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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1440684200' post='2852947'] I think it is fair to say that the Beatles were so Omni-influential and widely accepted that it would be hard to find in the western world, modern or contemporary music that wasn't influenced directly or indirectly by the Beatles. I think to say that every band would list the Beatles as an influence would be stretching the theory however I think it reasonable that you could link every modern bands influences to the Beatles by 3 degrees of separation. I think the tsunami created by the Beatles was so far reaching that it left very little in its path unaffected, and anything that wasn't affected by the initial blast almost certainly got a bump from the after tremors. Anyone not accepting this as the truth is being stubborn and unrealistic. [/quote] Exactly! I think we we hear a Beatles songs, it's multi dimensional for us. We experience a lot more than the song. All they hear is an old song they unfamiliar with and means nothing to them. Sort of like if I heard ( which I haven't ) a song by One Direction. Blue
  2. Such great powerful memories and critical thought. All us 9 & 10 year olds that saw The Beatles on February 9th 1964 with 70 million people. Many like me on that crucial Sunday night. Were at that weird age without a lot going on except baseball, marbles and blue jeans, we immediately thought: [i]"Ok, this I get, this is whats happening, this is what I want to be like, this is where I want to go. Mom do you think you could by me an electric bass guitar?"[/i] [i]Blue[/i]
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1440584112' post='2852088'] I think Blue is over estimating how important any kind of music is to people who weren't actually there at the time. Despite having been born in 1960, The Beatles completely passed me by. By the time I was interested in any kind of music it was the 70s and they were long (in pop/rock music terms) gone. Not just yesterday's news but the last decade's news. Paul McCartney was in Wings who made a couple of albums that I enjoyed and Ringo had produced one catchy pop single. The others weren't even on my radar because I was far more interested in Bolan, Bowie, Slade and The Sweet.[/quote] And Bolan, Bowie, Slade and The Sweet were all influenced by the Beatles. IMHO, you had an interest in The Beatles, but you didn't know it. This is the point I have been trying to make to many that weren't there. Blue
  4. [quote name='Rikki1984' timestamp='1440481713' post='2851071'] Yes but the question was for something that will impress NON musicians and, rightly or wrongly, fast/flashy is what they will see as impressive. [/quote] My mistake, I don't think bass guitar players can impress anybody except other bass guitar players. We have a very good lead guitarist, when she is soloing, I swear the crowd only sees her. Blue
  5. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1440486108' post='2851098'] And therefore, by extension: "If your (sic) standing up playing in a rock band, doesn't matter what genre, you have been influenced by the artists The Beatles were influenced by at some level whether you know it or not." I don't believe any of this for a second, but hey we all have opinions. [/quote] Well, if your playing in a rock band, you saw or heard something that made you want to play. Whatever, you heard or saw can be traced back to The Beatles, that's fact, not opinion. Blue
  6. Loved the demos, certainly something I can get a lot of utility out of. Of all my pedals MXR seems to give me the most for their price range. I have never been sold on boutique pricing. I will probably pull my Boss Bass Synth (never use it) and replace it with the M85. Blue
  7. You Guys, C'mon. At a high level this is about English history, not American history. Regardless of your opinion or age, 4 of your mates changed the world. Let me explain how far reaching and how far beyond music this goes. This is just a small personal example. Prior to the Beatles in my world England did not exists. Ever since the Beatles I developed a strong interest in English people, English culture and history. Blue
  8. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1440520948' post='2851534'] Pah, beatles. They aren't a patch on One Direction, they have sold loads more records! [/quote] Who is One Direction, never heard of them. I've heard of the Beatles. See my point? LOL Blue
  9. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1440544656' post='2851878'] My point being; Why does he have to get it? Why do you have to make him get it? Why is it a curse? [i]He doesn't have to get it, but I subscribe to the notion of understanding and getting Pop/Rock history. Like many he doesn't get it and I can't make him get it. The curse is the difficulty in explaining this huge part of music history to young musicians and music lovers.[/i] Most people understand the massive sea change they bought about. [i]A lot of people don't.[/i] If the guy is still playing in his 40s and doesn't follow the Beatles then something else has influenced him directly other than the Beatles. Why does it matter so much to you? [i]Because he's critical of The Beatles.[/i] In my earlier posts I'm just trying to put some points of view from the other persons viewpoint. I'm not a massive Beatles fan. In fact I can't stand most of their material. Whilst I agree they changed the world, it was over 50 years ago and the world moves on. [/quote] [i]I have no problem with the fact you don't like the material, you get the big picture which again was more than their material.[/i] Blue
  10. I only focus on my live sound and it's always a work in progress. And I don't have much control of what goes out into the house. Lately I have been using my MRX Bass Octave pedal playing in closed string positions up in that 12th fret area. It really gives you a nice thick heavy foundation that's a huge support to the rest of the band. Gives the band a bigger sound overall. BTW, I play with a pick. Blue
  11. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1439819480' post='2846004'] I wouldn't go out on NYE for less than £200 and even then it'd have to be local. Any more than 45 minutes travel and I'd need another £50. If you think you're being undervalued, then say so. If your band don't like it, well then I'm sorry but you need to give them some facts and you need to stand your ground. You'll need to be set up by 7pm, play from after dinner (9ish?) until at least 12.30-1, you won't be able to pack up for an hour after that and you'll end up getting home at 2.30-3am sober. That deserves recompense! Any other pub gig you'd be looking at around £10ph all told from when you leave the house to when you get home. NYE should be at least double that. [/quote] I got spoiled this summer. We are primarily a $100.00 per man 70s style blues/ rock we play about 75 shows per year. However, this summer some how we scored 2 corporate gigs, each paid 2k for playing 1.5 hours. BTW, one provided Class A Sound and lighting. Blue
  12. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1440516844' post='2851462'] Maybe Blue is missing what it was really all about. Not music but teenage rebellion. And so being told that the Beatles were the greatest and everyone should bow down and worship them is a bit like my Grandad telling me to listen to James Last. [/quote] Not at all. However, for the younger ones that are critical, the might want to study a little of the history before taking an ignorant position. Worship, no. An understanding and appreciation of the contribution, yes. Blue
  13. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1440522481' post='2851565'] Sorry if this has already been posted, some of you may be interested in this 5 part documentary if you haven't seen it before - [MEDIA]http://youtu.be/N8FWxO2qBsg[/MEDIA] [/quote] Excellent! Blue
  14. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1440512490' post='2851391'] Y'see, I don't have a problem here. My understanding of what Blue's saying is: '[i]The contention is that the Beatles had (or did not have) a considerable influence on contemporary music and culture. [/i][/quote] Thanks Skankdelvar, That's really all I am saying. The best answer unless your a true historian if your a younger person, instead of being critical is: [i]"Hey, I have no opinion on The Beatles it was before my time."[/i] I have a guitarist buddy in his 40s that is always giving me the Beatles [i]"I don't get it " [/i]routine. I'm like if it weren't for the chain reaction the Beatles started you might not even be playing an *electric guitar and might not have that long hair. Blue * You should see the stats for electric guitar and bass sales the week after the February 9th,1964 Beatles appearance on US TV. The Ed Sullivan Show.
