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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1448957892' post='2919479'] Yeh i think it's just that some people have other jobs which prevents them from gigging three times a week. I would love it if i could make music my full time living, and have enough to fund my family. As it stands, i cant, so i dont. Once a week is about what we aim for. Keeps it fresh and enjoyable for us then. I totally get what you're saying though Blue. It's your main source of income (from what i gather), so you need it to be regular [/quote] It's tough but I have been on both sides of the fence, the 9-5 corporate side and now the ful time rock musician. At 62 I'm finally at piece and I'm really enjoying life now. Finally doing something that I know how to do. You have to constantly work at having money coming in. Now keep in mind I'm single with adult children out on their own. Blue
  2. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1448922186' post='2919298'] Personally I don't find I've ever needed one in the 30 years I've been playing bass. The range of fingerstyle, pick or slapping gives me plenty of sounds, plus my tone control, and seriously that is all I've used for 99 percent of gigs over the years. If you're a guitarist then yes, you need to be able to switch between a couple of different sounds, have a lead boost etc, but not for bass unless you really need multiple sounds. Fx boards can be good fun tho! [/quote] I probably didn't use effects for close to 40 years. I see plenty of guys that sound and play great without pedals. I also think it takes a while to fully understand how and when to use effects. My opinion managing a pedal board for bass players is more of a challenge than it is for guitar players. Blue
  3. [quote name='Bigjas' timestamp='1448918412' post='2919243'] It's not always just about the gigs. I like the social side of being in two bands and getting together every week. I gig about 40 times a year which is just right for me at this time. A few years ago 15 gigs a year was what I enjoyed. Also, quantity is not always better than quality. I would rather do 10 decent gigs a year than 60 poor ones. Jas [/quote] Cool, were all different. This is what works for Jas. Me, I have no interest of the social side of this. I look at it as a business. The band members are my co-workers. Quality and quantity are relative terms. And what makes a good gig and what makes a sh*tty gig are different to all of us. To me, quality can happen anytime and anywhere. It's when all the pieces come together.The band is playing on all 6 cylinders, the sound and lights are where they're suppose to be.And your playing to a full house of respectful and responsive people. Blue
  4. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1448920899' post='2919283'] I think Blue has mentioned before that he plays bass for a living. I dont think there was any malice intended in his question. Anyhow, I am quite happy to gig once a month. That is enough for me. Music is a hobby, I have a good job and lovely wife and home, and sometimes I prefer to stay in and enjoy them. [/quote] Exactly, this again has to do with how we all come at life and music differently. I'm not very good at what would be looked at as traditional careers. And I'm not a family man or relationship type guy either.Both of those things are cool, but not for all of us. I excel at getting home at 3:00am and off to the next gig a few hours later and repeating that. That's just a very natural way of getting from day to day for me. Gigging all the time is a complete drag for some, I look at it as my calling. Blue
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1448930423' post='2919414'] There are less and less participants every year in the village Maypole celebrations. Once almost 'the event of the year', life has moved on, for better or worse. My elder brother was, for several years, an avid member of a slot-racing club. Every small town had one; bigger towns had several. A shop or arcade, with a huge track layout; 6, 8 or more parallel tracks, run by professionals, including my brother, for a while. For a certain fee, one could compete one's latest jewel against others, with re-wound motors, 'slick' tyres, moulded plastic bodies of Can-Am or GT racers. Where are they now..? I'm pretty sure (I've not checked...) that there's one or two, somewhere in the UK, but it's had its day. Back later..? Maybe; life is like that. Some things have a certain 'life span' Rock, and music in general, is one of them. It's normal, and surprises me not at all. Back in the day, there were half a dozen 'Marquee'-style clubs around Hounslow alone (RickyTick, anyone..?). I don't think there's one left, nor has been for years. [/quote] This is exactly the type of astute commentary I was looking for. Blue
