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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428355020' post='2740584'] Nope. [/quote] You right. What an awesome pic, never seen that one. Blue
  2. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1428350360' post='2740516'] Going a bit Pete Frame for a minute: Hearing about the Animals from Graham Bond, Giorgio Gomelsky (the Stones first manager) helped them out in their early days, recording some live material and getting them on a tour where they backed Sonny Boy Williamson. The London 'scene' was very incestuous in those days; everybody knew everyone else and - in some cases - were prepared to give each other a helping hand. Quite apart from covering each others' material and nicking each others' riffs, the UK muso community of 1963-67 was remarkably tightly knit. They all lived in the same village but there were only two mansions on the hill. The Beatles lived in one and The Stones in the other. Down from the hill came templates for performance and production techniques, favoured instrument brands, fashionable clothes, interview styles, politics, philosophy, band management strategies. Those who came after the Stones and the Beatles went on to develop their own voices and to enjoy their own success. But those two bands are woven into the DNA of rock in such a way as someone who has never even really listened to them might be influenced by extension and at a distance. It's just one of those truths that can't be denied. [/quote] [b]Awesome commentary Delvar![/b] I was 11 years old in 1963 so that whole time period through the 60s hit me like a ton of bricks which I have never recovered from. I think my 60 plus brothers will agree, you can read all you want about that period in pop, rock, r&b and blues and you should. However it gets back to the old saying, to really appreciate it, [i]"you had to be there"[/i] My 60 plus brothers might agree with this; ever try explaining something musically or philosophically about the 60s to folks under 50. I mean anything even as simple as , [i]" hey you know where that riff came from?"[/i]. From my experience, it doesn't register, they are not interested and they don't care. And I get that, there are a lot of things about the 90s I have no interest in. I'll ramble on, for example when my band plays [i]"Get Back" or " "Come Together" [/i]my performance is coming from a different place than the other members. I not only can play and sing the song, I understand the song and I believe my conviction to the performance is higher. I don't take it too seriously. As my 27 year old son (pictured) told me the other day; [i]"Dad, nobody gives a sh*& about tight horns anymore"[/i] Blue
  3. [quote name='Bloodaxe' timestamp='1428302526' post='2739966'] I've always taken the view that The Beatles & The Stones opened the door & Hendrix came along and smashed it off its hinges forever. Not sure I'd agree entirely, but we definitely wouldn't have had Hendrix if it wasn't for The Animals. Pete. [/quote] Exactly, now here's my point. Would The Animals gotten as big as they were if The Beatles hadn't opened The door? Blue
  4. My sympathies, glad you shared this. Guys ever had punters offer help carrying gear after a gig? After hearing this story I understand why we always say "No". Blue
  5. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1428335008' post='2740335'] Sometimes you have to ensure you won't get asked back and you employed those methods admirably.....for that i applaud you [/quote] Got it, so as I understand it,the goal was not to be asked back. Ok, now it makes sense. Blue
  6. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1428265759' post='2739797'] I have yet to gig and obviously have a lot to learn before I do so. What is the reasoning for wanting to annoy the owner / few punters? Is that not a short term play for the band? [/quote] Good question. I have no idea. Blue
  7. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1428280952' post='2739942'] 'Tone' it down is a different thing entirely to 'Turn' it down.. Just sayin' [/quote] When asked to turn it down, we turn it down. When asked to tone it down, we tone it down. We don't challenge the people that are paying us. Blue
  8. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1428280480' post='2739938'] C'mon, point of order here - those aren't facts, they're opinions. [/quote] I guess, I hope I'm not the only one with those opinions. Blue
  9. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1428270042' post='2739863'] i dont agree [/quote] What don't you agree with? Blue
  10. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1428270697' post='2739870'] Frankly, it doesn't matter whether some people like / get / value / understand the Stones while others do not. To this day the Stones exert a gravitational effect on anyone who picks up an instrument, whether they want to sound like the Stones or want very much [i]not[/i] to sound like the Stones. 'The Stones' is a monolithic, historied entity with its roots in the earliest days of rock. As an idea 'The Stones' exists (sic) far beyond the confining boundaries of genre and musical taste. 'Liking or 'not liking' them is such an irrelevance it's probably easier just to like them and spare oneself the trouble of coming up with reasons [i]not[/i] to like them. And at a certain level the Stones don't really [i]care[/i] whether people like them - if they ever did care. Which is all part of the charm. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] I think he's saying he doesn't like them and I guess there are many that don't and many that do. I suspect the tickets for The Milwaukee show on 6/23 are all spoken for and will sell out within minutes when they go on sale April 8th. [i]"The Stones' exists (sic) far beyond the confining boundaries of genre and musical taste". [/i]Agreed and even though I think the ticket price is ridiculous, it's why many of us don't bat an eye at spending $458.00 for a seat.I don't, and I'll tell you something else, I can't afford it. It's one of those, I'm going regardless type things for me. In addition, he doesn't feel or think The Beatles or The Stones have had any impact or influence on rock music. Which is pretty close to saying nobody has had an impact on rock music and that history is meaningless. If I'm understanding his position. He has not made a comment on impact or influence.He only knows he doesn't like them. That's his opinion, a little weird to me, but everyone has a right to an opinion. This poster could be 14 years old for all I know. Blue
