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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='DBerriff' timestamp='1455390713' post='2978768'] I am new to this forum but feel I have to jump in on this one. After 9 years of playing in a covers band I can fully understand why playing to a room of drunk, aggressive Brits with their lets-get-legless culture might not appeal to some. Standing there watching the mayhem while stone cold sober eventually lost its edge. In my case age played a part but yes, I guess I'm no longer really in this. [/quote] That's too bad. I love being around people ,love our bar gigs. In all these years. I've never played to what you guys call a roomful of drunks. BTW,I haven't had a drink since 1975. Blue
  2. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1455367850' post='2978466'] I found that gigging was stopping me enjoying music. I quit last November and have enjoyed music more as a result. I now have more space to be creative, allowing me to write and record stuff. [/quote] I can see why some of you chose this stay home option. It's less work. I say if you don't like gigging your really not in this. Blue
  3. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1455366148' post='2978440'] No need to gig to pursue an interest in music. I prefer writing, recording and producing but we also gig, though only about 10 times a year so it keeps our hand in while not being too onerous. I don't feel the urge to 'perform' (probably why I'm happy to stand at the back playing bass ) and it's the creativity that does it for me. The thought of playing covers to a drunken mob week in week out doesn't interest me at all - it seems like the equivalent of repetitive factory work to me. That's the beauty of music - it can be experienced in so many ways that there's almost bound to be an angle for everyone. [/quote] I always hear this stuff about not wanting to play to drunken crowd or mob.Is it a cultural thing? I've been playing bars every weekend for years and never run into that problem. IMO it's an excuse for those that don't want to put in the work it takes to gig. Blue
  4. I think anyone who has thoughts of quitting playing under the OP's scenario was never really in it. Blue
  5. I'm a 63 year old 70s New York Style bass guitarist. I play mostly vintage hollows. Blue
  6. [quote name='Shonks' timestamp='1455209092' post='2977098'] ok, I'll start......... Somebody who loads[b] £5000 [/b]of equipment into the back of a [b]£500[/b] car to travel [b]50 miles [/b]to earn [b]£50[/b] ......and not just bass players obviously..... [/quote] Would love to hear about more guys doing that instead of guys complaining about gigging. For those who don't like gigging, you dont like the pay, get out of the business and find something else to do with your time. Blue
  7. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1455236240' post='2977451'] The Beach Boys did a tour between Dec 64 and March 65 without Brian Wilson . They enlisted Glen Campbell to play bass and sing the falsetto harmonies . -- At the same time . Respec' ! [/quote] I think you can actually see a young Glen Campbell with the Beach Boys when they played The Tami Show. Blue
  8. [quote name='James Nada' timestamp='1455221336' post='2977255'] David St Hubbins and Nigel Tufnell both played bass on Big Bottom. [/quote] Everybody in Tap played bass on Big Bottom. Blue
  9. When your excited about it, it's always a good thing. Nice to hear about someone excited about gigging for any reason. Blue
  10. Yeah, if your not excited about your next gig, be it pub, club, festival or fair and you don't like being around people this business is not for you. Pack up your stuff and move on to something else. Blue
  11. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1455029351' post='2975180'] Ub40 don't even have Ali Campbell any more do they? Peter greens Fleetwood Mac, Status quo without the two main people are still going aren't they I'm sure you'll be fine![/quote] Who took Ali's place? Blue
  12. My Friday night gig sucked. The band under performed and I didn't like the way I played. And the the crowd was weak. Blue
  13. We have Cream City here in Milwaukee, probably the largest Gretch selection in the country. They specialize in high end and vintage gear. Pretty expensive shop. Blue
  14. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1455070378' post='2975664'] JK from Jamiroquai is renowned for that too, the band have to be prepared to play whatever JK feels like playing. Must be a nightmare . [/quote] Probably more like what he doesn't feel like playing. Blue
  15. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1455046129' post='2975426'] Agreed. I always insist on one. Apart from noodling between songs there's nothing more unprofessional, to me, than the 'what shall we play next? ' on stage conversation. [/quote] I agree, there's no argument or reason not to follow a set list. Blue
  16. Where are you guys playing next = Why did I ask that, I have no intention on going. Blue
  17. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1454658747' post='2971673'] Watch this vid. you get some good shots of Rik Gretch and Clapton so's you can see the chords as well as the bass which is more than I could on the day. [/quote] Ginger is kicking arse in the clip you posted. Man, that cat was good! Blue
  18. Depends on the song, some may take just playing it a couple of times. I think guys run into problems when your trying to learn a song you don't have the chops or skill to learn it. Blue
  19. This is so sad, another one of a kind brilliant visionary gone. Blue
  20. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1454620468' post='2971488'] The way you describe this is almost the definition of old , to me keeping young is all about an open mind, a willingness to do different things , enjoy a load of challenging experiences, jump out of your comfort zone , feel alive doing something else once in a while , you might even surprise yourself [/quote] Well, if I expand it would still be gigging. I. really want to get away from primarily bar gigs. Don't get me wrong some of the bars and clubs are cool and I get my share of higher profile fest and fair gigs.However I really would love to headline regionally or nationally to 500 seat venues. Blue
  21. [quote name='SimonEdward' timestamp='1453237192' post='2957782'] The Corona by TC. I also like selecting the 'MOD' preset on the Flashback delay and turning the delay off (!!) [/quote] Me too, TCs Corona. I have the flashback delay too. Blue
  22. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1454607133' post='2971317'] Good performance here from my MXR BOD. It's right at the front of my chain (well, after tuner but before compressor and everything else). I've got the mid-range nailed down, Growl at 10 o'clock, Girth at 2 o'clock, blend to taste. [/quote] Same position in my chain,2nd,right after my Korg Pitch Black tuner. I haven't had enough time to learn my MRX Bass distortion pedal yet. I'm not sure why I purchased it. Its not like I play in Korn. Blue
  23. I use that MRX Deluxe Bass Octave pedal a lot. For me, tracking gets weird even at the 5th fret position. I play my bass lines in closed position at the 12th fret and above and it sounds great. I always keep the mid range button engaged. Blue
  24. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1454491448' post='2970150'] That's Lulu, not Lu Lu - which makes her sound Chinese. [/quote] Gotcha, corrected. Blue
  25. Not a lot of effect or slapping or poping. It's all about phrasing and execution. Larry is not gliding over any notes he's hitting all those notes hard and clean. Blue
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