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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1451865594' post='2944229'] "Don't know where I parked my car" "Can't be arsed" - sacked "I've lost my voice" - sacked, rehearsal on a Monday, spent all weekend at gigs wasted (and showing off about this on Facebook) imagine if I'd spent all week punching walls... "I've got a date..." - ridiculous [/quote] A date, funny. Lol I tell every woman interested in me. Fine as long as you know your always going to be number 2 in my life. Music and my band will always be number 1. Blue
  2. I think we have all heard the "I didn't have time to learn the songs, but let's give it a go anyway" You know, for the vets with years of experience, some can pull that off, but not all of them. Blue
  3. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1451904012' post='2944354'] Well, my objective in getting together with other musicians is to try and make some interesting music. That's [i]my[/i] reason, if anyone has others, that's great too ! [/quote] This whole "make things Interesting" is a little odd.I say make good music and leave it at that. We have a nice loyal following and these folks are not looking for " interesting " ,they're looking to have fun and so are we. I think "interesting" has it's place. Usually that place is the bedroom or if your playing to a seated audience in theater. Over here in the States, bar crowds don't want "interesting". I love it when I see our 60 year olds smile when we start an old Peter Greene or Savoy Brown tune. They feel young again. Blue
  4. [quote name='vmaxblues' timestamp='1451920274' post='2944582'] A great fun night, didn't seem to be as many around as previously, but plenty enough in! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy6hJxlz9HU [/quote] Good sounding band. Blue
  5. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1451870755' post='2944245'] Almost every band I've been in has been started purely to try and make interesting music. Adverts in shops or online, getting together in practice rooms, people bringing ideas, working them out, honing the songs, maybe the odd person coming and going. Play a few gigs, write more songs, see what happens. Enjoy the process. Once or twice that process has led to a modicum of (relative) success, and almost everyone had day jobs. Little thought for the market or the audience....just enjoying making music. Seems like a damn good way of spending your time if you ask me.[/quote] It's not a good way or the way some of us want to spend our time. We also put a lot of work, ideas and creativity into this but are looking for more in return.. Even those of us on the other side of the fence are constantly trying to make music interesting. However We want to not only make it interesting and fun for us as musicians, we also want the end product to be fun and interesting for an audience. However, when we present the finished product to an audience at a gig and it works, that's our reward and we love It's when we make that connection the magic happens. For others It's merely the sole opportunity to make music.The simple enjoyment of making music. Some of us need and want more than that. Remember, I can't argue that there is not room for both approaches, because i think there is. Blue
  6. [quote name='odysseus' timestamp='1451737405' post='2942906'] Well it can be fun for sure. I don't know about creative, unless your doing some sort of reinterpretation. Creative to me means bringing something new to the table. Also, your quote above seems to link creativity and fun to money - I'm not sure if that was your intention or not. Creativity and writing of music is an important part of being a musician for many, but not all. It's what you want it to be. No excuses required. Some of us don't need to get involved in some sort of 'competition' where the number of gigs in the diary decides the winner. I guess it's a part of the hobby element of music that many of us enjoy. I also surf, cycle and lift weights, but I don't expect to compete and get paid for that either. Similar principle. It doesn't matter what other people think as long as you're getting what you want out of it. Music for me is a hobby. For you it is a job. The dynamics are different. If you want to take it as a slap in the face, that's entirely up to you, but that isn't the way it was intended. Different strokes for different folks and all that. As long as we're playing and enjoying it, it's all good IMO [/quote] Well yeah that's how I see it. Some chose this as a hobby and some chose to do it for a living. Although with me it was a "calling" not a choice. What I have a problem with is the snobbery expressed by some. Like, "I have a real job and don't need the money" Funny, I never see any of these guys that dont need the money turning it down When they are handed their cut. And by the way, anytime any if us picks up a bass and starts playing it's creative as far as I'm concerned. This notion that creativity is limited to those performing original material is rubbish as far as I'm concerned. Blue
