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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1457010321' post='2994422'] I really don't understand that Blue. I thought you were a pro musician because you enjoy it. Surely the enjoyment will wain rapidly if you don't like what you are playing. A $600 dollar weekend is, I believe, about wedding band territory in the UK. [/quote] I play for a living, not sure that makes me a pro. My point was, I'll play any genre as long as It's a professional operation and It pays well. Generally a $600.00 weekend is wedding band territory. It's also agency representation territory. We're a 4 piece and I would bet that for the two to three 2k gigs we play I walk away with more cash than the bass player in a band that pays a % to an agency.However, I'm sure they beat me out by year end. Blue
  2. I play around 76 gigs annually. 75% are bar bar gigs. IEM, are not a necessity for bar gigs. But not a bad thing to have if you gig enough to justify the expense. Blue
  3. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1456952432' post='2994044'] I'd play anything on those terms! [/quote] That's what I'm saying. I like those $600.00 weekends. I"m for art and the creative process as much as the next guy. But I'm also for business and making money. Blue
  4. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1456943402' post='2993886'] None grab me. No. 4 especially. I image the writer/guitarist will know exactly what he (thinks) he wants the bas player to be playing, except that he can't play it himself, so he needs you to play just as he tells you. Or [s]maybe[/s] I'm just a pessimistic cynic P.S. This is probably why I'm not in a band. [/quote] If your paying me well, yeah you can tell me what bass lines to play and I'll be happy to do it. It's just like any other job, you do what your boss asks you to do. Blue
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1456944789' post='2993902'] Not in this country it wouldn't. You might get a few barn dances but over here we have Celidh bands with callers. [/quote] Not my cup of tea, however I would play country with no problem if it's a oro level band with a lot of good paying high end gigs booked. Blue
  6. Whether we like country or not band number 2 is the only real established band with gigs and the eopportunity to make some money. Blue
  7. Band 1. Straight forward no gigging opportunity. Great for an older guy that merely wants to play with other guys for fun. Band 2. Could be a money maker, looks legit. Good for an experienced guy that looking for paying gigs. Band 3. Never been big on start ups, 99% never see their first gig. Also not big on more rehearsals than gigs. Good for a guy with no experience looking for a chance to play with others and get ome band experience under his belt. Band 4. Not much of an opportunity, sounds like a wannabe action to me. Because of the genres I'd say good for a teenager a young person with song writing aspirations. Blue
  8. These are always fun. What is your opinion of the opportunity and what type of bass player would be a good fit? [i]Band 1.[/i] [i]Looking for a bass player for classic rock blues band. We are retired from our original bands, but still want to jam,not looking to play out anymore. We lost our bass player due to travel. come jam with us![/i] [i]Band 2.[/i] [i]Established country band seeks experienced bassist for immediate opening. Vocals required and additional instruments a plus. Have several quality bookings through summer and stay very active throughout the year. Serious inquiries only please.[/i] [i]Band 3.[/i] [i]Start Up, We are Drummer & 2 Guitarist's seeking a Bass player to play cover music 70's- current, We would like to rehearse once a week till ready and then play live once a month.[/i] [i]Band 4.[/i] [i]Singer/guitarist needs to find a local bass player to help finish up my original music with the goal of playing out. Style is a mixture of goth/horror punk/thrash/psycho-billy.[/i] Blue
  9. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1456784449' post='2992336'] A good bass will end up being a good old bass, a piece of crap will always be a piece of crap. [/quote] Yup Blue
  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1456799205' post='2992383'] Some perspective on 'Beatlemania' ... [url="http://www.theguardian.com/music/2013/sep/29/beatlemania-screamers-fandom-teenagers-hysteria"]Beatlemania: 'the screamers' and other tales of fandom ...[/url] They happened to be in the right place at the right time.[/quote] In the right place at the right time with the; 1. Right look 2. Right age 3. Right resources and team 4. Right material 5. Right plan 6. Right experience 7. Right attitude Not saying your perspective isn't on point, because I think it is. I'm merely adding a few other elements that some of those other groups shared as well. But maybe not, I.don't know.We didn't have other bands at the time that might have reflected what you guys had. BTW,your post has given me the best perspective on how different their impact was in England and why.Thanks Dad Blue
  11. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1456769605' post='2992087'] Saw an interview with Neil Sedaka on BBC4. He said that the moment the Beatles (and the Stones) arrived his career and many others like him (Connie Francis, Pat Boone etc) just stopped! Dead. From earning huge amounts of money (in those days) he ended up touring northern working mens clubs in England which were not for the weak minded. His experience was that the Beatles impact was enormous in the US and changed everything for ever! And he should know cos hes a pretty smart fella. [/quote] I never heard that story. However, it's sure was the way it seemed at the time. It was a huge cultural social change and The Beatles certainly caused or initiated the change. The invasion closed the door on so many careers and opened it for others. Blue
