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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1450029959' post='2928925'] Well, having listened to some of the posted Jaco bits on this thread, I can honestly say "I don't get it". [/quote] An honest and fair response. There a lot about jazz overall that I don't get. however I am not going to say it's [i]"aimless noodling" [/i]because i don't get it. Blue
  2. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1450029807' post='2928923'] I'm not entirely sure why the mods continue to tolerate Blue's continual trolling. This example is even more obvious than most. [/quote] Because it's not trolling. Blue
  3. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1450009213' post='2928705'] i think if everyone applied the "if you don't like Jaco you should give up" stuff, this forum would become pretty quiet. [/quote] What people don't like is not the issue here. It's bashing something you know little about as where the "aimless noodling" comment. To be honest, I'm not into the whole I don't like this player or that player or I don't like this band or that band. in a word, lame. Blue
  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1450012782' post='2928748'] I know a few bass players who don't like Jaco which, personally, I don't get. He was the master of his art and I think many here would aspire to be half the player he was but I recognise that what he played isn't going to be everybody's Cappuccino. There are lots of players I don't like - I'm not going to give up playing just because my taste doesn't conform to somebody else's opinion. Thought Police can f*** off!! [/quote] No, you shouldn't give up playing. You indicate, "you don't get it" and that's honest and thats fine. Aimless noodling, not fine. Blue
  5. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1450027526' post='2928896'] The typical muso bores who seem to have never written their own material but just mimic others.[/quote] If your going to bash those of us who chose to play covers that's ok. Would you like to here my opinion of most local original music? Blue
  6. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1450006849' post='2928661'] Ok Blue, you're right. Because I don't like Jaco I'm ignorant and stupid, I'll be going into town later to sell all my gear, fold up my two bands and cancel all the bookings. Is there any other hobby you could suggest I could try with my obviously limited intelligence? I'm asking you because you appear to know me better than I do and I clearly can't think for myself. If I did think for myself then I'd only end up thinking stupid things like how arrogant you appear telling people to sell their basses because they don't agree with the majority, but of course that's just me being stupid. [/quote] Not liking someone does not make anyone ignorant or stupid. However for those who made cutting remarks like" aimless noodling" yes I would say that is an example of being uninformed. but not stupid..saying [i]" I don't get it"[/i] would have been a better choice of words instead of "aimless noodling". Blue
  7. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1450009851' post='2928713'] hmmm so that is Hendrix and Jaco done for.... done for.... done for.. ??? [/quote] Hendrix and Jaco were not shredders. They stand with George as innovators. Blue
  8. [quote name='Biglump' timestamp='1450013839' post='2928759'] So, has Macca influeced me as a 50 year old newbie bassist born in the same ward as Lennon? Well, 8 days a week is a seriously good test for playing live. Sometimes I can even look up and smile... And yes, the Beatles as a whole are still a huge influence round here. (Liverpool and Wirral) Sure there was a period where they dipped in popularity, but every time the pendulum swings one way it swings the other, thy had to go 'out' until they could come back 'in'. I think we are lucky to have Blue and his US perpective. The UK would fit into a single state, teritory wise. The physical distance between The Mersey beat and Madchester would be microscopic by US standards. And thus the differences between the UK centres uninteligibley small. The US is sooooooooo big and everywhere soooooooo far away along roads that are sooooooooo similar that personalities take on much greater importance than here in the UK. I can, if I want go sit in the same seat in the same pub they drank in on Mathew Street today. I can go see people play tonight who knew Macca and the rest first hand. I'll probably be jamming with some this afternoon without knowing. Hell, I can even book the Quarrymen to play in my lounge if want to. I'm saying perspective depends on distance from the object being viewed. [/quote] Very nice story. I always say, .you had to be there" and you obviously were. I have a 55 year old brother and it's even hard to explain their impact to him. Blue
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449824634' post='2927116'] Would not know...but how long did Martin work with them... possibly mainly in the formative years..? The thing about the Beatles impact at the time..they were an explosion and they had hits, but maybe other acts have done the same sort of thing...where an act is more popular than... but Beatle Mania was probably the first mania, certainly on that scale and it was a one off time/trend. So, from a social/cultural point of view...HUUUGGGEEEEE and unprecedented. Musically, the songs certainly stand the test of time Musician-wise... not so much, IMO. [/quote] The simple riffs and licks George came up with have stood The test of time and will go down in musical history. In 30 years no one will remember any of hot shot shredders. George will always be with us. Blue
  10. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1449850145' post='2927535'] Maybe also important : how much influence did Geoff Emerick have since he worked on McCartney's sound a lot and experimented quite a bit.. [/quote] Agreed,I read Geoff"s book, "Here There and Everywhere" Blue
  11. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1449954063' post='2928401'] Where's the like button? [/quote] Where's the dislike button? Blue
  12. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1449952461' post='2928389'] Could be an age thing, If this makes me ignorant, stupid, uninformed or whatever. [/quote] Yeah it kinda does,all those things you mention. Blue
