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Everything posted by blue

  1. Huge Harley Davidson Rally gig last Saturday. Thousands in attendance even for our 11:00am time slot. Huge stage,top shelf sound and lights. Plus private green room with food and drink. Big time pay too. The kind of gig I love. Were a bar band, however, in the Summer we play our share of fairs and festivals. It's a refreshing change. Blue
  2. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1441788109' post='2861686'] I'm normally a bit meh when it comes to blue bursts, but that is very attractive. I think it helps that there's what appears to be a nice bit of wood under it. I like the baccyburst on your Tbird too. [/quote] Thanks, I'm pretty sure my G&L ASAT bass has an ash body. [list] [*]2 G&L Magnetic Field humbucking pickups [*][b]Ash body[/b] [*]Hard rock-maple neck with maple fretboard [*]12" neck radius [*]1-1/12" neck width at the nut [*]Custom G&L Ultra-Lite tuners with aluminum tapered string posts [*]G&L Saddle-Lock bridge [*]G&L Tri-Tone active/passive electronics with 3-way mini-toggle pickup selector, series/parallel Mini-toggle, and preamp mini-toggle (off/on/on with high EQ boost) [*]Chrome hardware [*]No pickguard [/list] Yes, the Bacburst is classic and really screams Thunderbird. Blue
  3. [quote name='thegom' timestamp='1431958157' post='2776579'] Blueburst in the lead, that's somewhat suprising.... [/quote] My G&L ASAT Blue Burst Bass. Blue
  4. My fav bursts, 91 Gibson Thunderbird and my 2005 German made Hofner Club Bass. Blue
  5. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion. It would be nice to know what your opinion is based on. If your opinion is based on nothing. Well, what can I say. Blue
  6. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1441617850' post='2860188'] I'd be inclined to ask why it is your singer is asking you to turn down. If you are so quiet that you cannot hear yourself while the drums are playing, maybe its that your vocal monitoring for the singer is not adequate? [/quote] Yeah,I think this should be worked out between you and the singer. Blue
  7. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1441375143' post='2858432'] I can see why the phrase 'Not getting it' might rankle, there being an association with an unlovable individual. [/quote] [i]"Not getting it" might not have been the best choice of words."[/i] Blue
  8. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1441371569' post='2858377'] Hmm! Even my thoughts and personal tastes in music are dictated by a fan of advanced years of a band which barely lasted 10 years? [/quote] Stu, you know better than I most bands don't last for 10 years. And for those of us that were there and those who are well versed in Beatles history know they accomplished more in 1 year (1964) than most bands ever accomplish, no less 10. Blue
  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1441315707' post='2857957'] There's a million and one things happening at very moment, I "get" many of them. Your favourite band that you saw half a century ago isn't one of them.[/quote] I'm afraid it is. It's happening right now, all over the world. Anytime and any place where any group of people are walking on stage with electric guitars. Blue
  10. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1441315375' post='2857951'] I suspect that within his post-Beatles era, Michael Jackson may be considered to be one of the big things.[/quote] Agreed, "one of". Blue
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1441292556' post='2857659'] I dunno who was bigger but Michael Jackson was better. [/quote] To who? You? Blue
  12. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1441314875' post='2857947'] Being one of the best selling albums of all time is historical is most people's terms of reference. A guy trying to browbeat people into seeing a band from his ancient past as being good/historical/best or whatever is very "meh". I find the vast majority of Beatles music boring, such a thought is irrelevant and totally detached from their place in history. Having a personal opinion or musical taste is nothing whatsoever to do with "getting it". [/quote] See that's where your wrong IMHO. It's not the ancient past, it's still happening this very moment. That's the part you don't get Stu. Blue
  13. Guys, I'm a prick when it comes to John, Paul, George and Ringo. However, most, if not all the cats I know have always regarded the English as always being on the cutting edge of anything new in "Rock" Blue
  14. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1441293008' post='2857671'] That's an interesting point to bring up, as looking at some of the bigger names in contemporary pop, I think I can see a fair chunk of Michael Jackson influence, not just in the music but in the whole way of working. I mean that thing of having big productions by name producers, slick videos, performances as much focussed on dance and spectacle as the song etc. I'm not a huge MJ fan myself (so no epiphanies for me there), but there is probably a case to be made for him having changed the industry in a fairly significant way. Of course, none of this has happened in a vacuum so anything which was important in the path of 20th century pop will have paved the way for it in some way. [/quote] I'll simplify this and I'm a huge MJ fan. No Beatles, no MJ. Blue
