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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1459091068' post='3013461'] I don't agree. It's all part of breaking down the us and them divide. IMO it's very important to get the audience to be your friends. [/quote] I agree, but not at the bar/pub band level. Blue
  2. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1459100704' post='3013552'] Bass solos at ANY place in a performance I find excruciatingly embarrassingly dire. Regardless of who is playing them, but especially if it is me (having been coerced into it, usually by some knobhead singer) Happily, I am temporarily the singist in my current band for a few months, so none of that shenanigans right now! [/quote] Bass solos in jazz on the upright is cool and where it should end. Blue
  3. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1459039607' post='3013130'] We only ever did it once in my last band, at the end of our very last gig, I was actually very humbled by the reaction I got, but I think doing it every gig would have been tiresome and not needed, we werent famous so who needs to know who we are and as for soloing after introductions........give over. [/quote] That's what I was getting at. If your not famous it's kind of lame. Blue
  4. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1459009476' post='3012832'] After our final number, our singer introduces the band one by one starting with the drummer who plays a groove followed by me with the bassline, and then the guitarists before launching into our final number. Does anyone else introduce their band members in a quirky way? [/quote] I think it's ok,and a good habit. We do it, our front person is really good at it. On the other hand ,at the bar level you have to be careful or it can come off as pretentious. Blue
  5. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1459017739' post='3012949'] The age range of my current band is 40 to 43, so quite narrow...that's assuming the drummer is 40, I don't really know how old he is but he looks the same age as the rest of us. Either that or he's had a really hard life There is an assumption amongst many that as soon as you're over, sort of, 35 then you can only be in a covers band. Nothing wrong with being in a covers band, I was in a great one 2 years ago, but if you want to dabble your toe in originals then it becomes more difficult. [/quote] More of an outlet for those that have that originals creative bug. And in Milwaukee an opportunity to make no money. Blue
  6. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1458991448' post='3012633'] I've just pulled off a prestigious gig for one of the bands I'm involved with to play at a country fair in the summer. I won't say where but it's all a bit top drawer. So this morning I told the Mrs that I've got a meeting with the two young events organisers next Tuesday. Her reaction was 'and what will they think when some beat up old geezer turns up?' Got me thinking. [/quote] Don't go to the meeting with an "old' attitude. Blue
  7. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1458986898' post='3012580'] Just watched this video in Bubinga5's thread, they were 54 and 63 respectively when this performance was filmed: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/281800-stevie-wonder-and-aretha-franklin/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/281800-stevie-wonder-and-aretha-franklin/[/url] [/quote] 54 & 63 is not old and I don't think this thread is about gifted,once in a life time artist's like Stevie & Aretha. Blue
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1458991912' post='3012636'] I'm after a bit of advice. Our singer is not the greatest of frontmen. That's putting it politely. We have video and think he's really letting the band down. His singing is patchy in places, and he is quite reliant on having the words in front of him but I think we can get away with that for now. It's his interraction with the crowd and general lack of frontmanness that's the problem. So I'm considering relieving him of the interraction bit and doing that myself. I recently saw a band where the sax player did all the talking and think it worked really well. Any suggestions of either things to do and say (I'm happy to just be myself), would you script little sections? Or maybe we could script the current singer and give him some direction. The problem is he's "been doing it for years and doesn't need to be told how to do it." So approaching it is difficult at best. The ulutimate option is to get rid, unfortunately the level of person we're looking for is likely to expect a lot of work and rehearsing a new singer isn't high on my list of priorities. . [/quote] I think that's realistic. I always find it a little weird when I see bands advertising for a bass player. They have a laundry list of requirements and no gigs. Blue
  9. [quote name='YouMa' timestamp='1458766916' post='3010758'] I think the arse has dropped out of the music business now money wise due to the digital thing so age really doesnt really matter,face it there will be no more hendrixs,zeppelins,stone roses etc. I used to worry about it but the older i get the sexier and balder and more distinguished i get.It doesnt matter what age you are if you can play a few tricks women/girls will find it appealing.All good in my book. Theres loads of older dudes out there with taste palying getting gigs,not whinging orrible teenage muzak,and i certainly wouldnt want to end up in a band like coldplay,kids just arent cool these days.You can tell just by the amount of nostalgia in the media and the lack of originality around. [/quote] I'm lucky we figured out a market for the hard rock and blues from the 70s (Peter Greene, Trower, a little Hendrix, Savoy Brown, Cream ect...) Keep in mind we have a 30 year old female lead guitarist, front person, lead vocals and band leader. The rest of us are in our 60s. I'm basically playing to the same crowd as I did when I was 18. That crowd,aged with me. Don't believe the BS that the over 60 crowd don't go out anymore. They go out and stay out. The ones that are home we're also home when they we're 18. Blue
  10. Age has it's pros and cons. At 63 I'm smarter,more realistic,a much better bass player and gigging more than ever. *The only con is, I don't look 18 anymore. Blue * Not meant to be humorous.
