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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='AinsleyWalker' timestamp='1449587311' post='2924894'] Well firstly, I didn't say 'he's NOT all that', I asked 'IS he all that', which is a question rather than a statement like you're suggesting. It was intended as a means for people to either come and say 'yes, he is *insert explanation*' or 'no, he isn't *insert explanation*'. The best headlines/first sentences are meant to spark debate, for those who are capable of articulating their opinions without the use of insults. Yes, my opinion is that the tracks I've heard reminded me noodling you hear in a guitar shop. I've not listened to every track of his, nor am I saying that everything he's done sounds this way. If you read through this thread, there are others who agree with this opinion of mine, would you go as far as to call us all ignorant trolls or simply people with opinions? I often go to galleries and I almost always hear people criticise classics or pieces I like*/appreciate, and that's perfectly normal in my mind because I'm capable of processing opposing opinions without employing insults or put downs. Finally, at no point did I claim he didn't have talent or ability. Overall I think you're over-exaggerating what I said massively whilst you've misinterpreted a question and an opinion for statements... Which simply is not the case. [/quote] It's trolling, no back pedaling. Blue
  2. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1449560294' post='2924559'] Referencing the OP, not you - I totally agree with everything you say. But i reckon this thread was started either by someone who's trolling, or just very proud of their own ignorance.. either way, not worth the effort! [/quote] Cool, now that I think about it does seem like trolling. Blue
  3. Where I live they have these open mics, nit jam session. First of all unless you play lead guitar, sing or play harmonica, you will not get a chance to play. So these Open Mics are not open at all. I will not go to open mics. Back in my day we had jam sessions . They were usually in someones home where the locals would jam until the wee hours of the morning and everyone would have a chance to play. Blue
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449522998' post='2924391'] That is fair.... I just wouldn't go with the class comment myself, but there you go... But I will remember to ask a few up and commer gtrs who they listened to... my guess it would be 70's players rather than the Beatles. I think it would be a decent bet, as it happens. [/quote] I don't hear much guitar in pop music these days. My question is are there any up and coming rock guitarists? And it could be generational. For my generation we listened to George and we listened to Chuck Berry. There wasn't a lot rock guitar going on at the time. Blue
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449522998' post='2924391'] That is fair.... I just wouldn't go with the class comment myself, but there you go... But I will remember to ask a few up and commer gtrs who they listened to... my guess it would be 70's players rather than the Beatles. I think it would be a decent bet, as it happens. [/quote] I can't think of a better word to describe Paul, "Class" Blue
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449521315' post='2924361'] How so... how am I influenced, for example. I've heard a good few tracks, played a few more...never owned an album. I'm closer to 60 than 17 of course, but they wrote some good/great songs.. but I fail to see why and how I MUST be influenced by them. I could say I am influenced by Fraser, MM and Jaco, for sure... but there is nothing in my playing that came from the Beatles, I'm sure. And since he didn't register as a bass player for me...why on earth must he be an influence..? [/quote] For one, post 1964 most people didn't even know what an electric bass guitar was until they saw Paul. Who ever your influences are if you follow the trail back far enough you will find Paul. I am sure Jaco was influenced by Paul. I am adamant about this, if you don't get Paul's playing or his influence on several generations of bass players, it means your missing a very key element to pop music, song writing and bass playing overall. And here's another part of my opinion. If your standing up playing an electric bass guitar your influenced by Paul McCartney, period! Now, with that being said, it's only my opinion. And by the way, there is another thread on Bass Chat about Jaco. The poster hears aimless noodling when he listens to Jaco. What do you think of that? Blue
  7. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1449542000' post='2924528'] So OP should give up bass because he doesn't like Jaco? Absolute twaddle. [/quote] If he hears aimless noodling in Jaco, I'd say yes, it's something he should consider. I'm a big fan and the aimless noodling remark ticked me off. Blue
  8. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1449539357' post='2924525'] I never get why people are proud to post stuff that makes them seem deeply ignorant. Unless it's just to troll. [/quote] Not sure if your referencing me, if you are I guess that's OK. However, I'm not trolling. And most that know me, know I live in a pretty back & white world. I don't think my opinion is any more absurd than the tittle of this thread. And i know my comment is pretty harsh and I should have kept it to myself. But I am thinking others had the same thought as me, but were to smart to share it.. Fisrt time in 40 years i have ever heard anyone refer to Joco's playing as "aimless noodling" Blue.
