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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1428623429' post='2743279'] I'm not sure what you mean by "true jamming" [/quote] I'm on the same page as Skank. Well, I think sometimes people think jamming is the same as an open mic. IMO and my experience jams were held in peoples homes and everyone was welcome and would have a chance to play. You would pick a key and someone would have a lick or riff and you would build off of it. An Open Mic IMO are scams hosted by LLs and bar owners that want free entertainment. Here in Milwaukee the better musicians will not participate in Open Mics. They are usually hosted by a band or a couple of local musicians and as far as open, it's usually for a few guitarists or blues harp players. No my thing. Blue
  2. [quote name='grumpyguts' timestamp='1428616035' post='2743200'] Yes, I would rather we pick a couple of tunes to learn before we meet up and see if we are all on the same page when we get together. Perhaps I will suggest this. [/quote] That's not what we were doing or what we called jamming back in the 70s. Guess things have changed. Blue
  3. [quote name='grumpyguts' timestamp='1428619544' post='2743249'] Indeed - I don't want to be a player that kid's himself that he can do loads of stuff in the comfort of his spare room but has no idea how to hold it together with a band. [/quote] A las, someone finally said it. [i]" I don't care how many scales you know or how fast you can play, slap, pop or ping. You can't hang in a jam, there's the door brothah!"[/i] Blue
  4. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1428615465' post='2743193'] In my experience jamming is a word used to describe the scenario when you turn up to an audition and no one else has bothered to learn the material properly and prepare their own parts. "Hey let's just jam it man" seems to mean "I haven't got a clue how this goes so I'm going to blag it with a combination of random notes and trying to watch everyone else's fretting hand." I absolutely hate jamming... [/quote] I cut my teeth on bass guitar from years of endless series of jamming with my peers back in the late 60s and early 70s. It was great fun and it's still the most significant part of my training. Everyone jammed back then, the younger generations, not so much I guess. It's nothing I have time for right now, however I recommend it to any one new to bass that has the opportunity to play with other musicians. Unfortunately in my opinion true jamming is an activity that is no longer what it once was just like live music overall. Blue
  5. [quote name='grumpyguts' timestamp='1428614204' post='2743170'] Perhaps I shouldn't worry and see what happens...[/quote] Exactly Blue
  6. Black Berry Smoke are at SummerFest this year I will check them out. blue
  7. If you decide to really use and gig with pedals I would bite the bullet and use Voo Doo Labs Power Train. I did it about a year ago and love it. Blue
  8. [quote name='anDy LAKIN' timestamp='1428562731' post='2742371'] oh lots to choose from isnt there but definitely halestorm, coheed and cambria and paris hilton [/quote] I will definitely see Lizzy Hale of Halestorm. Blue
  9. The largest music festival in the world. I'm one of the few people I know that still loves going to concerts and supporting big and small acts alike. While many of my friends and fellow musicians out grew this kind of fun, I didn't. Any recommendations, there's so many bands; http://summerfest.com/2015-lineup/ Blue
  10. I have been told my tickets will double in value in a few days. Blue
  11. One thing, don't get discouraged from seeing these guys that are slapping and popping at the speed of light. I've done quite well without using those techniques for over 45 years. Blue
  12. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1428493782' post='2741742'] My technical knowledge of bass guitars and instruments in general is now very good. I can now set up a bass and many other stringed instruments, work on frets and do small repair work and modifications to a good standard. Im hoping to further this by doing some courses very soon. Im proud of this just wish my playing talent matched.[/quote] I have been playing for 45 years and I can't do any of that stuff. My goal, I'm a band guy, a gigging guy. I love live performance and the audience. For me I subscribe to the ABGs [i],"Always Be Gigging, Always Be Gigging"[/i] What was your goal with the bass, to be a top notch at home hobby guy,a luthier, recording artist, playing in a gigging band? Blue
  13. I’ve got 2 tickets, 3[sup]rd[/sup] row of section 4. That is the yellow seats, second section up, and off to the right side as you look at the stage. So I guess that means I'll be on Daryl & Keith's side of the stage.
  14. I will never be a target for an $11,000.00 bass guitar. I'm not even a target for an $11,000.00 car I have maybe 3 basses I paid around $2,000.00 for. Blue
  15. Normally, wouldn't the singer be calling back around this time to find out if he got the gig? Blue
  16. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1428442282' post='2741386'] I don't know why I booked you. They hate bands here[/quote] Very relevant insight. This has happened to my band as well. There are some LLs that will book a band on a whim when their pub is not known for live music and their clientele has no interest in live music. Young bands new to booking should think hard about whether or not to take this type of booking. They can be very painful. Blue
  17. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1428442123' post='2741382'] Next new thread I make I swear i'll leave my sense of hunour at the door. [/quote] Humor doesn't always come across or transend through text. I had to learn the hard way. Blue
  18. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1428439411' post='2741336'] Fair enough, I just don't understand taking such glee in not being able to entertain. I'm sure most of us have ended up at gigs not best suited to our bands but have been able to make it work to some degree rather than taking some perverse pleasure in driving punters out of the door. It's good that you were able to get a laugh out of it and hopefully the LL won't be put off hiring more bands who actually want to play for her customers. [/quote] I'm not sure the OP understands that most of the folks that participate in this forum spend a lot of time trying to figure out the art of performing and how to entertain people. Many participants also study band management which includes how to price a band and work with LLs. Blue
  19. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1428428292' post='2741195'] Yeh I make music, not money [/quote] Not to different from my band. We also make music. The only slight difference is, we also make money. Blue
  20. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1428428292' post='2741195'] Yeh I make music, not money [/quote] Ok, well that makes sense. I don't know of many gigs where they pay a band to annoy the LL and have the punters hate the band. I think your on to something here. It might be a new niche market. blue
  21. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1428360649' post='2740644'] Not sure I see the lolz to be honest, emptied the pub and annoyed the person paying you. What a great victory for artistic integrity [/quote] Maybe there is a new movement, you know, where it's cool to annoy the people who come to see you and the people who are paying you for your service? Blue.
  22. Is there anyway you would help take the pain away? What if had been your bass or amp head? Blue
  23. What an awful story, the guy came with the intent to steal not to audition. Blue
  24. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1428333939' post='2740318'] I ended up doing a "first gig" of sorts this weekend - covering for my singer and guitarist for a 2 x 45mins busy pub gig, instead of playing bass. I was pretty tense about the whole thing beforehand but actually reading thru the advice on this very thread ( including my own ) really helped me chill out and just enjoy it for what it was. The result? Better than I ever hoped. It was packed, lot of people I knew turned up and it well down really well. I also got to play with the bassist who normally deps for me, and glad to say he was cool and good player. For all the stress beforehand it ended up being personally really fulfilling and a bit of a milestone for me as a player. All good fun innit? [/quote] Yes, and remember that term,[i] "fun"[/i] and means more than most of us realize and it's easy to forget that's what it's all about. Nice job, a lot of guys really struggle with live performance and get [i]freaked out[/i] even at the pub/bar level. Blue
  25. It all makes sense even to the point where The Beatles had King Curtis open for them at Shea Stadium 8/23/65. That's a young Chuck Rainy on bass. [i]"King Curtis and his band, opening for The Beatles at Shea Stadium in 1965. This time, [b]Chuck Rainey[/b] is holding down the low end."[/i] Yeah, I was there, my Dad took me. Blue
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