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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1438326351' post='2833512'] I can draw a similar comparison to music today as movies today. There have been some great movies made but it seems that the further into the future we get the more one film is like another and the more that we get remakes. For me, this is the same as music. It's more or less all been done before so it's hard to come up with something new. Occasionally someone will break through but it's becoming harder as if you're really into music you've heard it all before. I disagree that if you weren't there then you missed it as I have fond memories of listening to a great number of bands for the first time and playing the songs over and over again. Just being overwhelmed by the tracks and how they did it. [/quote] It's great that you have an appreciation for some of the music of that time. However, being there was a lot more than listening and being overwhelmed by the tracks. It was a way of life. Blue
  2. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1438326682' post='2833513'] You must have a very select group of associates![/quote] Not really, just those with impeccable taste in music. Blue
  3. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1438323813' post='2833501'] And Chuck Berry had absolutely no influence then? [/quote] Good question, I don't know where Chuck got his stuff from. Chuck was a little before my time. Blue
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1438323720' post='2833500'] The feedback was Lennon, wasn't it?[/quote] No Blue
  5. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1438293379' post='2833415'] It's easy to miss what was really important about The Beatles, because nowdays we live in a post-Beatles era. By that I mean that other musicians have learned from The Beatles, and there is plenty of music that equals the quality and sophistication of what they did. The important thing is that The Beatles did it without a precedent to learn from.[/quote] I don't see many rock bands today playing completely live and singing 2 & 3 part harmonies. Blue
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1438323720' post='2833500'] The feedback was Lennon, wasn't it? I've always had mixed opinions about George. He wrote some great tunes, but a lot of guitar parts where he was left to his own devices are sloppy and half-baked. [/quote] Not for that time period. Blue
  7. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1438349473' post='2833802'] There's a difference between a young person not 'getting' The Beatles and this huge cultural divide that you seem to insist exists! I have no doubt there are a lot of young people who rabidly dislike the band and are unable to understand what all the fuss is about. Equally there must be some of the older generation who feel exactly the same way. It might be different in the US. [/quote] Not many. Blue
  8. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1438358524' post='2833929'] Not had it on stage, but there used to be a venue near me (where I played a few times) where it was a regular thing for the audience to be standing in an inch of piss.... [/quote] Sounds like my kind of place. Blue
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1438162787' post='2832121'] I think they know what it is... they just have no interest in it. [/quote] Now that I will agree with. When 20 somethings walk in on one of our gigs ( we do 70s hard rock & blues ) they leave immediately. That's ok, we have enough of an over 50 crowd to support the band. We don't need them. Blue
  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1438293379' post='2833415'] It's easy to miss what was really important about The Beatles, because nowdays we live in a post-Beatles era. By that I mean that other musicians have learned from The Beatles, and there is plenty of music that equals the quality and sophistication of what they did. The important thing is that The Beatles did it without a precedent to learn from. It's similar to how some artists can produce paintings in the style of the great masters. It doesn't make them more talented than the great masters, as the technique may be there. What's missing is the innovation. Everyone seems to get that for art and science. For some reason people forget that for music, and wonder what all the fuss was about. [/quote] Agreed, I mean look at George, who was like 17 years old. Outside of a few country guitarists he didn't have a lot to draw from, yet he started the whole concept of "lead guitar". Incredible. I didn't know what feedback was until I heard "I Feel Fine" Blue
  11. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1438294417' post='2833432'] Unlike many of the preceeding performers, The Beatles were one of the first to write and record their own material. That in itself was a huge change. [/quote] Exactly, we all saw Lennon & McCartney credited on all those Capital 45s. Elvis had a hell of a time finding decent hit material. Blue
  12. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1438295616' post='2833440'] I don't understand where this whole 'young people don't get the Beatles' idea comes from. [/quote] From young people saying; " I don't get The Beatles" Blue
  13. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1438297506' post='2833452'] In my eyes, the ability to take all the influences from the past 50 years until now, reference them and create something new to move music forward, takes a lot more skill and tact than doing the same in the 60's. [/quote] You have to be kidding, right, a joke right? Blue
