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Everything posted by blue

  1. I have made several comments regarding compliments. Played a typical 8-12 bar gig last Saturday night and executed some of my best stuff. Not one punter spoke to me. I guess it depends on a lot of things, venue,genre and age. I say age because after a certain age people are not comfortable talking to you or even making eye contact with you.Unless your famous. My feelings this week, nobody wants to talk with or compliment a 62 year old playing bass guitar in a bar band. Yes, there are probably a few exceptions. Blue
  2. A few have commented on the accuracy of some of the tutorials. They run the whole spectrum,from "why did this guy upload this?" to "this guys bass line sounds better and makes more sense than what's on the OR" (original recording). I find the tutorials with great audio quality and you can clearly see the fingering on the fretboard the most valuable. The dialogue can get in my way. Blue
  3. The thing I have to or anyone using these tutorials should remember is when your sitting there with your headphones on, your in an ideal environment. Playing it live with a band will be different and a challenge. Blue
  4. This is probably more for you guys in [i]"Covers & Functions" [/i]bands. I have noticed the quality of these bass guitar tutorials have improved over the last couple of years. I find a lot of value in them when I'm trying to learn songs. After all my years of playing I still can't figure out every bass line from merely listening to the track. With these tutorials I can see things that I can't necessarily hear. When the bass track is separated they are even more helpful. After I learn the part , then I put my own spin on it. I would say using these tutorials has cut the usual time to learn a song in half for me. What do you think, do you use them, where's the value for you? Blue
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1429549407' post='2752504'] It actually is worth it, IMO, as there is turning down to reasonable levels and then there is stupid reasoning as appears to be the case from the description from the OP They don't pay me enough to pander to ruining the gig ( for us as much as anyone else ) and I'm not desperate to want any repeat business from a venue that will gladly take the money but not be willing or able to be good on its delivery. In this case, I'll make sure the client is happy over and above the venue manager. In the event of noise management devices at venues, we've refused to play them if we know the to have unreasonable expectations to the volumes of a live band. As it happens, quite a few of these places are wedding venues... so they want the lucrative wedding market and then risk the outcome of the big day with a noise meter set at 85db or thereof... I think this is warped thinking on behalf of the venue and we want no part of it. Get another band... [/quote] Depends on the band and how you look at the business. We're like most bands,we have a few venues in our gig rotation that aren't real easy for us. However they pay our fee and re-rebook us. And we have places that are always great to play. It all evens out in the end. Blue
  6. Goes with the territory. When asked to turn down by a venue owner you turn down. It's not worth it to put to much thought into it and take the fun out of the gig. Blue
  7. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1429482245' post='2751895'] I disagree with this. . . a lot! If you want to do it properly every bass line needs maximum focus and concentration. [/quote] Agreed, nothing done right is easy, especially songs that seem to be easy. You can enjoy the atmosphere after you have the song mastered inside out. Blue
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429289904' post='2750143'] See, this is what baffles me somewhat... if the string is held at one end by the nut and at the other end by the bridge, and when the strings are fretted they don't actually touch the surface of the fretboard in any meaningful way... how can the fretboard wood have any bearing on tone or how the string vibrates? And my 2p: I generally prefer maple boards simply because I like the look of them. [/quote] I'm a "tone comes from the execution, your fingers" guy. So I completely get your point. I have basses with maple, ebony and rosewood fretboards. No difference in the sound of any of them. My G&L ASAT is maple and it has that what they call "birds eye". Pretty cool looking. Blue
  9. Sounds like a really good opportunity. It's music that is fun as hell to play and if the money is good you can't lose. I would bet there will be a lot of competition for this spot. Over pre-pare, verify audition song keys and work on backing vocals if needed or not needed.Showing any level of vocal ability might set you apart from some of the other interested parties. Blue
  10. We played a new venue last night. An 8-12 bar gig with two 15 minute breaks. I'd say it was a marginal gig. They book live music, however I don't think their clientele comes there for live music. [i]"Oh well"[/i] The band had a few rough spots, however the sound on stage was good and we definitely hit some tight grooves. It's why I like this band. I've been with these guys over 3 years now and we're just now getting to the point where we understand each others playing and things are starting to happen naturally. Blue
  11. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1429466917' post='2751645'] For me, nothing more than one I enjoy doing....if I am not enjoying it I doubt I am gaining anything from it [/quote] For me it's the opposite. If I"m enjoying the exercise it means I'm playing things I already know and doubt I'm gaining from it. If I'm not enjoying it, it means I'm challenged and if I stay with it there's an opportunity for improvement. Blue
  12. [quote name='Old_Ben' timestamp='1429206539' post='2749282'] If your front man is boring then you're boned! 2) communicate with the crowd, whether it be banter or telling a story that they can find engaging. Ignoring them and being able to get away with it is very hard to pull off well, unless you're a damn good singer.[/quote] Telling stories might be tough. If your good I guess you can do it. I think story telling works better for people that are famous and people are generally interested in their lives. For a local bar band it could come off ass "cheesy" and pretentious. Blue
  13. I think you also have to consider the venue and size of the crowd. Fronting to 60 people in a small bar might be different than 2,000 at an outdoor festival. Blue