  11. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1458894883' post='3011855'] The 'I Want You Back' bassline, like a lot of great basslines, works all on its own without the rest of the music; it's a tune in itself. [/quote] It's a difficult line to nail. Blue
  12. 53 is not old. Figure out what's realistic and do it. Blue
  13. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1458906587' post='3012008'] yeah Keef doesn't seem to take himself too seriously an admirable quality I always think [/quote] No he doesn't seem to. He's one of the few that gets it. His intros are the back drop of my generation. What a cool guy. Blue
  14. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1458935162' post='3012306'] The Stones (& Quo) come in for an awful lot of slagging off - (as do the Beatles)- I do get the feeling that some folk are pi**ed off by success - these bands are (arguably) as big as it gets, and that annoys..... ....so go for it....do better..... ....away you go..... [/quote] It's all jealousy. Say what you want, but none of the bands the younger generations like will have a catalog of work like McCartney or The Stones nor will they be selling out 45 thousand seat venues in their 70s. These guys figured it out, accept it for what it is or be a sour grape. You don't like or appreciate what The Stones and Beatles have contributed to pop music,too bad. Blue
  15. When, we have a decent size stage I will bring along my German made Hofner Club bass, Gibson ES-335 or my Gibson Gold Top Les Paul bass. Most places I play are to dangerous to bring those basses. So I have 2 trusty MIJ Fender Ps for most gigs.
  16. No, when I started playing there were no high b bass guitars, Plus all my legendary bass heroes play four strings. Blue
  17. Another approach thread. Let's say you get this gig and you have to learn 20 songs you don't know in a week. What would be your approach to learning the songs? Blue
  18. Good legitimate ads for bass players are generally not advertised to the General public. What your probably responding to are start up bands Usually these folks have no band experience and are not intact long enough to see their first gig. Blue
  19. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1458492263' post='3008016'] I don't anymore, stopped gigging years ago, thank f***. [/quote] So what are you doing now? Stories like yours make me grateful that I have always put a lot of thought into what bands I would join. Out of 50 years I can only recall one bad band decision. However, I did learn from the experience and it never happened again.The band leader lived in this huge mansion. That should have been my first clue not to join. Blue
  20. [quote name='damian' timestamp='1458049815' post='3004181'] New York Dolls - one day it will please us. 30 years after their previous lp and still just as full of sassy swagger. Shame they went downhill after that. [/quote] I always been a huge Johansson/ Dolls fan. Blue
  21. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1458079411' post='3004611'] Difficult. Had a dep' drummer. Started every number in suitably restrained fashion and then went mad and started hitting everything in sight during breaks. Murder to sing over it. He asked me how he compared to our regular guy at the end and I told him, with what I feel was admirable restraint, that our regular drummer was a little less busy... [/quote] Interesting, just the fact that he asked such an innapropriate question is weird IMO. BLUE
  22. Saturdays 8-12 bar gig was respectable. A little weird because I think we played this place just a month ago. We had a packed room (that doesn't always happen). These were very familiar faces that were there specifically to see us. That's something I still struggle with and can make me a little uncomfortable. Band sounded good, at least what I heard on stage. I should check the house one of these days. Pedals were dialed in pretty decent, I was playing my 2000 MIJ Sting Fender P Bass.I also had my German made Hofner Club. I never played it though. The P bass was sounding to good to take the risk. Realized we have so much material a lot of time some of our best stuff never gets played. The band members were all in good spirit, as always. Abosolute 0 drama in this operation. The gig generated a private party booking in May. So we left in good standing with the owner. Hopefully we'll be asked to play the blues/rock fest they host in July. It was a $100.00 a man show plus tips were pretty good. I wish all gigs went like this.It's the way it should be for 70s style rock bar band. Respectable gigs, that's all I ask for. Blue
  23. I don't think there's a right or a wrong, there's only what works and what doesn't work. Blue
  24. Would The Band Of Gypsies count as a reformed Jimi Hendrix Experience. If yes,they kicked ass. I attended the historical 1969 New Years Eve show at the Filmore East. Surreal is the only way to desrcibe being there. Blue
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