717125' post='3018984'] Nice one! But what's that got to do with anything Blue? Not everything has to be about getting paid and playing music. Even us guys who play for a living can have other interests and hobbies, sometimes it's fun to talk about them! Not sure what half your post is about mind, the stuff about being professional, being well versed etc. means nothing to me. You work over the other side of the pond to me, so whatever. Or are you trying to instigate a discussion over being dedicated to a single genre, vs ability to wing it in a multitude of genres? Cause I can assure you there are literally tonnes of us on here that can play many genres very well. I'm sensing a lot of one-upmanship in your tone Blue, and I'd advise you to just reconsider such a tone. [/quote] Must be a cultural thing. You have misinterpreted every response I've made on this thread. My tone is fine, again you might want to carefully look at my responses. Blue
  8. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1459714338' post='3018932'] Stop making this thread about you, we all know you play for a living, how could we not. You tell us in what seems like nearly every post! OP posts a great vid of some people having fun playing great music and yet again, Blue. Jesus wept! [/quote] Nov, it was a great clip featuring cool musicianship. And I was complementary starting with my 1st reply. Blue
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1459706953' post='3018808'] I don't understand it either, but obviously it's up to the individual! What gets right on my tits is when you join a band, spend time rehearsing and realise that they never had any intention whatsoever to do any gigs - but deliberately withheld this information, just to acquire the services of a bass player. This has happened to me twice now - when I joined my current band I made it clear what I wanted to do and what would happen if there were no gigs in the offing. So of course now I'm doing more gigs than I can handle. But I can't really complain, can I?? [/quote] Most start up bands don't stay together long enough to see they're first gig. Any band you join that has no gigs probably will not get any gigs. Blue
  10. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1459706631' post='3018798'] I probably have a very restricted outlook on life, as I cannot begin to understand why anyone wants to play an instrument and not perform in front of people. [/quote] I think most do. I think for those who don't never found the right sort if gigging opportunity or have made bad band choices with bad band experiences. Nobody is going convince me they set out to be a bedroom noodler . Blue
  11. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1459706845' post='3018806'] I more took issue with the perceived tone or your post Blue, it was derisory. I'm a bass player that gigs, teaches, records, tours, writes, reads for a living. When I'm not working I play what I love, in my bedroom, on my own. I also hands down refuse to play stuff I'm not good at, or don't like. I can afford to do that, because I'm in charge of what I do. I run my own bands and choose my own musicians. There's no way you'll find me playing straight ahead rock cause it's dead boring for me. Pumping out 8ths is a load of rubbish in my mind, I want to create melodies using rhythm and harmony! I'll do those gigs every now and then, but not more than 1 a month. [/quote] I happen to be in a band 10 years standing that happens to play a genre I like and I'm. well versed in. No bands last forever, if I ever find myself on the market I'm not going to restrict by genre or what I don't like. I will restrict by my abilities and professionalism. Even genres I don't like can be done well and professional. If a band is established and has solid book of continuous business I'll play polka. Would I join a metal band, no. But only because I am not a match for it and don't have that sort if ability. Blue
  12. [quote name='AustinArto' timestamp='1459679210' post='3018517'] What do you mean by genre-restricted? You mean there are types of music they're not interested in playing? I've played a lot of different music over the years but I've never wanted to play something popular just to get a crowd, I'd much rather play music I'm really into, even if nobody else is! [/quote] Your missing my point. The musicians in the clip are pros and not restricted at all and why they sound so good. They seem well rounded. I'm talking about any guy that sits in his bedroom alone because he will only play one genre nobody else is interested in. My comment is about guys that limit and restrict because they can't and won't play anything out of they're comfort zone. Blue
  13. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1459693365' post='3018661'] Michael League alone plays on more tracks, and genres than you ever will, and have done. The guy is among the busiest in the business. [/quote] No way, he night be the busiest but he hasn't played as much or played as many genres I have played over the last 50 years. Blue
  14. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1459693365' post='3018661'] Wow. That's unbelievable! These musicians are by no means limited in flexibility. Having that level of ability means you have studied and worked across a LOT of genres to have that many fills, and feels to utilise in this "virtuoso bedroom piece" Michael League alone plays on more tracks, and genres than you ever will, and have done. The guy is among the busiest in the business. [/quote] You missed my point. The musicians in the clip are not limited and seem very flexible. You might want read over my post again. I was talking about bass players that stay in the bedroom because they refuse to plays anything unless it's what they like. For example the guy that will only play death metal. Blue
