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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1450863598' post='2936450'] I want to be in an old school funk/soul band. Meters, Vulfpeck, Tower of Power, KC Roberts, Daptones kind of thing. I'm trying to decide what the best way to go about this is. When I look at Vulfpeck I can't help think that they spend a heck of a lot of time together jamming on those tunes and record a lot of stuff. My personal circumstances probably wouldn't allow that given we'd have to all get into a studio all day and pay for it. I do however have my own studio and can play a little bit of drums and guitar and am going to put a bit of work in on the keys too. I also spend the majority of my time in there as I use it as my office so in between meetings etc. I can have a play and use my unwinding time to write songs. https://soundcloud.com/antlockyer/first-time quick example of my noodling, first thing I knocked together to hear what the space sounded like. So do I write an albums worth of songs, playing all the parts to the best of my ability and then use that demo to get guys to record and play them live (with better solos and performances) or advertise now for guys and write good songs as a group? I'm leaning towards to former but am concerned then I become the band leader rather than it being a collective effort and that the creativity will be all mine and I'll run out of talent [/quote] Great genre however, I am not sure why you want to do this. Will it be a gigging band or recording project? I ask because while I grew up with and love it, I know this genre does not have the appeal it once had. Blue
  2. I have a German made 500/2 Hofner Limited Edition Club Bass and a Gibson Custom Shop ES-335 bass in faded vintage cherry. They sound great and the Humbuckers hit my pedals hard. Blue
  3. It's all in your fingers and how much you invest in the craft. It has little to do with gear. Scott's Bass Lessons has a short clip on this subject. Blue
  4. Tough call,did Stax treat their artist better than Motown? Blue
  5. [quote name='2elliot' timestamp='1450901660' post='2936912'] Just spotted Doug Wimbish on the Ashdown site with a link to a youtube demo. He's knocking out a few videos using the B Social unit. I wonder if he's moving his stage rig over to Ashdown, too? I've only ever seen him use Trace Elliot in the past. I really like Doug so will be keeping a close eye on this. A very interesting catch Ashdown! [/quote] I like Doug, had a chance to chat with him at a small 200 seater gig here in Milwaukee. Blue
  6. As I review all your questions if I had to pick one that's a "must ask" it would be; "Why did the last bass player leave?" You don't ask that, you could be walking into anything. Blue
  7. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1450898373' post='2936874'] Too vague. I might plump for Glam, expecting Slade and Sweet etc., only to end up with some horror like Poison or Steel Panther... [/quote] I like Sweet, Ballroom Blitz, right? Blue
  8. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1450905985' post='2936982'] 80's thrash i like, not it all seems samey. never really got glam [/quote] You had to be there. Glam, it's still around I guess. We had it here in the States and you guys had it, you might have even started it (Bowie/Bolen. Was never sure on how much mass appeal it had. I always liked The NY Dolls. Blue
  9. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1450893632' post='2936834'] In my early teenage years both. These days neither. [/quote] Yup, bit of a time expiration on those genres.62 years old, no glam left. 62 years old, only involuntary thrashing. Blue
  10. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1450884772' post='2936713'] Someone mentioned earlier "does anyone have small children" - it's one of mine, but from the other way around. We auditioned a guy who is now in the band and he has a small child, he and his wife split childcare duties so: He can't do anything in August. Or around Easter, and turned down NYE (having said he could do it, then he couldn't after discussions at home, then after it was too late said he could do it after all). He can't do Sundays. If he plays Friday, Saturday is out. You get the picture. He's a great guy, and a great front man (he sings, too). He was by far the best candidate at audition time I did ask the question, and he did say he had a small child etc. which rang alarm bells with me but we decided to take him on anyway. I'm not sure I'd do it again, though as it has cost us a lot of gigs. So much so, that we are considering an alternative lineup for Sunday stuff and August etc. [/quote] Yeah, unless a guy does this for a living, I don't know how you could be in a busy working band if you have a young active family. I guess there are exceptions where a guys spouse doesn't care what he does or what time he takes away from family. Blue