  12. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1456780356' post='2992282'] Heres a bit more on the subject. [url="http://www.beatlesbible.com/1966/03/04/how-does-a-beatle-live-by-maureen-cleave/"]http://www.beatlesbible.com/1966/03/04/how-does-a-beatle-live-by-maureen-cleave/[/url][/quote] Yeah, I was only around 9 or 10 years old and John's statement was really taken out of context over. And I think that it was more the folks south of the Mason Dixon line that freaked out. I'm not a southerner. Blue
  13. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1456769597' post='2992084'] Yeah - I noticed; items like (once again)[b] your opinion[/b] "not being ooen to discussion". [/quote] I take a hard line on some issues.I don't mean to be a jerk and I respect the opinions of others even if I don't want to hear it. Blue
  14. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1456768660' post='2992065'] I thought the records were burnt by religious fanatics because of Lennon's comment about the Fabs being more popular than Jesus ( btw does anyone know if this was actually true or not? Depends on the definition of 'popular' I suppose?). Maybe they were racist ignorant southern hicks as well? [/quote] Yes, the religious fanatics were also ignorant southern racist hicks. They still are. As far as the record burning, I was not living in The States at that time. I was living in beautiful southern Spain. Blue
  15. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1456734234' post='2991725'] You were 12!! BTW. Even when you quote to reply then delete or edit your post, I still get to see what you originally said in an email notification. You should seriously check your Trump-esque "debating" technique ........... or put the bottle down. [/quote] I edit because I always have a ton of misspelled words. Blue
  16. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1456734234' post='2991725'] You were 12!! BTW. Even when you quote to reply then delete or edit your post, I still get to see what you originally said in an email notification. You should seriously check your Trump-esque "debating" technique ........... or put the bottle down. [/quote] Lets see, the show was right after they completed the filming of United Artists movie "Help". Yeah, I guess I was around 12. Blue
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1456737006' post='2991748'] Wasn't it a US citizen that murdered a Beatle? Wasn't it US citizens who burned Beatles records? I think we'll keep them. [/quote] Yes, it was a US Citizen that murdered John. The records were burnt by racist ignorant southern hicks. They don't count. Good to hear you want your national treasure, that's positive. Blue
  18. The last 2 weekends have been good. We bought in full lighting and sound. Nice size and engaged crowds.And the band was running on all 6 cylinders. We pulled off a blazing Jeff Beckish version of " Going Down " that killed. Blue
  19. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1456662126' post='2991110'] There is of course a considerable pedigree in not needing to play your instrument in order to succeed; just as being able to play your instrument is no guarantee of success. [/quote] Very true, I know a few outstanding rock guitarist that don't have what it takes to work with others or be in a band.So their talent unfortunately never leaves the bedroom. Blue
  20. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1456607056' post='2990780'] You don't get it - even your band is influenced by them, what about your cover of "While My Ukelele Gently Weeps"? [/quote] Any one standing up playing electric guitar in a rock and roll band has been influenced by The Beatles whether they know it or not and whether they like it or not. End of story and not ooen for discussion. Blue
  21. It has taken a long time for me to believe what I have learned from bass chat. That you guys don't have the same level of understanding or appreciation for your own national treasure that Yanks like me have. When I was waiting in line to see Paul at Miller Park in 2014, I felt like I was waiting to enter the promise land. I had the same feeling when my Dad took me to see The Beatles at Shea Stadium in 1965. Nothing, even the questionable comments in bass chat regarding The Beatles and their legacy will ever change or alter my position. Call me whatever you want. This stuff is just different for me. Hey, if You guys don't want them,we'd be glad to take them. Blue
  22. Your in my prayers for a full recovery. Went through something similar, started drinking at age 14 stopped by age 23. And when I say stopped , I mean no alcohol period. That was 40 year's ago. Playing has been much more enjoyable,productive and creative substance free. Blue
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1456492687' post='2989584'] And beware of any candidates who are wearing a hat. They are doing so to focus attention away from some defect or other. They could even be bald, which is a no-no, obviously. Bushy beards are the same. There is no good reason for [i]anyone [/i]to have a bushy beard. Avoid. If they are wearing a hat, have a bushy beard and turn out to be bald, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard. [/quote] Never got the whole bushy beard thing. Why do these young guys go out of their way to look old. Your only young once. Blue
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