  14. [size=4][font=Arial]Does Your Band Have Star?[/font] [font=Arial]I have seen a few local club bands over the last couple of months. Many were very good musically, however none had a competent front person with the talent and ability to front the band and interact with the crowd without being pretentious. In other words a person that comes across as genuine and people are drawn to.[/font] [font=Arial]You guys over 50 probably remember the days of the old hard rock bands where you basically stood up there as a band and played and that was ok. Now, everything is more show driven, even at the bar/pub level.[/font] [font=Arial]I play bass and sing background vocals and while I would love to think I have the kind of talent to handle a crowd, I don't. This sort of talent is not easy to find and it's harder than most people think.[/font] [font=Arial]What are your thoughts on the ability one must have to pull off fronting a band or general thoughts on the role of the [i]"Front Person"?[/i][/font] [font=Arial]Blue[/font][/size]
  15. Sounds like your only in this for fun and not a high priority for you. In your case cancelling should not be a problem. Blue
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1429126966' post='2748372'] That sounds like a well run show.. [/quote] It is, We all deserve to get the[i] "Rock Star"[/i] treatment at least once a year. Blue
  17. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1429139069' post='2748535'] Glastonbury have just added Motörhead to the bill, along with the Foo Fighters, Paloma Faith and Lionel Richie, amongst others. [url="http://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/line-up/"]http://www.glastonbu....co.uk/line-up/[/url] I had a spell of going to Cornbury (a.k.a 'Poshstock'), but the line up has been sh*te the last few years and the tickets are crazy money now : £182 for adults, no camping, for three days, to see Tom Junes , Razorlight and Blue (plus Chas and Dave, who would be worth seeing), so that's another one to miss. Am I alone in finding it increasingly hard to find a bill and ticket price which are both worth it? The Shrewsbury Folk Festival was my birthday treat from Mrs A last year, and that was superbly run : great beer, friendly, top value catering, great sound, and some sublime artists, all for £125. [url="http://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/line-up/"]http://shrewsburyfol....co.uk/line-up/[/url] Maybe I've just got old and curmudgeonly? [/quote] Nice! At Summerfest we start with The Stones and go to Black Berry Smoke and everything in between for 2 week. http://summerfest.com/2015-lineup/ Blue
  18. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1429144811' post='2748563'] RIP Mr Sledge. Perfect delivery of an achingly beautiful song. [/quote] And that song will be around longer than any of us. Blue
  19. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1429127483' post='2748377'] [size=4][color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]Unfortunately a lot of musicians are pretty insecure, so they'll not go and see their contempories[/font][/color] [color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]if that band is better. oh well..[/font][/color][/size][/quote] +1 again, cool, however don't complain when folks don't come see your band. Also, easy for me to say. I am single and don't report to anyone.I come and go as I please. Blue
  20. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1429121715' post='2748298'] I think the venue should be doing most of the hard work to get punters in but also think the band should also be seen to be advertising too especially now with social media. We play almost every weekend and always put our gigs on our facebook page but would not expect all our followers to come to every gig. We play at lots of venues where we find out on arrival the venue hasnt bothered to put any posters up. But on the other hand if I was a landlord I would also be annoyed if I booked a band who had a website or a facebook page but didnt bother to mention the gig at my venue. [/quote] Agreed, usually our posters are up at the venues we play. We also promote every gig on Milwaukeerocks.com, email blasts and 2 local trades papers. Blue
  21. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1429119161' post='2748262'] From my personal perspective I wouldn't want anyone in the crowd who felt obliged to be there. I want people to attend my gigs because they want to be there, otherwise it feels a bit fake.[/quote] No, I wouldn't want that either. However I do believe in going to see bands at local venues especially the venues my band plays. A lot of guys boast that they don't go to see other local bands. That's fine, however, then I say don't complain when your band has a poor turn out. BTW, I don't drink so going to bars and clubs is a little out of my element.However I do it anyway. I am part of this community and in a way it's a part of my job and it's usually a good networking opportunity. Blue
  22. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1429042749' post='2747372'] That's better, provided you aren't paying towards it. Got to say that, as much as I like playing festivals, for £200 I'd expect not to have to worry about anything and have a few lads provided to do the lugging about for me.[/quote] Summerfest here in Milwaukee treats non- headliners very well. You get security, a van picks up the band and your taken to the stage and a second van is provided for your guitars and accessories.You work with pro stage managers as well as pro sound guys. Nice big dressing rooms with food and drink too. Blue
  23. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1429031952' post='2747236'] I guess we are coming close to the end of the 60`s era of performers. R.I.P [/quote] If you do a little digging a lot of those cats from the 60s are still out there gigging. Blue
  24. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1429018663' post='2747068'] Hey Blue my goals have changed every so often as i make improvements. I think at the moment my goals are simply to continue improving. I don't need other bass players to think im a great player and so on but i do want others to think that i can play a bit, if that makes sense. [/quote] That's a realistic goal that most of us share. Blue
  25. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428996991' post='2746713'] Much less likely here than in the USA. [/quote] Agreed, people who steal usually wouldn't be able to afford a lawyer. Blue
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