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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1432847076' post='2785656'] I've seen enough music documentaries to know that old band managers were one step away from the mob, that bands were forced to go on long, exhaustive package tours and that with the onset of punk it was normal to be spat at and on. I find it hard to believe that any small time pub act was ever met with respectful silence. I've played in a few bands and I know that punters will talk over quieter or slower-building numbers. This is why you cut that sort of bloat out of your live act! Frustrating if you have spent weeks composing and learning an intricate musical passage only to have louty dudes talking over it, but sadly that is what happens. It happens to the big acts too! Perhaps if you play in a string quartet you get more respect? [/quote] As someone mentioned earlier in this thread. Does playing in a local bar band command or deserve respect? Me personally, anytime I'm out checking out musicians or bands, I have great respect for anyone doing something well or at an advanced level. it usually means they have put a lot of time into study, rehearsal and practice. When it's a new young artist my respect is probably a little higher. Blue Off topic; We're hosting The Stones here in Milwaukee on 6/23. I just found out Gary Clark Jr, is opening for them. " Way to Go Gary!"
  2. [quote name='Wylie' timestamp='1432769032' post='2784919'] My favorite is the lady who comes up to the band and begins talking to one or more of the musicians, as if we were a radio with ears. On a recent gig, several times supposedly intelligent people (well, it was in a Congregational church hall in a college town) came up and attempted long conversations with our piano player. Of course, he didn't discourage them. But WTF are people thinking? W. [/quote] I have seen that happen to my band members. Me, I try not to make eye contact with people that look like they could be a problem. Blue
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1432761291' post='2784806'] I rather think that Blue caught that virus on this very forum..! He'll be spouting Cockney shortly, I wouldn't wonder... [/quote] Your right, I'm even starting to say pubs instead of bars.lol Blue
  4. My initial post was worded poorly. This was not meant to be a dealing with drunks in pubs thread. It was meant to be a punters in pubs telling us "you guys playing in live rock bands in pubs & bars are history and no longer relevent" thread. Blue
  5. We are lucky to have Cream City here in Milwaukee. Walk in there and they will have anything you want from vintage 60s Hofners to any Fenders Gibson Warwicks Rics Sadowsky etc ... They have it all. Blue
  6. I remember when bass players didn't have much to choose from. It was either Fender Bassman or an Ampeg B-12 or B-15. You could never get much volume out of the Bassman without it breaking up. Blue
  7. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1432644799' post='2783496'] Did he have any wealth ? I'm sure I heard that was why he was still touring long into his old age. [/quote] I saw Mr.King do an interview with Tavis Smiley last year and he said he was still working because he had to, not because he wanted to. Blue
  8. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1432550156' post='2782490'] Everyone is going to have an opinion - I've met musicians and non-musicians who pour scorn loudly in an "all modern music is utter crap" manner, so it isn't really a suprise that some people are going to be of the opinion that "all old music is crap". We've been here already many times, with each new generation regarding previous generations "cool" music as being irrelevant and deeply uncool. Whether you stick to your guns or change what you do to suit the times you'll never please everyone, so the only sensible option IMHO is to quit bitching and get on with it. Art is supposed to provoke an emotional reaction - I would prefer someone to love or hate what I do than be indifferent. [/quote] No bitching from me, it's innapropriate, however it's also easy to ignore people that show up at clubs with no class. Blue
  9. [quote name='martin8708' timestamp='1432579028' post='2782965'] Playing second fiddle to Skysports channel is my issue . Arriving at the pub at 8:00pm for a 9:00pm start , the landlord mooches over and says " can you guys start playing at 10:30 pm after the Rugby has finished . Did another duo gig when the World Cup was on , I think East Timor was playing Yemen ( two really strong contenders ,or such like ) and the Landlord refuse to turn the TV off , and we played the whole gig with a widescreen TV just above our heads . It was like playing to a bunch of Zombies , no eye contact at all . [/quote] If we find out there's a major sporting event being televised at a pub after we've been booked we'll call the owner and reschedule for another date. Blue
