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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1451382623' post='2939958'] I used to listen to, and play, a lot of blues when I was younger. I just became very bored with it. Unlike a lot of people on here music has become less & less important in my life as I've got older. I don't even listen to music that often anymore & when I do I don't want to be wasting my time listening to stuff I don't enjoy just so I can pretend I have wide & varied musical tastes. I'd say a good 80% of the recorded music I own I now have no interest whatsoever in listening to ever again, and this includes things that at one time I was quite fanatical about. I have no idea why this has happened, it just has. [/quote] Understood, I guess I lucked out or I'm slight in the head. I'm still listening to everthing, still excited about rock & roll and running around like it's still 1965. Blue
  2. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1450480727' post='2933334'] Hi Blue, No disrespect blue but if you're trying to make a living out of pub gigging then from my experience you've made a bad career choice. [/quote] Two things.First, we're probably more than a pub band.Second, it's not a choice, this is all there is to me. I don't know how to do anything else. Blue
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1451415829' post='2940327'] Yes, but they aren't going to be bar gigs that pay that. At that rate the target money would be £20k or $30k p.a per man from a bar band..?? [/quote] Good point, yeah those were festival and corporate fees. Blue
  4. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1451402110' post='2940181'] Massive generalisation with which I disagree whole-heartedly. I may only gig 25-30 times a year with one BNO group (blues and classic R&B covers) and less that that with the other (original music), but we still look for gigs. Looking at others playing in the same venues covers and tribute bands do most of the busness while people playing original music are hugely under-represented. Doesn't stop us trying though. [/quote] Doesn't sound like a "boys night out" to me. Blue
  5. blue

    Zoom B3

    [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1451425374' post='2940435'] Gigging it is neither weak or noisy. [/quote] Depends on your amp,your bass and the room. I'm not alone on this one. Blue
  6. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1451388006' post='2940011'] Just hoping that my body doesn't continue to fall to bits too rapidly and that I'm able to keep gigging for another year. [/quote] Me too. I talk a good game but the sciatica in my left leg is messed up. Blue
  7. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1451388606' post='2940015'] Amen to Gary Mac. I'll be 75 in Feb and I just hope my constitution will be up to another year of gigs. I won't be travelling such crazy distances tho. I'll try to knuckle down to some more sustained practice to improve my technique. Oh, and not to buy any more gear - although ten minutes ago I ordered a new preamp at an eye-watering price. But that was still in 2015. [/quote] Simply awesome post. Very cool. I'm 62 and can only hope to maintain my gig schedule and enthusiasm for gigging at 75. Blue
  8. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1451418998' post='2940369'] To get more than the two paying gigs I played in 2015. About 60 more. [/quote] Is the band in an area where 60 gigs is realistic? Blue
  9. Hoping our 11th year as a 70s style rock & blues band continues. 2016 gigs are rolling in at a rapid pace. Last year we relied on call ins and existing business, I want to focus on New business in 2016. Blue
  10. I don't know anything about Motorhead,however whenever I accidentally ran into a Lemmy interview, I couldn't stop listening. Very engaging and cool guy. He just seemed like a guy that knew what was happening. Blue
  11. blue

