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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1459360230' post='3015832'] It's who you know for getting [i]any[/i] gig, frankly speaking - and I'm bloody sick of it too. [/quote] It's really tough for some bands especially those that won't accept how the game is played. It's a big deal here in Milwaukee to be booked for Summerfest. I hear bands saying we have to practice and practice so we can get in. They don't know that no matter how good they are if you don't know anyone your not going to play Summerfest. Blue
  2. [quote name='colleya' timestamp='1459325284' post='3015380'] Definitely, but the tone is bang on for the target audience. The humour also tells you a lot about the band, if you're answering a 'fun only' ad then it's good to see that the band like a joke. [/quote] I have fun whenever I play, however I don't play for fun and I don't get it. Blue
  3. [quote name='AustinArto' timestamp='1459355061' post='3015752'] I get paid well enough at work that I can just enjoy music. [/quote] The old I have a job, so I'm better than you full time musicians. Lame. Blue
  4. In terms of getting booked for the better fest or fair gigs do you find it's not how good your band is but who you know? Blue
  5. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1459339274' post='3015567'] We just got confirmed for The Brentwood Festival which is nice an local for a change. [url="http://brentwoodfestival.co.uk/"]http://brentwoodfestival.co.uk/[/url] [/quote] A lot of cool headliners. Nice! Blue
  6. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1459338348' post='3015547'] Lots of festivals, probably more than there's ever been, but we don't have the State Fair thing over here that you do over there. [/quote] State and County Fairs. Blue
  7. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1459338285' post='3015545'] We recently auditioned for this one http://rockinthepriory.co.uk/ and we were successful [/quote] Looks like a cool fest. Congrats Blue
  8. The fest & fair bookings for us seem a little slow. We have about 2 booked, a county fair and a rock & blues fest. There might be another one can't think of it right now. I think both were inbound business. We've played both for for several years. Blue
  9. I'm not sure how big the fair and festival business is on your side of the pond. Here in the States, festivals and fairs are huge in the Midwest. As a matter of fact Milwaukee is also know as the "City of Festivals" As you know we host Summerfest, the world's largest music festival since 1969. We just made Paul McCartney an aggressive offer to open it this year. We had The Stones last year. Anyway, share what's coming up on your bands horizon. Share some details on what you've got booked for festivals & fairs and how you got the booking. Blue
  10. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1459315912' post='3015329'] It's interesting because I still love playing live, be it originals or covers. For me, getting paid is just a bonus. I guess that's why I feel in satisfied because the reward of getting paid is no longer enough of a reward to cancel out the negative feelings I have about playing music I don't really want to play. But actually, it's not as if I don't like the music I play with the band, it's just that I wish I had more time to indulge and work on the music I have in my head all the time. I wish I had time to learn how to record properly and learn how to play drums etc. [/quote] I think I get where your coming from. Your obviously passionate about playing and I guess that's the main thing. Me, I don't have any music in my head. I guess I'm lucky to be in a band where the music we play is a genre I'm well versed in and enjoy playing. I also enjoy being paid to do something that's fun. Blue
  11. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1459300390' post='3015317'] See, if that was all it was, that would leave me cold and dead inside. Funny old world, eh? [/quote] If I made you think that it's solely about money I apologize. There is nothing about performing, even at the bar band that leaves me cold. To me there is nothing more fulfilling than the fun and opportunity to play rock and roll and getting paid.It's not all there is to it but it's a big part of it. I've invested a life time to this and I'm not giving it away. I mean even for originals bands I would think you'd get more from hearing the applause from a crowd after one if your originals is a bigger thrill than playing it alone in the bedroom. Blue
  12. That's some nice "down home" stuff. That's the sh*t! Blue
  13. It's better to cancell the gig than to be blamed for a poor turn out. Blue
  14. [quote name='colleya' timestamp='1459281337' post='3015146'] OK, so it's for a keys player, but this is (IMHO) how to write a wanted ad. http://nwb.co/blog/post/89061/phoenixknights/keys-wanted-for-60s-ish-side-project [/quote] Long ad, I'm thinking this is an example of a "for fun only" opportunity. Blue
  15. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1459290763' post='3015275'] Hello all, Does anyone else ever feel a little depressed sometimes about not playing the sort of music you'd really like to be playing/creating? My problem is, is that my tastes change from week to week. Sometimes I want to be a vocalist for a death metal band and then the next week I want to start an acoustic duo playing Elbow covers. I've got a band which I'm really happy with but I find it really hard to focus when my mind wanders and starts thinking of other projects I could start. I've had a couple of jams with some friends playing different stuff to my main band which was great fun but I'm bored of it already and totally ready to try something else. Anyway, it just gets me down sometimes when there's so much great music out there and, as a musician, I feel like I'm not contributing enough or I'm not playing stuff that really means something to me. Does everyone else sort of swallow this feeling and get on with it? I'm amazed by people that can play the same songs over and over for years. I've been playing covers for a while now and even though I've always made an effort to try to stay away from the usual suspects I still feel totally unfulfilled. At the same time, I really enjoy being in my band and, aside from the music, it's good for me to have a regular creative outlet to distract me from work and stuff. Sometimes I feel like it'd be a good idea to ditch covers and work on original stuff but I dunno I just worry that my ideas would get lost in translation once other people get involved so I don't bother trying to make anything of it. Anyone else ever feel very very small against the sum of human musical endeavour? I certainly do! [/quote] My band is working and getting paid. I'm musically fulfilled. Blue
