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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1455825355' post='2982805'] Ahem...... It's Britain ! [/quote] I'm lost, I referred to you guys as British once and someone came back at me, corrected me and said " We're English " Blue
  2. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1455818332' post='2982744'] It's great that you love what you do. Really. But don't fool yourself it's a lifestyle that everyone else aspires to. That's all.[/quote] I get that, it's not for everyone and not even something I would reccomend. Blue
  3. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1455963856' post='2983965'] Dragging us kicking and screaming back onto topic I found Blue's comments interesting although I didn't agree with them. The difficulty arises when the player thinks that they're doing just what Blue describes but on any reasonable measure isn't. Where they are playing something that clashes with the song and/or other band member (either because of a characteristic of the song - to over exaggerate effect, palm muted metal power chords all through Le Freak, a Mark King slap fest all through Elvis Costello's Shipbuilding... Or by consensus of the band that that isn't what is wanted/required for their version of that number). Then, and here is where I disagree with the last comment, it should be addressed within the band context. Sometimes one member is elected (or the first to blink and elect themselves out of necessity) to be the catalyst for addressing the problem. Unaddressed it just festers and causes even greater problems down the line. Humility and teachability are great character assets for any musician, as the willingness to play for the greater good not just oneself. There have been some really good bits of advice so far on how to help open the guitarist's eyes to a need to change already in ther thread, [/quote] I agree with you Trevor. All I was saying I don't get involved in the critiquing or suggesting a change. We have a band leader for that. Blue
  4. Well , I don't think there's really a definitive right or wrong here. But one thing is for sure. You guys know how I feel about it. Cheers Blue
  5. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1455969513' post='2984051'] If you're talking Cuban Heels, I still do. [/quote] Mine have the Cuban heels. I have to buy the period pants that go with them before I can wear them. Blue
  6. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1455803401' post='2982572'] A clip of The Munsters dubbed in German featuring a Beatles cover. I'm not sure where this is going, but it could be fun :-) Calling Blue.... [/quote] Good example on how far we'll go to generate income. Blue
  7. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1455795753' post='2982467'] Blue you really do make me laugh. You say that people who don't gig aren't really "in this", you criticise people who only play weekends, you say that to you are living the dream on your gig money but it's all just nonsense really.[/quote] I might not always use the best examples or choice of words on issues I comment on. However,you've got me and the positions I take all wrong. Blue
  8. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1455796578' post='2982483'] I don't see any need to take Blue's comment so seriously. I don't think he meant that if you don't want to gig in pubs then you should give up bass. I think he meant that if you don't want to gig in pubs, you should give up gigging in pubs [/quote] Exactly, none of us should be stuck playing in environments we don't like. You don't like pub gigging, doesn't mean quit playing, It might mean stay away from pub bands. You might like recording better. If you don't like people, bands might not be for you. Do solo projects or the hone studio thing. You shouldn't have to quit all together. Blue
  9. [quote name='jimbobothy' timestamp='1341610305' post='1721927'] Ha, I'm another one that likes a crazy low action, however I just find it hard to play with speed, dexterity and subtlety no matter how low or high the action [/quote] I use to have the same issue until I started thinking about how execution comes into play. How to hit every note and be clean If your like me and play with a pick,understand all the up and down stroke patterns. Developing the strength in your fretboard fingers needed to play fast clean and accurate.I got there from literally sitting down and practicing for hours on end. Blue
