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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1439504616' post='2843502'] This is how I feel about the Sex Pistols. Slag them all you like, but for me they changed everything. [/quote] As The Beatles changed everything for me. Nice, one of the few generational comparisons that makes sense to me. Blue
  2. [size=4][font=Arial]How To Be In a Band[/font] [font=Arial]Seems simple , well IMHO it's not and it's part of the reason many guys become disillusioned disappointed and end up in an endless cycle of being bandless or always in between bands, in multiple bands none of them going anywhere and never experiencing what it's like to be in a working productive band.[/font] [font=Arial]Most of us never define;[/font][/size][list] [*][size=4][font=Arial]What we are looking for[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]What we want out of band experience[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]The type of band we want to be in and if it's even feasible[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]The type of people we want to work with[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Do I have the experience needed for the type of band I want to play in[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]How far am I willing to commute for gigs and rehearsals[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]How important is gigging and pay to me ( If those things are not important your looking for a "for fun" only band)[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Do I know how to work well with others, can I be part of a team[/font][/size] [/list] [size=4][font=Arial]If you don't define these things and I'm sure there are other things you would want to consider, you are really asking for failure.[/font] [font=Arial]Take the guy that joins a start up and after 6 months, they only have a few songs down and no gigs in site. OK that would be most start up bands. So wouldn't you think, maybe I should stay away from start ups. Or the guy that loves metal and gigging, joins a good metal band but after a year all they had was 6 non-paying gigs. Is he going to say, well there really isn't much of a market for local metal bands here.[/font] [font=Arial]It's a lot of give and take and compromise.[/font] [font=Arial]Comments & suggestions;[/font] [font=Arial]Blue[/font][/size]
  3. I recently stopped lugging my large Wembley ready stacked GK rig to bar gigs and now use a GK 1 15" combo. Makes life a lot easier and it sounds great. Blue
  4. I pulled this 1951Fender P re-issue out my arsenal a few weeks ago and started gigging with it. It's really a cool bass. By the way I love MIJ, MIM not so much. Blue
  5. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1439365095' post='2842112'] Not as influential as The Beatles, but in terms of being influential, Kraftwerk must be in the top 10. And if I had to pick out an influential album, it would be Autobahn. [/quote] I really can't talk about The Beatles in terms of music, songs or albums. They were so much more than all of those sub-elements. Blue
  6. [quote name='Slipperydick' timestamp='1439031353' post='2839492'] This. if you weren't there you wont understand the effect of Beatlemania hype of the time. It was after all, the first time the UK had been subjected to it to any real extent, young and old alike went for it hook line and sinker. Some people who were ther still believe it. [/quote] This what I always tell young people when they give a negative opinion on The Beatles; [i]" You weren't there, so you don't have a valid or credible foundation for your opinion, saying you don't like them means nothing"[/i] Blue
  7. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1439309271' post='2841785'] I agree to a point, if I'm being paid I'll play anything. The problem with a lot of these gigs is there's very little money in it. Most bands in this field are playing the local pub on a Friday night for little are no money. [/quote] My established 70s style blues/rock band has been gigging for the past 9 years. We play around 75 shows a year. We have a fee that we won't budge from unless were offered multiple dates. We play fairs, festival, bars and clubs. The money is a lot better than you might think. Blue
  8. Yes, a metronome or a drum machine will help with your timing. However if your plan is to play with others at some point, don't expect a live drummer to keep time like a machine.
  9. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1438213104' post='2832668'] I am not old enough, and not a fan, but I think if the question is specifically '64, then the message was probably bigger in the states, because 64 was a continuation here, but including '63, their message was probably a lot bigger here, because as bad as you may feel you had it in the states at the time, it was a hell of a lot worse in the UK![/quote] I agree, however, we certainly had issues in The States,and 50 years later we still do. Any way The Beatles were able to take me a way from the social unrest even if it was only 2.5 minutes at a time. Blue
  10. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1438623657' post='2835885'] Unfortunately there are people who are so passionate about the Beatles that they're still convinced Paul Mcartney is still producing music that is better than anything else anyone else is producing. That's why I find it difficult to take these people too seriously. Try to keep it in context. Were the Beatles singlehandedly responsible for creating teenage culture in isolation. What was going on in Carnaby street, the Cambridge Set (Pink Floyd wtc), and elsewhere in the UK and the world? How much were they the cause and how much were they being carried along on this massive wave?[/quote] The Beatles catalog speaks for itself, he's 72 years old he's not 20 and probably struggles with coming up with new socially relevant material. Me. I don't expect great new material from Paul. I am still working on learning from all of The Beatles catalog. I do expect world class live performance, which in my opinion he a long with The Stones deliver. Blue