  10. I didn't think this topic would generate much interest. Everyone is going to have their own opinions based on personal experience. Live rock and roll can be a tough business. Blue
  11. [quote name='JJW' timestamp='1432486295' post='2781932'] You can get pros for about £200-£300 on eBay, £350 new from a shop, I have compared the pro to the normal one many times and the pro is massively better, one of my favourite cheap basses. [/quote] Looks like the Pro IV is $499.00 new. That's 500.00 which is what I paid for my MIJ P Basses. Blue
  12. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1432506311' post='2782222'] Well, now that you've explained in detail exactly what your beef is, I must say that I've never actually experienced that at all. Maybe in the odd conversation away from a gig but certainly never [b][u]at [/u][/b]a gig. This is not down to living in France as it also applies to the 35 years prior to moving here. Maybe it's a U.S thing [/quote] Could be, and I am only talking about 1 occurrence. Blue
  13. If your talking about good enough to get offers where there is real $$ involved, then I'll give you 2 bullet points; [list] [*]It can be a who do you know game to get in on good paying work [*]Then there's experience, [i]" I toured with this or that band for this or that amount of time, I played 140 shows last year, I have extensive theater, festival and fair experience" [/i] [/list] Oh and don't forget about singing whether it be lead or backing vocals it always helps your position. Blue
  14. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1432390802' post='2781095'] Hi folks, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped me out in this thread. Based on all your feedback I got myself a bass yesterday. I chose a 2008 Squire Vintage Modified P-Bass in the end. I found it via Gumtree. The fellow selling it had been playing bass for over thirty years and had it as a back-up. It's in perfect condition with a really good setup so I could not be more pleased! Thank you again as it was so helpful to have some good impartial advice. Best wishes James [/quote] Sounds good! Blue
  15. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1432503254' post='2782182'] You dont think it looks 'staged' then ? [/quote] You know I always wondered if it was staged or if Keith was trippin. Can't wait to see them next month. They are playing a very small outside venue in Milwaukee. It should be a blast. Blue
  16. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1432485643' post='2781920'] Don't take it personally. Most music venues sell alcohol. Inevitably some people end up acting like tools. Its not about you. [/quote] No, it's not about me and I shouldn't have used the drunk guy as an example. Maybe I should be more specific. I am not talking about how we will always brush up against drunks, that goes with the territory. I am talking about live rock music as a dying art form and someone specifically getting in your face and not necessarily drunk, telling you that what your doing is history, that what you and your band are doing is no longer relevant. Blue
  17. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1432456590' post='2781533'] There's an Epiphone Classic Pro Thunderbird out now though Blue, which has neck through construction and Gibson USA pickups, there's not much between that model and the Gibson. Unfortunately they don't have a Flying V equivalent though! [/quote] Is the price tag for the Classic Pro steep? I like my 1991 because of the ebony fret board and the thin neck. I think some of the newer Gibson's have wider necks. Blue
  18. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1432474589' post='2781788'] Good ole Keith, he really is THE man [/quote] I remember that, because I saw the Chicago date for that tour. I wonder what sort of legal issues evolved from that. Blue
  19. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1432469446' post='2781717'] I'm not sure respect is the right word... I mean obviously no-one should have to deal with drunken idiots whilst they are out earning a living, but playing music isn't really something that commands respect is it? We're not out there saving lives or anything... [/quote] No playing music in bars doesn't command respect. I was really addressing disrespect and those that make a mockery of live music. Sort of like if someone came into an office goes up to someones desk and starts mocking what he's doing for a living. Blue
