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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1449317421' post='2922511'] Calm down - I think Blue is a fan, that's all. [/quote] Exactly Blue
  2. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1449317077' post='2922505'] With respect, that's absolute rubbish. Nobody does everything well. If that's what you're saying, I think the possibility of seeing him try to solo like Stu Hamm or play in a progressive band like Tool, or slap like Mark King would be enough to dispel the thought that he can do everything well as I'd imagine it'd be a bit car crash.[/quote] I love Stu, Clarke all those guys. If all 3 of us ran into Macca, we would have one thing in common. We would all be in awe of him at some level. Blue
  3. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1449261644' post='2922116'] British Jamerson. Many have followed him, all have learnt from his lines. His lines still stand up to the test of time, just as Jamerson's do. In fact, one of my old bass lecturers claimed that 'If you learnt ALL of McCartney's, Jamerson's, and Jaco's lines, you could become the complete player.' [/quote] I just wish Jamerson had a small fraction of the career Macca has had. Even then I guess you had to have few more offerings other than playing bass a lone. It's a fair comparison, however I not sure session guys set out to rule the world. Blue
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1449319765' post='2922548'] I think it should be read as 'Everything he does, he does well'. Blue will correct if necessary (although Sir Paul may well be good at dry-stone walling and needlework, too; who knows..?) [/quote] I'll go with that. Blue
  5. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1449317667' post='2922518'] The guy is amazing , makes everything look so easy, plays and sings contrasting things effortlessly, composes and writes original things, almost every Beatles release was different and inventive at the time. [/quote] I have followed his career since 1964. Is there a more creative or successful rock n roller? Not in my book, Blue
  6. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1449317077' post='2922505'] With respect, that's absolute rubbish. Nobody does everything well. If that's what you're saying, I think the possibility of seeing him try to solo like Stu Hamm or play in a progressive band like Tool, or slap like Mark King would be enough to dispel the thought that he can do everything well as I'd imagine it'd be a bit car crash. He does several things in the terms of playing well like most of us. But nobody, does everything "well." Not McCartney, Pastorious, Clarke, Jamerson, Entwistle, King or any other iconic bass player you can name can do everything well. They have their niche areas in which they excel (or not dependent on whether you like their style or even their music), but nobody is all things. McCartney isn't any different in that respect. I happen to like his playing, before anyone asks. [/quote] Macca is one of the few on my "can do no wrong" list. I don't want solos from Macca, nor do I expect them. Blue
  7. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1449345362' post='2922830'] It's a point of view, but there are others. Some bands put their money where their mouth is, stump up the readies and put on their own show. In the present case, entry is free (so lots of folks will come..?), but if selling tickets on the door, there's no promoter's cut to pay. Some bands like to have control over what goes on. Others just do a night's 'work' and go home. There's many a way to skin a cat. No-one's suggesting getting 'ripped off'. It's a legitimate way of getting started. [/quote] Not a bad argument, I see where your coming from. And it might be a cultural thing. In the USA these sort of things hardly ever work in the bands favor. Blue
  8. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1449345456' post='2922833'] Blue & I are of similar age (ok, I'm older....) - interesting replies on this - I think a lot hinges on how much you all want to do this - I've done stuff/bought stuff that I didn't really need, but I kinda liked, and it's usually cost me (too much?) - it depends...just bought a 40year old OrangeMatamp100 at a lot of money, but I wanted it - it's the same thing[i]......[/i] Whatever your group decision, I wish you well...perhaps you'd be kind enough to update & let us know how this turned out?, ..........and that, at the end of the day is where it's to.... [/quote] They're a New band, I'm sure they want to do this. However, if your older than me, you know how these things usually turn out. The band gets screwed. Blue
  9. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1449339104' post='2922765'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]''another local band hosting and someone has to pay''[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]'I've got this great idea fellas - lets run a gig & stitch the support act for the ex's'[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I may be being a trifle harsh, but probably not..............[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [/quote]
  10. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1449339104' post='2922765'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]''another local band hosting and someone has to pay''[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]'I've got this great idea fellas - lets run a gig & stitch the support act for the ex's'[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I may be being a trifle harsh, but probably not..............[/font][/color] That's usually what these things are about. One guy within these 3 bands has figured out a way to make some money for himself. Again, sorry for the doom and gloom, but I've been around for a few summers. Blue [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [/quote]
  11. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1449344698' post='2922824'] Another vote for going for it - as others have said, £40 isn't a lot between you, it sounds like fun and you might make some good contacts. [/quote] I agree if the band is in business of "fun". I know I'm harsh, however it's only because I don't like seeing bands being taken advantage of because they want to play so bad. How would you feel if you over heard someone say: "Yeah they're a new band I think I can get them to help pay some expenses. They really want to play." Blue
  12. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1449343670' post='2922818'] It's not all about money.....if between you 40 quid isn't too much damage go for it. Costs more than that to rehearse and you will get some followers from it. [/quote] Sounds like someone will be making money, why do bands always have to take the hit? Yeah, you might puck up a few followers and then you might not. I prefer to pick up followers from paying gigs. Blue
  13. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1449339401' post='2922770'] Aye, I see where you are coming from. Though to be honest the cost is being split 3 ways evenly. And we are getting the benefit of exposure to their fans which is a big plus for us. I don't know the main band well but the one time I have met them they came across as some of the most friendly, un-egotistical and all around nice people I've met in a long time. I very much doubt in this case its a stich up. [/quote] For those of us that have been around gigging for the last 50 years or so there's one word we always question. "Exposure". In most cases it means nothing and your usually exposed to nothing. I also know how tough it is for original bands to get gigs, which also means there will be people that will try to take advantage of you. I would take a hard stance: "We'll play, but we're not paying any expenses." Blue
  14. blue

    Oh yeah!

