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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1456488836' post='2989512'] My notes:[list=1] [*]Things like grammar, punctuation, capitalisation etc. Every single mistake, no matter how small, seems sloppy. [*]Make it clear up front whether it's a permanent replacement or temporary. You also witter on a bit much in the opening paragraph - "and as she should with a little one on the way." is totally unnecessary. [*]"zany singing drummer" - remove "zany" [*]"very childish 40 year old" - I know that this seems endearing, but for many people a 40 year old who behaves like a kid is a huge red flag [*]Rather than say "it's not going to be a major source of income", just say how many gigs you do, and clarify that you have no plans to increase or decrease that number. They'll be able to do the sums. [*]"would not be against doing originals" - try to express this in a way that sounds a bit more self-confident. [/list] S.P. [/quote] I rareley straight up agree with anyone. However, I agree with all 6 of your suggestions. Blue
  2. [quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1456488390' post='2989499'] Hmm thanks big red , I didn't consider that, it is most certainly a permanent position in the band i have serious doubts that the lady in question will be able to do anything for the next 3 years , she works a very demanding job on top of the fact that shes going to want to do the mum thing to the best of her ability. @ blue .....yes we're the definition of weekend warriors .. we said at least once a month because of low seasons , obviously there are some bands who can get 10 gigs in Jan but we struggle , to both want to and to find them in the post xmas lull The origionals stuff was because that response was slightly tailored to a person who said she'd like to try doing some origionals.[/quote] Nothing really wrong with mentioning originals I guess. A lot of people like the idea of doing some originals. Blue
  3. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1456473029' post='2989295'] Yes that's true aesthetically, but the notes you play and the roll you fulfill in a band has far more in common with the double bass than it does the guitar. I regard the electric bass as a portable, easily amplified alternative to the double bass. ... also that precision patent pic is awesome, I'm going to get something similar made up at the weekend. [/quote] Good point, can't argue that one. Hey, thanks. I'm not much for home decorating but the Fender Bass Patent pic looks nice in the kitchen area of my condo. Blue
  4. I think most clips work great. However, I'd rather not use a tuner that compromises the integrity of the headstock on any of my basses. I'll stick with my Korg Pitch Black. Again from what I've seen the clips all seem to work great. Blue
  5. [quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1456486729' post='2989480'] Hey folks , My Ashford (middlesex) based covers band are looking for a new female vocalist due to our current one suffering from a very welcome but rapidly debilitating case of pregnancy . Cue lots of grief with me messaging people on various services like join my band , gum-tree etc. So many people just don't respond ... they read the message responding to their advert. In my opinion pretty much bang on for what they are asking for and just ignore it , Join my band has a nice (this user has read your message feature ) so you know they are actively choosing not to not respond ... I'm starting to think its Me , scaring people off. Generalised response to hide details of the users I've messaged . [size=1]Hi, We’re Vinyl Frontier a covers band who are losing our female vocalist to her upcoming pregnancy. While we're all very supportive of her and don't want to replace her we understand that she’s looking to step back, and as she should with a little one on the way. This means we are looking to find someone to front the band and sing twin vocals with our rather zany singing drummer, we’ve recorded a demo / sampler which is currently being mastered and if you’re interested it I can send it over to you when the mastering is finished. We're all working professionals aged from 30 to one very childish 40 year old. 3 of us are from Chertsey and the other 2 from the Kingston area. We practice once a week on a Thursday evening at a studios in Ashford. Ultimately were looking to enjoy ourselves doing this , It’s not going to be a major source of income or career for any of us we all work full time soy the aim is to gig around at least once a month on average. Music/ song wise, we will try to tackle anything people suggest usually by group consensus . Three of us have also been in originals bands and are quite capable writers So would not be against doing originals. At the moment we were focusing on floor-fillers for a few weddings, things like uptown funk, Love shack, a bit of Blondie, foo fighters, Bryan Adams /Mel C and the killers, but we've previously done a bit of everything from RATM through to punked up Jungle book tracks for a Disney themed Christmas party. If your interested in sending over your gig recordings as mentioned , either email me at * email removed * or drop me a message on here for a chat.[/size] [/quote] You'll find someone eventually. The one thing that I find common in the type of ad your posting. It sounds like a band that rehearses more than they gig. Once a month might not even cut for a good weekend warrior. However, playing only once a month seems to be popular with a lot of artists these days. I'm not sure I would mention your ties to the originals arena. I guess that will attract some people but also turn some people away. As soon as I see originals mentioned in an ad,I run. Give it a little more time, you'll have a replacement sooner than you think. Blue
  6. I found that patent pic at Hobby Lobby and had it framed. Blue
  7. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1456132593' post='2985568'] I beg to differ, it is a guitar, it's a bass guitar. And I play one. I don't care what I'm called, unless somebody ignorantly spells it 'base'. [/quote] Agreed, it's a bass guitar and it has more in common with an electric guitar than a double bass.' Blue
  8. 63 Hofner Club bass before they started binding the neck and with raised logo. Just couldn't afford it. Plus I already have one. Blue
