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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1425917520' post='2712176'] Well said mate. Half the people on this forum who chat crap about stuff like this are bedroom bubinga botherers and have never played live and can't understand why people want to. [/quote] OMG, hilarious! I have to agree as most ( not all) of these forums have a large participation from the world wide Bubinga Brothers Association. Blue
  2. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1425819557' post='2711001'] Girl power ..... but ..... I'm not a big fan of this playing along to songs on Youtube thang. Would be better if she had recorded her own backing track played as part of that. She can play but, hey. [/quote] She's smoking, no doubt and I too see this sort of thing all the time on YouTube. Let me make this very clear, this young lady would smoke my rear end on skill and ability, however she is playing under ideal circumstances and she's being guided and lead on, playing along with world class studio session players. Impress me, post a clip playing live in a club with your circle of musicians and playing *standing up. Blue * Can we all agree, we all play better from the sitting position? I do
  3. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1425996104' post='2713192'] Beach Boys (well Brian at least) inspired by Rubber Soul to go on and make Pet Sounds which then inspires The Beatles to go and do Sgt Pepper. It's all good. [/quote] That's my understanding as well. I love both bodies of work, actually all 3. Blue
  4. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1426016251' post='2713516'] Me too, we treat gigs as our nights out ![/quote] It's interesting how music bands and gigs is different for all of us. We treat gigs as going to work, performance work. Blue
  5. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1426007923' post='2713370'] Not quite stopped yet but perhaps coming soon. It's my back. This morning I helped Mrs B muck out three stables, turning the beds over and carrying full buckets of water. Then I dug over one of the vegetable beds and some other medium/heavy lifting. But can I stand upright on stage for 2x1hr sets without getting excruciating backpain? Can I buggery. So I've just left my first call band, a band I've been in for 15 years and I'm turning down a lot of freelance work later in the year. I've got one gig a week for the next five weeks and after that I'll have to see how things go. I'm going to miss the gigs, the chat, the laughs. Oh, and another thing: looking at recent photos of live gigs I look very old, embarrassingly old. I'm 74 now. I feel a lot better now I've got that off my chest. Bit like AA I suppose. [/quote] Sounds like you put in your time. I'm 62, I hope I can hang in there till I'm 74. Congratulations Blue
  6. Sounds like a $50.00 set up would get that bass in respectable gigging order. You could ask the Luther if it's indeed the original neck. Blue
  7. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1425941751' post='2712675'] I didn't gig for years due to family and work commitments. Since I started playing again, in my 40s, I've been very lucky with the bands I've been in. The current band is a really excellent, easy-going bunch of guys with a great attitude to making music...no pressure or bullshit, plenty of give and take re song choices, gigs etc. I enjoy gigging now more than I ever did when I was younger. Blue's audition checklist above is spot on - I especially recommend going to one of the band's gigs before committing. [/quote] Thanks, just a small clarification. I don't think we need to ask about how the members of the band are paid until your actually offered the job. Blue
  8. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1425883014' post='2711701'] No mention of the Beach Boys yet ?[/quote] Different type of band. For me I like The Beach Boys, however it was a well known fact that they were not musicians in the same sense as The Beatles. They had session musicians, Glen Campbell played guitar and Carol Kay played bass on many of their recordings. Blue
  9. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1425883014' post='2711701'] I think this is a great discussion , and Blue , although I wish you could see what we mean by "everyone having thier Beatles". Its not disrespecting the Beatles, the phrase actually honours them (we could say everyone has thier "Elvis")[/quote] Good point. Blue
  10. American Idol and The Voice. As far as I can see all of the contestants are:[list] [*]Already pros that can sing their butts off and many have already been signed [*]Young [*]Attractive [/list] Blue
  11. [quote name='SolomonHelsing' timestamp='1425859698' post='2711661'] I'll definitely keep this list in mind when I'm there,albeit I know a few answers already, And my warmoth will truely test the bass questioning part haha. So I must say thanks for compiling it all in one place about what to watch out for. [/quote] Thanks, I opinion that even good bands are not necessarily good at auditioning. Ignorance many times will trump logic. I have heard of stories where guys have been looked over because of the bass they auditioned with was not a Fender P or J. I am a hollow and semi-hollow guy, however when I audition for a band I really have an interest in joining,I will audition with one of my Fender Precision basses. Blue