  15. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1441294883' post='2857700'] For me - it's "Rumours", entirely because in music's primary role of enjoyable entertainment I do enjoy "Rumours", though I'm not a fan of FM, whereas Sgt Pepper bores me to the point that though I own a few Beatles recordings I've never listened to Sgt Pepper all the way through. That may be heresy to some ............. or maybe I just don't "[i]get it[/i]". [/quote] Fact, Rumors is a great album but it's not historical while Sgt Pepper is. Blue
  16. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1441271839' post='2857347'] If you're more insightful, then in a way, you are better[/quote] I don't feel any better than anyone. I feel more insightful. LOL Blue
  17. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1441286528' post='2857558'] The point is, everyone who is interested in music comes at it from a different perspective and you can have far more rewarding conversations if you accept that, rather than trying to ram a single point of view down their throats. [/quote] Norman but it's no fun if you can't ram a point of view down one's throat. LOL Blue
  18. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1441270517' post='2857343'] I understand how people treasure these moments and memories, when their mind was expanded. However, it seems that this is happening at the cost of devaluing the experiences of others who were around at a different time.[/quote] There a cost and consequence to everything in life. Unfortunately in this instance part of the cost is devaluing the experience of those that were not around. But they'll live. Blue
  19. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1441296003' post='2857709'] Hmmm... I think something can be enjoyable but not as important as something else. A fair sized proportion of today's serious music is not enjoyable. But in the long run it may be more important. An album being enjoyable is down to the subjective experience of the listener. Whether an album is important may be more to do with what the album motivates it's listeners (note plural) to do. [/quote] The Pepper album will go down in history as "ground breaking" regardless of who enjoys it and who doesn't. Blue
  20. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1441262857' post='2857282'] I'm not asking you to trade -- I wouldn't -- and I'm definitely not trying to compare. That.is.my.whole.point. It's not supposed to be a p*ssing contest to see who's got the biggest experience. I appear to be having trouble getting my point across. [/quote] Well, I agree, I don't want a pissing contest either. Blue
  21. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1441307896' post='2857848'] That's a whole lotta important-ing going on! Maybe the importance isn't important to some compared to the actual enjoyment purpose, or simply lost over the decades since. [/quote] Stu, nothing has been lost, it's all documented. You can't lose history. Blue
  22. I think they are good for guys that like playing at open mics. Me, I'll pass. Blue
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1441189925' post='2856726'] Because you're unlikely to get most of the population watching a single YouTube clip for the first time simultaneously. [/quote] Love the response Wateroftyne. And remember it was live TV. Blue
  24. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1441192285' post='2856761'] I'd agree that the Beatles were a unique cultural and social phenomenon which does not invite direct comparison with anything before or since, I can see that even as someone born in 1981. What I'm less keen on is the suggestion that exposure to that somehow makes anyone who was a certain age in a certain place at a certain time inherently wiser, more insightful and all-around [i]better[/i] than the rest of us. [/quote] I would say it does make us more insightful, but in no way any wiser or better than anyone for any reason. Blue
  25. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1441185385' post='2856668'] Horace's influences lay in the Jamaican [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ska"]ska[/url] artists such Prince Buster. I'm not sure where the Beatles fit in there. And to the best of my knowledge, John Lennon did not invent the protest song. Look, I know you're not talking about [u]a[/u] record or [u]a[/u] show. Neither am I. But can you [i]please[/i] understand that for many people, the introduction to a different way of life and opening of eyes and so on might, just [i]might[/i], have had nothing to do with the Beatles? And can you please accept that while our epiphanies may not have been as genuinely world-changing as yours, they are just as [u]personally[/u] valuable? I can well understand that the world really did actually change when four Scousers stepped off a plane in 1964 or whenever, but for me it happened on Top of the Pops one night in 1979 when Madness, The Specials and The Selecter introduced me to a new way of life. [/quote] I wouldn't trade or compare my Beatles experience for Madness, The Specials or The Selecter ( all great bands mind you) Blue
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