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Everything posted by blue

  1. I can't think of any. Not to high jack the thread, I can only comment on new material from bands that have had their day. The iconish bands of my generation are no longer making great recordings. Nobody is interested in their new material. For example,nobody is a bigger Stones fan than me, however I have absolutely no interest in their "new stuff".Keep in mind The Stones are still running at a profit and gaining new fans without New hit records. Exile still sells over a million copies annually and it takes close to million dollars to present 1 Stones performance. Just a little off topic. My generation was buying those great recordings when we were like 16 and 17 years old. I seriously doubt many 70 plus year old artists can write material that's socially relevant to today's youth. And why would they want to? Most of these bands (my heroes) have enough material recorded in the 60s & 70s to last me a life time. I think most artists go through one stage of prolific writing and that's about it. Just my opinion and I'm sticking to it. Blue
  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1457695660' post='3001004'] At this level it's pointless to just rehash the records. That's what cover bands do. The artists live show has to be so much more. Dynamics and arrangement do this. The arrangements and performances fit GK and the songs like a glove. Count me as a fan of this "overblown", exciting and lively style of playing and performance. [/quote] Count me too, the lady is golden. Blue
  3. I wish he and Scott were around back in the 60s when I started playing. I have learned a lot from both. Blue
  4. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1457615725' post='3000135'] Aye, if the f'kers ever get back to you. I for one am getting real tired of being ignored and I'm not assertive enough to do the repeat emailing, just think we must be crap and I don't want to pester them further. Does nothing to dispel the perception that certain cities are like little private clubs, and unless you know someone, you won't even get a first look before your email gets deleted. Either that or as I previously alluded to, we're actually crap. [/quote] Yeah, in many cases it's about who you know, not how good a band is. In Milwaukee the big gig for bands is to play our Summerfest ( world's largest music festival ). Getting booked is a strictly who do you know proposition. It has nothing to do with how good a band is. Blue
  5. [quote name='skampino' timestamp='1457660811' post='3000814'] Perseverance and how you are selling your band to a venue is key. Either that or get with an agency. [/quote] Good suggestions, I really think you need an agent to book an 8 piece band. Blue
  6. [quote name='Raslee' timestamp='1457464875' post='2998878'] I've had the classic bridezilla throw up all over the dance floor...that was entertaining. Also I'm always amazed how our drummer always manages to be first in the queue for food...even when it hasn't been offered to the band. And as for good gigs/ bad gigs...like my LSD experiences in the 1990's, in 4yrs on this I've never had a bad one [/quote] Why would anyone take LSD in the 90s. LSD was one of our 60s things. Blue
  7. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1457610664' post='3000068'] I think it is best to let it go. He obviously never read the post properly. [/quote] Yeah, I scanned it, not properly read. Blue
  8. I remember probably 40 years ago. A friend's older brother let me and a friend borrow his 45 record, Neil's. Buffalo Springfield doing "Mr.Soul". It was one if those things that got me inspired to start playing and at a pretty young age. Blue
  9. Great song, great artist and generation. Blue
  10. [quote name='tobiewharton' timestamp='1457648931' post='3000722'] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YxlOy2JOyg"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YxlOy2JOyg[/url] The real deal. [/quote] Indeed! Great clip, I always get choked up when I see these gifted artist. She's one of those artists that owns it. I mean she makes it look so easy. I remember seeing her when she was in her 20s. She's one of my favorites and in my opinion, underrated. Blue
  11. What type of gigs, pub and bars can't pay 8 people. Blue
  12. Wonderful, good luck on the tour. That's what I call "Livin the life" Blue
  13. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1457563831' post='2999777'] Blue Do the words "paid for shipping" and "import duty" mean something different in America ? [/quote] No Blue