    [quote name='Rikki_Sixx' timestamp='1449225053' post='2921650'] Congrats, that's ace! I get nervous playing with anyone looking at me (ie trying a bass out in a guitar shop) so I think it's awesome that you got up there! You've come away with some stuff to learn, so you'll be a better player next time you're up! [/quote] You can always Do the stand in the back by the drummer thing. No one Will see you. Blue
  15. I saw The Stones this summer. Buddy Guy opened for them. They were scheduled to start at 9:00. They started promptly at 9:00. Blue
  16. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1449236279' post='2921830'] Has anyone else noticed that bigger bands are taking longer and longer to actually come out and play these days? At Bring Me The Horizon last week they took 40 minutes from the support ending until their intro started. All they have to do is move some stuff off stage, put a few mic stands and pedalboards out and job done. Smaller gigs we have a 10-15 minute turnaround, why can't they. Liam [/quote] A lot of those bands go straight to the promoter to get paid. Many won't go on until they're paid. Blue
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1449261670' post='2922118'] One of the first, along with James Jamerson (an early McCartney influence) to get away from playing roots and fifths and play melodic lines that were well up in the mix, McCartney put creative bass-playing on the map. Because he was, and is, a great singer, songwriter, arranger and performer it is very easy to underestimate the huge influence McCartney's bass playing had on anyone who picked up a bass guitar after The Beatles. [/quote] Agreed, I didn't even know what an electric bass guitar was until I saw him on our Ed Sullivan Show February 9th,1964. My Mom, at My request purchased my first bass guitar that week. And I doubt I was the only guy to get a bass that week 50 years ago. Blue
  18. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1449257961' post='2922084'] What do you guys think he does well? [/quote] Everything Blue
  19. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1449181727' post='2921438'] Playing probably the best live music pub in town with the rock band. Getting a fair bit on top of our normal fee and free beer, which along with the fact that it should be bouncing (we always get a good crowd there) hopefully means that it should be a great night... [/quote] NICE! Blue
  20. [quote name='stuckinthepod' timestamp='1449226494' post='2921680'] Playing our favourite biker bar on NYE. It's always "lively" and I imagine NYE is going to be more so. Last gig there a very drunk lady punter fell on to the "stage" area and in to me. Knocked my bass out of tune, mic crashing to the floor, lady flat on her back and helped up by friends, drinks everywhere. I completed the song although in different key now NYE - Pedal board will be shrink wrapped... probably me too. [/quote] My board is shrink wrapped for every bar gig whether there's a stage or not. I can't believe when a punter so drunk he/she can't stand comes up to talk to you with a o pitcher of beer in their hand tetering over your board. Blue
  21. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1449181727' post='2921438'] Playing probably the best live music pub in town with the rock band. Getting a fair bit on top of our normal fee and free beer, which along with the fact that it should be bouncing (we always get a good crowd there) hopefully means that it should be a great night... [/quote] Nice Pete, Our NYE gigs are both at venues where we have always been well liked and draw a good crowd too. Blue
  22. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1449181316' post='2921432'] There can be a bit of a tendency towards "my gigs are more serious than your gigs" type posts on basschat - I'm not only talking about this thread, it happens all over the forum. I find this interesting, as there are also quite a few excellent working players who don't feel the need to do that. Out of the loose grouping of musical friends I spent my formative years in bands with, some have gone pro and some haven't (I'm one of the latter), and I'm not sure that there is a huge difference in musicianship between the two groups. One of my musical heroes is Clive Palmer who was in the original Incredible String Band lineup. Whenever a band he was in started getting serious, gigging hard and attracting record company interest, he would jump ship and do something else, leaving them to it. He did this three times in all, then spent most of his life working ordinary jobs and gigging for fun in local pubs. That's a model I find quite attractive, and he made some interesting music along the way and seemed to have a happy enough life. [/quote] Sounds like he knew what he wanted out of this and got it. Blue
  23. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1449181369' post='2921433'] r No room for something in between? I know bands that have taken breaks Jan-March and October/November and not gigged every weekend between. [/quote] January & February will be slow. I don't know what I will do. Go to see other bands, movies etc.. Blue
  24. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1448993680' post='2919916'] Gutted, Rehearsing last night, and our wonderful drummer announces he's not gigging after Christmas and the gigs in December will be his last. He has a high stress/long hours job - I fully understand and support his decision - but feel genuinely distressed about this. So, does anyone have any recommendations for finding new drummers? Have put the feelers out, but typically, most mates are busy in their bands and other good drummers I know are working sessions or pit gigs which will make them unreliable. [/quote] We're going through the same thing. Our drummer gave notice a few weeks ago. What's so depressing is that our drummer is top shelf, great timing, great fills and chops, he reminds me of Mitch Mitchells. he really moved our band up a notch with his sound. He's older ,my age early 60s and wants to cut back on gigging. I don't know what were going to do, we might have to take a hit on drum quality, were not going to find anyone as good as him and it's hard to find guys that will put up with our busy schedule. Blue
  25. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1449180231' post='2921419'] Nothing wrong with a bit of focus [/quote] Yeah, at least I'm consistent. LOL Blue
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