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Everything posted by blue

  1. Stop playing, point her out to the crowd and ask her to come on stage and show her ability and talent. [i]"Come on up, you can sing, play guitar, bass, or drums. Everyone, clap her on and up on stage!"[/i] I guarantee, the heckling will stop. Blue
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1435607902' post='2810598'] I think Blue is spot on here. Many a time in my old punk covers band we turned up to places that had a bad vibe in them on the day, but putting on a good show for the punters turned it around and the atmosphere changed. Whereas if we`d gone on with the attitude it was going to be rotten, and just put a shift in, well chances are it would have stayed rotten. [/quote] Exactly Lozz, experience has taught me the same line of thought. We had a drummer a while back that would bring that piss attitude to gigs and get it all over the other band members. He's no longer with the band. Cool Blue
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1435607305' post='2810582'] My rule is not to gig a place I wouldn't go to as a punter... call me picky, I guess. [/quote] [i]"Gigs To Decline"[/i] That might be a another good thread topic. Blue
  4. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1435607624' post='2810590'] You've clearly spent too long on this forum, as that strikes me as a remarkably English phrase [/quote] Hence the t-shirt. lol
  5. Here's a story; A few weeks ago my band added a Sunday afternoon bar gig at a questionable bar ( wrong side of the trcks and somebody was shot there a few months ago). And there was going to be a $5.00 ( we never charge a cover ). I told them I didn't think it was for us, however I was over ruled and we played the gig. Turned out to be a beautiful Sunday afternoon, 80 people showed up and we collected 5 bucks from every single person which was all ours the bar got the booze sales and they killed on booze. My point, [i]"You Never Know"[/i] Me, I just don't see myself getting [i]"uppity"[/i] about any gigs at this stage in the game ( close to 50 years ). As long as we get our $100.00 a man minimum. Blue
  6. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1435602980' post='2810513'] I'm in the position that I don't need to do crap gigs to feed myself anymore. If the bar is a dump and the audience are knuckle draggers, I won't be going back. But if I am forced to play a dive, I just look on it as a paid rehearsal. [/quote] Agreed, paid rehearsal attitude is a good way to approach these gigs. Blue
  7. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1435602920' post='2810511'] I really really try and avoid these gigs in the first place... I don't see the point of doing them and if caught will only be caught once. We try and do our homework first and foremost and ask very pertinent questions of the gig. But assuming we did all that and still stuffed up, we'd try and enjoy ourselves and take any positives out of it we can.. This is the reason why the driver of choosing the set is that it is short (2x45's) and we don't do songs we don't want to do.. so we wont be there for ages, and we play stuff we like. If I'm standing there thinking WTF am I doing here, that is very dodgy ground to be on and pretty much the beginning of a deathknell..IMO. [/quote] Me, many times that gig makes a 3 or even 4 gig weekend. I like $400.00 weekends and I need the money. And for me and many of my local peers who do this for a living, we say, any paying gig is better than no gig. Blue
  8. [size=4][font=Arial]You arrive at the pub/bar, it's small, difficult to get your gear to the stage (postage stamp size area on the floor) and your dealing with a small uninterested crowd.[/font] [font=Arial]It's happened to all of us. You can take a piss attitude which will only make things worse or you can get creative and figure out ways to make the best of it. I use to let these types of gigs really get to me.Now as soon as I get to one of these stinkers I;[/font][/size][list] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Approach each band mate, greet them and put out a positive vibe [/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Start telling jokes [/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Advising everyone to have have fun even though things don't look promising [/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Keep a smile on my face[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Remember your getting paid[/font][/size] [/list] [size=4][font=Arial]And you know, what if it's one of those nights where your playing is really on, your going to have a good time regardless.[/font] [font=Arial]Please share your ideas for making these gigs tolerable.[/font] [font=Arial]Blue[/font][/size] [size=4][font=Arial]Pic, digging my new T-Shirt[/font][/size]
  9. Right now, after the 9 basses I gig with it would have to be my German Made Hofner Club Bass. Blue
  10. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1434184392' post='2797365'] Yes it is hellishly frustrating. I like Truckstops contract idea but can't see many pub landlords being willing to sign up. [/quote] Yeah, I guess for bigger high profile venues and where there's significant money involved a contract is always good. We only see them for festivals and fairs. The bars we play aren't going to look at or sign any contract. Blue
  11. It depends, I might have missed some of the story from the OP. Is this a gigging band with work on the books, recording band or just for fun band? If your missing gigs not good, if not rehearsing without a drummer should be fine. Blue
  12. We did a Sunday gig which was a pay at the door thing which we never do.I am not sure how we got booked to do pay at the door show. Sundays can be hit and miss and the venue, while a lot of the Milwaukee [i]"heavy hitters" [/i]have played there it's still kind of in the[i] "is this place safe" [/i]category. Anyway the weather was great, and about 80 very cool people showed up, very appreciative and engaged with the band. Many were fans that follow the band around. And we only had to play for 2 hours Very good money. My kind of gig. Weird, this week we have a gig at a bar right around the corner. Friday night, a 9:30p-1:30a gig. Blue
  13. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1433549068' post='2792132'] Even with a massive repertoire I wouldn't want to overplay the same venue / area. You want a gig to be a bit of an event so that punters make an effort to see you, which they won't do if they know you will be playing locally in a couple of weeks time... [/quote] Over here, well specifically Milwaukee it's really tough on originals bands. We have maybe 3 originals clubs and they won't book you if you have played any of the 3 within the last 6 months. That's really crazy considering these clubs usually do 3-4 band bills. And on top of that, you don't get paid. Blue