    Zoom B3

    Depends on how you want to use it. For home use I'm sure it's fine. Gigging with it could be problematic. For gigging multi-effects units tend to seem weak and noisy. Blue
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1451343362' post='2939786'] He doesn't like [i]anything [/i]- he's Welsh. [/quote] That can't be right, Isn't Tom Jones Welsh? Tom is a soul man. Blue
  13. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1451344345' post='2939798'] No I don't like any R&B or soul music really. Don't like blues much either. Some funk is OK but it's not something I'd really choose to listen to. The only thing I tend to listen to these days is acoustic English folk music & stuff like bluegrass & Americana. Also some solo singer/songwriters but not electric bands. I also listen to some jazz occasionally.[/quote] I don't think it's bigoted, there have always been a lot of people that don't connect with R&B, blues or any of the music with deep Black roots. Me, I'm also a fan of English folk music and bluegrass. But my tastes have always been very diverse. Everyone doesn't have the ability to appreciate and understand multiple genres. Blue
  14. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1451351163' post='2939835'] I was trying to illustrate that you saying "I doubt that's the case for a serious musician with an opportunity with a band making money" was a somewhat sweeping statement, but I think we've missed each other's points. [/quote] I'm not sure we missed each others point. We look at it from a different viewpoint. Blue
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1451346606' post='2939814'] McCartney became the bass player in The Beatles by default. He didn't want to to it. 'None of us wanted to be the bass player. We wanted to be up front. In our minds, it was the fat guy in the group who nearly always played the bass and he stood at the back. We wanted to be up front, singing and looking good, to pull the birds...' [/quote] I always wanted to play bass,and I"ve always been an up front guy with a Mic. I have never been a stand in the back by the drummer guy. Not my thing. Blue
  16. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1451345153' post='2939806'] C'mom....are you saying that Keith Richards, Macca, John Entwistle, [insert famous rocker here], etc didn't for one moment consider the positive effect being in a band would have on their relations with the opposite sex ? Course they did ! [/quote] Yeah, when they We're 17 years old.So did I.But I grew up and how I looked at and positioned myself in music changed. Blue
  17. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1451320514' post='2939536'] But certainly why a lot of them start ! [/quote] Maybe, however I doubt that's the case for a serious musician with an opportunity with a band making money. And I think substances and women are more important to younger guys. Blue
  18. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1451302222' post='2939357'] No. I used to listen to some old school heavy rock/metal when I was younger, but I don't listen to any now. I used to be into progressive rock but I can't even listen to that anymore, I just find it annoying. [/quote] So, you don't like any genre or any kind of music? The reason I ask is, if you don't like Motown or Stax you probably don't like any R&B, funk or soul music, right? Blue
  19. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1451268821' post='2939245'] Blue The man's name is Berry! [/quote] What kind of name is that? He should change it to Barry. Blue
  20. My response is, I'm to old to understand the genre, so I really can't make an intelligent response. In other words I wasn't there. Off topic, I do know you have to be good to perform metal live. I would say the few local metal bands I've seen have not invested enough time to learn their instruments well enough to pull it off.The pros and stars on those records can play like a MOFO. Blue
  21. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1451302868' post='2939365'] I love gigging too Blue. Not really bothered if there is a big crowd or not though obviously it makes it a little better if the shits kicking off. Its in my blood. After 30 years of gigging its just what i do. Also validates the collection of basses. [/quote] You are an exception, cool. Blue
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1451308147' post='2939433'] That is different money to a pub band. I think you'll have more takers at the price which I'd guess is around £500. If you could pay that, you'd get the guys interested and it'd be a sought after gig. They would drop the lesser payers tho unless the band was hot .. It wouldn't likely be the only/prime gig but you'd have the pick of the local players from around a 100 mile radius, IMO. [/quote] With the drummers we spoke with we didn't even get to discussing pay. As soon as they hear they will be expected to gig at least twice a week and more in the summer they reject the idea. Blue
  23. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1451268002' post='2939240'] I remember depping for a band many years ago. As I was setting up, the guitarist asked me what I would like to drink. I said I'd have a coke (I was driving). At the end of the gig I asked the same guy when I was going to get paid. He pointed at, my now empty coke glass, and said 'You've been paid'. They were used to going out gigging and setting up a tab behind the bar. At the end of the night, the band fee would be used to pay off the bar tab. Sometimes the band owed the bar money. That's the definition of a 'Boys Night Out' band. I don't play with 'Boys Night Out' bands any more. [/quote] And I would bet you get the money question cleared up before depping too. Blue
  24. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1451166190' post='2938668'] It doesn't take an expert to know his name wasn't Barry... As for the music, choosing between Motown, Stax and Atlantic is like choosing between three vintage wines. They're all a quality product we can enjoy! [/quote] Then enlighten me, I've only heard him refered to as Barry Gordy. What is his name? Blue
  25. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1451212707' post='2938777'] I could "get out" every day from now until the end of time & I still wouldn't like Motown & Stax stuff. It does absolutely nothing for me, never has, never will.[/quote] Are you like a metal guy? Blue
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