  15. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1459679522' post='3018522'] I also enjoy every second I play and perform, perhaps because I'm fortunate enough to have enough money that it's not a job. I play and perform for my own pleasure and on my own terms. Seems to me that there's an underlying resentment of anyone who plays simply for pleasure by musicians who have to play to earn a living. Perhaps it's their way of justifying their hand-to-mouth existence playing the same old small time gigs after failing to break into the big time like all their musical heroes. But I could be wrong. [/quote] Yeah, your wrong. I don't have to play for a living, I made a choice to play for a living. I also wanted playing to be a job and not a boys night out. I have always felt the upidy " I have a job, I don't need the money" means, " I could never figure out how make a living from gigging. Blue
  16. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1459643358' post='3018374'] Blue i respect your opinion,.but great jamming/music doesn't revolve around money or business. music is more pleasurable when you... 1. enjoy music 2. forget its a business no pressure. just play what you want how you want. some of the best musicians i know play in there bedroom, and believe me these guys are phenomenal musicians. They just choose not to get into "the business". as naive as it may sound i love playing bass in my room, or with other musicians. take it as it comes. to take it to seriously is taking away the enjoyment. and enjoyment is what music is all about for me. [/quote] I enjoy every second that I'm performing I enjoy every second of getting paid Blue
  17. Yeah, it's a groove and it's really cool. Not hard to do when your ; 1. With very talented musicians 2. Your not completely driven and restricted to only the genre you personally like. I think many forget how important flexibility is in this business. If your not flexible, I say enjoy that bedroom. Because that's probably going to be where your most comfortable. Blue
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1459625313' post='3018220'] I used to feel like that in the 70s back when there were far fewer bands and way less recorded material available. If you're always comparing yourself to others you'll never get anywhere. Forget 'em and concentrate on what [i]you're [/i]doing. How do you eat an elephant? One small piece at a time. As to playing music you're not sure about, I joined a band recently on a whim and suddenly I'm doing way more gigs than I've ever done in my entire career and I'm having a really great time doing them. It's not a genre I would have chosen and not a genre ever I listen to given the choice, but the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, so I don't care! And (whisper it)... I'm getting paid, too. [/quote] You see, this guy gets it. I know too many really good musicians that are so genre restricted, their musical talent will never leave the basement or bedroom. Blue
  19. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1459621991' post='3018183'] Connection with his Dad might get him exposure, but the record sales will determine what he's really worth [/quote] I don't see much if any talent. Not sure how much Paul can do about that. Blue
  20. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1459627520' post='3018235'] Don't think I was aware he had a son, let alone one who did music, but I lost interest in the mop tops around 1968. Not much on him, found this on youtube. Does he always look miserable? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhBzjIxHwvc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=nhBzjIxHwvc[/url] [/quote] Until I learned otherwise on Bass Chat. I thought the Beatles early high level popularity was the same in the UK as it was in the USA. I now understand it wasn't and why. Blue
  21. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1459603511' post='3018012'] Sounds more like fiscally fulfilled if you ask me. [/quote] Well, how can one ever be completely fulfilled. We play a genre I'm well versed in and love playing.And with cool, top notch bandmates Getting paid is an important part of being a musician. Blue
  22. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1459619860' post='3018161'] I know I'm gonna get slammed for this. He just did a solo live number which comprised strumming an amped guitar real hard and fast and shouting....beats me. Reckon my age has finally caught up with me....or has it? McCartneys son, I would never have guessed. [/quote] I saw him on late night TV over here. I had the same thoughts. His acoustic seemed out of tune too. Blue
  23. [quote name='Geddys nose' timestamp='1459580298' post='3017756'] Amazing lineup, I'd pay the ticket price alone just to watch Ryan Adams and Weezer. The US do festivals better than any country IMO, I'm on the mailing list for Cracker and their Campouts look like heaven to me. [/quote] Isn't your Isle of Wight Festival a big deal? Summerfest has really evolved from basically a mud fest in 1969 to the state of the art premier lake front music festival it is today. Blue
  24. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1459527332' post='3017460'] There's something for everyone there! And I can't believe how reasonable the tickets are. [/quote] And I'm a senior so I get in for $7.00. Now that's what I call value. Blue
  25. Here's what we have booked so far 2016 Summerfest. There are more acts to come and this list doesn't include our local acts. And we're still waiting for Paul McCartney to accept our generous offer. Comment on this Yankee type festival, www.summerfest.com/2016lineup Blue
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