  14. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1438299791' post='2833465'] Yeah, it's just OAP conjecture for me. I love the Beatles. The Beatles have influenced my approach to music, almost exclusively. How does that make me different to anyone in the 60s, apart from having tons of other influences to accredit? [/quote] I would bet the other influences were influenced in some way by The Beatles. I contend anyone standing vertical playing an electric guitar was influenced by the Beatles whether they know it or not. Blue
  15. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1438298574' post='2833460'] In the fact that some people don't really like the beatles now, probably as a lot didn't really like the beatles then [/quote] Hmmm, Not anybody I know. Blue
  16. I guess it was so huge and to me it seems like 1964 was yesterday I feel sorry for the younger generation that admittedly says " I Don't Get It ". I do understand it though, they can't understand the presence, impact and power of The Beatles because they don't have bands anything like what came out of the "Mersey Beat". It was a one shot deal, if you weren't there, you missed it. I feel musically, they missed probably the hugest chunk of pop music history imaginable. We were given the opportunity to grow up with these bands. And when I say grow up, I mean you felt like you were a part of the transition and creative growth from say Meet The Beatles to The White Album or The Beach boys Shut Down to Pet Sounds. That experience doesn't and can't happen today. Blue
  17. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1438282585' post='2833273'] I grew up pre-Beatles in the days of The Shadows, Cliff, Duane Eddy, etc. What got me into playing was seeing Little Richard live. Just amazing. First band played early rock'n'roll and instrumentals then in 1963 The Beatles arrived. Everything changed overnight. I saw them at Guildford Odeon in June 1963. Eventually the Stones arrived and it all changed again and it's kept on changing. The Beatles made popular music take a huge step-change for the better. [/quote] Nice! and well said. Blue
  18. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1438248884' post='2832829'] Have we defined "'real' musicians"..? [/quote] No, but it sounds like an interesting thread. Blue
  19. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1438249949' post='2832843'] I'm not sure I've ever played a real dive,[/quote] While playing and you realize your standing in an inch of piss, your playing a dive. Blue
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1438249776' post='2832838'] I read Blue's point as, if you experienced what went before then your perspective on the Beatles era (and what has followed) could be very different from later generations. I'd agree with that. The Beatles were the spearhead. They enabled many careers and ended many more. They didn't just gently open the door, they caused a seismic earthquake and blew it off it's hinges.[/quote] In the states being a musician was looked down on by most. In some way The Beatles made being a musician acceptable or a legitimate way to make a living. When people use to ask me what I do for a living, I always hated and felt ashamed saying; [i][b]"I'm a Workers Compensation Claims Administrator"[/b][/i]. For a little over a year when asked, I'm now proud to say with confidence and arrogance [b][i]"I play electric bass guitar and sing in a Rock & Roll Band" [/i][/b] Blue
  21. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1438247577' post='2832801'] Perspective - yes. Wisdom - hopefully! Older - yes. Opinionated - well maybe. Stubborn - sometimes. [/quote] "Philosophically- Trying" Blue
  22. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1438213104' post='2832668'] I am not old enough, and not a fan, but I think if the question is specifically '64, then the message was probably bigger in the states, because 64 was a continuation here, but including '63, their message was probably a lot bigger here, because as bad as you may feel you had it in the states at the time, it was a hell of a lot worse in the UK! [/quote] Sorry, I should have been more specific, chaps over 60. Not saying your wrong though. Blue
  23. I'm not a Lenny fan. He's nothing more than a poser. Blue
  24. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1438210598' post='2832655'] In the same way that [i]you[/i] don't speak for all 'real' Musicians. [/quote] The Greg Koch YouTube clip proves my point that some class "A" musicians play dives. Keep in mind we have not defined "dive". that will be a different discussion. Blue.
  25. I have a 54 year old brother. If he were to watch "A Hard Days Night", he would not have a clue about what he was watching or what it represents. Like I say in the thread title being 9 or 10 years old in 1964 in some ways is a curse. Were were in tune to something so unique, so historical and magical it's really impossible to explain or convince outsiders. Here's a question for you older chaps who are fans; Going back to 1964, do you think their message was bigger here in the States than in England? Keep in mind, we were really down in the dumps. Kennedy had been assassinated, a mere 3-4 months before The Beatles arrived here. We needed a ray of sun shine. John, Paul, George and Ringo delivered. Blue
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