  13. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1449960618' post='2928455'] I've just given Teen Town a listen as I've never heard it before, it's just reinforced my view even more. It's not just the bass either, I was ready to turn it off before the bass even came in such is my dislike for this type of music but I kept going, even had a second listen to make sure but only got half way through. It sounded like the backing music to a tense stake out scene in Cagney and Lacey or some other 70's cop show, either that or just a two and a half minute intro to a song that never arrived. This isn't a childish rant but truly what it sounded like to me. I don't think I'll be converted any time soon and I'm happy not to take inspiration from it. I gave it a go though [/quote] You might want to consider selling your gear. Blue
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1449961927' post='2928470'] For those not familar with the tune, here's 'Teen Town', live ... [media]http://youtu.be/I63bOi477cA[/media] Quite good, as noodling goes, and it gets better as it progresses right up to a blistering climax. Hot stuff, from all of 'em ... [/quote] Nice clip, and yeah I'll say it. If you don't recognize his gift and talent; "Houston we have a problem" Blue
  15. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1449962688' post='2928479'] I acknowledge the technical skill needed to play this kind of thing, I just don't understand why, after putting all those years of work into your technique, you'd use it to play that? Technique is a means, not an end. [/quote] What are you talking about? Please explain because to me your comment makes no sense. Blue
  16. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1449970781' post='2928515'] If you dig jazz, it's likely you'll dig Jaco! If you don't dig jazz, then, maybe you won't! For all those out there that really want to improve and become well rounded bass players, then, analysis and study of some of Jaco's work is pretty much essential. He really was "all that"! [/quote] I'm not well versed in jazz but I think I know when player is "all that" and Jaco was plus a little more of stuff most of us will never understand. Blue
  17. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1449971654' post='2928524'] I guess I'm not a well rounded player despite playing a wide variety of styles for the past 30 years in dozens of bands [/quote] I've got 50 years into this. It doesn't mean I'm well rounded. Blue
  18. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1449971531' post='2928522'] I'm sorry but I could pull a better song out of my a$$. I'd rather listen to paint drying [/quote] Post something where we can hear you playing with that level of chops and skill and your comment will be taken seriously. Blue
  19. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1449913739' post='2927872'] After 40 plus years of 4 hour shows every night you must be better than someone that only started a week ago surely?! Lol [/quote] Maybe, I don't like the the phrase "better than". And years playing doesn't always mean much. There are bass players that have been playing poorly for 40 years and some that are super accomplished after 5 years. Depends on how much you put into it. Blue
  20. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1449839205' post='2927357'] I enjoy the videos - don't find all of them useful but I can see a place for a lot of the stuff he puts out there for free. Top fella too...met him at the LBGS a couple of years ago and he took the time to talk to us and have my photo with him. [URL=http://s1167.photobucket.com/user/FairfaxAikman/media/LBGS2014/LBGS2014038_zps43b95c05.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/q639/FairfaxAikman/LBGS2014/LBGS2014038_zps43b95c05.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] Nice pic. Blue
  21. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1449784222' post='2926894'] Suggesting (telling) people that do not like Jaco that they must be crap players themselves and that you can't comment until your skill level is at a level suitable to comment when you are commenting yourself (strongly) would in itself infer that you see your own ability of a level higher than those you feel should not comment, that infers that you have decided that you are a better player than those people that you do not feel have reached your required level of skill to comment. [/quote] With all due respect I'd have to say "No" to your analysis.I'm not a better player than anyone. Blue
  22. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1449867969' post='2927716'] Not from me there isn't. I don't think anyone cares whether anyone else likes listening to Jaco or not, and nobody is questioning anyone's musical taste. Some people thought the 'random guitar shop noodling' stuff came across as provocation, in the same way as walking into an artists studio, and shouting about how 'Picasso is a load of old bollocks' will make the artists in that studio think you're obnoxious, and also that you don't know enough about it to have any kind of valid opinion. Not all artists like Picasso, but anyone who loves art will have spent a bit of time studying it, and will understand his cultural and historical importance. See what I'm saying? [/quote] I do, agreed. Blue
  23. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1449864989' post='2927688'] I remember some ancient musos sneering when I first bought an electronic tuner saying that they were dumbing down music and I should tune by ear, but I found my ear improving by virtue of using the tuner. 30 years on I have close to perfect pitch, at least in the comfort of my home in front of my piano. [/quote] The digital tuners are great for me. My Korg Pitch Black has better ears than me. I remember when I had to use what we use to call a pitch pipe. Blue
  24. [quote name='Rikki_Sixx' timestamp='1449791376' post='2927015'] I really like the look of SBL, and his free videos (on his site and YouTube) seem really helpful. But they all seem to assume some knowledge of scales, chord progressions, arpeggios, etc. Is that something I should know about [i]before [/i]I sign up? Or something that SBL helps with? Often I put on a video about something that seems simple, and he drops terminology and names of chord progressions that means nothing to me, which can be a bit disheartening! Don't get me wrong - this is stuff I definitely want to learn. Just don't want to sign up just yet if I won't get the most from it. [/quote] It's a no lose proposition,signing up.As long as you have the time for this sort of study. It's the hard stuff,lessons are not fun.This stuff pays off. Blue
  25. Even after all these years of playing, I still have some bad habits and tons' of stuff to learn. Scott's lessons make those things very clear to me. Blue
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