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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1428006842' post='2737071'] A band needs to connect with an audience, and that is as important as anything else. [/quote] True, I agree. But there is still a problem and in lies somewhere within the title of this thread. [i]"Is The Live Scene dying"[/i] My answer was "yes" it is. And because it is dying, that translates to disinterested crowds. What I'm getting at is, it's extremely difficult for even the best bands to connect with an audience that is not interested. I remember back in the 60s where I would weasel my way into a club that I was to young to be in to see a certain new band that had a buzz all around town about them. I remember everyone there was super hip/super cool and I did not belong there. Ok, that is what we use to call a [i]"scene"[/i]. A band that create a scene, Very tough to do that now. Blue
  2. The "Benefit" is also a tough nut to deal with for most bands. I, as a rule vote "No" when they are presented to the band. I will bend and I am not sure why, when;[list] [*]It's a good cause that I believe in [*]Major metro stage, [*]You know the crowd will be huge ( thousands) [*]A good time slot, [*]Top line backline and [*]Top shelf sound and lighting. [*]They treat the bands well [/list] Some of my criteria could also justify a showcase. Blue
  3. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1428006066' post='2737058'] Standing there banging out rock while staring at your shoelaces is not enough. You need to play stuff that people know (for a covers band) but not stuff that every other band is doing. You need to give the crowd something to look at and engage them. Obviously there are regional variations as to how many venues are available, but if you ENTERTAIN the crowd rather than just play to them, it shouldn't be too hard to pick up gigs (IME of course ) [/quote] In theory yes, it should be easy, but it's not and I will think about it because I don't have a good answer right now. Something to look at you say? My case in point, a hot 25 year old female that not only sings great and dance but had a butt that was between a 9.5 and a 10 on the old 1-10 scale. I don't know what it's like in the UK culturally when it comes to dancing, but over here most guys can't and won't dance, so it's mainly the ladies dancing with the ladies. Blue
  4. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1427995731' post='2736905'] I've seen them only once on the "No Security" tour at Edinburgh's Murrayfield stadium, the rehashed tail end of the "Bridges" tour. Tickets were £65 & I went at 9:00 am to get a good spot, there was only one other guy waiting at that time . I would have loved to have seen them on one of the smaller gigs they recorded for "Stripped" Hours later the gates opened and we ran to the very front. Minutes after starting Mick Jagger ran along the front row doing hand shakes/slaps, while Keef prowled the stage about 10ft in front of me, grinning like an ape the whole time, so so cool. One of the best gigs I ever saw. [/quote] Cool Story, Was the [i]"No Security"[/i] show in 2005? Because I think saw The Stone in Milwaukee that year and I think it was the same tour. Blue
  5. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1428003725' post='2737026'] not just good, but entertaining. actually, I know a local band doing VERY well, and they were not very good... but they were hugely entertaining. They're gigging all over the place now, because they have build a following and fill venues. The bar is a business, a band could be great technically but if it doesn't make people take notice and follow them a bit, they are unlikely to do well. [/quote] Ok, but then another issue is good and entertaining to who? Unfortunately whats entertaining and good is not universal. I saw a 9 piece band at a packed club playing funk, disco dance music this past Saturday night. They were good, tight horn section, great key board player and the PA was great ( it was being run by my bands dedicated sound tech). And to boot out front they had a male and a smoking hot young female with great vocals. Still not as much dancing as you would think. Now, i know the band does not have a huge following. I don't think they gig that often.With 9 members i believe the story is, with that many band members with lives outside of music it's hard to schedule gigs. My point, I don't think it's as simplistic as entertaining and good. Blue
  6. [quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1427989898' post='2736796'] ...................ive been playing in cover bands for 30 odd years now. apart from a couple of near misses with pop stardom its all been cover bands playing in pubs,clubs and functions ive noticed over the years that people who go to the pubs and clubs most who are aged between 18-30 just dont have the same interest in bands that i did growing up especially in bigger towns. yes there are still young folks that are into it but its just not as much. also you can buy all this entertainment and booze for next to nothing and stay at home[/quote] You have nailed it Jim, well I should say I agree. When the 21-25 year olds happen to wonder into a club my band is playing, they usually ( meaning all the time) walk right back out the door. I don't think they know what we are or what were doing. And it's not because were an older band, they walk out on all live rock music. Back in the 60s rock bands were a novelty. If a club had a rock band playing good or bad the place would be packed and everyone was more than happy. For the OP; Yes, the live rock scene is dying. Blue
