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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1431180106' post='2768540'] It wasn't the SVT he was talking about, Blue, it was a Catalinbread pedal called the SFT. [/quote] Ouch! guess I missed that. However it's still a good Stones story. Blue
  2. My summary; As long as you know what your doing and when to use certain effects your good. I probably was on the traditional path playing with my fingers with no effects for well over 30 years. It wasn't until 2009 when I got away from funk & rhythm & blues and more into harder more progressive rock that I switched to playing with a pick and engaged specific effects. I found it easier to execute the tone and riffs I was playing and wanted to play with a pick. Effects, there just seemed a need for more sustain than I could figure out how to get straight from my rig. I started using compression, (not really an effect) chorus and overdrive. I use them sparingly and find them to be very effective. If your using effects to compensate for any skill deficiencies, that's probably not a good idea. Blue
  3. I did a bedroom pre-gig check on the Soloman Bass Overdrive. So far I love it. Maybe it's the true by-pass? Level and gain with those big chicken head dials, that's all the eq I need and have the aptitude for. Let's hope it does what I want it to do at tomorrow night's gig. Blue BTW, the thing was inexpensive, $69.00
  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1431138360' post='2768212'] Andy from Pro-Guitar Shop when he was doing it. End of. Ever since Burgerman took over it's been a mushy pentatonic distortion fest. Actually - sorry - that's guitar effects. I don't think I've ever watched a bass fx vid except the Cbread SFT, on the basis of which I bought one and was savagely disappointed with its - er - 'widely respected' guitar tone. [/quote] Interesting comment regarding the SVT. I purchased one New back in 1973 after my first decent paying job out of high school. Best amp I ever owned. However I would never lug that refrigerated sized 8/10s cab around at this stage in the game for me. I understand Ampeg actually developed all that SVT tube stuff for the Stones when they started playing arenas and stadiums and most of what was previously available didn't have the power they needed. Blue BTW, you haven't missed much in the bass effects demo world.
  5. Posting here because I thought the topic would get more response then in the Effects forum. For those who embrace and use effects pedals. Ok, I guess some of them are ok. Maybe some of the professionally produced ones from the manufacturer, however even many of those are questionable. I think it's a tough call, because we all have something in our head on how we want to use and apply these effects and under a variety of circumstances and environments. Some of these demos are done by newbies that don't appear to have ever left the bedroom and have serious problems with diction and enunciation. The audio quality on some is so poor you really can't tell the difference in any of the settings they demo, they all sound the same, awful. And it's always one guy using a bass and an amp in a music store or bedroom, very few live demos playing with a band. I think maybe some of the rig run downs by pros might be more informative. What do you guys think? Blue
  6. Ordered the Dr.J Soloman Bass Overdrive on Tuesday, it came UPS today. I'm going to pull that Boss OB-3 out of my chain tonight and put the Soloman in. I have a bar gig tomorrow night and will try it out and give a report on Sunday. Blue
  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1430818557' post='2764763'] EHX Octave Multiplexer can be had for £47 new: http://www.juno.co.uk/products/electro-harmonix-octave-multiplexer-analog-sub-octave/560441-01 Otherwise you're looking at a used Boss OC-2, Pearl Octaver (if you can find one) or MXR Bass Octave Deluxe. [/quote] I use the MXR deluxe. I find it gives my guitarist a thick strong foundation to solo on top of. I provide that foundation by playing in closed position up in the 12th fret region. I don't think many of the octave pedals track on open strings or in the lower positions very well. Blue
  8. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1431116742' post='2768036'] Victory in Europe Day. World War 2 [/quote] Cool, thanks Lord Sausage. Blue
  9. Yeah, it's made by Joya. I have listened to a few Joya overdrive pedals on Youtube, but most of those demos are poorly scripted and if your not using the bass and amp they are using what can you really tell? Blue
  10. I don't know what VE Day is,however we return to The Fox Den Saturday Night. Blue
  11. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1431100004' post='2767837'] I've never heard of them but anything's an improvement over that Boss pedal... [/quote] Agreed, I've had nothing but problems with that thing. Blue
  12. I use a pinch of chorus (TC Electronics Corona) and overdrive on a few songs. My Boss OB-3 Overdrive Pedal was problematic from day 1. When ever I engaged it my volume would drop significantly and even after adjusting the level it still was a pain. I don't like double stacked dials and actually all the dials on it are too small for me to adjust easily at gigs. I'm pulling the Boss Overdrive pedal from my board this weekend and replacing it with the true by-pass Dr.J Soloman Overdrive pedal. It looks a lot easier to use. Anyone know anything about the Soloman Overdrive pedal? Blue
  13. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1431039556' post='2767332'] No but now you've made me go and look at their website. D'oh! [/quote] Nice member pic! Blue
