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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1425680731' post='2709794'] You really are generalizing here. On what do you base this knowledge ? I assume you mean most youngsters [u]that you know....[/u] That's fair enough. FWIW, the majority of youngsters I know, [i]are[/i] interested in the Beatles. [/quote] Fair enough, The majority of the youngsters (musicians) I know have no interest in The Beatles. Much Respect Blue
  2. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1425640756' post='2709265'] Im 46 and as a teenager in the early 80s I got beaten up for wearing a Wings badge, no youth culture at the time would have had wings down as cool, but I appreciated McCartney's playing even then. Im sure there are plenty or music and art fans in the teens and 20s even now who are embracing this stuff. Give people a little more credit my friend. [/quote] I see your point and I would love to give people more credit. However, I still maintain that most youngsters have little to no interest in The Beatles or their legacy. I'm a Wings fan too, however, Wings were not The Beatles. Much Respect Blue
  3. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1425632293' post='2709158'] Im not joking. Those albums were realesed in the UK as 'With the Beatles' and 'Hard days Night'. It seems they were re packaged for the USA market [/quote] Yes, that was news to me. Interesting, I didn't put 2 and 2 together to see that [b]"Something New[/b]" was the fifth American album following the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Artists"]United Artists[/url] release of [i][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Hard_Day%27s_Night_%28album%29#North_American_release"]A Hard Day's Night[/url][/i]. This album includes eight songs from the original British release of [i]A Hard Day's Night[/i], as well as the remaining tracks *"[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_Down_%28Larry_Williams_song%29"]Slow Down[/url]" and "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matchbox_%28song%29"]Matchbox[/url]" from the [i][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Tall_Sally_%28EP%29"]Long Tall Sally[/url][/i] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_play"]EP[/url] and the German-language version of "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Want_to_Hold_Your_Hand"]I Want to Hold Your Hand[/url]". Cool album covers on both. [i]"Hard Days Night" [/i]very artsy and [i]"Something New"[/i] so modern looking and I don't think I've seen a band look so classy since.. Thanks blue
  4. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1425369554' post='2706514'] We do all wear black shirts if it's a classy gig but this was just a more laid back local pub gig - I need to go get myself one of those sh*te shirts for casual occasions [/quote] Not a big deal at all. Gig threads is a weird personal thing. My band has never discussed what we wear to gigs, nobody shows up looking like a bum, so it really isn't an issue. Me, I obsess on it, I usually have several outfits laid out on my bed to chose from. I've been working my 70s look for about 45 years now. And it ain't working at all. Blue
  5. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1425596415' post='2709044'] I have never heard of those albums? They are not on this list either. Are they bootlegs? [url="http://www.dmbeatles.com/discography.php?category=1"]http://www.dmbeatles....php?category=1[/url] [/quote] An example of the generation gap. I didn't know if you were joking or not. Here's the info, and neither [i]"Meet The Beatles"[/i] or [i]"Something New"[/i] are bootlegs, far from it; [b][i]Meet the Beatles![/i][/b] [b][i]was [/i][/b]the second [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles"]Beatles[/url] album released in the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States"]United States[/url]. It was the first US Beatles album to be issued by [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Records"]Capitol Records[/url], on 20 January 1964 in both [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monaural"]mono[/url] and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereo"]stereo[/url] formats. It topped the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billboard_200"]popular album chart[/url] on 15 February 1964 and remained at number one for eleven weeks. [i][b]Something New[/b][/i] was [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles"]the Beatles[/url]' third [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Records"]Capitol[/url] LP release, but fifth American album following the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Artists"]United Artists[/url] release of [i][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Hard_Day%27s_Night_%28album%29#North_American_release"]A Hard Day's Night[/url][/i]. This album includes eight songs from the original British release of [i]A Hard Day's Night[/i], as well as the remaining tracks *"[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_Down_%28Larry_Williams_song%29"]Slow