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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1452824081' post='2953890'] I did offer to buy it on the spot! But he said he out on wed and Thursday. And a suitable time would be Saturday so that was arranged we agreed on 1pm he gave me his address etc. I told him I wanted it etc I said I would pay his asking price. We also arranged for Friday but something came up and he wasn't available at that time fair enough. But can see why I feel messed about I will be honest I've had to pull out of deals myself as a buyer, but I've not had as solid of plans in place to do the deal I best sleep [/quote] Then it probably wasn't meant to be. I bet you find another bass you like if not more than the one that got away. Blue
  2. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1452822259' post='2953885'] I was offering him the asking price. He give me his home address etc we had reached a sold date and time. This is what annoys me, I was first in line. If I give someone my address and arranged a day and date. I would let them know that the item was for sale elsewhere or others are interested. And if it could be sold elsewhere I certainly wouldn't make arrangements for someone to around my house or give them my address etc. Anyhow I'm over it..... Ah no I'm not lol. Actually I'm ok I'm ok [/quote] I think this was a fluke and in the future if your really sold and know there is no history of electrical or neck repair or damage just offer to buy it on the spot. Blue
  3. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1452812537' post='2953831'] I was originally looking at the Hercules Mini. [/quote] I have 2 Hercules on stage at all times. They're built well and are really secure. My Gibson Thunderbird and some of my other basses wouldn't even fit in the stage legend. That stand looks like it would be cool at home. It certainly doesn't look like it would offer much security at bar or pub gigs where other forces will come into play. Like blind drunk punters. Blue
  4. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1452808913' post='2953789'] Given I was talking about some of the biggest and most influential bands of all time, some might describe that as ignorance. Funny old world, eh? [/quote] I have never heard Megadef and only 1 Nirvana song. However, I know enough history to know both bands had a huge influence.And I understand what the big fuss was about them.So no I'm not completely ignorant. Funny old world, eh? Blue
  5. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1452804176' post='2953734'] There comes a point when other things in your life take over and somehow you stop listening to "current" music. I sadly fall into that category so that's my blind spot. I was brought up on a diet of blues from my pro piano playing dad but fortunately he had a really eclectic library of music which i came to enjoy with literally thousands of cassettes (used to get bootlegged ones from the Middle East). Me and my drummer brother would get stoned and pick random cassettes from the collection and have a listen. Dad and his collection introduced me to Johnny Guitar Watson, Donald Fagen, Stax, Chess, Horace Silver, Charlie Parker, Fatback Band - just loads of great stuff. All that said, classical is another blind spot as is all the types of metal (runs for cover) and reggae isn't on any playlist. That said, if there were a fee involved, my blind spot would soon disappear.[/quote] I listen to as much new music as I can and some of the new music is relevant to me. For me music gets in the way of life,not the other way around. I've always chose music. Blind spot,Opera. I don't dislike it,I don't understand it. Blue
  6. [quote name='dand666' timestamp='1452790204' post='2953555'] Dude Im gonna Spotify them right now lol It's weird for me I just really love listening to music. All of it, new, old, heavy, trippy, sludgy, upbeat, slow e.t.c Nothing more amazing for me than to put on a new record and fall in love with it. You guys are right, sometimes I might listen to something and it's not for me :-) [/quote] Now, that's cool. Saying a band isn't for you after you've had a listen. Blue
  7. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1452764488' post='2953147'] I'm not sure what you mean by that[/quote] It means I never just say I don't like this band or that band without knowing anything about the band, artist or their music.But that's just me. Blue
  8. [quote name='dand666' timestamp='1452774951' post='2953315'] I think I've got being a pro bass player down to the fact that I listen and like everything. Open minded about everything and enjoy playing everything. [/quote] I like this. Blue
  9. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1452691284' post='2952447'] A recent discovery for me - Cheap Trick. I've always been aware of them but never knew their music - apart from a couple on various 'Rock' compilations. I now have an entire back catalogue to work through - so far it's been an utter joy.[/quote] And you discovered an underrated treasure. Great band they use to play dances at my university before they hit it big with Budakon. I also met Rick Neilson a few years ago. He was standing next to me in front of the stage at a Jeff Beck Show. Blue
  10. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1452725688' post='2952988'] But if you don't like them Blue, I won't call you ignorant or assume it's because you were too old when they broke through. My dad loves them and he's 62. And he likes Bowie. Go figure.[/quote] I know nothing about those bands, so I can't intelligently say if I like them or not. Key phrase, " I know nothing about them" Blue
  11. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1452610897' post='2951623'] It's got well out of hand. There is a doubleneck 6/4 on another page... [/quote] I see that Lake Placid Blue Vintage Series MIJ Squire. Cool bass. Blue
  12. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1452691941' post='2952459'] So what? You do know you were not in the Beatles and had no influence in anything they did don't you? [/quote] Yes, I do. But I tend to be little obsessive. Blue