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449522238' post='2924378'] I wouldn't play 4 hrs..period. mate [/quote] I would and I do and at 62 years old I still love it. I would just be getting warmed up after your UK two 45 minute sets. I don't have a long list of don't or dislikes in this business. The only one I can think if is playing for free. Blue
  10. [quote name='AinsleyWalker' timestamp='1449496563' post='2923995'] Of course all music is totally subjective but what I've heard of Jaco Pastorius has been a total let down compared to what I've heard from word of mouth. Granted, I've only heard some of the most well known tracks and to me it was just disjointed... It sounded like I'd just walked into any guitar shop in the world... Aimless noodling... Anyone got any suggestions that may change my mind? [/quote] If you don't get Jaco's talent,you might want to consider taking up a different instrument. Bass guitar is not for everyone. Aimless noodling, WTF? Blue
  11. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1449432220' post='2923500'] Clearly you missed the point I was trying to make. The OP asked "what is McCartney good at?" Blue said "everything" hence the suggestion that he can play in any style well. So I listed a few styles that he would probably struggle with to illustrate the point that absolutely nobody can do that. I can do 2 styles really well, but as for the rest..... maybe less so. As it happens, I find Stu Hamm somewhat self indulgent at times but you can't fault his technical skills. It's not about being remembered, to which your post is completely correct as his songs have stood the test of time. I took what Blue said literally as opposed to what he meant which was "what he does, he does well." Simple isn't it? Blue is a fan, as am I. [/quote] Everything with in reason. And be proud he's your treasure. We didn't and don't have a Paul McCartney. Blue
  12. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449497679' post='2924027'] How much on an influence they are today..?? depends if you talk to a 60 yr songwriter or a 17 yr old...I'd say. I think they were fab for their time. [/quote] My opinion, They were fab for their time and any other time including today and tomorrow. The 60 year old should know his influences. The 17 year old should know anyone standing on stage post 1964 with an electric guitar was influenced by The Beatles whether they are willing to admit it or not. Blue
  13. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1449472658' post='2923704'] I know personally I would never ever play for free anymore. In those cases there's always somebody making money but you ... and the "exposure" means most time absolutely nothing, only somebody selling you a "dream" based on the fact he's got the advantage as lets face it he could have chosen 50 other band on that night but yours... Maybe i'm old and bitter ... [/quote] I have to agree, I'm old and a bit wiser than I was 40 years ago. Blue
  14. [quote name='chevy-stu' timestamp='1449412644' post='2923285'] Some interesting points, and certainly many most bands i've worked with, or booked often forget, mainly they're there to sell drinks side of it.. .. It's obviously written from a US based rock bar type point of view.. (I've probably played 80%of the songs too) [/quote] I love the business. Most of the work we do is bar/club. At The end of the day, in the States your band could be as hot as a pistol, but if alcohol sales are soft, you probably will not get rebooked. Blue
  15. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1449432189' post='2923499'] Hi folks, Thank you to everyone for your input - its been really helpful when it comes to thinking things through. In the end we managed to call in a couple of favours and it looks as if we can put the whole thing on for free. We managed to get a sound-engineer who needs to do a live show for his degree course at the local music college and so offered to cover for free. He comes complete with a nice PA courtesy of his college too which is fantastic. We've also managed to negotiate a free venue connected to the same college - we keep the door money and they get the bar money which is fine with us. All in all, it looks as if we're going to be able to run the whole night at no cost to any of the bands. We want to encourage everyone possible to come and check us out so we're not charging a door fee which is fine - none of us expect to make money from the band right now anyhow. It's been a bit of a nightmare to organise but it looks to be a happy ending all the same. [/quote] Cool, let us know how the gig goes. Good luck Blue