  9. Basses don't sound or get better with age. Hopefully with age our playing skills have gotten better. Especially with the learning tools available to the newer generation of players. With the tools available nobody should suck anymore. Blue [quote name='DirkThrust' timestamp='1180201820' post='7254'] I would love an old Fender. Not because I think it will do anything better than my new one, but they just have the character that only age can reproduce. As someone else stated, pick virtually any great recording from the past and the chances are it'll have a Fender on it. That link back to the roots of Rock n Roll keeps Fenders in particular in demand, and demand is always gonna outstrip supply. [/quote] Some of those Fenders from the early 70s weren't that great, action, intonation and neck problems were not uncommon. My 2001 reissue 50s MIJ Fender P basses are much better sounding and play much better than anything I had in the 70s, Blue
  10. When I started playing there were no 5 string basses. I never made the transition to a 5er. I'm an old school 4 string guy. Blue
  11. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1456310800' post='2987591'] exactly, regardless of where you play there is a chance gear will get damaged, stolen or the gig will be just sh*t. if you are so worried about preventing any of those you just won't gig. that's what i have found with a number of my past bands. i've played some real dives, and am happy to continue doing so to play gigs, but some musicians now won't do that [/quote] In the States the 4 hour bar gig can be draining. It's not for everyone. I'm still happy playing them as well. Blue
  12. Never quit a working band until you have something better nailed down. Blue
  13. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1456161048' post='2986090'] once i had "i'm not playing there cos i heard some drunk guy knocked someone's guitar over"... [/quote] If your playing bars,that's a risk you take at every gig. Blue
  14. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1427908022' post='2735783'] Not hired in ..but bands are expected to run good P.A and lights and the better bands invest in a decent vox P.A and lights anyway...but you have to treat pub gigs as loss leaders...or I do. [/quote] A decent PA and nice lighting can do wonders for a band. Blue
  15. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1456266484' post='2987340'] Remember the Ring O’Bells, that big pub on the roundabout at Eccleshill?? Fifteen years ago they used to put rock bands on every Thursday night. It was a decent crowd every week (often rammed out) and it was like the start of the weekend for a lot of us. If I remember correctly we used to play there 4 or 5 times a year (as did you). The brewery saw how successful it was and decided to invest in the pub and ordered a complete refurb and then reopened featuring MOR acts from a booking agency three times a week. Eighteen months later the pub had closed (obviously the crowd watching rock bands every Thursday had no interest in 60s tributes on the weekend) and now it has been demolished and the site is a mini-supermarket…! The live scene isn’t dying by any means but it is not as healthy as it was 15 years ago. There are still gigs and an audience for a decent band but punters have less money and tend to pick and choose more when they venture out. Pubs generally are doing worse and loads have closed down, whether they feature live music or not. And of course, breweries have made so many bizarre business decisions to ruin successful pubs (like the example above) that it beggars belief… [/quote] Agreed, however; Depends on your location to a degree. In the States those that live in small market areas gigs are tough to find. In the bigger market area there's work but you have to work for it, making the right calls, getting your band rebooked as soon as possible have plans in place to get booked for as many paying fairs and festivals as you can. But It's not like it use to be. I remember a time back in the mid 60s a band could work 5 nights a week. And you didn't have to be good. Blue
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1455827217' post='2982832'] That`s a shame, but then it`s down to what the audiences want. Over here there`s plenty of opportunities for both covers and originals bands, though I do have to admit originals don`t pay like covers do. [/quote] Over here ,the crowd that goes to see originals bands don't have much money to spend on alcohol. That's the reason we only have maybe a half dozen places for originals bands to play. And that means and playing for free. Blue
  17. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1455952386' post='2983854'] I honestly couldn't have put this better. My gear isn't a vanity project; i like the Thunderbird shape, so have pursued that course. I don't need five or six of them, but it's nice to have a choice. [/quote] Some of it's vanity. I mean when I play my Les Paul Gibson Gold Top or my Gibson ES-335 it's vanity because to me they look so cool. Most of the time I'm playing one of my MIJ Fender P basses. Blue
  18. You guys know any players that for all practicle purposes are oblivious to their gear and anyone else's? Do your band mates know what type of bass and amp you use? Gear is the first thing I look at. If I come see you play, I'll be checking out what kind of bass your using, your amp, pedals and your skills. Blue
  19. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1456176889' post='2986378'] I think there's bass playing, and bass playing. Personally I'd take exception to the term 'love' too, but that's just me. Sometimes this is a great forum. Other times not so, especially when there's playing that doesn't conform to the collective view of what bass playing should be. I think both videos are amazing, I'd love to have that kind of ability. I've spent many thousands of hours practicing and don't come anywhere close. [/quote] Been playing for 50 years and have a tiny fraction of that ability. Jealous? Of course. Blue
  20. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1456167870' post='2986207'] I got to 24 seconds then pressed the off button. Talented for sure, but not my thing. [/quote] My thoughts exactly. This stuff is so far away from anything I'll be involved with. Give me Rocco Prestia, that I can at least understand. Blue
  21. Great chops, I'm jealous, but that type of playing, not my thing at all. Blue
  22. I'm an American Electric Bass Guitarist. To me bassist is more for the jazz guys that play the double bass. Blue
  23. Wow, did I ever bring up a touchy subject. I had no idea. We have enough crap going on over here in the States, fighting with each other. From now on I'm just going to refer to you guys as bass players. Blue
  24. I guess I'm jealous of her chops but at the same time, not impressed.It's more show boating than realistic groove pocket playing. Show me clips of players standing up in a live club not sitting down in an ideal environment. Blue
  25. Last night was great, we brought in full production, the band was hot and we had a packed room. So nice when we see so many familiar faces that have supported us over the past 10 years. Blue
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