  7. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1451723865' post='2942698'] I would urge you not to take this so personally , perhaps see it like a guy who loves cabinet making in his garage at weekends , but doesn't do it as a professional during the week.[/quote] No, these guys are trying to get a dig in on those of out here struggling.It always comes across as: "I have straight gig and don't need the money. I'm better than you." So, no I don't and won't see it as or compare it to a guy making cabinets as a hobby. I'm certainly not going to get up in someone's face and say I figured out a way to do this for a living and you couldn't. Blue
  8. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1451825425' post='2943693'] Royalties from record sales weren't paying much more than she'd have got from a regular office job.[/quote] That in itself sounds great. Collecting royalties as opposed to straight gig making someone else rich. Blue
  9. None, if we rehearse 6 times a year it would surprise me. Blue
  10. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1451480507' post='2940793'] For me, unless you are mates (or become mates in the 1st year) egos could get in the way.[/quote] Being mates is great especially when your young. For older guys 60+,were pretty much set with mates. I still find the strictly business model with no hang as the best way to avoid interpersonal issues. Over here, after I've performed 8-12 hours with you,I don't really need to see any more of you. Blue
  11. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1451698567' post='2942652'] Thats pretty interesting! How good and well known are your mates who are grossing one million? This isn't a dig at all btw, im hust curious because if he wasn't well known but still making a big amount thrn i reckon thats pretty cool! Is he way better thsn us as bassists? [/quote] Good question, the only cat making that kind of money as a side man would be Daryl Jones. Blue
  12. [quote name='KK Jale' timestamp='1451691075' post='2942611'] I'm not sure the OP is talking about originals at all, average or not - folk and obscure funk covers were mentioned. I'd say do it. I once formed a band doing strictly obscure Stax songs (all Commitments-type material was totally banned). We got decent local gigs and within six months we were playing a show in France to 2000 people. The project didn't last: the horn section were a problem, a singer had personal issues. But it was cool, and popular, and musically exciting, and it could have done well. I think your viewpoint is narrow and I'd guess that almost every song in your set was written and popularised by a hard-working band who did NOT go out with the attitude you do. Respectfully: you are a follower. I'm 90 per cent that way myself. [/quote] Hmmmmm, seems like I remember when The Beatles and The Stones we're cover bands. I'd say my view point is vast.All originals bands are not the same and neither are cover bands. By the way my 70s style rock & blues band has released 2 CD s of all original material. Knocking originals bands is lame. Knocking cover bands is lame. Blue
  13. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1451690474' post='2942606'] I'm in a difficult position here folks - I agree with Blue. For me a great gig is one the audience loves, and I don't understand the snobbery over Mustang Sally and Sweet Home Alabama. A great performance of Mustang Sally is far more satisfying to me than performing average "originals" that no-one in the audience knows or cares about. [/quote] Guys don't get me wrong, I have an appreciation for originals bands, it's a tough frustrating road. I have never appreciated or liked snobbery where some cats think it's cool to put down guys and the work cover bands do. Maybe they have never seen a good cover band or perhaps on their high horse of jealousy. Blue
  14. [quote name='odysseus' timestamp='1451674699' post='2942370'] It depends on what 'purpose' your gigs have. If you want to make a living from it, or the fee is a significant part of your overall income then you will need to wheel out the old favourites. Even then, there's no reason why you shouldn't slip an obscure one or two in the set to keep yourself interested. I'm a firm believer in playing for the fun of playing, so much the better if there's some original material being written. I really like the creative side of music and I prefer it to playing covers, but then I have a job, so gig money isn't such a big deal for me. There's no reason why people can't have 'money band' and a 'fun band' on the side where you play whatever you like for the fun of it. Makes sense to me.... [/quote] For me playing covers is also creative and fun especially if your geting decent pay. I think this whole creative thing in some cases is overplayed as well as an excuse for some that have problems getting consistent bookings. And I'm never sure about this "I don't need the money, I have a job". Seems like a slap in the face for those of us doing this for a living. Blue
  15. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1451687862' post='2942578'] maybe 76 boys night out [/quote] Ahhhh, let me think about that. "No" Blue