  10. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1454712445' post='2972413'] I've just started reading "The Music Lesson" by Victor Wootten for the third time - Re-rereading?? - I'd forgotten how elementary he makes learning to play and how easy it is to relate to what he's saying. Great book - I'd highly recommend it to anybody whether they're a fan of his style of playing or not. I think that there's much to be learned (still) from this book. Anybody else read it? [/quote] Wooten is way after my time, not from my generation of bass heroes. However reading his book sounds like a good idea to me.I'm interested. Blue
  11. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1455944793' post='2983845'] That all seems to be an argument against The Beatles being the greatest band ever and suggests they simply touched your raw nerves at a vulnerable time because you happened to be there at the time. That's fine and understandable but on that basis you should understand that, presumably, other bands/film stars/celebs did, and still do, the same thing for every other generation of kids trying to find themselves during their own 'coming of age' thing. [/quote] Agreed, but I don't challenge or put down the artists the younger generations came of age to. You never hear me say things about their bands like," They're just a band" or "I don't get what the big deal is about them" I prefer not to comment on bands or genres I know nothing about. When this touchy subject of The Beatles comes up and your 25 years old, what's wrong with saying; "Sorry, but they're way before my time" Blue
  12. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1455954111' post='2983858'] Dude let it go , you tell us you are not old , but age is not in the body , its in the attitude. A guy once told me, that if someone tells you that they know best about something because they have been experienced in it for 50 years, the chances are that it was one years experience that is 50 years old. Grow young again and let other stuff have a chance to influence you the same as that experience did. [/quote] I have no idea what your talking about or what it has to do with my post. Blue
  13. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1455820662' post='2982764'] I think it possibly is. There is a bit of a snobbish attitude to covers/function/tribute bands though i don't know why really. The hypocrisy, though, is that the majority of original bands are pretty awful. This is why they play free gigs, festivals and band bashes. An awful covers/function band won't last long cos the bookings won't happen but you can keep playing rubbish original tunes for a long time as no one is actually paying anything for it. [/quote] Seems like when I say I play in a bar level covers band on bass chat, I think people automatically think Bruno Mars, Lady GA GA, Mustang Sally. Coukdnt be further from the truth. You should think, Peter Green "Oh Well", Savoy Brown "Street Talkin" Nancy Sinatra our version of "Boots Are Made For Walking" and a few originals from the 2 cds we released. Blue
  14. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1455963311' post='2983957'] Does three (and vocals) of us playing though an HH PA an done 15" home made cab count as humble?[/quote] Yes, Blue
  15. Good topic. I guess I could justify it because I do this rock band thing for a living. I also think, " Why do I need all this sh*t." Basses 1991 Gibson Thunderbird with ebony fret board. 1952 reissue MIJ Fender P bass with Tele headstock 1954 reissue MIJ Fender P bass with Tele Headstock 1991 G&L ASAT bass, still don't know how to use the pre-amp 2013 Made in Germany Hofner Limited Edition Club Bass with Cavern Club PU spacing 2013 Gibson Les Paul Gold Top bass 2013 Gibson ES-335 bass in vintage faded.cherry Amps 2 GK 1001 RB 750 watt heads 2 GK 2 10" RBX cabs 1 GK 1 15" RBX cab 1 GK 1 15" combo amp Pedals Fully loaded board with 3 prong Voodoo Lab power. Dedicated; Compression Overdrive Distortion Bass Octave Delay Chorus Reverb Synth Phase Shifter Line 6 Geo Wireless Relay Blue PS, Any of you come from humble beginnings and remember when you had to borrow amps from friends? I do.
