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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='AlexDelores' timestamp='1443737130' post='2877395'] I tend to find if i run either of my distortion or overdrive pedals there okay, but as soon as i try and run them with a compression pedal they seem to start hissing at me, im sure theres an intelligent reason for this but shouting at them hasnt solved it yet, ill keep trying [/quote] I have 3 shows this weekend. I am going to try running my board without my EBS compression. Blue
  2. Here's another reason; I think and I could be wrong, if a guy didn't catch the bug early in life ( 12-15 years of age ) and developed a true passion for this kind of work, playing in a working band, had never been a significant part of his/her life, I think it's easy to give up. And in this case it's because he/she was never really in the game. Blue
  3. In regards to replacement,I agree, it depends on the band and sometimes location. We replaced a drummer a year ago, but it wasn't easy. We had wanabes,the inexperienced,and the unskilled. And on top of all that we had one guy that was good that said [i]" I really want to be in this band "[/i]. Then goes home looks at our schedule and sees how busy we are, then says ;[i] " I can't commit "[/i] Blue
  4. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1443895419' post='2878597'] replaced but it won't be the same, if you're just a covers band it doesn't matter, but for a band who've had success with their own material they will never be the same if original members are replaced, look at Status Quo and UK Subs to name but two, both replaced the drummer and bass player, considered by many to be the least important members of the band and neither were ever the same again IMO of course, it's happened with other bands as well, suggestions anyone? [/quote] Those guys are pros, I don't think it matters at the bar/pub band level. Blue
  5. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1443734670' post='2877368'] Surely by definition a sideman is just there to play bass, can be replaced relatively easily. [/quote] Sideman or not unless it's the star of the band any member can be replaced relatively easy. Blue
  6. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1443795895' post='2877790'] I've been using a G30 for about a month now and I'm dead happy with it. I got a charger & 4 rechargeables from Maplins at the same time. Last weekend I used a different bass on one gig and I forgot to take the transmitter off another bass so I had to do the gig with a lead. It literally got under my feet and in my way. It's funny that it has never bothered me in 30 years of playing, until now. I love the freedom of wireless for moving around, and it comes into it's own at soundchecks where I'm often out front mixing with an iPad. [/quote] Like many I find huge benefit with my line 6 in small clubs, having that freedom in close quarters has more value than on large festival stages. I have not used a lead since 2009 when I got my line6 and I gig every weekend. The less leads laying about on the floor the better. Blue
  7. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1443453659' post='2874822'] cheers matey I presumed there'd be a fix for it cos it seems like 90% of the wireless systems out in playland are line6...I suggested switching channels and he 'poo-pooed' the idea... [/quote] Something is not right with that sound guy. I played plenty of festivals this past summer with provided high end sound. Nobody has ever had a problem with my line6 Blue
  8. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1443779423' post='2877578'] It doesn't annoy me TBH. It's usually an indicator that the seller has been messed about in the past. [/quote] Anyone that has been in a band that had to hold auditions for an opening knows how difficult it is to pre-screen and usually some of these time wasters always show up. You know the guy that says: "I didn't have time to learn the songs, I'll just wing it." Blue
  9. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1443785582' post='2877657'] I like to have input in a band, especially over material. This may not be specific songs but on direction. If there's some aspect of the band I think it total arse then I want to be in a situation where I can say so, and that goes from songs to promotional material. If someone produces a gig poster and I think it looks like a 3 year old did it I'll say so. I'm standing out in public performing music, I don't want it looking in what would be my view, rubbish. I'm not interested in being a 'side man' or in scratch bands. [/quote] I've been a sideman in the same Band for over 4 years, playing bass and singing. We have a band leader that makes all those band decisions and she's good at it.I support all of her decisions. Were all different as I said before,if you like those sort of details it's fine. I have no interest in that side of the band. Blue
  10. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1443519668' post='2875389'] So if you can't find people who share your tastes, you don't play? [/quote] A lot of guys would prefer staying in the bedroom if they can't find a band that plays specifically what they want. To me, that means they're not really in the game or I should say they are in a different game. I have a buddy a guitarist who is exactly like this. He told me, [i]"I don't have to be in a band"[/i]. Right there I knew as a musician I had nothing in common with him. I have to be in a band. Blue
