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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1454522253' post='2970508'] Yep... nice one Blue. [/quote] Thanks Blue
  2. I've been Lulu fan since "To Sir With Live" 1967 Always liked her, but I lost out to Maurice. Blue
  3. I only reply to clips if I have something good to say. Nice Stuff, Nice Job! Blue
  4. [quote name='AustinArto' timestamp='1454432648' post='2969701'] You're making quite a broad assumption about why someone wouldn't like The Stones. I've heard more of their tunes than Satisfaction and I've never understood their appeal either. I like Under My Thumb and that's about it. Of course. Just not that interested in white blues bands. Cream were interesting though. [/quote] That's why I prefaced my opinion with "most". Not interested in white blues, that's fine. However Buddy Guy told me any body that's lived can play blues and there's no black or white blues, just blues.I'm not sure I agree with Buddy. My question was based on appreciation not necessarily interest. Blue
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1454438741' post='2969778'] History lesson outside of the standard (Stax/Motown AND Chic) IMO has to include Headhunters, Meters/Neville bros and people like Alan Toussant and Fred Wesley...to name just a few. [/quote] That list could go on for ever.I should post " Funky Walk ". Dyke & The Blazers. Blue
  6. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1454445156' post='2969871'] Some amazing phrasing going on there. Great choice Blue, but I'm pretty sure a lot of the younger Funk fans on here will love it if you give them a chance! [/quote] Well I would hope there would be some take away value for the younger generation of players with an interest in funk.But tastes in music styling change. Blue
  7. [quote name='roceci' timestamp='1454426923' post='2969639'] Ooh you can't beat a bit of Betty, punk before punk & a whole lotta funk. Good call Blue. Here's another fantastic number, Larry Graham on bass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxKBnR_8LIM [/quote] I remember when this came out originally back in the mid 70s that Greg Errico drummer for Sly & The Family Stone was playing but I wasn't sure if Larry had already started GCS. It sounds like Larry and I'm thinking it pre-dates GCS. Gregg was The first to leave Sly. Blue
  8. This probably won't appeal to the younger generation of funk guys, but worth a historical listen. Head phones required and try to exclude everything except the bass and drum track. Great example of raw un effed with bass and drums. It's hard core. https://youtu.be/SBisK7swlsU Blue
  9. This is a guy I've always loved. One of a kind talent. I'm not sure why his career isn't further along. Blue
  10. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1454360012' post='2969017'] It would have been interesting if Jeff Beck had joined the Stones. I wonder how it would have mixed, not sure Keith would be keen on it [/quote] I am the biggest Jeff Beck fan there is. However, I would not have wanted him in The Stones. I don't think he's happy enough to be in the Stones,not to mention his styling would probably clash with Keith's. Ron Wood was the perfect match, I don't think the fans ever questioned their choice. I wish I could have auditioned along side of Daryl Jones. Blue
  11. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1454365294' post='2969111'] No, I have always had friends who liked the stones, and I suspect I have heard everything they have done. Endlessly again and again. I can cite that I don't find the stones at all interesting, its not the sort of music I like. Yes, I understand what effect they had on the world, and I have an appreciation for what they were when they came out, from what was around at the time, but it is not *my* music, it is my parents generation music (actually the half generation between me and my parents, I was born in 65), so I was already bored with it by the time I was a teenager. It was an inspiration to the people who inspired me, and obviously it is important in that regard, but not directly to me, it is not something I can listen to (although I have played many songs of their many times). [/quote] Not a bad rebuttal to my somewhat "snarky" commentary. I didn't want to bring age into the debate. However it all made sense when you said it's your parents music. To me you have explained why you don't care for The Stones. Your too young,they are not relevant to your generation. Funny, that 50 years old is too young for The Stones. I try to stay current but like you your generations bands are not interesting or relevant to me. Your explanation is perfectly acceptable. Funny, I saw The Stones this past Summer in a relatively small venue.Probably the 6th time I've seen them. It was more of a family event than the cool scenes they drew back my day. You had all these guys my age, 63 who brought the wife and kids to the show to show them how cool their father use to be back in the 60s and 70s. Fact, those kids don't like being there and they don't care how cool their father use to be. Well, my kids don't. However, I don't know if I was ever cool. Lol😀 Well, that's the way I see it. Much Respect Blue
  12. [quote name='Sub_Drop' timestamp='1453920384' post='2964283'] Someone talk me out of selling my Sandberg 5 string TM bass. Money is a bit thin at the minute and I can't shake the sell my bass feeling. Words of encouragement much appreciated [/quote] Things are thin for me too, but I can't see selling any of my basses. Several are vintage and I could never replace them. Do you have anything else you can sell? Blue
  13. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1454277082' post='2968236'] Really? So you have a technical reason why you don't like a song? Thats seems odd. I don't like the stones. Never had, never seen what people saw in them, have always found them dull. Ditto the who. I have no technical reason why I don't like them, any more than I have any reason why I don't like gold on a les paul (ie, as the colour, a goldtop), or a bass. I just don't. So no, I am not equipped to explain why, other than they are uninteresting to me. Is that an explanation? Doesn't seem like one. [/quote] Seems to pretty thin to me. Regarding The Stones,most people who don't like them usually have little knowledge of their catalog and base their dislike on "Satisfaction". Which is usually the only Stones song they have ever listened to. And they don't understand that The Stones, probably the most successful rock and roll band on the planet is about a lot more than songs and music. Again, If I dislike a band or a song, I can at least tell you why,and I usually can site several reasons. If you can't explain why you don't like a certain band or song it might fly with some, but would have no credibility with me. Oh yeah,my Gibson Gold Top Les Paul bass, I can only tell you why I like it. It has a look that represents tradition and the gold color is very 50s looking. A very cool time period for rock and roll. I also love the attention the traditional gold color brings when I gig it. Question, do English people have any appreciation for any of your legendary bands that in terms of pop music put England on the map? Blue
