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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1426955474' post='2723998'] No, absolutely not. I'd rather not play at all than play music I don't like. [/quote] I think this is why we never get to see a lot of talented musicians. The most talented musicians I know don't gig or play in bands because they will only play music/genres they personally like. And they are all on the progressive side of things and as you can guess, there's no market for that at the local level. Blue
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1426953008' post='2723944'] Ive been in a band for the last 6 months called Michigan Avenue. we play rock blues type stuff. thing is its just not inspiring me.. I'm not sure if I'm just indoctrinated to soul and funk or the music just isn't that good. the real feeling i get is that the music just doesn't inspire me to play. sometimes it does with certain songs, but only in parts. maybe I'm answering my own question. the band is drums, guitar x 2 and bass. i tried to introduce this guy who is a keys master, and i got a 'no, not now maybe later". i just want some chords behind the music. I'm talking Billy Preston type stuff. can you girls/guys play music that your not really into..?[/quote] Yes and I do, If I restricted myself to music I'm into I would never have gigs. I'm in this for money, not what I'm into. If your band is gigging and you like gigging I would say, ride it out. If your not a gigging guy, I would seek out a project where you can play the stuff your into. I say that only because in many cases the music we like might not have a local market. Blue
  3. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1426954393' post='2723978'] Some social clubs want 2x 90mins, and that is tough enough. You just have to pace yourself! [/quote] I guess age does play a factor in this thread. I have to be honest, at 62 that 3rd set for a 4 hour show is starting to get a bit challenging for me. blue
  4. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1426952765' post='2723940'] Fred is still there and if you are referring to Sam - she's his wife, not his daughter...! [/quote] Nice job Fred! blue
  5. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1426940170' post='2723693'] Pub gig, about two miles from my house, which is nice. First time we've played there (Mrs Zero and I have done a session at an open mic there), and we're the first band in after a refurbishment. Have I got to say how many years experience I've got and how old I am now? We're playing about halfway up. Fortunately there's a ramp up from the carp ark. [/quote] Looks cool. Age and level of experience is not needed for this topic unless your not old enough to get in. We'll let you know when we need your age. Actually that is something that is not clear to me regarding drinking ages in the UK. Over here you have to have ID proving your 21 to patron bars and drink alcohol. Blue
  6. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1426935923' post='2723610'] .8 till 12? sod that!! [/quote] All bar gigs over hear are 4 hour nights, it's just the way it is. Could you guys adapt to the 4 hour gig if you were working over here? Blue
  7. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1426933031' post='2723545'] I would have been gigging in a place called the great lyde in yeovil. we have played there before, it is far from my favourite pub. But back a few weeks ago we got a notification from lemonrock saying there was a booking clash with some other group. Our band leader has spent time trying to get in touch with them, but the guy he knew who booked bands had now left, and the others weren't responding. Finally, after asking publicly on their facebook comments, they got in touch with us to say, yes, they were double booked and they would go with the other guy, even though we were booked a few months earlier. The other guy was one guy who sings to a backing tape - sort of like a premade karaoke, and costs £100, which is under half of ours. I would call that a bit sh*tty. On the plus side, I had quite a relaxing evening with my wife [/quote] I agree, sh*tty. Not unusual for bar owners over here in the USA to pull a stunt like that either. As they say; [i]"It goes with the territory"[/i] blue
  8. We rehearse in our guitarist's basement with a scaled down PA and small practice amps. Our drummer leaves his practice kit there. I use a GK 1 X 15" combo.My rehearsal bass is a re-issue 1959 Fender P MIJ. We don't employ our pedal boards at rehearsal. To be honest, regardless of how I would tweak sound at rehearsals, the chance that sound will be the same at a gig is questionable. Too many other variables that can effect the sound of a band . Blue
  9. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1426934160' post='2723569'] Guitarist takes his pedalboard and amp (small Marshall combo), I don't bother with anything and use the provided backline, we use the provided PA and drumkit. We have done one rehearsal in a pub to get a proper shakedown and familiarisation with the PA, just so we knew we could get everything so we were happy with it.. [/quote] We are a bar band. In Milwaukee only the few "originals" clubs provide a PA. The only time we see backline is in the summer when we play the larger gigs at fairs and major festivals. blue
  10. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1426904368' post='2723397'] Just got back from playing the Bridge Tavern in Bradford. Very much a 'typical' small pub gig, it is pretty similar to the gig Blue describes, except it has a slightly strange layout that means that the sound is can be a bit hit and miss (depending on where you are standing). Been playing there for years but if I'm being honest it's not really my favourite gig - decent crowd but you don't get as many punters going as a few years ago (especially on a Friday) and it's a little bit too much like playing in someone's (admittedly rather big ) front room. However it fills out the diary and the landlord/lady are good people and have always supported various bands I have been in (and vice versa of course). Saturday nights tend to bring out a few old faces and my last band used to turn it into a bit of a jam / drinking session. Not so much in the new band unfortunately, due to most of us having to drive! [/quote] Cool, yeah sounds like a similar type gig Pete. And I have heard that what the people hear in the back of the club is not as good as what the folks up front hear. Thing is, the attendance for our gig can be severely handy-capped, depending on whose playing at The Bridge Inn and The 5 Corners Road House. Here's something else, The nationally touring Samantha Fish is playing in the same town, about 10 minutes away from our gig tomorrow night. They have a similar show except they are not a bar band they are headliners. I have met Samantha, I think she's like 25 and travels w/ her parents ( I think ). It would be cool if she could stop by our gig. I don't think bands do that anymore. [url="http://www.samanthafish.com/"]http://www.samanthafish.com/[/url] Blue