  6. [quote name='rjs1909' timestamp='1448930427' post='2919415'] For me, I would love to gig as often as possible but Mrs rjs1909 tells me I don't have the time. In fact, she tells me I don't have the time to be in a band at all [/quote] That's why I'm not married and why I don't have a girl friend. Nobody tells me what I have the time for or how I spend my time. Blue
  7. [i]"Well I'd say this - instead of knocking those practicing once a week and gigging once a month, how about doffing your cap to them - they're still rocking it when many have given up, they find time in their lives which might be busy with familiy and jobs and who-knows-what to strap on guitars, make some noise and have some fun. This forum is replete with them, I'd imagine. They're still at it and that should be celebrated, not derided for not being in some way 'the real deal'"[/i] I guess I could have said that, however that's not the way I think. Your very generous and so am I, up to a point. For me, rehearsing more than you gig get's into the whole "Boys Night Out". Guys that love the the [i]"hang"[/i] with the boys and have fun thing. It's cool, but not for me. Even with my band, really cool talented people, however I hardly ever see them or talk to them except for at gigs. And to be honest, I think it's why we get on so well with each other. Again, just my spin, my take, my opinion. Blue
  8. "Then why are you dismissing people for being in bands that you (dismissively in my opinion) describe as 'Boys Night's Out'. I'm not dismissing it, what I was looking for was discussion on the overall decline in live rock probably at the bar band level. Blue
  9. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1448918237' post='2919238'] As long as everyone has a similar level of commitment its all fine with me... I make it clear to people: I'm not a pro quality player, I don't want to give up my job to try to "make it big", and if I am having a busy week at work and home that prevents me learning new songs properly then I say pretty quick [/quote] Yeah, I don't think many older guys are looking to make it big. I'm certainly not. Do I want to gig Friday, Saturday and Sunday, yeah I really do. but that's just me. blue
  10. Trolling? No, not at all. Only in the sense that I wrote the post with the intent on generating responses. Blue
  11. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1448917487' post='2919224'] 10 gigs a year, 100 gigs a year. What's the difference? A gig is a gig. Could say the same thing about sexual partners. [/quote] I just see as part of the trend in the decline of the market for live rock music. There are probably reasons why some bands play 10 gigs and another 100 gigs a year. I should mention that I see nothing wrong with a "Boys Night Out" Blue
  12. Hi, Just looking for comments and insights from you guys. I been at this bass guitar, rock and roll thing for 50 years now. I'm fortunate to be in band with a really nice book of business (bars, clubs, functions, festivals and fairs) with good, honest and trustworthy organization. We play about 75 shows per year. From talking to other musicians especially those over 40 it seems the drive to gig has diminished for many. Guys have other things going on in the lives, the business is tougher to get for most bands. Many of the ads I saw read like this; [i]"Bass player wanted, we are all over 40. We play classic rock. We rehearse once a week and gig once a month."[/i] I'm sure some will challenge my opinion. To me this is not really a band, but more of a "Boys Night Out". A chance to get the bass out again and get out of the house for a little "me" time. This is merely my personal opinion. I know there are multiple reason why guys might not want to gig as much as they once did. Not sure what you guys think about this. Take it any direction you want. Blue
  13. [quote name='GM10' timestamp='1448802601' post='2918217'] Are there many of you guys out there who don't use any pedalboard effects at all? [/quote] [size=4][font=Arial]Effects;[/font] [font=Arial]I think it's personal preference along with what are you doing;[/font][/size][list=1] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Playing at home[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Hobby Band[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Gigging Band[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Show, Corporate Functions Band[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Pub/Bar band[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Genre[/font][/size] [/list] [size=4][font=Arial]I employ a full pedal board. I'm actually pretty [i]"old school"[/i] as in when I started gigging in the mid 60's there wasn't much if anything for bass available. I started using pedals and learning how to use them for live gigs about 10 years ago.