  16. Very cool band. I'm a big Heavies fan. Blue
  17. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1455834546' post='2982920'] Yes, but as was already pointed out, the Beatles first singles were also 2 minute boy meets girl songs.[/quote] Yes,agreed, and what made it such a magical time? I'll tell you. What stage in life were many of us in that were at the tail end of the baby boomer generation? Yes, we were in the first boy meets girl stage of our lives. Many of the first things I learned about women were from Beatle lyrics.Many of us learned how to dress cool from The Beatles. I don't know how any guy could experience that sort of magic if you first heard the Beatles 30 years after they broke up. I keep saying, "guys it wasn't just about music and their songs." It was a coming of age lifestyle thing.Does this make sense to at least one if you? This is why there is so much generational disconnect. So guys can't you see the merits and why the "you had to be there" claim has some legitimacy. Maybe my perspective is just dated and pointless.Maybe I live in the past like my kids tell me. " Dad,it's not 1965 " And I like you guys and I hate being a dick bag. Humor an old guy, maybe that's the answer. I mean your talking to a guy that has an expensive pair of Spanish Beatle boots in a never been opened box in the bedroom closet. Cheers Blue
  18. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1455843719' post='2982985'] Blue, you are doing it again. You are, of course, entitled to disagree with me and I respect your right to do so. However, please stop making absolutist statements rubbishing my opinion. I am not the only person who thinks that the Beatles have been surpassed and you know it. To suggest that I am in the manner in which you did is clearly designed to belittle me in a manner which is both childish and offensive. I am entitled to be treated with the same respect with which I treat you. [/quote] Ok, only surpassed by in your opinion and a few others. Personally I don't know any of my baby boomers that share that opinion. I opinion that to this day no band has surpassed them in what they did or how they did it. I don't even think there is an apples to apples scenario. And really we're talking about opinions. Nobody is trying to belittle or rubbish your opinion . Blue
  19. I saw The Stones this past summer and the key board threw Keith off on the cow bell intro to Honkey Tonk Women. Mick managed to lead and corrected the error and they got through it. I thought cool, The Stones make mistakes too. Blue
  20. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1455820254' post='2982760'] In the early 1960s, Rock and Roll was practically over. Most of the big names were emasculated. Presley was in the army, Little Richard turned to religion, Gene Vincent was well on his way to being an alcoholic, Jerry Lee Lewis was so discredited he could barely get any work and Cochran and Holly were dead. What the Beatles did was take that energy and combine it with "something" - Tin Pan Alley or Music Hall or Motown or Showtunes - and create something which helped to save a genre of music which could have passed like any other fad. The early stuff is simple...but it's thrilling. "I Saw Her Standing There" is pretty much a Little Richard knock-off, but that first recording is as raw and exciting as anything that's been recorded since. Simple-yes. Banal-No. In just a shade over eight years they went from "Love Me Do" to "Let It Be" taking in hard rock, soul, rhythm and blues, country, avant-garde, folk and even children's songs. They made films, and were at the forefront of recording technology. I'm sorry, but to say they were "nothing special" misses the point. Not everyone likes them and that's fine, but go back and look at what they did. The world was changing when they were around. But part of that change was inspired by or highlighted by that band. ...and Liverpool is great place to visit whether you like the Fabs or not. [/quote] Nice commentary. Agreed Blue
  21. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1455821559' post='2982768'] Like most trailblazers, the Beatles have been surpassed by others many times since, but that shouldn't detract from their achievement. [/quote] Only surpassed in your opinion. Blue
  22. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1455836996' post='2982953'] [color=#000000][font=freight-text-pro, serif][size=4]"I think Lemmy was an angel!" And I said, "What?" She said, "Well, there are angels sent to earth to help us on our journeys. They walk amongst us, and their purpose is to help us find our way." I said, "Really? They're going to send down a whiskey-drinking, cigarette-smoking, speed-snorting pirate as an angel?" And she said to me, "Who else would you guys listen to? Some guy in a flowing robe with wings? Lemmy Kilmister — that's the angel you guys are gonna listen to!"[/size][/font][/color] [/quote] Cool, I like that. I have never heard Lemmy's band, however I loved his interviews. He was a dudes dude, always had interesting commentary. What I really like about him ,he wasn't full of himself and never had said anything bad about anyone. Blue
  23. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1455786071' post='2982342'] Playing the same covers every week in pubs would definitely get me down. I like to play originals in "venues". If I was the OP I'd quit the bands and start writing my solo album [/quote] Very different over here. Originals bands don't gig. There is no place for them to gig.Well that's not entirely true, They seems to do a few unpaid charities and benefits. They seem to focus more on recording. Over here, if your thing is money and gigging, don't join an originals band. Blue
  24. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1455812993' post='2982676'] The Beatles were just a band, they didn't change the world, the world was changing at that time anyway and they just went along for the ride. They rehashed 50's Rock n Roll to start with and their own early songs were pretty banal pop songs. Compare the lyrics from She Loves You, or I wanna Hold Your Hand to Dylans Mr Tambourine Man or Blowin in The Wind and you'll see that (lyrically anyway) they were nothing special really. [/quote] I'm glad that"s not my Beatles experience. Blue
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