  11. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1426902431' post='2723389'] That looks pretty cool. How long do you actually play for ? [/quote] It's a 4 hour bar gig with 2 ten minute breaks. I understand pub gigs are not 4 hour gigs for you UK guys. Blue
  12. I own and gig with around 9 different bass guitars, mostly Fenders & Gibson models. The only bass I own that has a unique and inherently different sound than any other bass I own is my German crafted Hofner Club bass. You can't get that Hofner "thump" anywhere else. The Contemporary Hofner series made in Korea don't have it. Am I remotely on topic? Blue
  13. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1426900487' post='2723375'] So McCartney can get a tone you like from a Ric, but you can't. Therefore Rickenbackers are disagreeable. Interesting logic... [/quote] McCartney can do a lot of things most of us can't. For obvious reasons. Blue
  14. *Almost purchased a 1991 Ric last week. Not for it's sound, I can process that. Because to me and maybe some other guys of my vintage that first saw the Ric when Paul played one on the "Hello Goodbye" video (November 1967 ). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsnZmqJRZcg It's clearly a Hofner on the recording. IMO, the Ric is one of the coolest looking basses on the market. Blue * Didn't buy it. Decided it might be a better idea to pay my property taxes instead
  15. Were at Laura's Donges Bay Club House tomorrow night from 8:00-12:00;[list] [*]Small Bar [*]LL is a true supporter of live rock music [*]Low ceilings, good sounding room [*]Good Pay [*]Cool crowd, they come there to here 70s blues rock. So yes, lot's of grey hair. [*]Nice Staff and LL [*]Load in is ok, especially if I get there early [/list] It's one of the venues in rotation that I look forward to playing. Blue
  16. Where Are You Gigging This Weekend ? Pics and comments ( location, new venue, we always play there, cool, uncool, load in issues ) Blue
  17. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1426896951' post='2723347'] Our guitarist insists on using his gig gear for rehearsals (guitar changes as well and all those sodding pedals) I find it pointless. I don't care if he's got the right sound for a solo, just the right notes or chords, in the right place. His tone choices are for gigs, not rehearsals. Re the OP, equal split unless someone is hiring gear because they're too lazy to bring theirs. [/quote] None of us use our pedal boards at rehearsal. Rehearsal is bare bones, small rehearsal amps, scaled back PA with monitors and that's about it. Get in and get out without a lot of hassle. Re the OP, equal split. Off topic; At the bar/pub band level IMO everything should be an equal split. It's not enough money to argue over. Blue
  18. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1426891827' post='2723291'] It's a rehearsal, it's what you want to sound like on a gig. Why the hell would you not use the gear you'll use on the gig? Confused. Steve [/quote] I don't know of any band that rehearses with their gig gear. As a bar band, we only rehearse when were fine tuning new material. No way would I lug my stage gear to a rehearsal. How would you sound the way you would sound at a gig because you used the same gear at rehearsal? To replicate the sound at a gig, wouldn't you have to rehearse with the PA from the gig with the same sound guy? Setting up up your stage PA for rehearsals then tearing it down and hauling it to a gig would not be very practical. Unless you only gig once a year. There are a lot of other variables that would impact how you will sound at a gig. Blue
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1426893553' post='2723313'] It is in London. Space is very much at a premium and it's hard to rehearse a band (particularly a rock band with acoustic drums) in someone's house without annoying the neighbours. [/quote] Got it, were actually out in the country with no one around for miles. Blue
  20. Question, who uses and pays for rehearsal space, pros, musicians on the road, younger musicians living in apartments with no attic or basement? I have never played in a band that didn't rehearse in one of the members basement. Is that unusual? Blue Our rehearsal space. Blue
  21. Low action with no fret buzz. That's my comfort zone. Blue
  22. Why not buy a used 58 for$25.00- $50.00? Blue
  23. I'm sure there are other teachers with a teaching style that is a better match for you. If your honest with this guy, I get the feeling he won't [i]"get it".[/i] Blue
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1426799362' post='2722199'] I find the term "weekend warrior" rather interesting since when I started gigging in the early 80s there were absolutely no weekend gigs available at all for local bands. The best you could hope for was a Friday night support slot with an avant-garde jazz band who had a residency, but otherwise gigs were strictly Monday to Thursdays as the pubs didn't need any incentive to get people in at the weekends. [/quote] That sounds like it must be region or genre specific. For rock bands playing bars in the USA for as long as I can remember it's always been a Friday, Saturday and Sunday night game. Of course there are a few more week day opportunities in the Summer during fair and festival season. Now, remember I said at the bar band level. The regional and national touring acts seem to have plenty of week night shows. Blue
  25. I like compliments on my talent and abilities as much as the next guy.However, when they come from fans at shows, like most of you I take it with a grain of salt. After 45 years of playing, I know when I'm having a good night and I know even better when all cylinders are not running and I'm struggling. My point, receiving those; [i]" hey you sound great " [/i]from friends,family and punters is not always the best bench mark to gauge your ability. Blue
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