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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1427616561' post='2732246'] New venue last night and first outing with the 50% new line up. The place was tiny but had a great atmosphere. Went down really well but here you pay a price for that as they usually want a lot more. Supposed to finish at 11.30 and close at 12.00 but didn't finish playing until 1.10. Probably down to the set list as much as the band. Still, nice to have the punters shouting for more even as you're loading the car up [/quote] How does that work in the UK? Over here when the owner/ LL asks us to play another hour we have a $100.00 fee for that extra hour. Blue
  2. I hope this isn't a situation where the OP is the only band member that sees [i]"red flags" [/i]all over this and the other member are all wearing rose tinted glasses. Maybe all young bands have to go through this as a part of the learning curve for this business. Blue
  3. We did our 9:30-1:30 at Mamie's. [i]Ask blues musicians, fans and experts around town and you'll quickly find that Mamie's, 3300 National Ave., is generally thought to be the sole remaining "authentic" blues bar in town. [/i] Musically we were ok. However we had more than a respectable crowd for the lions share of the evening. Lot's of action at the bar. I'll chalk it up as a long but fun night. When the LL is happy it's always a win. Am I right? Blue
  4. Question any offer to play anywhere that's not accompanied by an offer of money. Is that too harsh? Blue
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1427528383' post='2731398'] IMO, it is a stage issue rather than anything else.. [/quote] That's why I depend on a decent signal from the stage monitor. I have been in some rooms where I'm standing right in front of my amp and can't here my bass at all. Blue
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1427495928' post='2731269'] By the time I've run around like an idiot connecting things, moving things and lugging things I don't need a warm up, I need a lay down. [/quote] +1 Blue
  7. Well, obviously better than Milwaukee just by sheer numbers. For publicly advertised, good opportunities for rock bass guitarists, you could watch the ads for months on end with no worthwhile opportunities to pursue. I think the key phrase here might be, [i]"publicly advertised".[/i] Blue
  8. What is the quality and quantity of opportunities in the London area. Is it mostly start ups, or are there opening with bands that are established with paying gigs? Blue
  9. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1427385204' post='2729746'] For big loud gigs I prefer to rehearse with the exact set up I will be performing with.[/quote] We play loud rock, however when I rehearse I use a small combo amp with no pedals. My position is, even if I used my gigging rig and pedals at rehearsal it's absolutely no guarantee I will have the same sound at a gig. As it's been said many times, there are to many other variables that will impact your sound at a gig other than your gear. Blue
  10. There are only a few bullet points I check on when I'm in a shop trying out basses; [list] [*]Looks [*]The feel of the neck [*]Action [*]Brand ( I shop brand ) [*]Price [*]How I'm treated as a customer [/list] I'm usually already sold on a specific bass when I go to a shop and usually ready to buy. I don't spend much time playing, a few scales and riffs and that's it. Warm Up? At gigs I'm usually warmed up midway through the first set. Blue
  11. [quote name='Paultrader' timestamp='1427475258' post='2730929'] We're playing at the Ex-Servicemen's Club in Bicester. We're finishing at 1.00 am, and I would usually get home at 2.30 am, but because the clocks go forward I won't get in till 3.30 am - hey ho ho[/quote] Yeah, we have a 9:30-1:30 tonight. It Wil be 3:30 by the time I get home too. Blue
  12. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1427453963' post='2730517'] Too many blues bands in the UK seem to be playing ideas from the 50's. Based around lead guitar and limited interesting grooves and arrangements. Listen to some of the US guys touring Europe, like Lucky Peterson, Sherman Robinson, Coco Montoya, Bernard Allison. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alzAG7rCAQA"]https://www.youtube....h?v=alzAG7rCAQA[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhr36kVaDoc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=Mhr36kVaDoc[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atr73gUUn5Q"]https://www.youtube....h?v=atr73gUUn5Q[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7UdvncZAtw"]https://www.youtube....h?v=X7UdvncZAtw[/url] [/quote] My band played with Coco at The Waukesha Blues Fest a few years ago. He has a lot if talent & ability. Blue
  13. I like to hear my signal from my stage monitor, right in front of me. Blue
  14. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1427316092' post='2728905'] This potentially such a huge topic I'm going to restrict myself to a few observations. * Too many under-rehearsed hobby blues bands with predictable setlists and arrangements are clouding perceptions. Not all blues is tubby old white guys (like me) knocking out the same ploddy rhythms. But the kids don't know that.[/quote] And that's the perception, which is too bad. My point or question is, how can you get younger people to listen to blues/rock? I think they would need to want to listen to live music first, I think that's the big hurdle. We are are a blues / rock band all older guys my age with a young female lead guitarist so it's a little easier for us. Blue
  15. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1427395771' post='2729948'] Woods wine bar asked us back for easter (we were there a few weeks ago, and we are back there in may already) [IMG]http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp133/alienrat/woods_zpstlstqlxi.jpg[/IMG] The joy of woods is that door behind me in the picture. You can load your stuff straight through that door, then it is across the road to the car park! [/quote] Looks cool. The 3 Rs; Rebook,Rebook & Rebook Blue
