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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1453933092' post='2964494'] There has always been kids who are not interested in seeing live music. In my youth they would have headed for the nearest disco! You are right that there is a new 60+ market for live music. The rock and roll generation(s) have grown up but they have no intention of growing old...[/quote] Pete you nailed it. Look at all the money my generation Is spending on the Flower Power or Happy Together Caribbean cruises. My friend Vance Brecia,guitarist ,backing vocals and musical director for Hermans Hermits told me those 60s oldy tours are making tons of cash. Blue
  2. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1453936276' post='2964539'] I understand what you're saying there and I don't of course dispute if it was like that for you but I have to say I never when I was a teenager/twenties in the 60s and 70s did it feel like only rock mattered. Rock was one thing but I was always also into blues, country, soul, ska, reggae, folk, jazz, ... just music really. And there was always plenty of rock I really did not like and still don't. [/quote] Blues and rock are so closely linked, to me those two are one in the same. When I hear blues I can hear rock, when I hear rock, I can hear blues. Blue
  3. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1453937582' post='2964567'] I love the fact that you don't mind being a curmudgeon though Don't worry Blue, I've now reached the stage where I follow the mantra "You have to grow old, but you don't have to grow up" [/quote] Some of us grow older, like me. Some grow old (count me out on that). Blue
  4. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1453932316' post='2964483'] To be frank, it seems more like that you are trolling someone by repeatedly accusing them of trolling! I don't think that Blue is right on this subject but it is a legitimate topic for discussion... [/quote] I don't think I have a concrete position,only that my rock and roll is not relevant to the younger generation.And that really doesn't mean much. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Seems like it happened "sooner". I was looking at some really old Deep Purple videos last night. I loved it,but it did look ancient. Blue
  5. I just got Net Flix, lots to check out. Blue
  6. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1453886948' post='2963704'] I mean writing & recording projects, which is what has always been my main interest. I never liked gigging, even when I was doing a lot of it. I have no desire to be an entertainer, I just want to be involved making music that I like. I've worked on studio projects for songwriters that I've really enjoyed, but have turned down the offer of playing the same music live with those songwriters after the recording has been completed. I'm about to get involved in the music for a film that is being made locally. I won't make any money from it & I doubt if many people will even see the film when it's finished, but I'm far more excited about doing it than I ever was about playing live. [/quote] Totally get that. Gigging is not for everyone. Neither is writing and recording. Blue
  7. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1453931000' post='2964461'] I like that I play in a few jazz bands. The guys in the one are aged between 74 and 84. The 84 year old is an amazing jazz guitarist, his stamina is something to behold. I'm the youngest by 37 years. Proves you're never too old. [/quote] My Mom passed at 84 years of age. She knew more about Rock and Roll than me. She never got old. Old is a state of mind. I would bet there are 30 something's here older than me by my definition. Blue
  8. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1453931063' post='2964463'] Nah, the Blue that we know here on Basschat is no troll. [/quote] Depends on how you define trolling. I might post something specifically to get a reaction or response. But not to start a war or put someone down. Blue
  9. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1453883867' post='2963672'] Don't fall into the trap that Basschat is representative of most gigging musicians in the UK. There are still plenty of opportunities for playing live, just not as many as there were a few years ago. The main factor for this is the number of venues / pubs that are struggling to keep going for a number of reasons. But there is still an audience out there for a decent band! [/quote] A decent rock and roll band? Blue
  10. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1453905135' post='2964044'] Yes to the above - one of my wife's best friends son is a young (21) hip hop artist who is often now on Radio 1. He also gigs a lot, and his current mini tour has sold out in some places. His gigging future seems quite bright! [/quote] So, your saying the future of bar rock and roll is hip hop? It might be, I don't know. Blue
  11. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1453904196' post='2964028'] That's not really fair. Blue has his share of being an old curmudgeon but not with this one. He has clearly set this out as a response to many threads that have bemoaned the demise of the gig circuit, and asked some very straight, pertinent questions, which have had some great replies. [/quote] Guys, I'm not old, I'm merely older. I'll never be old. Blue
  12. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1453904364' post='2964032'] Looks like a troll thread to me. [/quote] Did you read my initial post? Blue
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1453929427' post='2964427'] It sounds to me that they leave 'cos you are a bunch of old gits. They are looking for young people to shag later on. It's not the music, it's you. So why do you keep moaning about them leaving? [/quote] I'm not moaning about it. Merely stating a fact. By the way our band leader, lead guitar and front person is 29 year old female. Also no one in our band is old. Blue
  14. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1453903472' post='2964016'] What's all this? Ah, just another 'ageing troll shakes fist at modern world' thread. Move on, nothing to see here. [/quote] Not at all, I've always embraced the modern world. And on The gigging front, I'm one of the lucky ones. My band has plenty of business. Blue
  15. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1453903426' post='2964015'] As to the gigging question. I think I've been a composer first and a player second pretty much always. For me the instrument was a way to get the ideas in my head out. I don't NEED gigging for that, I just need a way to record it. Whether anyone else hears me play is completely not a factor in whether I'll play bass/guitar/doublebass/whatever in the future. I'll play because I can't imagine not doing. [/quote] So, you've never asked anyone to listen to one of your recorded songs? Blue