  13. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1452688407' post='2952399'] So you're demanding that everyone should know about bands from the sixties, but also claim that unless you're old enough to have been there then it's not possible? You basically want to be considered superior because of your age. You also show a huge, gaping ignorance of modern music. But that's ok, we can't expect you to know everything about modern music, especially at your age. It's perfectly OK for you to have a favourite musical era, and play music from whenever you like. But if everyone was how you seem to expect them to be, music would never evolve. If you say that we wouldn't have modern music without such and such a band, but then claim that modern music isn't nearly as good, what does that really say about that band's influence? No one here knocks you for what you like and play. Please do us the same courtesy. [/quote] You've missed my entire point. I don't want the OPs thread shut down. So I'm done with this thread. Superior, no, not at all. Luckier, definitely. Blue
  14. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1452687785' post='2952384'] A bunch of the young (16-20) bands local to me are really into the beatles and borrowing lots from them in their song writing. So, maybe you don't know what you're talking about? [/quote] Maybe, however I don't believe your story about these young bands. Blue
  15. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1452687720' post='2952381'] I'm laughing in utter disbelief at this guy! [/quote] I have no problem with that. Blue
  16. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1452687425' post='2952376'] How do you know everyone's age? I'm 31, so I've no idea whether I'm included in that bracket or not, but I'm still wound up by your post. There are many reasons why lots of attention was focussed on a small number of songwriters in "your day", compared with a greater/thinner spread of attention over more songwriters today. What is certain is that there is still original music being written, music is still evolving, and people are still finding new kinds of music to enjoy. With the greatest of respect to "the greats" (not that they'd care), I'm so f***ing glad we're not all stuck in the 60s, and I'm certain that most of them would agree. [/quote] I don't know everyone's age. Even 50 is too young to understand the 60s and the greats from that era. I'm sure there's still great material being written today. But IMO not as great as The 60s and 70s. Blue
  17. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1452687082' post='2952371'] Well, you can't really escape Paul McArtney here. But you still would have to actively listen to the Beatles back catalogue to get into them and understand the music. That's not something I need to do. It's not being ignorant, it's being pragmatic in my approach to what I listen to. The thread is about which bands are you aware of that are very big and influential but who you haven't actively listened to. It's not about who is or isn't being ignorant. [/quote] Then I would suggest not commenting on The Beatles. I had nothing negative to say about Motorhead or Lemmy. I know what and how the younger generation feels about The Beatles. You can't fool me. Blue
  18. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1452686540' post='2952358'] They're hugely influential. Span several decades (unlike the Beatles).[/quote] How about this, if there was no Beatles there never would have been a Motorhead. Plus, the Beatles did what takes most bands decades in a few short years. Blue
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1452686540' post='2952358'] The point is Motörhead was the name of the band, not Megadeath. They're hugely influential. Span several decades (unlike the Beatles). They've made more than 5 albums. They're an artist you should have actively listened to. Especially as your band play classic rock. I suggest they may well be a blind spot. No one has called you ignorant. Yet. [/quote] Not a blind spot at all. I got the name of the band wrong. However, I think I got the year right. Plus my point was merely that I watched a lot of Lemmys interviews and I liked him as well as his perspective on rock and roll. Not sure what your getting at. Blue
  20. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1452685838' post='2952343'] So you like and respect one of the greats. Nothing wrong with that. So, out of respect you should know a bit about him, right? So, what band did Lemmy start in the mid 70s?[/quote] I thought he started the band in 1975. I could be wrong and what if I am? I still like him. Blue
  21. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1452685592' post='2952337'] Insisting that everyone should think the way you do, is [i]not[/i] being broad minded.[/quote] Not at all. Just because I am not afraid to challenge someone's opinion or comment doesn't mean they should think the way I do about anything. Blue
  22. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1452685171' post='2952328'] Oh, I know what you're trying to say, I just think that post shows that you fail to live up to what you preach. It's called hypocrisy.[/quote] What I wad saying in case it was missed. I like Lemmy. Is there something wrong about that? Blue
  23. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1452685115' post='2952327'] You taking the piss? [/quote] No, just a rant. I've been very disappointed in some of the criticisms and narrow mindedness displayed on bass chat recently. Blue
  24. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1452683354' post='2952295'] There is a difference between a band or artist passing you by as in the OPs case and hearing a band or artist and deliberately giving them a swerve, personally I'm not really a Beatles fan as it doesn't stir my soul how other bands do and I find Jaco stuff to be aimless noodling! I have become more of a fan of Fleetwood Mac recently than I was when they were more current, they passed me by rather than me not liking them the first time. [/quote] I'm sort of glad I'm not as critical, ignorant and as narrow as some of you guys. Blue
  25. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1452684634' post='2952313'] Are you being sarcastic? If you're going to continue with the elitist attitude, you really should get your facts straight. Y'know, out of respect an' all. [/quote] My facts can be challenged, However I think you get my point. Blue
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