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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1457380863' post='2998021'] Pity, and looks like the rock star looks have left him too. [/quote] I don't know what happens to these guys. The Stones are one of the oldest working bands out there and they still look like rock stars. Blue
  2. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1457443931' post='2998611'] With early treatment the prognosis is good. It worked out fine for my father who is a couple of years older than Bill. Also I've read that more men die WITH prostate cancer than OF it. I've long thought that medical diagnostics are so good these days that if you put a 75-ish year old person through a whole raft of sensitive tests and whole body scanners you'd almost certainly find something wrong with them. Best wishes Bill . . . your musical legacy is already well established, so just keep on metal detecting! [/quote] They didn't catch my Dad's early enough. The whole thing was f***ed up.๐Ÿ˜” Blue
  3. I hope they have caught it early. The most underrated bass player in the business. Blue
  4. Celebrating the 50th year of my "Back To The Bars" tour. Meaning I been playing bars for 50 years.๐Ÿ˜ƒ I'm 63 and lucky to still be playing rock & roll and gigging weekly.Never gotten tired of it, never been a snob. Having just as much fun as I did when I was 12. Blue
  5. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1457259114' post='2996707'] It's not just about money, it could just be a band that is going to play pubs twice a month for fun! But the point remains that IME the best bands rarely advertise in this way, but tend to recruit thru recommendations from a network of their musician mates and friends of friends, etc. [/quote] True, if I find out a band is auditioning friends, I won't audition. I was burned once where a young guy a friend that didn't even know the audition material and a won over me. Then I found out they let him go because he didn't have transportation. Blue
  6. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1457292966' post='2997115'] Not everyone plays in a band with a PA capable of delivering bass to FOH via a DI though, or monitors to cope either. [/quote] That's one of The first things I would ask prospective bands. Do you own or *rent a pro level PA. That's a deal breaker for me. Blue * In Milwaukee most agencies evolved from sound and lighting companies and the bands would essentially be renting sound and it's expensive. Kind of a racket like anything else. I've heard stories of bands being told it was a 2k gig and find out later it was a 3k gig.Wonder where that other grand went?
  7. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1457264868' post='2996793'] Spot on, Blue. I think some on here may not realise that us function players can also play music that satisfies the soul - I play in an interesting band that makes no (or very little) money when I'm not doing the paid stuff. I just don't do it on Saturday night when the wedding gigs are happening. Re. DJs, I always ask people when they call if they've booked a DJ yet (most weddings, etc. I do have a DJ to finish the night). If they haven't, I suggest they load their music of choice on an iPod or similar and I'll play it through the PA (for an additional fee, of course, but it still costs them less than hiring a DJ). Handy extra earner. [/quote] I know, many here think cover band means playing Moon Dance and Mustang Sally.And playing the same songs over and over. Well, that's not true,many cover bands have a diverse range of material to play. Hell, we play Peter Green's "Oh Well" to Nancy Sinatras "These Boots Are Made For Walking" and everthing in between. BTW, I never play the bass lines the same way twice. You don't have to. You can be just as creative with covers in some cases even more creative than with originals. For example, we play Robin Trowers "Too Rolling Stoned. I do the bass intro, but I have extended the intro and I throw a couple of measures of Aerosmith's "Walk This Way". It's fun. Blue
  8. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1457282113' post='2997011'] I bring an EBS Microbass DI, so if my amp or cab go down I can just DI the bass, I prefer having an amp, but in an emergency it would be fine just DI'd. [/quote] Yeah, the DI is the answer. A cab isn't something you see fail very often. No way am I lugging a back up cab to a gig. Matter of fact I rareley gig with my big GK stack. I've been using my GK 1 15 combo. Blue