  11. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1428265298' post='2739789'] This nearly 66 year old backs you up to the hilt, Blue.[/quote] Thanks Jazzneck Blue
  12. Off topic: You don't have to like The Beatles or The Stones, that's a preference and many don't. However,for most part if your in this rock & roll business young and old, if you don't understand the history and impact of The Beatles & The Stones your going to miss a few things. IMO These guys didn't stay on top for 50 years for no reason. Blue
  13. I'm thinking this is a younger band. Blue
  14. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1428237499' post='2739417'] All i kept thinking of as we played through our first set was the Hüsker Dü philosophy of making the people that don't love you, hate you even more.. and hate us they did. I f***ing LOVED it!!![/quote] I must be getting old. How do you make money with that philosophy? Blue
  15. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1428260706' post='2739715'] Cant stand the Stones or Beatles in my view thay had an opportunity to paint the blank canvas that was rock and roll at the time but they went for magnolia. Hendrix was the first to use colour. [/quote] Our personal tastes , preferences and opinions all have a place as does historical fact. If there were no Beatles or Stones there would have been no Jimi. If it were not for The Beatles and Stones in terms of rock and pop nobody would have even had a reason to take interest in the UK. In a way you might want to thank the Beatles for bringing you Jimi. Again maybe some of the 60 plus guys might back me up. You would have never heard Jimi if it wasn't for the Beatles. IMHO You do know that Jimi was a huge Beatles fan, right? Blue
  16. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1427360054' post='2729234'] I am certain that people respond to the visual of a band giving it big licks, just as much as they respond to the safe and familiar feeling they get from songs they know all the lyrics to. Some venues thrive on pure blues, or very blues influenced music....check out The Blues Bar in Harrogate..... but by and large, you won't get a look in at a lot of venues, private parties, weddings etc if you smell remotely of blues...you have to sneak it in the back door. Then it's a simple case of dropping in a few more of the right songs that lean it a bit more towards a R n B set list.[/quote] Agreed, We call ourselves a [i]"Blues/Rock"[/i] band ( 9 years and still going ). Before I joined the band decided that consistent paid gigging was the direction they wanted to go. They already had a young female BL who is also our lead guitarist and lead vocalist so the [i]"back door"[/i] method was an easy transition. We kept a lot of the cooler more progressive Jeff Beck type stuff, however we added stuff like "People get Ready", [i]"Son Of A Preacher [/i][i]Man","Them Changes"[/i], Nancy Sinatra's [i]"Boots Are Made for Walking"[/i], Robin Trower hits ect. We stayed away from the traditional 12 bar blues progression stuff. Thing is it worked and the band was able to get gigs other blues bands couldn't. And were still having fun. Blue
  17. [quote name='grenadilla' timestamp='1428247141' post='2739535'] Blue, now I am torn between seeing the Stones (time#4) or seeing the Who in Nashville (time#7). I could buy a new bass for what the tickets will cost and a room at a moetel! I just wish Keith would play a new guitar and be careful not to ding it or scratch the finish. Bill took good care of his basses and I try to follow his example. [/quote] Yeah, the Who announced Milwaukee was on their tour a year in advance. They are here in October on the Summerfest Grounds like the Stones. Interesting they are playing on the BMO stage which is smaller (pictured) than the Marcus Amphitheater where the Stones are playing. BTW, The SummerFest grounds are on the lake front, beautiful Lake Michigan. Blue
  18. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1428237499' post='2739417'] The landlady asked the drummer if we could "tone it down a bit" for the second set to which he replied "Not really, no" bless him [i][u]wink emoticon[/u][/i] What was I to do? I just dialled in a bit more distortion.. worked for me. The evening was a total success.[/quote] The LL ask the drummer if you guys could[i] "tone it down a bit" [/i]and he said "No" That's hilarious! That's something I've always wanted to say, but since I'm in this for the money I can't. We can't afford to alienate the people that hire us. When an LL ask us to turn down, we turn down. We want to be re-booked. Blue
  19. Talk Radio anything that has a focus on politics. Blue
  20. I haven't read all the post, but here's my spin; [i]"A set up from a very good luthier cost me $51.00. I wouldn't go near a truss rod with a 10 foot pole" [/i] Blue
  21. Here's one I use when I'm trying to be cool,talking to folks at gigs during a brake. I use it for anything, somebody could be talking about anything and I'll say; [i]"Oh wow, I'm sorry I totally flaked out on that one"[/i] Blue
  22. I'm actually stuck too. We have added Peter Green's "Oh Well" to our 1st set. I have listened to many clips and I can't get that tricky little riff between the verse and chorus. And it's not hard, I just don't get it. Blue
  23. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1428013300' post='2737188'] Yup. Any footage of them, the best bit is always Watts and Wyman at the back, grinning at each other, just getting it done while the frontmen ponce about trying to pull [/quote] I think Daryl Jones is a sideman. Technically Bill is still the bass player and I would think would have at least Director status as well as compensation in their organization. Blue
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