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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1455816387' post='2982716'] Then why do I feel better than I ever have in the Last 30 years. It's no rut, I feel like I'm in heaven. And we never play the same old songs. Seems like bass chat members have a real narrow definition of cover bands. Maybe it's different In England. By the way, I use to be so embarrassed when someone would ask me what I did for a living and had to say "I'm a Workers Compensation Claims Analyst for an insurance company. Now I say, "I play bass guitar and sing in a rock & roll band." I'm proud that I can do this for a living, You should see the looks on people's faces when I say that. Blue [/quote]
  2. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1455792228' post='2982419'] I gig for a living and I certainly don't feel it's another form of rut. Saturdays and some Fridays are my bigger earning nights doing functions, the rest of my gigs are generally pub/bar work. Like Blue, I love what I do. I may not be a rich man but I'm happy in my work. I approach my gigs with the attitude that I'm going to play to my best ability and put on a good show, like most of the musicians around me. And after all these years I still get excited getting ready to leave the house for a gig. I don't have time for half-arsed performances and attitudes. I do take my work seriously and yes, it's still a job, but it beats doing 40+ hours a week in an office or warehouse. I know this because I've done both. I have the best job in the world and long may it continue. [/quote] Ratman, my experience doing this for a living pretty much mirrors your situation and how I approach gigging. Cool post. Blue
  3. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1455790941' post='2982402'] So you may think, but In reality you answer to the bar owners (and the band) and you have to play the same old songs for a living. If you really love it then that's great, but it's just another form of rut. [/quote] Then why do I feel better than I ever have in the Last 30 years. It's no rut, I feel like I'm in heaven. And we never play the same old songs. Seems like bass chat members have a real narrow definition of cover bands. Maybe it's different In England. Blue
  4. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1455776798' post='2982274'] That could either mean you are quietly not enjoying the other players around you but biting your lip because the gigs mean more to you than the hassle of changing your situation , or that you are lucky and play in a band that you are very happy with the dynamics , both personality and musically The Op isn't enjoying is band and is wanting to do something about it [/quote] That's why it's important to truly understand what your looking for.And what type of band fits what your looking for before you committ. Blue
  5. That posses me off. Was the van locked. Sometimes I can get lazy at load out and not lock my car between trips in and out. However,we also had an incident where a ton of good gear was stolen from a van. We try to keep multiple eyes on our vehicles during load out. Please let us know if you get your desk back. Blue
  6. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1455743863' post='2982107'] It's not just me then. Our songs are picked from a list as we go. The guitarist will often just tear into the opening riff and we just follow along [/quote] I like that method when the transition to the next song is done quick. A lot better than way too much time between songs, like a high school level band. My band doesn't do this, but I also think medleys, stringing a few songs together is cool. Blue
  7. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1455640070' post='2980996'] I think there's got to be some variety in the set, I wouldn't keep bashing people over the head at the same pace with the same ferocity for the entire time [/quote] Agreed,for bar and club gigs sometime we get requests from couple's that want to slow dance and we're prepared for that. For festivals and fair gigs it seems best to keep the energy level high. Blue
  8. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1455748226' post='2982169'] Gigging covers is a business, music is a creative art form. [/quote] Question, are there any really good diverse cover bands in England? Blue
  9. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1455748226' post='2982169'] Gigging covers is a business, music is a creative art form. [/quote] I gig 70s hard rock and blues, everything I play is creative in one way or the other. And I doubt I ever play any song the same way twice. It's not creative art until the check clears. Blue
  10. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1455744278' post='2982113'] Seems to me that playing music for a living must be a pretty crappy job, especially at the 'bar band' level - churning out the same old covers night after night to uninformed punters with low expectations [/quote] That might be the experience for some, But not me. This was my calling,not a choice. I work with smart,honest, realistic,trustworty bandmates. They been together for over 10 years, I've been with them for 5 years. 1.We have a respectfull size following of all types of music lovers from the 70s.Far from uniformed.Many of them follow us from 1 show to the next. 2. We don't grind out the same covers every night.We have about 80 songs to choose from. Mostly classic,hard Rock and blues from that time period and 2 cds of the bands originals. Going to a gig at 63 years old is just as exciting and fun for me as it was when I was 13 years old. 4string,I get up when I want and do what I want.And I answer to no one. Reporting to the boss working 40 hours a week to make someone else rich seems crappy to me. But this is the States,maybe it's just different over here. Question, am I the only guy on bass chat that loves gigging at the bar band level? Blue
  11. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1455611710' post='2980581'] That's pretty much exactly what I meant. Not everyone wants advice/opinions to be determined by their chronological age. [/quote] Would you agree that age could impact your answer to some questions. If I ask a question about certain performance or band issues, personally, I want an answer geared toward a 63 year old not a 17 year old. But that's just me. Blue
  12. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1455610077' post='2980561'] Hey Blue, I presume you are talking about after gig party antics with the groupies? [/quote] No, but now that you mention it that's really a good example of what I'm getting at.😃 Blue