  16. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1458998147' post='3012692'] So you take the better basses too the dangerous gigs? Only joking [/quote] My MIJ Fender Ps are indeed versatile. They are very nice, but not as cool looking as the Gold Top, ES-335 or the German made Hofner Club. Blue
  17. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1458990591' post='3012625'] While I agree with all that, I do wonder if it's because they just happened to be the first to occupy that 'niche'? Any other bands would find it hard or impossible to compete so they are pretty much forced to find something else and - as history has shown - nothing else is quite so popular and enduring. In other words, if we hadn't had the Fabs and the Stones we'd still have bands like them right up there. Mind you, while it's fun to speculate and pontificate (or even academically study!) such things, the best thing IMO is to just enjoy their music! [/quote] The business was different for The Stones and McCartney, Back then record companies allowed artist to grow abd develop their craft. That doesn't happen anymore. Blue
  18. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1459195793' post='3014385'] This was the itinary for yesterdays gig. It was one of the quarter finals for the m2tm competition which has a slot playing Bloodstock as a prize. [color=#000000]Crew load 2pm[/color] [color=#000000]Skarthia load 2.30[/color] [color=#000000]Skarthia soundcheck 3pm[/color] [color=#000000]Bands load 3.15[/color] [color=#000000]Soundcheck comp bands x 2 [/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#000000]3..45[/color] [color=#000000]doors 4.30[/color] [color=#000000]BAND ONE 5PM TO 5.30[/color] [color=#000000]BAND TWO 5.45 TO 6.15[/color] [color=#000000]BAND THREE 6.30 TO 7PM[/color] [color=#000000]BAND FOUR 7.15 TO 7.45[/color] [color=#000000]BAND FIVE 8PM TO 8.30[/color] [color=#000000]BAND SIX 8.45 TO 9.15[/color] [color=#000000]BAND SEVEN 9.30 TO 10PM[/color] [color=#000000]SKARTHIA 10.20[/color] [color=#000000]Verdict 11pm[/color] So that's nearly 8 hours in total, to play for 25 minutes (despite what the timeslots show you are told 25mins). No refreshments for any of the bands, not even a complimentary drink. Obviously no pay or expenses because its a competition, but the £7 door fee goes somewhere, even though other regions do not charge. [/quote] I'm glad I am no longer in that segment of the business. Stay away from competitions , charities and benefits. Blue
  19. I heard a young originals band say; " And that's Bobby, our band leader and the mastermine behind all of this" Yeah the mastermind behind an evening of pure sh*t. Blue
  20. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1459189677' post='3014298'] The Who were relevant 50 years ago. Not today. [/quote] They're relevent to me and the young band's aren't. Blue
  21. Glen has always been a top of the heap guy, light years ahead of most. Fasinating to watch. Blue
  22. [quote name='Ashweb' timestamp='1459028620' post='3013061'] Just a quick query. As a new bass player, I have been learning fast and trying to get to a decent standard of playing. I recently made a video of myself (on only my phone - nothing special) playing along to a track to A: See myself as I actually play and not how I think I do, and B: Gauge where I need to improve a bit. This is where I thought BC could come in with a bit of constructive criticism; I realise I have some way to go before forming / joining a band and conquering the world but some advice from those with a bit more experience would be appreciated. I did look at the recording section but to be honest, I'd be embarrassed to put myself in the same thread as the guys already there; they all seem to be pro / semi pro standard. So my question is; is there a section within BC for posting 'beginner' stuff for others to comment on or suggest improvements in technique etc? If not, should I start a thread somewhere? [/quote] You see this is what sucks for new young bass players. When I started playing in 1965, everybody was in bands. In my neighborhood you could hear bands in every garage and basement. You didn't have to know how to play, one if your friends or mates would say " ok your playing bass". You got a bass and you started playing. Everyone was at the same level and you learned together. Sort of like on the job training. It's why I'm glad I got into this in the 60s. There were just more guys interested in playing in rock bands then now. I don't know what to tell you. You could start a thread addressing issues however preface it with " For Beginers Only" I've posted "For Those Over 60" threads. Blue
  23. I'm 63, been gigging since I was 12. My band plays about 75 shows a year 70s style hard rock and progressive blues. 53 is nowhere near old. You have to deside what you want to do and if it's realistic. Your location will be a crucial factor. Blue
  24. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1459070756' post='3013225'] Had his work email been the only contact details she had been given I would agree with you, but it wasn't. She had home landline, mobile, home email as well. Didn't even think to consider what she was doing. No-one in the band is particularly interested in sport of any kind, so we wouldn't know what events were on and when. I wonder how far you need to go to nursemaid these venues. And yes, Pete, spot on - no fee and blamed the brewery. [/quote] If your in the bar band business it's a good idea to know about these sporting events and how they can effect your bookings. Blue
  25. Guy's, over here and with my band,if we find there's a big game on the time were scheduled to perform we will call and cancel if the owner cancels that's cool to. Reschedule the gig. Blue
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