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1457551533' post='2999638'] In the same way that most have forgotten what a 'dance marathon' involved, or what a roller-disco was. Earth keeps on turning; times change. How clued up are [i]you[/i] about player pianos..? A big part of the popular music scene, now less frequently seen, but still... Aren't we all supposed to keep abreast of all these movements as and when they disappear..? I certainly don't, and don't see why the 'youf' of today would be expected to. Dinosaurs are dinosaurs, fit mostly only for museums (and good riddance, in many cases...). [/quote] Good point, I try to stay on top of new trends. Artists and new bass players. However, just like when the youngsters try to "play" me, and start hammering me about the new flavor of the month, I have no problem responding ; "I'm sure he's great but he's not relevant to me." I'm not done with the bass legends from my generation yet. I'll get to theirs later. Blue
  15. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1457560122' post='2999740'] If it works with the bare wires into the battery terminals it must be the connector that's causing the problem. Maybe the battery had leaked and damaged the connections or caused a short in it. Or like you say the wires have somehow been stretched and something isn't making proper contact. I agree it's incredibly frustrating when you've been waiting for something to turn up and it's got issues. Hopefully a new connector will sort it and it's cheaper than return courier fees. [/quote] I'm not sure if you had the bass shipped to you, if yes I'm only going to buy from boutique brick and mirror shops. Blue
  16. [quote name='IBWT' timestamp='1457520982' post='2999244'] [*]Audience having unrealistic expectations on what an amateur live band looks and sounds like (some seem to expect stadium-quality sound and performance) [/list] [/quote] I have found that the young 20 something's don't really understand what a live rock band is. They might want to talk to their grand parents or google it and take history lesson. Blue
  17. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1457482321' post='2999052'] No, based on [i]two [/i]gigs his last [i]weekend[/i], not last [i]year[/i], both with return bookings. [/quote] Gotcha, ok, cool. Blue
  18. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1457383355' post='2998050'] Yep, £250 is around the mark for where we are based in North Oxfordshire too. Whenever we've gigged nearer Berkshire it's been about the same. [/quote] That seems right. Your pub players get about half of what we get for bar gigs in the States. However, we play 4 hours as opposed to your 2. Blue
  19. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1457380863' post='2998021'] Pity, and looks like the rock star looks have left him too. [/quote] Most of us only see these older celebrities in professional photos and videos. We don't know who is sporting a hair piece or not.Or who has their own choppers.😛 I'm not sure I would want to see any of them right after they're up for the day without make up. Blue
  20. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1457455952' post='2998779'] You left out one very important word in that sentence - "American" [/quote] Good One! 😅 As a progressive liberal I can say that were not very responsible with fire arms over here. Blue
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1457484093' post='2999062'] Fixed. [/quote] Yeah but I keep forgetting that me and all my close friends have a little more appreciation for your rock icons in the States than there is in England/Britain. Fixed 😀 Blue
  22. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1457467131' post='2998896'] Weller looks shocking in that pic. Isnt he only in his late 50`s? At least Ronnie has an excuse! [/quote] I think Ronnie looks great for a 68 year old and he's still very athletic on stage.I believe that's all his hair, obviously dyed but it looks great. And it's not an easy life and I believe Ronnie has been at it for about 55 years. Blue
  23. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1457455544' post='2998775'] Mick Jagger looks like a retired GP. Ronnie Wood looks recently defibrillated, while Keith Richards looks like he is still waiting. And Charlie Watts looks straight out of a Werther's Original advert. [/quote] Yeah, but even with all that they still look like rock stars. I keep forgetting that we have a bit more appreciation for your rock and roll icons in the States than there is in England/Britain. Blue
  24. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1457441846' post='2998563'] You clearly play some quality gigs... [/quote] Yeah, you know it's a quality gig when someones shoe goes sailing pass your head. True story 😃 Blue
  25. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1456835962' post='2992664'] I played two pubs this weekend. Both small affairs but both paying good money for 2 x 45min sets of original music. Both will have us back. The live scene is not dying IME [/quote] Based on 2 gigs? Blue
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