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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1449672319' post='2925834'] Personally, I managed to play bass for 30 years before I heard of him. [/quote] OK, it's official. I must live in a different world than most. Blue
  2. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449686998' post='2926011'] Well, he doesn't seem to get 'opinion' unless it is his...and you'd better believe he knows best [/quote] I believe the OP said " aimless noodling ". Is that an opinion or a flippant critisizm? Blue
  3. [quote name='DaytonaRik' timestamp='1449666182' post='2925725'] I have to be 100% honest and say that I've never knowingly listened to JP play! I have a hard time with the whole jazz/fusion thing after listening to the guitarist Alan Holdsworth. Without doubt an incredibly gifted, talented player with amazing technique but to my ears he just doesn't play things I want to hear. I can appreciate Holdswoth's talent but not the tune. I have a suspicion I would personally find the same to be true of JP [/quote] I listen to a lot of music I don't want to hear and I think that's where I learn the most. Blue
  4. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1449670890' post='2925814'] Blue - please avoid making personal comments. Nobody HAS to like McCartney, so chill out. [/quote] Nothing personal but everyone has to like McCartney. I believe it's the law. Blue
  5. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1449675579' post='2925872'] Help, please. I get McCartney, but not Pastorius. Do I continue to play bass or not? [/quote] Yes continue. Pastorius is over the heads of most of us. We all get McCartney, well, except for the OP. Blue
  6. [quote name='AinsleyWalker' timestamp='1449674086' post='2925856'] Hahahaha he said almost the exact same comment word for word to me because I said I wasn't a fan of Jaco. This guy is like a broken record, trawling the forums accusing people of trolling and telling them to stop playing bass. What a joker. [/quote] Not trolling at all. If the OPs comments are for real, I really think he would be better off taking up a different musical instrument.It's only a suggestion something to consider. Blue
  7. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1449690918' post='2926064'] Well that's probably true for 99% of us! [/quote] This is a special case for the OP only. Blue
  8. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1449689470' post='2926041'] I'm of the view you might as well listen to work by someone considered as one of the greats. Even if you don't like the music, there's something you'll be able to take from it. I'll sit down and learn some of his stuff when I get some free time. [/quote] That would work for most bass players. However, the OP states he doesn't feel anything when he listens to McCartney 's bass playing. And remember, the OP doesn't recognize McCartney as a bass player. Blue
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449669440' post='2925786'] But I'm very good at it and I like it...so why should I just because he is your Entire meat and potato's plus veg too.. [/quote] No, It's just my opinion,my suggestion. I really think there are other things in life other than bass guitar where you would excel and be a better match for. Blue
  10. [quote name='Behlmene' timestamp='1449628114' post='2925386'] While you're at it throw Mingus, Orsted Pederson, Clarke, and Berlin under the bus too. They were considered ground breaking bassists as well. [/quote] Excellent comment and rebuttal of the OPs nonsensical opinion. Blue
  11. [quote name='BenTunnicliffe' timestamp='1449620619' post='2925366'] I personally like his music and appreciate that it's not for everyone but would argue to the death that he brought an [b][i]objectively[/i][/b] undeniable contribution to how the instrument was perceived musically while simultaneously proving that the technical envelope could be pushed.[/quote] Great commentary, however, IMO the OP was trolling. Just wanted to get that out there before the thread is closed. Blue
  12. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449613717' post='2925299'] yes...but what difference does that make... I just don't feel it.. [/quote] Let me guess, your like 17 or 18 years old, right? Blue
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449613717' post='2925299'] yes...but what difference does that make... I just don't feel it.. [/quote] Saying you don't recognize one of the world's top bass player as a bass player is either trolling or straight up ignorance . If you can't feel Paul or recognize him as a bass player, you really should consider dropping bass and trying another instrument. Just my honest opinion. Blue
  14. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449608451' post='2925227'] No... outstanding writer in conjuction with Lennon,... [/quote] Please tell me you are under age 60. Blue
  15. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449583406' post='2924838'] I don't think I'd be doing bar gigs in the U.S... it just wouldn't be my idea of fun...[/quote] 4 hours is our standard and it works out just fine in US. For me the 4 hour gig is a blast, I love it. Blue