  11. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1450895179' post='2936848'] If its for decent money or your doing it for a living, a mans gorra do what a mans gorra do, agreed. But there are quite a few on here that play covers for little or no profit cos' they say they enjoy it. In their case, why play stuff you hate ? [/quote] Good point, I'd venture to say if your not being paid it doesn't matter what you play and you can play only what you enjoy. When your paid, your playing to please the customer not yourself. Blue
  12. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1450877196' post='2936629'] I guess one questions (for covers band) is: How do you choose the tunes? The phrase "high school mentality" is a good one as i know of players who want to play songs that are "cool" regardless of whether there is an appetite for them from any perspective audience. Ignoring the wishes of punters and venues is plainly stupid.[/quote] How songs are suggested to a working bar band is important. There's always a member that wants to bring a new song to a band solely because they like it or think it's cool. And sometime these can be great songs. Thing is there s 're a lot of great songs that are not a fit for most pubs or bars and in some instances not even appropriate for live performance. Blue
  13. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1450829924' post='2936345'] My four questions would be: 1) What audience are you targeting and do you have an idea of a coherent set list to play to them? 2) What’s the deal with PA and transport? 3) How’s the money split – is it an equal split or is there a principal and the rest of the band get wages? 4) Whose round is it? There is no right or wrong answer to any of those questions but it is always best to know up front what you are getting into to avoid any possible misunderstanding. If it was an original band that had any possible chance of success I would also want to know about songwriting credits / publishing / copyright, etc. [/quote] Agreed,especially the PA question.Here in the States for cover bands if you don't own a decent board and PA, you won't be gigging. And at bar band pay, you wouldn't be able to hire out for a PA and sound tech. Blue
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1450821169' post='2936270'] That's the trick, isn't it? You can probably apply that kind of innovation to other areas of life, too. It's about getting to a happy place regardless of circumstances while you try to improve those circumstances - if and when necessary. It's a gradual process. [/quote] Yeah, at the bar level it's not worth it to get caught up in petty dislikes.I don't like this song,that strictly high school level band mentality. If those songs bother a person so much I'd say,join an originals band. Blue
  15. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1450775024' post='2935638'] Do you play Mustang Sally? Do you play Brown Eyed Girl? Do you play Alright Now? Do you play Johnny B Goode? [/quote] All songs I use to dread playing until I changed my attitude about my dislikes and took on a more professional outlook. My dislikes are not really important. I just came up with new innovative ways to approach and play those songs. I now have fun playing all those songs. Blue
  16. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1450803305' post='2936043'] Exactly. The questions are unimportant as the replies won't match any real world outcomes. Just turn on your radar and get involved. If it gets strange; bail before you become bitter. [/quote] True, however bookings should be easy to verify. For my band all you have to do is check our gig schedule history on our web site. Blue
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1450819935' post='2936250'] A 'quid' is UK slang for a pound = one GBP (Brirtish Pound Sterling), currently equal to one US dollar and forty-eight cents according to the exchange rate at 21:33 on Tuesday, 22nd December 2015. [/quote] Cool, thanks. Blue
  18. [quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1450802103' post='2936021'] I think you need a full discussion on the following subjects Money – · Expected earnings · How is the money spilt or are you on wages · What happens to any financial contributions I made should the band split or I leave? · Tax responsibilities · Expenses, how and what are they paid for. Who pays for accommodation and meals on stay over’s. Gigs – · Expected amount of gigs + fees · Locations and how much travel, time and driving is involved · Commitments do you or others have any commitments that will mean not taking or cancelling gigs. Expectations – · What you expect from each other in terms of professionalism and attitude. · Rehearsals, new songs and is everyone willing and able to learn learning them on time. · What will happen if expectations are not met? Responsibilities – · Will you have any other responsibilities that are not gig related or obvious? Someone’s got to maintain the gear, clean the van, get the gigs, phone around, do the books and even unload the van before it goes into the garage and all the stupid little jobs like