  20. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1432455794' post='2781522'] not personally towards me/us but i can let you in on an absolutley monumentally staggeringly obscene example of this phenonmenon of which you crave to hear picture the scene a small London venue, table/booth in front of us occupied by two very pleasant young ladies who i can only assume both had the patience of a saint as for pretty much the entire show they had the endure the utter drivel spewing forth from the mouth of their host (young late 20 something sharp suit sharp tongue 'liked what he said and said what he liked' probably with a good city salary and small penis) entertaining them no doubt with his corporate hospitality and attempting to woo them with demonstrating his taste for sophisticated jazz anyways,,, on and on and on and relentlessly on went this monologue went for just about the entire show - i feel here i should also point out that i must be congratulated for my saint-like patience qualities as it was pretty much beyond human endurance listening not only to the most pathetic chat up attempt in history but also tolerating the suffering of the two poor young ladies without intervening in a chivalric manner to save them from a fate worse than anything imaginable) i didnt punch the twat but in hindsight i probably should have and done everybody within earshot a massive favour, and would have probably received a good round of applause too forgot to add - the artist who had to suffer this ignorant fecking eejut talking all the way through the show including all the sublime subtle quiet solo sections was none other than the worlds greatest living guitarist Allan Holdsworth playing at the Jazz Cafe on a plus note there was plenty of loud stuff too to drown out the idot bastard son braying city wide boy w***er and give the two young ladies (and the nearby audience) a brief bit of respite [/quote] There is one true blues club we play and the owner will have any disrespectful patrons removed immediately. Very cool lady. Blue
  21. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1432455681' post='2781521'] I agree. There is no reason, but it goes (rightly or wrongly...the latter IMO) with the territory. A lot of people experience "unfavourable" behavior from others during the course of a working day. Does not make it right, but if you cant stand the heat...... [/quote] I've standing the heat since 1966, no reason to stop now. Blue
  22. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1432455231' post='2781517'] Just out of interest what were you trying to play for this 21yr old? In my limited experience most youngsters of this age think music comes out of a 'magic box' and has to involve swearing 'smears' and various references to expensive products [/quote] We don't play anything that caters to 21 year olds, We can't control who wanders in to these bars. We play 70's style rock and some blues. The smart 20 somethings walk in and see what were playing and leave immediately. That's what I actually prefer. I prefer it to those that stay don't buy drinks and act stupid. Blue.
  23. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1432452703' post='2781495'] I'm not sure things have ever been any different. There can always be assholes at gigs wherever you play. Not that I've played there but Ronnie Scotts is a prime example. Yes, they will remove an idiot from the audience but there seems to be an ever increasing number of people who don't go for the music, but want to tell their friends that they were there last night. It's nice of course to be appreciated when you go out to play in public, I'm sure we all want that, but to be respected? you may be disappointed mate. In bars and pubs and clubs, no matter how good you are, you will be just an inconvenience to a small number that want to talk to their friends. I think there possibly was a time long ago when musicians were thought of as something special as usually, you had to be dedicated, and good in order to survive. These days, with good instruments available cheaply, a willingness of more parents to indulge their children, lessons on You Tube, the platforms to publicise your music and in some cases, simply having the right image, the musical path is open to all. I gave up the "I'm up here performing for you so you WILL pay attention" outlook long ago. I do it for me these days. [/quote] There is still no reason for a 21 year old that doesn't know what an electric guitar is to get up in my face and make a mock of me while I'm trying to make a living. blue
  24. Some of you over 60 guys remember the good old days when we were respected where ever we showed up to play. Well, we all know for most of us that play pubs and bars, those days went bye bye decades ago. Now I think things are getting really bad for some of us. Have any of you played places where some are so clueless to live music, people playing instruments that they're disrespectful and seem to be making a mockery of what we bar/pub players do.? You know, the drunk guy that gets up in a band members face while performing acting like an idiot. If you have experienced this let's hear about it. Blue
  25. Very small space to set up in, mixed crowd. Some are there for live music and they're appreciative and some that just happen to be there. We hit some high points and a few low ones too.
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