  14. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1431034353' post='2767252'] thanks guys - got to get out and about to see some good music soon anyway and fancy dusting off the guitar and singing at a few open mics. I'm trying joinmyband too. I'm only looking for a band to play in for fun, don't expect to earn anything at all from it. My last band was not the best musicians I've ever played with but the best mates I've made through music which made it far better than the 'serious' bands i've been in before. Also I find out of those taking themselves seriously, some really shouldn't be. [/quote] You should have no problem, finding a "for fun" opportunity should happen rather quickly. Networking at open misc sounds like a good idea. Blue
  15. Depends on a lot of variables, where your at musically in your life right now. Are you a veteran, fairly new to bands, it depends. I think before you look, you must clearly define what your looking for in a band, hobby, gigs, money ect... Blue
  16. I agree, Unless it an originals band with young guys with dreams of [i]"making it" [/i]weekly rehearsals with little to no gigs is a [i]"red flag"[/i] for a band that has no real interest in gigging. Blue
  17. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1430984377' post='2766469'] Can you send me your setlist? Do you have a demo mp3 or video, or are you playing a gig with your current bassist/dep so I can come see you? How often do you practice and when? When would you expect to be playing the first gig with me? If the band doesn't have a setlist that gives you an idea of what stage they're at. A good setlist also give you a pretty good idea of whether they're in demand for gigs. It will be rare that the actual tunes they play are important to me in terms of whether they're the type of music I listen to. If they practice every week you could be looking at a hobby band who are not particularly interested in gigs. If they want me gig ready for a booked gig in two weeks then they're the band for me. [/quote] All good questions, however a set list would not be that important to me. For me it would be a paid gig schedule showing all past and future bookings. I key in on opportunities where there is a history of 2 & 3 gig weekends. Blue
  18. Cool Story, I have a steadfast rule on loaning out any of my gear; [i]"No"[/i] Blue
  19. What questions do you ask a band before committing yourself to an audition? I have a few, for cover bands I always ask what their definition of [i]"established band"[/i] is. It's a phrase many bands use in ads and it can mean just about anything. It could be as far off as, the guy that posted the ad has an [i]"established" [/i]concept for a band. Blue
  20. I always say it the person who's playing the bass that dictates tone and sound. Not the bass, strings, or the amp. If I were to get up and play through Larry Graham's rig I would sound like me, not Larry Graham. But that's just me. Blue
  21. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1430851388' post='2765257'] I don't think they do.... but that is fine, you just have to take control there. Not only the gtrs, tho...I generally think most band members don't hear the big band picture... And bass players don't always help, in that they pick a sound the love and they can play to and don't get the overall band sound. The numbers of times, I've thought good sound and food playing, but wrong in context of the band or song. Case in point... I've heard Ibanez basses recently, and thought nice playing and nice sound, but just plain wrong when you are listening to the band as a whole... Too much mid and not enough of a sound to carry the whole band... Not an exclusive observation about those basses, ...and probably not the basses fault, and is down to the bass player himself [/quote] Agreed, I think we have to pay more attention to tone in context of the song and performance of the band. And for cover bands that are covering songs with a lot of production values in the recording you really have to know and understand processing. For certain bands, jazz and blues maybe a straight Fender P/SVT sound is just fine. Blue
  22. A little off topic; I think, well my opinion is that many bands really don't know how to judge or audition a bass player. I don't think guitarist think the way we do. I think our opinions on tone and presentation are quite different than a guitarist. I'm not even sure they're listening half the time. I like to provide an accurate execution of bass lines with a deep foundation for the band to build on with just the right combination of high and low end. That's not necessarily anything an auditioning band cares about or understand. Blue
  23. We played The Road House yesterday 3-7 gig. Sunday gigs can be tough, however yesterday was a good gig for us. First weekend with great weather 80 degrees and sunny. All the bikers came out. This place has a very large room and stage for the band, all wood floors and ceilings. Easy load in and out. I have no idea what the house sound was like , the stage sound was perfect. Primarily an older crowd, nice folks and responsive. Blue
  24. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1430415704' post='2761249'] Pretty good session last night. The highlight was playing Albatross for the first time, with some very talented guys who are a lot of fun. [/quote] Very cool black & white photo. Who ever took it knew what they were doing. Blue
  25. Songs I hate to play, again not my mind set. I can figure out a way to enjoy playing anything. I'm not a hobbyist and I am not in this for art or integrity or anything like that. The only thing I hate is an empty gig schedule. Blue
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