  9. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1457189881' post='2996185'] I enjoy function gigs - doing a job this eve. Can't fathom the comments here about "sh*t music", "hate wearing a tie/clean shoes", etc. It's good money (sometimes very good - a damn sight more than some poor buggers earn for half a week of graft) for playing music. Even if you don't like the songs, you can look at it as paid practice/rehearsal time - keeping the fingers in trim. As others say, I've played with some great musicians in nice places and been well paid over the years. What's not to like? Beats shovelling sh*t any day of the week. A certain amount of snobbery in some posts here, I feel. Well that's OK. More well paid functions for yours truly if others don't want them [/quote] Dan, I think some of the hate and complaints come from those that never quite caught on or life circumstances prevent them from getting into the money making side of their skill. Or those that live in areas where the business is not there.And there are some that will only play genres where there's no business to be had. I can only think those not in it for money are not out there playing 4 hour bar gigs 3 times a week hauling lights and PA for free. Just a little personal history. I'm not sure how I made it through working in the corporate insurance industry for 30 years. I was never much good at it and I hated the work. I was ashamed of it. Now, I have a life. I love it when someone ask what I do for a living. I can proudly say; "I play bass guitar and sing in a rock & roll band." Blue
  10. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1457193248' post='2996236'] Keep your shirt (and tie on) . If it works for you then great. Some of my best mates are in the function/wedding scene. It pays well and puts food on the table, so happy days. Not my thing and that's not being a snob[/quote] Not my thing either,however I would join a good established wedding band in a heart beat. Thing is, and we've discussed this before. These opportunities that pay good consistent money are not open to outsiders. Blue
  11. [quote name='Raslee' timestamp='1457209357' post='2996439'] I've been doing it for 4 years in the Southwest UK and totally love it, great vibes, big dancing crowds and the money has enabled me to drop my day job to 4 days a week. Downsides, late nights followed by children jumping on me early the next morning... but when I flash the cash my wife is sympathetic [/quote] That is an awesome story.Cool that you were able to drop some of your day job. Blue
  12. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1457170595' post='2995923'] I just cannot wear a suit, shirt and tie, pure and simple.[/quote] Everybody has a price. Blue Wedding business has always been good for bands. However,even this piece of action has been hit. DJs
  13. Back in the 60s listening to music was a social activity . We would listen to records together on stereo hi fi and radio together. Nobody does that anymore. Today, I listen to music alone from my iPod while running 4 miles on the elliptical at the gym. Blue
  14. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1457193423' post='2996242'] Looks like I've never joined or been in a good band then. [/quote] Depends in your definition of a good band. Me, a band with solid good paying gigs with trustworthy honest members is a Good band. For others a good band might be getting together with friends for fun with no gigs. Blue
  15. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1457183746' post='2996101'] I think that all four of the adverts in the OP are fine โ€“ all clear and realistic in what they are looking for and potentially good opportunities (depending on how good they are) for a suitable candidate. Personally, I would not consider Band 1 at the moment as they are not going to play out but if I was too busy in my day job to commit to regular gigging and wanting to keep my hand in, or if I was new to an area and wanting to make connections then they might be ideal. Again, I would have no interest in Band 4 (nor would they be interested in me) but it may well be a perfectly viable band for someone into that type of thing. However, I kinda think that this is missing the point. If any band has to resort to putting out adverts for musicians that they donโ€™t know, then it is a pretty good indication that they are not plugged into the local circuit and do not have the connections with the local good players (or are not good enough to attract the guys who normally get the better gigs). Most good bands recruit from recommendations from a network of established players who all either know each other or know of each other. [/quote] Excellent point, good money making opportunities are never advertised to the general public. Blue
  16. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1457141005' post='2995829'] Again, I've been in two minds over this in recent years. I always used to be "anywhere, anytime man!" even if it was for nothing. Now, I'm mostly "I'm happy to do it for that, as long as no-one is taking the piss". [/quote] I'm always looking for a little extra work outside of my primary band (76 gigs annually). Locally I think people know If you throw $100.00 my way, I'll do it. Blue
