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Everything posted by blue

  1. No, never have. It's something I want to change Blue
  2. A lot of you guys are busy, I was in the same circumstance when I was in that age range.I was married with 2 small children. Now, divorced, the children have graduated from university and are out on their own. It's really is great being retired and single. I do everything I want and when I want If I want to go to bed at 5:00am and get up late in the afternoon then that's what I'm going to do. Life is to short, especially when guys my age are seeing our mates drop off like flies. Blue
  3. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1453063757' post='2956117'] Up at 5.45, practise 5.50 - 6.50 with a cup of tea and no amp. Everyday without fail, nothing gets in the way. [/quote] Nice routine. I usually break out one of my basses around 1:00am and go at it for about 2 hours. Blue
  4. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1453043940' post='2955869'] I've gone my entire life without knowingly listening to any Greatfull Dead and those 2 clips have only confirmed why I avoided them. I'm coming to the conclusion that my musical blind spots aren't blind spots merely my subconscious is perfectly tuned to knowing what I won't like. [/quote] I'll say one thing about The Dead.They broke up years ago, Jerry Garcia has passed away years ago, yet people are still traveling all over the world to see them. I don't know what it is, but they must have done something right. Blue
  5. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1453028100' post='2955609'] That's a musical blind spot of mine. Where would one start with the Grateful Dead? [/quote] Yes, they would be at the top of my blind spot list too. Blue
  6. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1452983310' post='2955378'] You already replied to this one Blue, on the previous page. Anywaaaay.... I don't think anybody did bad mouth The Beatles did they? [/quote] Yes, but to me, even when a young person says " I don't get what all the fuss was about" I consider that bad mouthing. If you weren't there how could you possibly understand what the fuss was about. I'm also wondering since being on bass chat if The Beatles were more important to us Yanks than they were to the English, Blue
  7. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1452275391' post='2948451'] Saying Hendrix isn't relevant is like saying the Beatles aren't relevant. [/quote] I agree, all I'm saying is I have seen a lot of nonsensical remarks on bass chat about The Beatles and Hendrix,from members thet were too young to to have been there at the time.For some their parents were evenvtoo young. I love the stuff and I still say if you weren't there you will never fully understand what was happening. Blue
  8. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1452263106' post='2948221'] Blue - do you actually think Hendrix is no longer relevant or are you just agreeing to get people to shut up? He died before I was born but both him as a musician and the whole band as a collective are a huge influence on me and are clearly identifiable as influences on a lot of other musicians that I listen to. I don't think I'd like going to a gig where no one was influenced him/them. [/quote] I just said that to agree with all the Hendrix haters. Someone here told me my influences from the 60s and 70s were no longer relevant. So, I was like, cool yeah, I get it, none of the music I grew up with is relevant. Just a few weeks ago we had guys in here ripping on Jaco. Me, I an not going to rip on any bands or artists. I will say this again ; I thank my lucky stars I was born in 1953. Read whatever you want into that. Blue
  9. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1452978568' post='2955337'] The 1975 did this recently which I reckon was definitely inspired by 'Sledgehammer' amongst other 80s stuff. Okay, the video is not quite in the same league..[/quote] Loved it. Blue
  10. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1452878482' post='2954412'] Why do you keep bringing up Megadeth? I mentioned Zeppelin, the stones, velvet underground etc. Look, no offence meant, I understand how influenced you are by The Beatles and I totally get that. But your view on more recent bands such as Nirvana echoes exactly the view some people expressed in this thread of 'the greats' of the 60's, which is a view you took exception to. I've listened to hundreds of Beatles songs. My mum used to play her Beatles LP's to me when I was a kid. I grew up listening to these songs. But, when I got to about the age of 11, I discovered my Dad's Black Sabbath LP's and found it much more exciting. The Beatles I find 'ok'. I understand their influence and I respect them as songwriters but I'm not greatly moved by their music. But all the 'greats' , yours, mine, and everyone else's in this thread would have been nothing without the blues musicians from the early 1900's, we should recognise that at least. [/quote] I don't have any views on Nirvana, other than I'm not familiar enough with their work to have an opinion one way or the other. I never bad mouthed Nirvana, that's the difference. Blue
  11. [quote name='kusee pee' timestamp='1452964892' post='2955182'] Good thread. Particularly the bit where Blue lost the plot for a while 😉[/quote] I wasn't the only one. Blue
  12. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1452643184' post='2952063'] I tend to use jam nights to get my frustrations out of my system and play stuff my band can't do.... with a built-in receptive audience. You could do that with like-minded people and build up a set and then see if you can manage two bands or not. [/quote] Not in Milwaukee. Blue
  13. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1452877594' post='2954400'] I took a couple of my basses into a local shop for a minor set up and to have the nut re-cut, and was talking to the guy behind the counter about one of the basses that I was thinking of selling and he offered to sell it for me. Apart from the obvious commission for the shop what are the pros and cons of doing this?[/quote] Over here, the most you'll get from a shop is about 50% less then what you could get selling good bass on your own. Blue