  11. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1443734670' post='2877368'] Surely by definition a sideman is just there to play bass, can be replaced relatively easily and doesn’t have much input on material and other creative decisions. I would have thought that being a sideman would make it easier to play in multiple bands. In one of my current bands I am definitely part of the frontline and not a sideman. The band is run as sort of a democracy but me and the guitarist (as the most experienced players) tend to choose material (although we take care to pick songs the other two will be happy with) and MD the band between us, whilst the drummer does most of the marketing / social media stuff, etc. In some of my other bands I take on more of a sideman role… [/quote] For those who want that sort of role or responsibility, it might be one of those questions to ask prior to joining a bad; [i]" Will I have a say in what material the band will play and what it won't play? "[/i] Blue
  12. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1443735553' post='2877375'] Actually, on this issue I don't think that it really matters so much whether you think that the Beatles / Stones are timeless and still relevant today! I would say that the point is that past generations of men would hit their fifties and would start ‘acting’ middle aged – you know, investing in a pipe and a good pair of slippers from M&S and dressing from the sales rail at Greenwoods!! Whereas people your age are part of the ‘rock and roll’ generation that were brought up in the 60s and even though you are now in your sixties still have pretty much the same attitude that you have had all your adult life, as evidenced by the way you dress and general lifestyle! Obviously it is pretty much the same for the subsequent generations, including people like me and my mates who were first introduced to music in the 70s. These days middle aged people obviously still get older, but they don’t always choose to grow up into middle / old age in the way that their parents did… [/quote] Agreed, my attitude and spirit is the same as it was back in the 60s & 70s. I always say, I'm older, but I will never be old. Blue
  13. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1443738955' post='2877416'] I find that when I'm swapping between basses the output varies somewhat, which has a knock-on effect on my pedal board - particularly the envelope filter and valve O/D unit. I'm looking at putting a small booster in my fretless to ensure parity between the outputs. Have you tried a compressor at the start of your pedal board just to level things out a bit? [/quote] Paul, My compressor (EBS) is second to last in my chain. You think I should move it more towards the front of the chain ,like after my chromatic tuner? Blue
  14. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1443741567' post='2877423'] If your cab has a tweeter you may want to turn it off. Apart from that, overdrive and distortion usually mean gain, so some increase in noise par for the course imho. Small price to pay for the roar of a nicely messed-up bass. [/quote] I will make sure our sound person has my horns off. Blue
  15. [quote name='AlexDelores' timestamp='1443737130' post='2877395'] I tend to find if i run either of my distortion or overdrive pedals there okay, but as soon as i try and run them with a compression pedal they seem to start hissing at me, im sure theres an intelligent reason for this but shouting at them hasnt solved it yet, ill keep trying [/quote] Maybe that's the problem.I run compression all night. Blue
  16. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1443730258' post='2877316'] Precisely. Our singer, guitarist and drummer have enough arguments over song choices without me getting involved. Tell me what to play, when, I'll turn up and play it. I chose the band based on exsisting material, I trust the band leader to maintain the direction of the band. I've been the person leading the band and know how disruptive it is when you're trying to take the band in one direction and one or more members are fighting it. Making song suggestions is one thing. Vetoing songs is quite another. [/quote] Yes to all that. We're on the same page. It's just another side issue or example of how some guys get frustrated with bands. It gets back to knowing what your looking for in a band. If a guy has an interest in some of the higher level band decisions, he should make sure the band will give him that sort of role in the band. Blue
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1443727707' post='2877273'] Nope, I'm always a sideman as I don't do the gig solo and I play the bass part. And as a sideman, I'd expect input and to contribute. [/quote] I meant, I'm a sideman and I was hired to play bass and sing, not pick or make decisions on material. I don't expect nor do I have any interest in song choice or creative input. That is why, for me , I come up with new bass lines , positions or other things to make songs I don't care for fun. And when I say sideman , I mean guys that play in only 1 band. So my point was or suggestion was aimed at other sideman like me that don't have the interest or the option to can songs. It might be different in the UK, in the States I don't know of any [i]"sideman" [/i]bass players that make decisions on material or any other band decisions. You show up and you play the songs that are called. Blue
  18. I have no problem with applying chorus, bass octave, phase or anything like that. I rotate several single coil and humbucker basses. Why does is seem so hard to dial in overdrive and distortion. I always experience volume surge, hiss and all sorts of annoyances. I'm using the MRX-85 for distortion and [size=4]the Dr J - Soloman Bass Overdrive .[/size] [size=4]Suggestions[/size] [size=4]Blue[/size]