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449576246' post='2924740'] I don't even regard him as a bass player.... tbh. Just not someone on my radar. [/quote] You got to be kidding me. This is trolling, right? Blue
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449576246' post='2924740'] Yes, only your opinion and one I just don't agree with. Bass didn't begin with PM.. That's all. If he means the world to you...fine. [/quote] For many of us electric bass guitar did start with PM. He means the world to me, however I have many other favorites and influences. Blue
  18. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1449574278' post='2924709'] I wonder what the comparisons of pay are between a US 4 hour gig and a UK 2 x 45 min gig actually are? [/quote] The top of the scale for bar gigs is $500.00. And with bottles of certain beers going for $6.00-$7.00 it's easy for the owner to cover it. I think another difference is, your pubs can be in residential zoned areas. Our bars are in business zones only. Blue
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1449573933' post='2924700'] Yes but it's a different environment. I've played for 4 hours, a matinee and an evening show. That's pretty close to what Blue does, the audience don't stay for the whole four hours. [/quote] No,and we obviously don't expect people to stay for all 3 sets. Over a 4 hour time period the you get one crowd leaving and another coming in.In some bars the place won't get really packed until Midnight when the 3rd set starts. Blue
  20. [quote name='ChunkyMunky' timestamp='1432754357' post='2784700'] [media]https://youtu.be/i890hLwA9a4[/media] I used to work with this one particular band absolutely yonks ago. I made a cheap mute and wrote this line up in about 15 minutes. I'd recommend popping the video to 480p as I'm not a tech genius with recording videos. Cheers, y'all! [/quote] Nice work! Blue
  21. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1449603563' post='2925126'] Jeez is it really "offensive"? [/quote] Yes Blue
  22. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1449602894' post='2925113'] To be fair, you're the only one who seems to have taken it personally.[/quote] I've read all the replies Maybe not as blatant as mine, but my sentiment is shared by others here on this topic. Blue
  23. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1449602894' post='2925113'] To be fair, you're the only one who seems to have taken it personally. Maybe he was trolling, maybe he didn't understand the high regard in which JP is held and wanted to educate himself. Either way telling him to give up bass is a bit much. [/quote] So was the comment "aimless noodling". Blue
  24. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1449588329' post='2924903'] Quite. I've often heard it called [i]far[/i] worse than that. Hendrix's playing polarises a lot of opinion. Some say he's a guitar god, others think a lot of his work borders on unlistenable. It doesn't mean that the dislikers should give up playing guitar though, all it means is that Hendrix's style and genre of playing is not for them. EXACTLY the same is true of Jaco. He and Hendrix are two peas from slightly different pods -- like them or love them, you can't deny the fact that they've been incredibly influential on generations of players -- but it doesn't mean that liking their music or style is mandatory. [/quote] First time in 40 years that I've ever heard Jaco's playing refered to as aimless noodling. Justify it anyway you want. I still find the comment ignorant and offensive. Blue
  25. [quote name='AinsleyWalker' timestamp='1449579742' post='2924790'] Thanks to everyone who gave genuine helpful responses/suggestions, I plan to check all of it out at some stage! As to [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/3700-project-c/"]project_c[/url] and [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/34882-blue/"]blue[/url] it's a shame you feel the need to respond in the aggressive and self-righteous manner that you have, it's people like you that tarnish forums for others. Before I even said anything I stated that music is subjective, ergo, this is purely my opinion. I've been completely honest about my opinion and then as you can see, I've asked for suggestions that might change my mind because I'm always open to a fresh perspective. I figured this was the best platform to express my current point of view in the hopes that it might be changed, not for people like you to say I shouldn't be playing bass or that I'm deeply ignorant because I'm not currently a fan of one specific player. This is a place for friendly discussion and exploration, not for people like you to climb onto your pedestal in an attempt to put others down. Perhaps you both need to learn how to maturely disagree with others. [/quote] You drop a torpedo like "aimless noodling" on Jaco and didn't expect it to tick some of us off? Blue
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