  13. You probably did better than commissioning it at a shop. Is your new Mesa valve or solid state? Blue
  14. [quote name='briansbrew' timestamp='1455742521' post='2982090'] Blue that's Very very true [/quote] 😃 Blue
  15. [quote name='sharkboy' timestamp='1455741939' post='2982080'] A fair point, but how much longer will your calendar be filled with good gigs should you stop doing that job? A band has to be more than a collection of individuals who happen to be playing the same song at the same time. Well, the good ones, at least. [/quote] I agree in principle. However, it's a business and at the bar band level the term "good bands" is relative. As you know not all punters are uninformed with low expectations. My point,some of the best bands in Milwaukee can't get gigs and some of the worse bands are booked solid. Blue
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1455727251' post='2981879'] I am in Liverpool and it's raining. http://youtu.be/jTxlDC93mXs [/quote] Cool pic. You can get shades very similar to John's at Walgreen's Pharmacy for $5.00 Blue
  17. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1455695149' post='2981451'] Paul McCartney was turned away from a party last night as the door man didn't know who he was and the kids that bought the Kanye,McCartney, Rihanna record think kanye discovered him! [/quote] I saw that,Paul was great he had a great time with it. To me It was like turning away royalty. He's such a high road guy,and Paul could buy everyone in that room. Blue
  18. [quote name='DBerriff' timestamp='1455737197' post='2982003'] We played in a small community with a limited number of pubs/bars prepared to pay for bands. One was rowdy and great fun, one was rowdy and at times quite menacing. You have it sorted with your gigs and that is great. A good friend of mine is trying to do the same with early evening chill-out gigs, but unfortunately I have moved and cannot join in the fun. I enjoy people and their company, but drunks are not really people. My next gig should be with a local big band. That is more like it and it attracts the sort of crowd I want to play for. Peace! [/quote] Cool, I guess as far as gigging opportunities I guess I should be glad I live in the midwest in a major metro earlier where gigging opportunities are not what they use to be, but still pretty good. However, even over here in the States gigging opportunities depend on where you live. I have a buddy that lives in a rural part of Illinois and gigging opportunities are almost non existant. Blue
  19. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1455716594' post='2981745'] Yeah, but you don't play in the UK. There's a huge get drunk/fight culture in the UK so when you're in a room full of a drunken mob there can be a vibe of sh*t getting ready to kick off. I think it's because in the UK we bottle so much of our anger and emotions up and there's such a pub culture that people get drunk and it comes out. In America people seem to be culturally allowed to actually express their emotions. Vikings and Romans, that's the difference you're looking at. We're a bunch of nordic grumpy bastards who are dissatisfied with our lot who don't even get to jump on a longboat and pillage small countries any more. [/quote] I've seen documentaries about the soccer culture in England. But I thought that all the crazy stuff was limited to hardcore sports pubs. I get your point, thanks. Much Respect Blue
  20. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1455736852' post='2982000'] Whadya mean it's hidden away from the missus?? [/quote] Yes, Brian did you buy a bass guitar with out getting permission from missus? If yes, that might be a bigger issue than any issues with the credibility of the bass.😀 Blue
  21. My job in my band is to play the best bass lines that compliment the songs we play, sing background vocals and maintain a certain level of stage presence. I was not hired to critique or correct other members playing ability. As long as our calender is filled with good gigs I keep quiet. Blue
  22. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1455612564' post='2980589'] Intentionally or otherwise, your opinions are often couched in absolutist terms with a hint of circular reasoning which conveys the impression that those who disagree with you are somehow inferior. Saying you feel sorry for those who don't share your opinion is quite startlingly offensive. [/quote] If someone makes a negative comment about The Beatles,I do wish they could have been there and had something to base a negative comment on. I think you might have misunderstood one of my Beatle comments. I don't expect anyone to share my opinion and certainly don't feel sorry for anyone that doesn't. Blue
  23. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1455657297' post='2981292'] Thanks! I was going to try selling it at last years Beatles Int Festival in Liverpool but got the runaround off the city council. [/quote] A lot if people like me, Yankee baby boomers would love it. Blue
  24. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1455641436' post='2981018'] Hopefully - when I did this painting I used gen-yoo-ine River Mersey water. A friend of mine in NYC said it was a genius idea and to quote him "those crazy yanks will love it". Now I'm still working out how best to flog it. [/quote] I love your painting. Blue
  25. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1455571820' post='2980410'] I suspect that many members are cagey about their age as they would prefer that their opinions were not viewed through the prism of their age. There is a distressing tendency of too many members to assume that their views are superior by virtue of superior age; far too many members adopt a patronising attitude towards young members in a way that would not be tolerated by the moderators were the recipients of the comments, for example, female. [/quote] I think your missing my point. All I'm saying is, when a bass chat member asks a more than elementary question about anything band related my answer for a 17 year old is going to be different from my answer to a 60 year-old member most of the time. For example, to a 17 year old I might say; "Sounds like a good idea, you have your whole life ahead of you, go for it." Same question to a 60 year old my answer might be; "You do realize your 60 years old?" Blue
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