  19. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1443724440' post='2877226'] That is a pick-up band to me.... I'd make in an option if I felt strongly enough about it...I wouldn't invest in a band myself if they lacked what I thought was musical integrity. Sure, you can make things interesting but to do that...you need chemistry to play off one and another. I'm really picky that way. [/quote] This is not a pick up band. It's an established band, 9 years. We play around 75 regional shows annually. I have been with them for the last 4 years as bass guitarist and background vocals. I have no interest in what material the band plays. My interests is in steady consistent good bookings and money. When they hired me, it was to play bass and sing, not choose material, what songs we play or provide creative input. I think what you meant was [i]"sideman [/i]" not [i]"pick up"[/i] band. Blue
  20. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1443686480' post='2876819'] He means 20years ago the set of 60year olds grew up on Glen Miller and Vera Lyn. Unlike today's 60year olds. Which may go some way to explain why there are so many bands around still playing all the old Beatles and Stones hits. If you're 20years old, you still have to play old fashioned music though. [/quote] Agreed, gotcha. To me Beatles and Stones music is timeless and not old fashion. We had a 20 something open for us recently and this young guy had the crowd on their feet doing Beatles & James Taylor. Great guitar skills and vocals. Blue
  21. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1443686316' post='2876817'] To me the players are more important that the song... but if the song is crap...in your opinion, then don't do it. Any song is vetoed if someone really doesn't want to play it. There is no point flogging that as they wont bring anything to it.. If you play songs with a good feel and energy, that is your start point.. if it doesn't get to that start point, bin it [/quote] Thing is, if your not the band leader canning a song is not your call and not an option. That's why I say figure out a way to play your bass part differently so you can make it fun. Worked for me. Blue
  22. Several people have referenced common tastes in material and some comments on songs you don't like playing. I used to have the sane concerns about performing songs I don't care for. When your gigging a lot and and trying to make a living, you really should leave the adolescent " I hate playing this song" at the door. This is what I did to change my attitude. What can I do as a bass player to make this song fun for me. Using New positions, bringing a new feel to the line adding an effect, different fills, whatever. My point, don't let a few songs take the fun out of playing or take the fun out of a gig. Blue
  23. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1443606787' post='2876092'] This is always a difficult thing to manage. We never changed our 'pub set' too much for functions as we were booked by someone who'd seen us. Of course, you can't be oblivious to what that market requires but what really counts is that they liked us and we knew..and they had the same confidence..that we had a good show. There were no dodgy moments about whether anyone would get up and dance and we basically delivered a hard hitting 'show'..as opposed to a selection of tunes as per the whim of the evening. So we quickly trebled our pub fee to a party/function fee....and the idea is to get it to 5 times. Of course...you need a few dates to tick over on... but you really have to get out of the pub circuit here if you want to up your money. As with all things, you have to be perceived as worth it to the buyer... but this will be the model of a new band as well. The accent will be firstly on the playing, and a great vibe. Then we will see how well this crosses over. I've no doubt it will, tbh... just needs a bit of ground work. I would say a rock blues set...as I understand that in a pub sense over here, would indeed be a tough sell to corporate or functions...but those fuddly duddies of yesteryear...??? they are the ones who grew up on the 60's and rock music and they are the target audience now..?? Simple test.... a 60th birthday USED to be a gig of dread 20 years ago and it would catch many a band out as they just didn't have the repetoire..??? now those 60th birthday people grew up with Hendrix and the Who..??? [/quote] Who are these fuddie buddies of yester year you reference? I'm 62 and I'm not a fuddie duddie. Who are these fuddie duddies? Is that an English thing. I certainly don't know of any, Blue
  24. Low action with no buzz. I take my basses to Cream City Music for a 60.00 set up. Best 60.bucks you could spend. Blue
  25. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1443562064' post='2875871'] Just out of interest, do you play original material, covers....bit of both ? [/quote] A bit of both, I would say 80% 70s style blues/rock covers and 20% originals. As far as gigs are concerned I think were reaping the benefits of being in business for 9 years. Meaning most of our business comes from existing business and in bound call inquiries. Generating new business is crucial and a struggle for us. Something interesting happened this year, we were also able to land what you guys call function band gigs. We call them corporate gigs. These higher paying gigs are usually reserved for show bands doing Bruno Mars and Lady Ga Ga. Blue
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