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Everything posted by blue

  1. I am pretty new to Scott's lessons and I am thinking he has been discussed on BC in the past. I get a lot of stuff from him I can apply to my bass playing on a daily basis. His approach and method of teaching is a good match with my rather low aptitude for learning anything. He recently posted a a video that gets into stuff we as bass players focus on that we shouldn't. Mainly that gear is not going to make us better players. What do you guys think of Scott? Blue
  2. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1449787720' post='2926966'] That little pitch black is a great tuner ! I guess it looks clean Blue because it isn't overloaded. I only have what i need for the set we do. E. Filter for Stevie Wonder, Phaser for Thin Lizzy, Synth Bass for Joe Walsh, Chorus for The Cult. Thats it and the rest of the set is without pedals If the set changes ( and like most, we add songs and drop some ) and a pedal is no longer needed, it will be sacked from the pedal board. [/quote] I'm using the TC Electronics mini for chorus, it's real subtle as I am mainly using it for the sustain. I'm still struggling with distortion and overdrive. Were a 70s rock and blue band and I find that plenty of our material needs that grit and sustain. However control is an issue and palm muting helps. The Pitch Black is great until your playing an outside festival and the Sun is bearing down on it. You can't see anything. Seems like my German Crafted Hofner Club with the Humbuckers works better with pedals than some of my single coil basses. Blue
  3. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1449389557' post='2923045'] 3 pedals, 4 sounds, for 4 different tracks. The rest of the set is straight through, and i dont mess with pedal settings. They're set and thats it. The only trimming is backing off the volume at the beginning of the track for the Env Filter as there's a smidgeon of vol boost with that [/quote] Clean looking board. I also have my Pitch Black tuner at The beginning of the chain. I took my synth pedal out. I wasn't using it. Nice! Blue
  4. [quote name='Behlmene' timestamp='1449716538' post='2926274'] Same here. Effects just mess up my sound. Nothing beats nothing in front of my amp. [/quote] Managing a board full of bass pedals is hard to manage. There's a lot of tweaking needed to get it right. Especially when your using overdrive, distortion and octave pedals. It's a pain in the arse but when you get it right it can be awesome. Blue
  5. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1449779471' post='2926830'] i don't recognise him as a bass player. i recognise him as a multi instrumentalist and one of the most successful song writers ever who happened to be a solid player of the instrument i love playing. his career has spanned decades and not all of them as a bass player, so to only identify him as a only bass player is somewhat unfair to him. just my honest opinion tho. maybe ill drop bass and take up one of the many other instruments i recognise him with. [/quote] Not a bad come back. Blue
  6. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1449733739' post='2926295'] I'd just rather let them enjoy it! [/quote] Good point. Blue
  7. Sid? I'd say underrated, undervalued, underpaid and marginalized. The guy made it. I didn't. Blue
  8. Two completely different types of bands.I'm a big fan of both. Blue
  9. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1449784222' post='2926894'] Suggesting (telling) people that do not like Jaco that they must be crap players themselves and that you can't comment until your skill level is at a level suitable to comment when you are commenting yourself (strongly) would in itself infer that you see your own ability of a level higher than those you feel should not comment, that infers that you have decided that you are a better player than those people that you do not feel have reached your required level of skill to comment. [/quote] It's not all that serious really. My only real issue was with the "aimless noodling" phrase. I don't like it and I think there could have been a better choice of words. But that's just me. All of my "you might want to pick a different instrument and not play bass stuff" was more for drama to support my position. I don't know where I rate as a player. I have nights when I'm "on fire" and think I should be on tour with a big international headliner. And I have nights where I feel I haven't progressed any further beyond my abilities as a teen rocker and should give it up. Blue
  10. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1449784645' post='2926901'] Come on Blue with your in depth research into players before posting comments even you would know it is Carol Kaye not Kay :-D [/quote] Dang, I knew that spelling didn't look right.It has been corrected.😀 Blue
  11. I don't mind the comments about me, I'm fully aware I take playing bass guitar and rock and roll to seriously. But understand, I'm not a teacher, attorney,engineer,salesman or anything like that. For me playing bass in a rock band is who I am.Even though I never progressed beyond bar band level playing it still defines me. I also over react to negative comments about the musical icons from my generation. I hope nobody here decides to post negative comments about Carol Kaye or Chuck Rainy. Good Days Blue
  12. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1449736511' post='2926309'] Oh get over yourself... ... Your opinion is no more valid than someone who has never picked up a bass guitar. It's music, there isn't a league table of who is better than who. Different music appeals to different people... [/quote] It's merely who I am.I have no idea where you picked up on me indicating I'm better than anyone anywhere. Blue
  13. Those Gospel guys piss me off. They're so damn good. Blue