  14. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1454236322' post='2967653'] Long breaks between songs for no apparent reason make a band look like amateurs. Doesn't matter if you're just starting out or been doing this 30 years. Sounds like he has OCD to be honest; doing things in a particular order, constant rechecking of tuning. I would make sure everyone had a setlist so to know what's coming up and bash straight into the next song. If he moans about it, tell him you didn't enjoy the punters saying get on with it! [/quote] Following a set list also cuts down on time in between songs. Blue
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1454266082' post='2968063'] But I see many many more negative comments from you on the younger generation. It's quite bewildering. [/quote] Maybe, and I would say some of my negative comments are justified and some are just me being pissed off. Blue
  16. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1454274812' post='2968206'] Absolutely agree. He's by far my favorite member of The Stones. It was interesting to hear about his love of reggae, something I never knew about. My favorite line was "rock and roll? I prefer to roll". A very cool cat [/quote] I'm going to watch it again tonight. They sunk a lot of $$ into this docu. Blue
  17. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1454236839' post='2967667'] We have minimum wage in Britain. In America (particularly waiters/barstaff) they are paid under the minimum wage with the assumption that they'll make enough tips to bring them up over that minimum. [/quote] True, however I'm going to tip a good waiter or waitress regardless of their hourly wage.Their base wage could be $25.00 per hour, I'm still going to leave a tip. Blue
  18. [quote name='AustinArto' timestamp='1454260569' post='2967957'] Now you're straying into 'Get off my lawn' territory. As someone with your rock pedigree should know, the kids are alright. [/quote] Yeah, I know I'm in "Get Off My Lawn" territory.It's nothing I'm proud of. It's just that I see a lot negative comments from the younger generation on some of the masters. My only complaint is negative comments based on little to no knowledge about icons like Tom Jones. The old "I Just Don't like It Comment" is a little thin to me. If an artist or a song doesn't resonate or connect with me, I'm going to be equipped to explain why. Blue
  19. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1453634393' post='2961168'] Awful in a word. Unusually it was booked through an agent - one of the few times we've use one in years. Had no idea of the audience which turned out to be a Masonic "social" night. We play a mainly soul/funk set which i suspect isnt their usual diet - the room was really bright, the peeps were really white and them and us just wasn't a good match. At one point a few people danced but i think they really wanted to hear Dire Straits, Chris Rea etc. On the upside the hotel manager used to work cruises, understood the biz and provided great food, salmon, club sandwiches, coffee, tea and water and was a nice fella. You win some and in this case you lose some. [/quote] A few years ago we made the mistake of taking a gig at a country music venue because the band booked cancelled. Were a 70s style rock and blues band. Nothing much of any good happened that night. The pay was decent. Blue
  20. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1454188701' post='2967432'] The coolest bass is a Thunderbird. But they are, for me, the most uncomfortable basses ever made so I don`t play one. [/quote] I have heard that from others. I don't get it at all. I'm 6' tall and I sometimes gig with my 1991 Gibson Thunderbird. I just sling it over my shoulder. It doesn't feel any different than any other bass to me. And I have no clue as to what all this business about something called "neck dive" is. Blue
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1454200765' post='2967538'] In general (there are always exceptions...), the very concept of tipping is antithetical to most Britons, I'd suggest. [/quote] Yup, a cultural thing. Me, if a $100.00 night turns into $125.00 I'm cool with that. The bar band business is a hustle. Blue
  22. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1453973947' post='2964742'] Blue, having to got to know something about your taste in music, I heartily recommend the Keith Richards documentary, 'Under The Influence', and the Wrecking Crew film mentioned above. I think you'll enjoy them [/quote] Watched it last night.Loved it. I've been a fan for 50 years.Keith is a musicians musician. He seemed honest and not full of himself. Loved his position on the great Chicago blues men. Blue
  23. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1453908601' post='2964091'] The Jug is basically a tips jar for the band. A bit like the busker's hat. [/quote] Here in the States most bar bands have a tip jar strtigically placed. We have ours next to our cds and merch. With an engaged crowd that tip jar is an extra $25.00 each. We never pass the tip jar around. I understand bands in England look down on tip jar use. Blue
  24. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1453969139' post='2964688'] Look at the roadworns - pretty much identical [/quote] Yeah, if a Fender Road Worn has a ding or blemish next to the input Jack, they all do. You could buy a real vintage bass with natural real age. Or If you travel and gig enough, you'll have an authentic aged bass. Not something you paid for to make you look like you have something you don't really have. Blue
  25. We have a lot of interesting responses to the initial question. For me, nothing will ever take the place of gigging. I'll do it until I'm physically unable to. When that happens I'm done. I'm not into teaching, recording, writing or production. The pay off for me and the reason I play happens on stage and nowhere else. Blue
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