  12. I think think your requirements are reasonable. However, at the same time I opinion you are asking too much unless you are paying said guitarist. Just another little thing. Your clear on your requirements. How about the other side of the coin, what are you offering? I agree with Subsonic, your requirement are going to come off a little more reasonable verbalizing them in person then they will in text. Guys, again this is where knowing the OP's age would help. If he's a young guy ( under 25 ), finding another young guitarist with his approach might work. Young musicians are a lot more open minded and free spirited about their time and the type of projects they will engage. If the OP is over 40, then attracting more older and more experienced players will usually be more of a challenge, IMO. Blue
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1425851650' post='2711533'] What are your age limits, high and low, on 'getting what the Beatles were about'? [/quote] It depends, I'm sure there are young Beatles historians that know more about the Beatles than I do. However, that bank of knowledge does not mean they "[i]get it"[/i]. I'm sticking with my "[i]you had to be there"[/i] position. I have a younger brother, he's 55 and his knowledge of the Beatles is limited. For example, I asked him, what was the Beatles first major studio feature film release, [i]"Help"[/i] or [i]"Hard Days Night"[/i], his answer after a long time to think about it,[i] "Help"[/i]. I am not sure it's all about age. There are people my age that were not Beatles fans and never "[i]got it[/i]" due to lack of interest. In support of my position I would say those of us that were 9 & 10 years old in 1964 were the perfect age, at least positioned to [i]"get it".[/i] One thing I find interesting about this topic and I wasn't really aware of it until now. The impact of The Beatles seems like it was different for us Yanks than it was for the British. Anyone want to comment on that? Again my apologies to the OP for how the direction of his thread was detoured. I'll take full blame. It did lead to some very interesting ,spirited and diverse exchange. Blue
  14. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1425807042' post='2710783'] I have a "bassist available" ad out. Just got this reply; "Interested in joining a psychedelic rock band? do you have hair? do you wear baggy or skinny jeans? Do you have good equipment? Are you good? Reliable?" [/quote] My response would be; [i]Cool, do you have paying gigs booked?[/i] Blue
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1425808235' post='2710812'] Everyone has 'their' Beatles. It could be Zeppelin, Nirvana, Oasis..whoever. The Beatles were the flashpoint for a global cultural ground-shift, though. There'll never be anything else like it. [/quote] I disagree with your first comment, everyone does not have [i]"their Beatles"[/i]. They have something, but they don't have a [i]"Beatles"[/i]. I don't think there is such a thing as a [i]"their Beatles"[/i] IMO. Your second comment, I totally agree with. Blue
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1425814449' post='2710896'] I disagree. They wrote their own brilliant tunes. They were great musicians, They could sing incredibly well, with loads of energy. They had a fantastic ear for arrangement and harmony. They looked cool. The girls loved them. They were masters of stagecraft. They were ambitious. They knew about the power of brand. They knew what the media wanted. They were nice lads. They were picked up by a powerful record company and were schooled by one of the greats. If the Beatles hadn't happened, someone else would have come along and ticked a lot of those boxes, but not all of them at that critical time. The Beatles were a freakish perfect storm. [/quote] Awesome analogy! Have there been a group of guys that were more likable since? For me, no, absolutely not. Blue
  17. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1425815133' post='2710905'] I am not doubting their appeal, but I would say a not insignificant part of that list was created by George Martin, and in the time since, there have been other producers that have moulded groups in the same way. A large number of those that had the same screaming groups of girls at the airports and packed stadiums. [/quote] If George was responsible for all that production, making those vocals bigger than life and placing all the instruments in their proper space within the musical spectrum then yes Martin played a huge role in the sound that drove their success. Blue
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1425816802' post='2710933'] Nah. Most of that list was in place in embryonic form or more before George Martin got involved. I think you need to bear in mind the climate that existed when The Beatles broke through. It wasn't a movement that was bubbling under waiting to happen. It came out of the blue [/quote] Agreed, it was like all the stars lined up correctly for them. Their huge overnight success in the USA was inevitable. Look at what was happening, JFK had been assassinated in November of 1963. As a nation we were in many ways depressed and looking for stuff to lift our spirits anyway we could. We were listening to stuff like [i]Dominique by The Singing Nun[/i], not a lot of fun. Then out of the blue these four guys from Liverpool show up and provided us with fun and great music. I think I might have to go back to my; [i]"If you were not a Beatles fan and if you were not there when and while it was happening, you will never get it."[/i] Blue