  14. It's different for me, I'm one of the few that would gig 5 nights a week (and I've done it) if we could book it. All the bars we play are booked out in rotation in advance. However there is always at least 3 months in between bookings for any given bar. Most bars we play book us for 3 dates at a time. It's nice that we have festivals and fairs in the summer. It's Nice to be on bigger stages and out of the bars. The OP mentioned dives. I rather play a dive with an appreciative responsive crowd than a Nice bar with a bunch of non interested duds. Blue
  15. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1433429671' post='2791014'] been thinking of going down the line of agents purely because of venues being on their books, but unsure of wether to bother or not. There is one venue near me that was on an agetns books but they have gone back to booking their own bands, still bloody hard to get in there as they are always fully booked [/quote] Depends on your position with the agency. Over here well specifically the Milwaukee market if your one of an agencies top 3 producers that's great. If not you could go for a month or more with no gig. Blue
  16. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1433372700' post='2790628'] I think I am pretty lucky. I joined a band at the end of last year. I actually auditioned for them in the summer, but they found another guy they already knew - I told them to keep my number, and I went to see a couple of their gigs, so when he left they called me up. We do covers and originals, 3 piece band, rock / 80s / 90s pop etc. Own PA, Lights, free rehearsal space at a pub, did a warm up test gig there on the day before new years eve, done about 10 gigs since and a couple of free charity things (another this weekend), got another 6 gigs in the calendar already. We are not brilliant but we can play, and everywhere we have played have invited us back, and have paid us, so obviously not so bad either. I think it is handy that what we are playing is not quite the same as everyone else is (apart from the obvious superstition, teenage kicks sort of things). I would be happy to play every weekend, and it isn't about the money, but it is nice to have the money as an indication that you are doing something for a purpose, other than enjoyment, getting in the same range as Blue. If I wasn't doing this, I would miss it a lot, I enjoy it greatly, and for the past 30 years, I haven't done much! [/quote] Yes, you are lucky. Cool story. Blue
  17. [quote name='Jonesthebass' timestamp='1433317846' post='2789940'] We have bands on our circuit who are playing the 250-300 venues and are 10 piece. I admire those guys to an extent because they really do it for the love.[/quote] I love gigging but I don't do it for love, I do it for money. Blue
  18. Another thing about looking at bands your interested in. Try to match your level of play, your skills , talent and abilities with that band. Remember guys don't always lose auditions because they were not good enough. It can be the opposite where you are light years ahead of every one in the band in terms of your abilities. You might think a band would grab up a guy like that in a second. No, there are some bands that might be intimidated and just feel the guy is not a match. Blue
  19. From looking over most of the comments here it sort of confirms my belief. That is, established bands cover or original with good people and an established book of business are hard to find. I will never take my band for granted. How many bar bands are there that travel with their own sound and lights,dedicated sound man,a secretary (she does everything including helping with setting up, load ins and out and she pays everyone in cash immediately after our show ends) and a respectable book of business. If the band broke up I would be bandless for years. Unfortunately really good opportunities are not in abundance. Blue
  20. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1433254274' post='2789428'] I'm a musician and don't like talking money for my art maaaan![/quote] The art lovers I know play for free. Blue
  21. It's a tough call, the pub band business in the UK is so different than the bar band business in the States. Over here, bar bands, play 4 hours with 2 10-15 minute breaks and bring their own sound and lights. The top of the scale is $500.00 Charge what other pub bands are getting would be the best starting point IMO. Blue
  22. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1433264892' post='2789573']It has shown me though how much time bands consumed and with a young family how much time I shouldn't have been spending doing band stuff. Hopefully I can get a better balance with any new band[/quote] Me personally, this is not the business for anyone that has a young family unless your a pro and making big bucks as a full time performing musician. I never stopped when my family was young. What did it get me? A divorce, not fun. Blue
  23. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1433241529' post='2789200'] My own view is for self expression and if you get it playing Mustang Sally, so be it. Good for you, but sadly that doesn't work for me as I have to feel I've helped create something.[/quote] I get where your coming from and many cats share your view. Me, the second I start a show whatever I'm playing on my bass it's all about self expression. Whether it's [i]"Get Back"[/i] or [i]"Mustang Sally"[/i] I'm playing bass guitar the way I play bass guitar and I never play a song twice the same way. I don't mean to be-labor a point, however for some, you don't have to play original or obscure material to express yourself. I was up late last night putting together a whole new set of riffs and licks for how I want to Play Stevie Wonder's [i]"Superstition" [/i]this weekend I felt very creative and it was fun. Much Respect Blue
  24. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1433241529' post='2789200'] I gave up on the whole "being famous" nonsense when I was 23.[/quote] Me too right around that age as well. Blue
  25. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1433233004' post='2789051'] We do want to gig, and will. It's just that money isn't the main driving force. [/quote] That's cool, over here there are plenty of places that look for bands that perform for free. I am not sure what that's like in the UK. Blue
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