  14. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1452895332' post='2954629'] I think it's more about big bands that have totally gone under your radar (ie you don't know the first thing about their music), rather than bands you've checked out and not liked. [/quote] Bruce Springsteen, and I'm from Jersey. Great performer, but I never got what his thing was. Blue
  15. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1452860290' post='2954144'] Musical blind spots I wish I had ; u2 , Genesis , yes, Madonna , Bob Dylan , razor light , Kings of Leon , bloc party ,early Beatles ( I think the stuff they did when out if fly heir skulls was better ) ,def leppard , Bruce Springsteen , van Morrison , dire straits , bee gees ( before disco stuff they were OK ) & guns and roses. Edith Piaf . Sorry if I offend . I have listened to the above , and seen a few of the names mentioned , but I tried. My bosses played a few of the bands above also numerous times, boring the crap out of me . Blue ..if you mentioned Motörhead instead of megadeath ( lemmy) in your opening posts above , you wouldn't have got as much flack as you did IMHO . Just saying;) It's a bit like me saying Paul mc cartney was a great player with the yardbirds . No offence meant , just surprised you didn't know how big an icon lemmy is/ was;) This thread is good tho '. TBH , I can't really think of any blind spots I've experienced except maybe King Crimson . Heard about 2 tracks . Levin is a legend obviously , but I just haven't got round to doing so . Yet. [/quote] I guess you have a point. Whenever I saw a Lemmy interview I listened and I liked the guy and his perspective on rock n roll. I guess my interest was more philosophical. I got the name of the band wrong, anyone else ever make a big mistake? Blue
  16. What makes a pro will always be subject for debate. However, every one can adapt a pro attitude. Blue
  17. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1452898569' post='2954669'] These are basically ideal for P shape bodies at home or as a stage stand. Mine has done okay but they are no good at all if the shape of the bass is in anyway not symetrical. [/quote] Like the Gibson Thunderbird. Blue
  18. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1452516763' post='2950651'] I got a Zoom B1on a few months ago which I use for practising through headphones. The drum presets & effects are great but it's the 30 sec looper (which I originally thought was a bit of a gimmick) which has changed the way I practice. The ability to instantly play back what I've been playing and properly hear the bits where I might be a bit weaker or have sloppy technique has been absolutely invaluable, I feel like it's given me a proper insight into which areas need improvement, especially on my slap technique which it turns out is nowhere near as clean & precise as I'd like it to be. [/quote] I been practicing with headphones and a Korg Pandora 4x. Sounds like I should buy this Zoom B1. The recording function sounds like it would help me too. Blue
  19. [quote name='william64' timestamp='1452693068' post='2952482'] Hi Ballstomonty, it seems there is similarity between two of us. I am 52 in March, nevertheless, I know there is still enough space for my improvement. As I couldn't see a noticeable improvement within last years and I didn't know how to practise effectively I decided to find a bass teacher[/quote] I'm 62, started playing bass guitar in 1966. For me, improvement came from practicing, gigging 2-3 times a week and I still take lessons and probably always will. Blue
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1452515800' post='2950632'] Write a list of what you want to do, then make a timetable, apportioning time for each thing that you want to do, but be realistic when doing it. 15, or 20 minutes each day will soon add up.[/quote] That's a good suggestion. I would stay away from practicing the fun stuff you already know.Practice in your area of weakness or where you know your challenged. Blue
  21. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1452518144' post='2950683'] +1. I only ever pick the bass up to learn a new song. If that requires learning a new technique I'll "practice" until I get the song right (or drop the song and realise the limit of my ability). [/quote] Is this a new protocol for the new generation of bass players, not practicing. Or is it mainly those that are too busy with other things in life, those that are so good they never need to practice or those that really have no interest in improving? I usually can get 2 hours a day in. Practicing has always been part of the craft for me. Blue
  22. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1452878482' post='2954412'] Why do you keep bringing up Megadeth? I mentioned Zeppelin, the stones, velvet underground etc. [/quote] My error when I mentioned Megadeth I actually meant Motorhead. We're not that far apart and I understand how The Beatles aren't as relevant to all of us in the same way for different reason. Blue
  23. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1452862271' post='2954165'] Good question Tim I don't think they were that big a deal until the 90s, when Metallica / slayer/ anthrax ( even megadeth) sited them as a huge influence . [/quote] I believe those bands are considered the Big 4. Blue
  24. Yeah, maybe the seller was super hurting for cash and sold to whoever got the cash in his hands first. Blue
  25. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1452854376' post='2954054'] I'd agree with this, certainly from my own experience. Even when I discover something new that I like these days it never has the impact on me that music had between the ages you mention. Those were the ages when music really was the most important & exciting thing in my life, the closest I ever got to a religion I suppose.[/quote] Agreed, probably true for most. I guess I never grew up. Probably the reason I can be so misunderstood along with being more obsessive than most guys. Music is still the most important and exciting thing in my life.It's brought me pretty close to an "out of body" experience. I'm still calling up my buddies playing some new record or playing some new riff over the phone. When I'm getting ready for a gig on a Friday or Saturday night it's like I'm still 17. But I guess that's wrong too. Blue
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