  16. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1453903253' post='2964010'] They're likely doing their own stuff at the venues that allow them. I remember when I was in my 20s and I hated cover bands that played music I saw as "old people music". The cycle continues. [/quote] Agreed Blue
  17. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1453896974' post='2963910'] Here, here. In the blues band I play in I'm the baby at 55yrs old. The drummer is 71 (and bloody good) and the two guitarists are in their mid 60s. We all love playing and rarely get less than 3 or 4 encores. The originals band I play is busy becoming a power trio after our singer left. We fully intend to be out there as soon as we have the material sorted. [/quote] Cool story, My band is a 70s style hard rock and blues band. We have been together for 10 years and play around 75 shows annually. We still attract and have a loyal following of the 60+ demographic. When the 20 somethings wonder into one of our shows they leave immediately. That's fine, we're lucky, we don't need their business. So the point is, those of us still playing Rock and roll have to work hard on marketing to that 60+ market. A lot of us are still in great shape,we look great and were not settling for that rocking chair yet. Blue
  18. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1453905135' post='2964044'] Yes to the above - one of my wife's best friends son is a young (21) hip hop artist who is often now on Radio 1. He also gigs a lot, and his current mini tour has sold out in some places. His gigging future seems quite bright! [/quote] I'm not going to seek the advice of a 21 year old on the future of rock and roll being played live in clubs. I'm not sure rock and roll is even relevant to most 21 year olds. Blue
  19. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1453907065' post='2964063'] I'm seeing more and more that I'm in the minority here. Music and playing is in my blood and if I didn't do music in at least one form it'd be like not eating. Other people and money really aren't a factor. [/quote] Music always involves money and other people. Unless your strictly a bedroom player. Blue
  20. [quote name='probablypike' timestamp='1453877769' post='2963627'] I'm surprised how downbeat some people are sounding about live music on this thread. I've heard that for the first time since recorded music was widely available, artists are making comparatively more money through live gigs than ever before. I'm guessing how popular dance and electronic music is atm must've had an impact on the amount of opportunities for traditional live musicians, but there's definitely plenty of healthy new music scenes around. On a side note, there are plenty of people making a career out of music without leaving their bedroom now. (See youtube/bandcamp/soundcloud.) I also don't think this is having a negative effect on people's interest in live music either. If anything, the opposite. As a 23 year old, I can 100% tell you that young people are interested in live music. With all due respect, if you're not seeing them at shows, it's not because they're not going to shows, it's because they're not going to the same ones as you. [/quote] I'll have to disagree. And remember I'm talking about local level bar bands playing rock. Sure lots of young people are going out to see Passion Pit and Interpole. But that's not local level and it's not bar rock as a matter it's not even rock. Maybe I should have said, younger people as a rule have little interest in rock and roll at the local bar/pub level. Blue
  21. 63 next month, started gigging at age 12. If anything, I've learned that I'm very different from the younger generations of bass players. In terms of why I started to play, my influences and what continues to drive me to gig. Blue
  22. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1452639908' post='2952023'] In pain. Obviously. Warrington. [/quote] Great look! Blue
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1453859827' post='2963603'] I'm likely to be gigging a lot more this year than ever before... purely from taking a step sideways from one genre to another. Though I think there will likely always be work for high-end wedding, function and event bands... which are generally covers bands of course. Been there and done that. I don't think it's just a problem with bands, I think it's across all the arts... people of a certain age don't think a performance is 'real' or valid unless it has been photographed, videoed, tagged, tweeted, disseminated and uploaded to YouTube to see if it's really 'popular'. Which is a great shame as this means no-one lives in the present any more. I meet people who insist on showing me their holiday pics and I wonder what the hell did they do apart from taking lots of holiday pics..? [/quote] I know, everything is digital, everything is streaming. Is there anything real around here anymore? Blue
  24. [quote name='Jecklin' timestamp='1453857177' post='2963599'] I know things are different in the states, but my reaction would be the same if I walked into a pub and saw a band playing covers of music I wasn't remotely interested in. I would pay them no attention at all I'm afraid and would probably move on to an establishment with no music or playing music I did care for. Rock is just one of many genres of music. The drive to gig for those I know (admittedly all playing original music, none playing rock per se) is to connect with their audience. [/quote] I guess I get that. I'm pretty much the same about most originals bands. If I walked into a club and heard uninteresting original music, I'm afraid I would also move on. Blue
  25. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1453857073' post='2963597'] I'm not sure that you're 'into' wisdom; it may be too early yet, but could I respectfully suggest that, sooner or later, and certainly sooner than you'd like, gigging, and even playing the bass at all, will no longer be an option. The old 'Hope I die before I get old' and 'Pegging out on stage' are all well and good, but it very, very rarely works out that way. There is still time to seriously sit yourself down, maybe with folks close to you, and work out an 'exit strategy', to be called upon in due course. Other interests..? If there are none, see if any could be envisaged. Finances..? Work out any impact and see how to adjust. Keeping as fit and active as the years permit..? How about looking into fitness clubs or the like. Write up your memoires and get 'em published ("Life in Blue and other stories"..? No..? Think up your own...). Retirement comes to us all, and is, for many, a shock to the system. The best time to get accustomed is beforehand, while there is still time. Too sombre..? Not to be thought about..? Maybe. Not yet. Not quite, but soon. You won't be doing what you're doing in 30 years time. Just sayin'; respect. [/quote] Well, I belong to and go to a fitness club almost daily. But I consider it a part of gigging or preparation for gigging. Blue
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