  11. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1438866702' post='2838211'] As Bilbo says, you can't beat a good bass solo... I prefer one with a groove going on behind it, which goes somewhere and has some sort of reason behind it (even if that reason is only that it sounds excellent!). For me, the best bass solos are by Bootsy as they're always in context, the show builds to it and it sounds like no-one else. Like this - bass solo has a short build up from 4'50" on; there's a good 8 minutes of it with vocal interludes and it's all pretty darned awesome in the true sense of the word! [MEDIA][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YuSo7467mA[/media][/MEDIA} [/quote] Love it, even sounds like something I would try to so, as I use a lot of effects. However, to me this is a guitar solo. Blue
  12. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1438896681' post='2838583'] My first thought would be to say no, I don't like bass solos. But then I love this one. So I dunno. [media]http://youtu.be/VC02wGj5gPw[/media] [/quote] I really don't like electric bass guitar solos, I played them back in the 70s and was never comfortable playing them or listening to them. I just don't think rock and the electric bass guitar is a great combination for soloing, there are exceptions. Jazz is a different story, and what Tal is doing I consider a jazz solo and one of the best, I might ad. Blue
  13. Pepper still sells well over a million copies annually and it's over 40 years old. Somebody likes it, I do. Keep in mind I'm a hard core fan, I like My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Blue
  14. [quote name='randythoades' timestamp='1438851885' post='2837916'] Pretty much, I just don't 'get' Sgt Pepper at all. Heresy I know, but I find a lot of the Beatles, except the really early stuff, self indulgent twaddle... But I don't like the Rolling Stones either. [/quote] I'm curious if you don't like either of the world's most famous bands that have had impact an influence on every successful band since, what do you like? Blue
  15. I went wireless in 2009, I'll never go back to using cords. Blue
  16. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1438457512' post='2834690'] This thread should read The Beatles Blessing. They were and are head and shoulders above anything at the time or since. [/quote] The curse is how hard it is to make that very point to some. Blue
  17. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1438515387' post='2835052'] Love this..... [url="http://youtu.be/yWP6Qki8mWc?list=RDyWP6Qki8mWc"]http://youtu.be/yWP6...t=RDyWP6Qki8mWc[/url] [/quote] Nice one! Blue
  18. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1438457512' post='2834690'] This thread should read The Beatles Blessing. They were and are head and shoulders above anything at the time or since. That 'Beatles and the Stones' phrase always makes me laugh, the Stones weren't in the same league. [/quote] Agreed, I have been following The Stones since 1964, seen them tons of times. The last time I saw them was in Milwaukee, last month in our small Marcus Amphitheater. The Stone have always been in a league of their own. Blue
  19. [quote name='Bikenbass' timestamp='1438362791' post='2833996'] I was born in March 1960. My memory of the Beatles was 'She Loves You.' I was singing the chorus repeatedly at that young age. My Parents bought me an orange coloured plastic acoustic guitar with the fab four's pictures and autographs on it. Being so young, their pop songs appealed, but so did Freddy And The Dreamers, Gerry And The Pacemakers and Herman's Hermits. In the 70's, Slade were my inspiration, followed by the Stranglers, (the main reason I picked up a bass.) I was too young to understand how the Beatles affected the world of music at the time, all these years later, it makes sense. I met and shook hands with Bert Weedon a few years before his death, my mate asked who he was. Just a massive reason we had the Beatles mate. [/quote] As a kid I remember watching all those black & white clips of all Mersey Beat Bands. I remember always thinking,[i]" I've got to get over there"[/i] Blue
  20. [quote name='Colonel36' timestamp='1438366170' post='2834031'] Let's not forget Sister Rosetta Tharpe.[/quote] Very cool, thanks for the history lesson Colonel. I really appreciate it. Blue
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1438361883' post='2833976'] Geoff Emerick disagrees. [/quote] OK, I have Geoff's book. I stand corrected. Blue
  22. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1438344289' post='2833725'] Talking about guitars. . . I think George Harrison just wanted to be Carl Perkins. I see GH as more as a song writer not really up there as a guitarist, although he later developed a very unique style. The Dave Clark 5 and Hermans Hermits were bigger in the US than the Beatles for a brief period. But quality won out in the end. The Beatles would have disappeared if it wasn't for other bands? You're having a laugh! The other bands were bands. The Beatles were a cultural phenomenon, as well as being the best of the bunch by a country mile. Where are the other bands of that era? Who fundamentally changed popular culture, music, song writing and recording? It wasn't the Hollies, Animals, Kinks or Gerry and the Pacemakers. [/quote] Ouch! Well done Chris Blue.
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1438333727' post='2833591'] Nah - there's more to it than that. As I've said before, they were a freak perfect storm. Energy, looks, stage presence, writing skills, instrumental skills, musical knowledge, a thirst to learn more, a thirst to succeed. If the Dave Clark Five had gone over there first with a back catalogue ready to go, do you really think they'd have made the same impact? [/quote] I like where your heads at. Great point! Blue
  24. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1438331174' post='2833551'] Most of the guitarists I came across of my sort of age were influenced by Chuck Berry and Hank Marvin. The Shadows were releasing guitar led instrumentals in 1960 and Chuck Berry was a guitar hero long before that. [/quote] True, But I think George got the message out to a few more people. Blue
  25. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1438328126' post='2833522'] There's no law stating that they have to like the Beatles [/quote] Are you sure about that? I think we did in Jersey. Blue
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