  19. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1425841535' post='2711361'] If I remember my Beatles history correctly, Macca played guitar only taking up bass when Sri Sutcliffe left. He could already play piano, so would have had an awareness of what the left hand does, which when transferring instruments to bass resulted in his wonderfully melodic bass lines. [/quote] I believe that to be true. I also understand that Paul's Father was also a band leader. Blue
  20. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1425806473' post='2710768'] This is true IME, maybe not fair to say no interest, but perhaps that they don't elevate them out of the large pool of influences as much as a decade or 2 ago. Im no big Peppers fan, but that is a silly thing to say, the Chilli Peppers have been a hugely successful and influential band for many years [i]Hugely successful, yes I agree. Hugely successful compared to The Beatles or Stones, IMO not even remotely close.[/i] [i]Blue[/i] The connection I was making was that , during the 80s when I was a teen, many youth cultures paid respect to the Beatles and Stones, and they where idolised as cream of the crop. Ive over the last 10 years witnessed a large group go through their teens and their focus was on what the Chilli Peppers did in the late 80s and early 90s, just as we looked back on the Beatles. The Peppers where and still are their Beatles [/quote] [i]I guess I'm too old to get it. [/i] [i]What have The Peppers done that compares to The Beatles? Example Lennon & McCartney will go down in history as 2 of the most prolific song writers and innovators in the history of Pop Music. Where do the Peppers fit into the magnitude of that level of impact?[/i] [i]I think the issue here is, your never going to convince any hardcore Beatles fan there is any connection between the 2 bands other than they both breath air.And even with that, probably not the same air.[/i] [i]Blue[/i]
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1425757748' post='2710495'] There are those that revere Bach or Mozart (or both..?); I'm led to believe there is even a certain following of one E. Presley. There are other 'idols' out there; there's nothing inherently sacred about any of them, except in the perception of the devotee. No great shakes, and quite normal. What is less normal is the failure to understand that these feelings are both shared by many others, but for different 'idols', and equally that this idolatry is not transmissible. Who 'made it all happen' and when is a sterile moot point, destined to not push any envelopes, but can cause unnecessary grief. We're a funny ol' lot, aren't we..? [/quote] I guess, I'm just speaking about my personal opinion and perception. I have nothing against The Chilli Peppers, however I'm having a tough time making any kind of musical connection between The Beatles or Stones with The Chilli Peppers. But that's just me. Blue
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1425714366' post='2709921'] Wings: the band the Beatles could have been. [/quote] If there were no Beatles there would never have been Wings, IMO. Blue
  23. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1425713389' post='2709914'] I realise that, but thread is about McCartneys bass playing so that's why I brought up Wings. I do get where your coming from, the Beatles will most likely go in and out of Fashion with youth cultures , and become part of history. [/quote] Become a part of history? The Beatles IMO are and will always be at the top of and play the biggest role in the history of pop music. Blue
  24. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1425713389' post='2709914'] I realise that, but thread is about McCartneys bass playing so that's why I brought up Wings. I do get where your coming from, the Beatles will most likely go in and out of Fashion with youth cultures , and become part of history, just like the original recorded Jazz artists there will always be a fan base but it won't be at the forefront of youth culture. Over recent years , most the teens I've known have looked back and admired The Chilli peppers in the way we did the Beatles , Stones etc . [/quote] I know how I admire The Beatles, they created mass hysteria and frenzy wherever they went. So are you saying The Peppers had the same global mass appeal and impact on popular music as The Beatles? Apologies to the OP as we have gotten off topic. Not unusual when McCartney or the Beatles are concerned. I have nothing against The Peppers. However, I am not sure how many true blue Beatles fans participate in this forum, I wonder if I'm the only one that wonders how the Chilli Peppers could be mentioned in the same sentence with The Beatles or The Stones. Blue
  25. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1425651030' post='2709397'] blue, If you make it to Liverpool, we'll grab a beer. There's a thriving Beatles tourism industry here so you'd find plenty to enjoy, although there's much more to the place too. I recently worked with The Shakers, one of The Cavern Club's house bands and they nail that early Merseybeat vibe better than pretty much any other band I've seen attempt it, sure you'd love them. [/quote] Sounds very cool to me. Blue
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