  17. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1457136759' post='2995812'] Doesn't sound much like the US version of a ceilidh band to me. That would be something like a hoe-down band or whatever the terminology is. Folksy fiddly stuff for barn dancing. Of course, there's no right answer to this whole conundrum. Do what you wanna do. There's a few as have said they don't like gigging, so band 1 would be their obvious choice. I do like gigging, but there's some appeal to me for each of bands 2, 3, and 4, so I wouldn't exclude any of them without meeting them. Let's face it, I've played "Red Red Whine" for money, so I'm obviously a musical prostitute. [/quote] You know, it's really why I like to see ages in BC posts.Regardless of the topic, what we do and our opinions are going to be different as we get older. When I was 18, I was all about originals and creativity and didn't care about the money.My outlook changed drastically by the time I was 23. Blue
  18. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1457140078' post='2995822'] I've been thinking about this quite a bit recently and I've come to the conclusion that I'm of the Lemmy philosophy. Gonna rock'n'roll till I die :-) [/quote] Me too, it was a "calling" for me, not a choice. It's in my blood. Blue
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1457096671' post='2995308'] ... with maybe less bitterness and snobbery, too. What's not to like in doing things for fun only..? [/quote] I always have fun when I play. However, I don't play for fun. I play electric bass guitar and sing for people that pay me money. For me it's a business, a fun business but still a business. Blue
  20. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1457075089' post='2994987'] My work commitments make it almost impossible to be in a band. Roll on retirement, by which time I'll be old and too knackered to do it. I guess it's all in the roll of the dice isn't it. [/quote] Then your scenario would come under not realistic because of your work schedule. Were all different, I'm 63 and feel I have at least another 10 years of productive gigging. Me, I might be getting older,but I will never be old. Blue
  21. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1457050083' post='2994939'] [size=2][i]Band 1.[/i] [i]Looking for a bass player for classic rock blues band. We are retired from our original bands, but still want to jam,not looking to play out anymore. We lost our bass player due to travel. come jam with us![/i][/size] I'd rather go to a jam night instead of just turning up in a room somewhere, indulging someone's desire to play, but not in front of people. [size=2][i]Band 2.[/i] [i]Established country band seeks experienced bassist for immediate opening. Vocals required and additional instruments a plus. Have several quality bookings through summer and stay very active throughout the year. Serious inquiries only please.[/i][/size] [size=2][size=4][i]Sounds legit to me, but sounds like a seasonal gig.[/i][/size] [i]Band 3.[/i] [i]Start Up, We are Drummer & 2 Guitarist's seeking a Bass player to play cover music 70's- current, We would like to rehearse once a week till ready and then play live once a month.[/i][/size] [size=2][i][size=4]Rehearsing once a week to go out once a month is futile. Bedroom boys.[/size][/i] [i]Band 4.[/i] [i]Singer/guitarist needs to find a local bass player to help finish up my original music with the goal of playing out. Style is a mixture of goth/horror punk/thrash/psycho-billy.[/i][/size] Meh. [/quote] My feelings exactly. Blue
  22. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1456943402' post='2993886'] None grab me. No. 4 especially. I image the writer/guitarist will know exactly what he (thinks) he wants the bas player to be playing, except that he can't play it himself, so he needs you to play just as he tells you. Or [s]maybe[/s] I'm just a pessimistic cynic P.S. This is probably why I'm not in a band. [/quote] Not a big deal. If your not in a band it probably means one of 2 things; 1. You don't want to be in a band 2. The type of band you would play in just isn't available or realistic. Blue
  23. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1456994015' post='2994230'] They're all Boys Nights Out.[/quote] Not band number 2. Blue
  24. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1456949563' post='2993988'] Band 2 for me. In fact I answered the ad in October and have my second and third gigs with the band this weekend. EDIT - Here's the proof: [/quote] Looks like a pro operation. Cool! Blue
  25. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1457041833' post='2994841'] Some folk might like it, but there's no way I could play C&W basslines all night every gig unless I was getting paid well & able to take the parney out of it. I don't mind playing the odd song, but I'd rather be in any of the other 3 bands. Reminds me of a joke... Why do cowboys have poop in their tash? # Just looking for love in all the wrong places. [/quote] Band number 1 is not really a band. Classic boys night out for fun. Blue
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