  7. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1427966112' post='2736321'] Following this thread has reminded me just what a huge part of my life The Fab Four were, and still are. I was born in the North-West of England not far from Liverpool and was just entering my teens when they exploded onto the scene. My relationship with them is not just on a musical level - it's emotional. My life was evolving in parallel with The Beatles, and I always really 'got' what they were doing on an instinctive, kind of visceral level (maybe this is the point that Blue was trying to make).[/quote] Agreed, I was 11 years old in 1964. I flipped and have never been the same since, musically, emotionally or philosophically. Blue
  8. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1427992221' post='2736836'] Whether people like them or not, they are a one of the most iconic bands around. They could give a flawless performance, and people would still find something to moan about. I would go for it Blue, as the memories you will get, and an ambition fulfilled is worth more than money. Don`t listen to these sad sacks [/quote] Yeah, The Stones didn't sell everyone, but they sold me 50 years ago. And unlike some others, they have never cheated me. To me they epitomize everything a rock & roll band is suppose to be. IMO they are one of the few true rock & roll experiences left on the planet. I still see them through the eyes of a 10 year old lad. blue
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1427990620' post='2736813'] Isn't it funny how, whilst being such a 'small world', folks can be 'worlds apart'..? Strange times, on a strange planet. No, it's not you; it's me, quite certainly, somewhat out of step, or, to be completely honest, rather completely out of kilter with many modern notions. Never mind; enjoy the show, and all the following ones... [/quote] I don't know about [i]"worlds apart".[/i] I think some of it, for me was just good old fashion marketing. The Stones presented their product to me in 1964 when I was 10 years old. They sold me and I've been a loyal customer ever since.. Blue
  10. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1427973389' post='2736473']I don't see much point in messing with my own set up to fine tune settings thet will probably sound completely different in another room anyway.[/quote] Agreed, and that's the point I've been trying to make. Same thing goes for the PA unless the gig is in the rehearsal space. Blue
  11. [quote name='Ticktock' timestamp='1427578212' post='2732013'] Full kit at "practice"? Well, drummer brings his snare and cymbals if it isn't at his gaff. Me and the guitar player/ keyboard computer operator bring everything. It's all about how it sounds to us, gigs are another kettle of fish.....no gigs lined up and still writing songs really. [/quote] Gigs are another kettle of fish for many new young bands. I'm from the "old school". When someone tells me their in a band the first thing I say is; " Cool where are you guys gigging?" I had this very conversation with a young musician a few months ago. I swear, when I asked about gigs it was like I was speaking a foreign language. Blue
  12. This band is by no means young so I'm surprised it's only one member of the band,the OP that saw red flags immediately. Blue
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1427973348' post='2736469'] [size=4] Hmm... Sounds familiar... [i][color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]They took all the [s]trees[/s] Stones [/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Put 'em in a [s]tree[/s] Stones museum * [/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And they charged the people [/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A [s]dollar and a half[/s] heck of a lot just to see 'em [/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Don't it always seem to go [/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]That you don't know what you've got [/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Till it's gone [/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]They paved paradise [/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And put up a parking lot[/font][/color][/i] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][color=#333333]I was witness to the famous 'Brian Jones' butterfly massacre, all those decades ago, and well remember leaving, with my friends, well before the end of the interminable 'Sympathy for the Devil'. It was quite shocking; doubly so as the supporting acts were blindingly brilliant. Special mention for King Crimson, who completely stole the show and put the 'best r&r group in the world' to utter shame. No, I've never been a mega-fan, although they got off to a good enough start with 'Aftermath' and such, but they lost their way for me soon after that. As for ticket prices of that astronomic level, I wouldn't pay half of that even for the Grateful Dead resuscitated..! Anyone that wants to is free to do so, of course, but as far as I'm concerned, it's more than a rip-off, it's borderline immoral.[/color][/font] [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]That said, good luck with fulfilling your dreams; I sincerely hope you're not disappointed.[/font][/color][/size] [/quote] I'm their biggest fan,if they merely walked on stage and said hello, I'd be thrilled. The ticket price is way out of my league, however at this point in my life I can't think of a better way to spend $450.00. In some ways I think it's a bargain. Blue