  15. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1440503261' post='2851291'] I think the perceived arrogance is that you think anyone not born in the 60s hasn't had an equally important and influential exposure to music.[/quote] Not at all, there are plenty of important ( not equally though )influential exposure to music. What I am saying is, for Pop & Rock the big change and initial link started with The Beatles. Yes there were some greats before Beatles, but not as influential. One of my huge influences was Sly & The Family Stone. But guess what, one of Sly's influences was The Beatles. Blue
  16. Nothing flashy or fast impresses me. Groove, timing and soul does. There are guys that can lay down a 1-4-5 blues progression done right that gets my interest before Sir Duke. Blue
  17. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1440342535' post='2849938'] I don't mind blues that much (although not something I want to play), but I have never found anything the stones did interesting or been influenced by it.[/quote] [i]"If your standing up playing in a rock band, doesn't matter what genre, you have been influenced by The Beatles at some level whether you know it or not."[/i] IMHO Blue
  18. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1440348118' post='2849990'] Well, if the OP being born at a particular time gives him an authority to comment on the Beatles' impact o popular music, who are we to gainsay him? Lots of people think lots of things but frankly it's immaterial whether I find their ideas engaging. Their appreciation of events or issues may be at variance with mine - and that's a good thing. I don't mind what people think, except when they think that it's necessary to challenge someone's opinion [i]because[/i] it's not 'engaging'. The problem with this thread and the Keef / Pepper thread is that various individuals (not yourself ) are getting all 'How very dare he?' as if holding a firm opinion is [i]a bad thing[/i] and that the proponent of any such opinion should apologise and issue a correction. I suppose my point is that this is a discussion forum, not a court of law where someone's on trial for a misdemeanour. Though it seems it may as well be, if some had their way. [/quote] Yeah, I know I sound like real prick with this Beatles thing. The whole thing about being born at a certain time and place that had this huge impact on my life is just opinion. Just like when I say young folk should keep their negative uninformed opinion to themselves, because I still opinion if you weren't there you don't understand stand what happened or what the Beatles did. It's not a matter of right or wrong. That's just my arrogant opinion. Blue
  19. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1440267245' post='2849501'] 'Sort of' what? It's sort of what you believe, or it's sort of a disappointing attitude? [/quote] I would say sort of both. Blue
  20. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1439682053' post='2845024'] I assume it is because Blue believes that if you don't like the music he likes, you aren't allowed to like any music. Which is a bit of a disappointing attitude. [/quote] Sort of, however I think every Pop or Rock band from 1964 forward in some way was influenced by the Beatles. I think all rock was influenced by the blues, so there's your Stones connection. Blue
  21. We have a few bars where the owners understand and appreciate us. These are owners that know what they're doing and are successful. Blue
  22. I do this this for a living. I can't pay my mortgage with beer or food. Blue
  23. I'd give notice to all members except the Key Board Cock. You might want to give notice like a day before a gig. Anybody can play bass so what difference could it make. Blue
  24. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1439619463' post='2844378'] I think that after a few generations many people have forgotten the importance of musical innovation, and just evaluate the music with the ears of someone from 2015. And if the innovation has been influential and lasting, then the music will sound more ordinary. E.g. anyone who thinks that The Beatles were incredibly influential then should accept that Buddy Holly and the Crickets were also very influential, as they influenced The Beatles. (Even to the point of The Beatles being a The Crickets me-too band name, but with the spelling change). [/quote] Well yeah, I knew at an early age John and Paul were influenced by Buddy. But to what degree? Do any of you real historians have any examples or references? Funny, I was 8 or 9 years old, 1963 living in southern Spain. I was shooting marbles ( and I had some really good ones ) and these 2 women were hanging out laundry to dry and I heard them talking about The Beatles. I didn't know what they were talking about, but within the next few weeks I was in a department store with my Dad and walked out with [i]"Meet The Beatles"[/i] and Manfred Mann's[i] "Do Wah Diddy." [/i]My life had changed. Blue
  25. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1439675141' post='2844959'] Beatles are a load of tosh so I agree, then again so are the Stones [/quote] That must mean you don't like any music at all. LOL Blue
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