that. · Drink - no one minds a band member having a drink or two and most bands will get drunk together at some point but many not won’t want someone who is constantly drunk or stoned at gigs or when working. · Wife and girlfriends – again no one minds wife and girlfriends coming to the odd gigs but some bands don’t want them their all the time. Copyright – For original bands mainly. · Who owns the copyright to the songs and what other peoples contributions is worth. A rhythm sections part counts for very little so expect nothing unless the songwriters the one who comes up with the lyrics and melody is happy to give you credits There are no right or wrong answers but if you know what you a getting into it saves allot of problems in the future. [/quote] You've obviously been in a few bands. I like where your heads at. All great stuff. Blue
  19. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1450817337' post='2936198'] Can they play? What gigs have you got? Do they know what they are doing? Is it going to be a great gig? [/quote] You should know a little bit about the level of musicianship from the auditions. If the band has a solid history of bookings and a lot of gigs on the books,they probably know what they're doing. Blue
  20. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1450818398' post='2936216'] What style of music are you writing? How often do you rehearse/write together? How reliable/punctual are you? Do any of you work shifts, evenings or weekends? As mentioned above, how much you believe the answers is key.[/quote] Good questions for an originals band. And for originals bands I think it's a good idea to ask if there is a band fund and all the details on where, when and how the money is collected and managed. Those that have followed my threads know I'm down on band funds and for good reason. Blue
  21. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1450818398' post='2936216'] What style of music are you writing? How often do you rehearse/write together? How reliable/punctual are you? Do any of you work shifts, evenings or weekends? As mentioned above, how much you believe the answers is key. [/quote] I usually also like to know if band members are single or married and who has young children. Which members have physically demanding day jobs.For young guys it's not much of a problem. However for guys in their 60s it can be a potential issue. Blue
  22. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1450773928' post='2935615'] How many gigs per year are you looking at Re gigs, are they local or distance gigs, if distance what`s the set-up on transport/staying over/driving back If covers - as they get paid better - what`s the division of the fee Did the last bassist leave or were they sacked, if sacked, what for [/quote] All good questions. So many guys don't ask questions about pay, what the split is, how they get paid and when. IMHO, club and pub pay should be an equal split. It's not enough money to start paying some more than others. Not even a few quid (I don't actually know what a quid is) for whoever got the booking. It's one of the things I like about the band I joined. I've been with them for 4 years. At every single over the last 4 years I have been paid in cash during load out or load in by our admin person. I think were lucky we have non stage talent collecting and handing the money. Only exception are gigs where the fee is over 2k, then We usually have to cash a check. Blue
  23. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1450745942' post='2935527'] These are the four questions I should have asked my last band.. Is the singer who thinks he runs the band actually completely penniless due to the fact he only works part time picking balls up on a golf course and totally relies on everyone else for money, transport and gear? Does the singer possess a shonky old acoustic guitar that has such a bad back-bow that when played all the strings drag on all the frets and your offer to adjust the truss rod is met with 'nah mate, I like a really low action'? After spending copious amounts of time and money rehearsing does the singer take a load of amphetamine before playing live? After putting in a few gigs and pulling in punters due to the new bass players exiting full-on rock and roll stance, will the singer sack the bass player because he wants his mate the old boring bass player back in because he's jealous? I've got a few more I'd ask the drummer, but rules is rules [/quote] I think the issue here is more about our ability to spot unprofessional aspects of a band and members before joining. Blue
  24. Asking if they use a band fund and how it works is not a bad question. Blue
  25. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1450743683' post='2935514'] 1. What happened to the last Bassist? 2. What happened to the last Singer? 3. What happened to the last Drummer? 4. Where's the door? [/quote] Turnover of band members is always something I want to know about. Blue
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