  14. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1427982124' post='2736663'] The Hyde Park gig wasn't exactly their finest hour. Mick Taylor was probably wondering if Mayall would have him back. [/quote] It's never been real clear to me why Taylor accepted their offer in the first place. Blue
  15. The sad thing for me is no more Bobby Keys. Blue
  16. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1427820184' post='2734673'] Stopped last year after 10+ years of weekly gigging.[/quote] Your probably not done yet. Playing in a band is not like a traditional job where you retire at 65. Being in a band is not a work thing it's a playing thing and most of us that are really in it will play and gig until we drop to the floor. With the exception of serious health issue where you can no longer do it. For example Johnny Winter and other rock, pop, R&B and blues artist are out there gigging until they die. Blue
  17. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1427931362' post='2736127'] I believe that was 1976 and The Meters were the support. I saw 2 of those shows. [/quote] They always have interesting opening acts. Thing is, opening for The Stones has to be the toughest gig out there. Unlike other headliners the openers at least have a shot. Nobody pays any or very little to the openers for The Stones other then [i]"when are they getting off the stage"[/i] Saw them at The Garden in 72, twice in 81 ( same weekend 2 separate venues ) then I think 2000 and the last show I saw them was in 2005. This time I hope it's up close and personal. Blue
  18. Very cool! It's a done deal; The Rolling Stones playing in Milwaukee has reached fever pitch with a billboard, which includes the Stones’ symbol — and rumors that not only is the group coming to Milwaukee, but that they would play at the Marcus Amphitheater on the Summerfest grounds June 23rd. Other stops on the North American tour could include Nashville and Indianapolis. There is an advance sale for AmEx cardholders next week 4/8. I am going to try to get 4. I guess they are about $450 for the best. The aftermarket will double that. This is not about the money for me. I'm one of those baby boomers that in some ways has never gotten over the the musical invasion you guys laid on us back in the mid 60s. This will be like going to the "Promise Land" or "The Mountain Top" for me The Marcus will be my last chance to see these guys in a small venue setting. Outside of Paul McCartney, I can think of any other existing British bands with the magnitude of their body of work or legacy, IMO. And now that I think about it, Paul is not a band. Blue
  19. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1427888729' post='2735448'] That can define the gig... if the toilets are awful, then not a gig I'm interested in. Outdoors are probably excepted, to a degree. [/quote] That's a luxury I can't afford. If the pay is right, I'm interested. However, I'll steer clear from the bathroom. Blue
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427624106' post='2732334'] You can't use any toilet but the one at home... [/quote] I thought that was only me. I never use the toilets at the bars we play. They're usually disgusting. Blue
  21. Get to the gig early and get your gear set up allowing yourself 30 minutes to relax before your show starts. Blue
  22. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1427801304' post='2734338'] Not mine.....gigs when we want them in our neck of the woods [/quote] What's different about your neck of the woods? Everybody else is struggling for gigs. Blue
  23. Compliments are nice however I take them with a grain of salt. I know when I'm having a good night and I know when I have a bad one too. Blue
  24. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1427702898' post='2733088'] I put a 'Bassist available' advert up on gumtree a week or so back as one of my projects had recently ended and I fancied something new. I've had 30 odd replies so far and I was pretty specific in what I wanted (no covers, nothing with basslines already written, not looking to be the next rock superstar etc.) about five of those were interesting and I have an audition tonight for one of them. Its never been easier in London to hook up with people and play original music. No idea about working covers bands though, not really my area. [/quote] In a way the originals route for the most part is easier. When You take money out of the equation it's usually easier. It is over here, as originals gigs are far and few in between and rarely involve paid gigs. Blue
  25. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1427618653' post='2732267'] I palm mute these days... [/quote] Me too. IMO the execution is more dynamic and I can get a nice clean yet aggressive tone using this technique. Muting the strings with the palm of your hand. Blue
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