  16. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1449448285' post='2923678'] I can absolutely relate to this Dad.....We just enjoy being a band and it suits us. Sometimes we earn a few quid and cover costs sometimes we don't but we always try to enjoy ourselves. I respect that Blue does it as a job and needs to earn from it. My day job earns me enough to be in a band 👍 [/quote] We love being a band, we love entertaining, we love to play, we love the crowd and we love being financially compensated for all the work and time we have invested in our craft. Blue
  17. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1449410592' post='2923252'] The Rock 'n' Roll Outlaws folded last Christmas, but such is the fanbase, we have a one-off NYE reunion at The Wharf in Tavy. Two 90-minute sets (our idea). If it sells out, which is very likely, we'll end up with a minimum of £500 each, and it will be a bonkers night, guaranteed! [/quote] I hope you guys all walk away with $600.00 each. Nice! Blue
  18. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1449436466' post='2923562'] This is fun... I thought the Beatles wote some great songs but this is 2015... His bass never did anything for me. [/quote] As I Have said a million times,you had to be there. Blue
  19. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1449430086' post='2923480'] Who the f%&k is Stu Hamm? McCartney never needed to play like him, he was busy writing and performing some the most iconic music of all time. In the records of a hundred years hence I doubt Stu Hamm will feature. Get a grip! [/quote] I have to agree with this. Blue
  20. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1449415400' post='2923318'] Not everyone is motivated by earning money. I enjoy playing music with our band i find it motivates me and is therapeutic. It costs me money to go out and visit a theatre or a gig or even to rehearse. If a band play and gig for their own enjoyment too the 40 nicker or thereabouts for the band is good value for me. Some like their £££ / €€€ / $$$ Some aren't too fussed. Must be the Communist in me [/quote] In the states our bar gigs are four hours long. Are you saying you would haul full PA and lights and play for 4 hours for free? Blue
  21. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1449408197' post='2923226'] Sorry Dad - disagree - if you are forking out money to do a gig you are paying to play regardless of how you define "self-promotion" - it has nothing to do with buying your own instruments etc. The equation is simple: We are being paid to do a gig = not paying to play We have to front the money to play the gig = paying to play [/quote] I have to agree with the above. I've been on both sides of the fence and its really tough for originals bands to get gigs, no less getting paid. Blue
  22. I'm a product of the 60s. I have to have a drummer. Blue
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1449365352' post='2923001'] Fixed. (You've been told a million times before to stop exaggerating..! ) [/quote] Ok, I can live with the correction. Blue
  24. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1449363737' post='2922993'] Its £40. Exes would be more than that just to turn up, let alone promote it. Either the numbers are wrong or its not such a bad idea. I think probably the numbers are wrong, and if its not promoted effectively you could end up with an empty room. Not good for morale if you just started gigging, not good for the pocket if you have to shell out more than you expected. [/quote] And for those of us that have been around a while know that is usually what happens. Bue
  25. [quote name='Lynottfan' timestamp='1449357496' post='2922957'] Big Fan of the man, very entertaining live, pleasure to talk to, one of the greatest bass players going, truly inspirational, but for me his work with Sly and the Family Stone is still the best, the band was so original and him and Greg Errico an amazing partnership, love it when the two of them and butch get together on his instruction vid, plus he always plays a real cool looking bass, plenty of power to brother Larry. [/quote] Yes to all that. So sad the original line up of S&TFS lost Cynthia Robinson ( Trumpet) last week. Cynthia Robinson was 71 years young. Blue
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