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1451684701' post='2942527'] Makes sense... IMO, most pub gigs are little more than boys nights out... I agree.[/quote] I think were on the same page page, however my band played 76 gigs in 2015. That's far from a boys night out. Blue
  17. Another great talent gone. One of the children of a Super Star that was actually super talented. I will miss her. Blue
  18. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1451647222' post='2942003'] You might be competing with them unless you are paid more, regarded better etc.. Is $500 a blanket fee or is it variable.. as in do some bands get paid more at the same gig.? Around here, I would say most pubs have £100 difference between the 'top' bands and others for the same hrs and nights..... even if the venue says this is our limit, they'll pay more if you ask and also think you are worth it. You can over-cook this angle though... and a LL is far more forgiving of the cheaper bands. He still might not have them back in a hurry but if you cost them dear...and basically don't proove your worth in bar sales, the venue remembers these things funnily enough. And for this reason, I like to take the 'pressure' off and charge just below the money that I feel they will go to. [/quote] In Milwaukee no bar gigs pay more than $500.00. If a band is truely the sole reason the place is packed with people buy premium alcohol it's time for the band to move up from strictly bar gigs. Blue
  19. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1451650076' post='2942037'] I have played with various covers/functions bands over recent years, but all with the main focus being on the gigs I get to do, regardless of my numbness toward the material. Currently I am in an 80s tribute , I love the material , gigs are always a blast and we have good gigs booked in, but again its all about the gigs and want goes down well. I am thinking of forming something with the reverse intention, to get together and play material that doesn't really have an easy audience entry level, and focus on something that even if it did, we may not hit the mark (maybe folk or even obscure funk covers) . I have a good network of players I think I could find the right people, and know others that would be up for something like this. I don't think I have explained it well, but question is, has anyone done this, started up a project knowing it wont have an easy audience to target, but just for the music and fun of doing something different (different for those involved at least) [/quote] If you have the time for that sort of project it's fine. It's hard enough hitting the mark with material that we know goes over with an audience. I think putting this together if you don't plan on gigging is cool. But, for me if your gigging it's always about what the audience wants to hear. Blue
  20. We played a 2-6 bar gig,it's sane place we play every New Years Eve.It's a $500.00 gig. Place was packed from 2-6. I thought we sounded great in the 1st set. The 2nd & 3rd set we're not so great for me. Bkue
  21. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1451518590' post='2941276'] 5bills each? Or for the band? [/quote] 5 bills each would be corporate and major festivals. And that's usually for 1.5 hours.Those are really sweet gigs and far and few in between. We had 2 this past summer. Bar gigs are a $400.00 to $500.00 total for the band.
  22. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1451403357' post='2940201'] Blue is getting $400 a gig in a 5 piece band playing rock covers; there is nothing in the UK that compares. To get that kind of money you're looking at weddings and they are seriously hard work if you're in a £2k+ band. It's certainly not rock band territory and it's certainly not 4 hours in a bar. Boys night out would be happy with $40. . [/quote] Were a 4 piece. I've learned from you guys there is a big difference between pub gigs and bar gigs. We're able to get 5 bills, but will take 4 if they give us multiple dates. Blue
  23. blue

    Zoom B3

    [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1451491374' post='2940931'] Have you used a B3 live or are you talking about effects units in general. I have a B3 and it's fine for gigs and certainly doesn't make any noise. [/quote] Overall multi-effects,never used the B3.I don't know, I always felt they were a better fit for home recording. I'm a die hard pedal guy. Blue
  24. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1451492391' post='2940950'] And then, of course, it depends how much money you need. The whole idea of retirement mode is you've done with the big spending. When I retire, the plan is the be able to live on a third to half what I need now. [/quote] True, I don't really have any big bills, my mortgage payment is the only big expense I have. Blue
  25. blue

    Zoom B3

    [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1451471164' post='2940669'] Might be alone on here mate, I've been gigging mine for 3 years or so, never had any issues. [/quote] Merely my personal experience with multi effects units for live application. Blue
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