  14. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1449707167' post='2926257'] You can listen to something *once* and know whether you like it or not. You don't have to know the first damn thing about it to know whether it appeals to your ears or not. Read the OP again -- all he did was to say that he'd heard something and didn't like it. He said "to me, it sounded like..."; he didn't try to present his opinion as fact or anything. [/quote] There are things Jaco does that I don't understand and go over my head and that's what I would have said. To me, the comment "aimless noodling" regarding Jaco sounds ignorant. That's my opinion. Blue
  15. A lot of bands will not go on until they're paid. I don't blame them. Blue
  16. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1416925706' post='2615094'] Do we really need a film about Jaco ? [/quote] Yes Blue
  17. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1449704601' post='2926235'] Hold on. Are you suggesting that we shouldn't express an opinion on someone unless we're as [i]famous[/i] as they are?? [/quote] That would be only 1 reason you should hold your opinion. What I'm really suggesting is post your opinions on things you know something about. Posting a negative opinion on any iconic bass player based solely on the fact you don't like them is sort of lame. Do you like talking about stuff you know nothing about? Blue
  18. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1449574596' post='2924716'] If we're discussing whether young people are getting into the Beatles, I should point out that my 16 year old stepson loves them and listens to them a lot more than I do (I like them, but there is so much other music I'm enthused about that I don't put them on often). That's a tiny sample, but young Beatle fans are clearly out there. [/quote] That's great that some young peeps listen to them. However; Do they understand what The Beatles did,when they did it and how they did it. Could they articulate who The Beatles are and where they fit into music history. Those are The questions I ask young people when they comment on The Beatles. Blue
  19. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1449692249' post='2926087'] I'll bet I have favourite players you dont like Blue, in which case would you knock bass playing on the head? [/quote] There would be something about your favorite bass players I would like and more than likely could learn something from. I wouldn't make flippant remarks about any bass player I know little to nothing about. I certainly wouldn't post a negative opinion based on nothing more than a few songs I had half way listened to. Blue
  20. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1449697443' post='2926157'] At what point does there point become valid though? I've listened to a lot of jaco and to me it is still mindless noodling in the main, if I'd never listened and said that is agree its trolling but if you have listened and dislike it that is a fair comment imo? [/quote] I'd still keep that sort of opinion to myself because to some your still going to sound foolish. Blue
  21. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1449696343' post='2926145'] This would be funny if it wasn't so sad. At the end of the day it's only opinion. You can't make someone like something that they don't and getting defensive, borderline aggressive & name calling isn't going to change someone's opinion [/quote] But here's the thing. Me personally there are a lot of new,young contemporary bass players and in some cases I question their appeal. But until I do my homework and have a strong understanding of their history, background and body of work you won't see me posting my opinion. And at the end if the day why would I post negative opinions about any of these bass players. These guys "made it" I didn't and many of you haven't either. Blue
  22. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1449697306' post='2926156'] Regarding human qualities in Jaco's playing, I would disagree with you here. His playing contains humanity in abundance, but it reflects a personality that rubbed up a lot of people the wrong way and some may feel that the more tender moments were overshadowed by that. There was a larger-than-life self confidence and brashness in both the man and his playing which perhaps not everyone warms to. But for all that, he's one of the greats. [/quote] Another really cool analysis from a guy that to me knows what he's talking about. Nice! Blue
  23. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1449698515' post='2926168'] He started something new...noodling in public using a bridge PU on a Jazz bass and now every wannabee jazz bassist does it and they all sound like Jaco so I guess he was first which makes him pretty special. Great tone, and tasty technical playing. Back in the 70's he was like something from another planet which with the passing of time probably seems less obvious today. [/quote] Very good point. I personally think understanding a little history about iconic musicians and bands is a good thing. My opinions may be harsh and inappropriate at times but they are based on my historical knowledge not merely talking out of my arse. Blue
  24. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1449692249' post='2926087'] I'll bet I have favourite players you dont like Blue, in which case would you knock bass playing on the head? [/quote] I have always been able to find something I like about all bass players. And unlike some,I am keen not to comment on musicians and bass players I know little about. Blue
  25. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1449666241' post='2925728'] Personally my opinion is that Jaco would have been delighted with the thought that people were still discussing him almost 30 years after his death. Love me....hate me....just [i]don't forget me.[/i] [/quote] I like that. Blue
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