  16. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1427386721' post='2729778'] First gig in a new venue. Apparently it's tiny and our drummer seems to have borrowed a tiny jungle kit so we can all fit in Still, it'll all be down to what the audience is like (and the food) [/quote] Will the bands volume be an issue, as in keeping it down? Blue
  17. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1427373530' post='2729478'] This Saturday we are playing at the Spinning Wheel in Paignton, Devon. There is a big charabanc trip for a load of freaks, hippies and general music fan types from Oxford, they pretty much take the place over for music Friday and Saturday and acoustic/poetry etc. sunday lunchtime. It's a bit of a hoot, though god knows what the locals think of it. It's a nice venue with a great atmosphere, and a cool balcony overlooking the dancefloor and band. My band is opening the Saturday slot, so I'll be able to have a few beers with no driving after. Result! [/quote] Sounds like my type of scene. Have fun. Blue
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1427385979' post='2729763'] Jazz East at The Fludyers in Felixstowe, Suffolk. My own little Jazz venture. This week I get to play with Phil Robson and Christine Tobin (again ). Details at www.jazzeast.vpweb.co.uk [/quote] Sounds like a cool gig. BTW, great photo! Blue
  19. My band is playing Mamie's Friday Night, 9:30-1:30 a long night and you can guess what time I get home. No worries,It will be a fun night. [i]Ask blues musicians, fans and experts around town and you'll quickly find that Mamie's, 3300 National Ave., is generally thought to be the sole remaining "authentic" blues bar in town. [/i] [i]Folks credit the Milwaukee Ale House, the Up and Under Pub, Painted Parrot or Kochanski's Concertina Beer Hall with providing the occasional stage, but in the end Mamie's is the only stop completely dedicated to the blues. [/i] [i]"Mamie's is probably the last real blues bar in the city. Owner Deb is a true believer and all they play there is blues. If you don't play blues, you can't play there," says musician Reverend Raven, who fronts Reverend Raven and the Chain Smoking Altar Boys. [/i] [i]Mamie's is what you expect a blues club to be. Located on 33rd Street and National Avenue, the bar represents its South Side neighborhood with good deals, no frills and great music. The patrons are regulars and the bartenders know everyone by name. [/i]
  20. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1427309588' post='2728745'] Chantel Mcgregor has a reasonably big tour of the UK. She is good in my opinion. She isn`t in here 30`s yet, and been doing blues for a few years. There are probably loads more i don`t know about. [/quote] I like Chantel. I must have sent out 50 resumes and she was the only artist to personally respond. I thought that was pretty decent of her. Blue
  21. [quote name='goblin' timestamp='1427320723' post='2728986'] I'm playing at The Fleece in Horbury near Wakefield with The Undecided this weekend. Never been before, looking online it looks alright, recently refurbished. Sports oriented so probably quite a lively crowd too. Also can't gauge the size or shape of the place, so working out what PA I'm taking is a bit of a pain! Could be interesting! [url="http://www.fleecehorbury.co.uk/gallery-8215.html"]http://www.fleecehor...llery-8215.html[/url] [/quote] Heck, your working this weekend, consider yourself lucky. A lot of guys aren't. Have fun and don't sweat the small stuff. [b][u]Off Topic Local Milwaukee WI News;[/u][/b] [i]The possibility of [b]The Rolling Stones [/b]playing in Milwaukee has reached fever pitch with a billboard, which includes the Stones’ symbol — and rumors that not only is the group coming to Milwaukee, but that they would play at the Marcus Amphitheater on the Summerfest grounds June 23rd. Other stops on the North American tour could include Nashville and Indianapolis.[/i] My “Inside” information source says there is a deal for 6.23.15 at the Marcus Amphitheater, the night before Summerfest opens, and they are just finalizing it. Guys, The Marcus is a very small outdoor natural amphitheater. I'm going no matter what the tickets costs. Blue
  22. [quote name='inthedoghouse' timestamp='1427319005' post='2728952'] The Terrace Inn, Stoke-on-Trent I've never been there before but I'm told it's a good rocking night - I hope so :-) [/quote] Nice looking place. I hope you have an interested lively crowd. You should let us know how easy the load in and out is as well as the stage size. Blue
  23. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1427313862' post='2728845'] 2 gigs on Saturday in Cardiff - haven't left much packing down/setting up time Going to try and make the South Wales Bass Bash beforehand too! [/quote] 2 gigs in one day? Nice! Blue
  24. [quote name='Toddy' timestamp='1427310389' post='2728767'] Busy week, Reading Hexagon tonight, Telford Oakengates Theatre tomorrow,and Sunderland Empire Theatre on Sat,,took my old Warwick this week, engineer still prefers the active Jazz.. [/quote] Nice, sounds like my kind of weekend. Stay focused in control and have fun Toddy. Blue
  25. [quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1427300358' post='2728574'] Here are my LPs Originally bought the Antoria because it was cheap. I then added EMG,new hardware, replated etc - spent more than it's worth but is lovely. Then got the Cherry, then the Black, then the White, then and at last the Triumph which has now cured my GAS (although I am tempted by the Gold top) Hope you like em Andy [/quote] Nice! Very cool collection.I like all those colors. I have a Gibson Thunderbird. The LP Gold Top and their ES-335 bass, so I'm set with Gibson. Enjoy those LPs Blue
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