[/font] [font=Arial]Keep in mind when your listening to your favorite bands recordings there is always some sort of effect or processing used.[/font] [font=Arial]For me, at all gigs, compression is on all night. I also use my MXR Bass Octave a lot. We are a New York 70s style rock and blues band with a lot of guitar solos. I wanted to give a rich thick foundation to support these solos and the Bass Octave does just that. I play mostly in upper closed string positions.[/font] [font=Arial]I also have a little Chorus and Overdrive running subtly in the background for the sustain. [/font] [font=Arial]My use of pedals gives our band a much fully and professional sound.[/font] [font=Arial]Blue[/font][/size]
  14. What is neck dive? I gig with a 1991 Gibson Thunderbird. I just put it on and play. Nothing is diving. Blue
  15. [quote name='paulie' timestamp='1446471546' post='2899554'] Ive tried loads of compressors and I keep coming back to the EBS because its subtle, Others really do squash your tone when you dig in live. But in tube mode the EBS seems to go with your playing dynamic. [/quote] I use the EBS Multicomp. It stays on all night. It's subtle and really evens things out.I think the retail of $199.00 is a little high. Blue
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1446818921' post='2902626'] As has been said, if you're not happy then return it, but Fender Mike Dirnt are made in Mexico, so that's correct. I wouldn't say that because the neck plate doesn't have the star that it's necessarily a fake, though. And I've never heard anyone complain before that a bass is too light! In the end it's about how it feels, plays and sounds. If you don't like it, you don't like it. But I'm not sure if instantly escalating with PayPal is the way to go... did you contact the seller and discuss your concerns with them first to see what they say? [/quote] A lot of guys love those basses. I have 2 Fender PS. But me, when it comes to Fender it has to be MIJ. I can't get use to those MIM necks. Blue
  17. I use Korg's Pitch Black. I like it, but at sunny outdoor gigs I couldn't read it at all. Blue
  18. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1446748884' post='2902073'] Cynical cash-grab-tastic. It'll be Chuckles Blackmore & a bunch of American session players. I have read that there is a specific vocalist but he is an "unknown". Presumably someone from a Rainbow/Purple tribute. The only people you'd really want to see in a Rainbow reunion are dead. Jon. [/quote] My good friend from high school Chuck Burgi played with Rainbow back in the day. Chuck has been with Billy Joel for the past 9 years. Chuck was light years ahead of everyone, even back in High School. Blue
  19. [quote name='neilp' timestamp='1446821052' post='2902654'] Very true! I don't agree with much of what Mr Bruce said, but I have to say I always regarded Mr McCartney as being of very modest gifts... [/quote] Regardless, McCartney helped define what a lot of us baby boomers were going to do with the rest of our lives. Blue
  20. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1446746951' post='2902041'] It could be true. It also helps that you are in the so called 27 club i guess. Who knows in which direction he might have gone if he never died young. He died as a superstar, but if he had survived, he could have ended up as a washed up has been. He was obviously great before he died, as you don`t get to be the main act for Woodstock when you have all the bands on there. Although i like Janis Joplin, I am not sure she would have had the same impact if she was still alive today. [/quote] Interesting, If he had stayed with us I would haver rathered he fade away instead of becoming old time hack. Blue
  21. I am not sure I answered the question correctly. There will always be room for improvement. I probably learn something new every time I pick up my bass. However, I don't think I'll be going any further than the bar band level. I am happy with the 70 shows we do annually. I know guys that have nothing going on. Blue
  22. If you have really good paying gigs bet he would play a lot more shows than you think. Blue
  23. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1446229168' post='2898000'] I ran sound system shows for years, and always had '2nd jocks' to work with. I never saw any of them away from gig related stuff - it worked fine. Work is work...home is home... [/quote] My story is the same. I only see my band mates at gigs.Our operation is more or less on automatic pilot. So there's very little if any phone calls, texting or email. Blue
  24. Depends on what your using the site for. If your band is focused on live shows the first thing you should see when you go to the site is where your next gig is. Blue
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