Down[/url]" and "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matchbox_%28song%29"]Matchbox[/url]" from the [i][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Tall_Sally_%28EP%29"]Long Tall Sally[/url][/i] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_play"]EP[/url] and the German-language version of "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Want_to_Hold_Your_Hand"]I Want to Hold Your Hand[/url]". It was released in [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monaural"]mono[/url] and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereo"]stereo[/url], and all mono mixes of the five songs duplicated from the United Artists soundtrack album are the same. This was the first Capitol Beatles album with all of the tracks in "true" stereo. The mono release contains alternative versions of "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Any_Time_At_All"]Any Time At All[/url]" (a different mix during the instrumental bridge), "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27ll_Cry_Instead"]I'll Cry Instead[/url]" (with the "missing" third verse), "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_I_Get_Home"]When I Get Home[/url]" (the line "Till I walk out that door again" during the song's bridge has a different vocal passage from the UK mono mix), and "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_I_Love_Her"]And I Love Her[/url]" (McCartney's non-double-tracked vocal). Blue * Couldn't resist posting this Yankee cover of The Beatles [i]"Slow Down"[/i] If you watch the whole clip, you will see that it's no longer Politically Correct. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs6oc7hR6vM"]https://www.youtube....h?v=gs6oc7hR6vM[/url]
  6. Nice! Looks like a cool room. Hope those tall ceilings weren't too much of a sound issue. Blue
  7. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1425592758' post='2709001'] I guess I'm one of those "certain people" then.... I'm sorry, but I still don't buy it. My dad is 70 this year and therefore was in the UK at the "right time" as you would say. Even though he "was there" he never really liked the Beatles - he was much more of a Dylan and Robert Johnson fan, so I never really heard it growing up. It was a classmate at school who turned me on to the likes of the Beatles, Cream, Jimi Hendrix etc. We found all this out by borrowing tapes and the new fangled CD's from the local library and playing them to death when my dad was out of the house - and other kids would come around too. Yes, there would be kids that would say it was boring and old farts music, but there were plenty that liked it too. Thanks to my mother, I always had a love of soul and disco, but it was only thanks to the internet about 18 years ago that I was able to confirm my suspicions that all of my favourite Motown tracks were all played by the same bass player - the genius that was Jamerson. If I remember correctly, I'm fairly sure that he was recording fantastic bass lines on tracks before McCartney ever became famous, so perhaps the bass guitar would have still caught on without him? What I'm trying to say is that you can't generalise and predict what kids will listen to. I have learned that a lot from my 5 year old son. His current favourite track is an obscure minor NuSoul hit that happened to shuffle itself onto my car stereo one day. I wouldn't have thought of that at all, especially as it's not that melodic. I don't doubt you believe that you are the most dedicated Beatles fan ever, but I find it a bit closed minded of you to try and convince us all that without the Beatles, music wouldn't have happened....and that is coming from a Beatles fan! As others have said, if you'd been in the UK in the 90's, you'd have had to put up with Oasis and Noel Gallagher constantly blathering on about how great he was. However, one thing he did do was constantly tell the nations kids how fantastic the Beatles were (even if it was because he was trying to say he'd be just as great if not greater!) Sorry Blue, not trying to start a fight with you, just voicing my opinion! Much respect to you too! [/quote] No it's perfectly cool, and I'm guilty as charged. I get where your coming from. I know that I broad stroke and generalize. However it was such an exciting magical time historically, it's gone it will never happen again. I miss it. Again, you seem informed and well versed. Cool and much respect Blue
  8. [quote name='Cairobill' timestamp='1425581763' post='2708855'] Yep - I came up through Britpop and the level of obsession over the way The Beatles wrote, recorded and lived their lives through their many phases of evolution was something to witness. [/quote] Yeah, and for me and others a lot of it was timing. I think I was 9 or 10 years old when my Dad purchased [i]"Meet The Beatles"[/i] & [i]"Something New"[/i] for me. Which was amazing because he was WW II vet and a big *swing band guy. It was around 1964 and we were living in Southern Spain. So here I was this American kid living in Southern Spain, not much if any TV or radio. All I had were these Beatle records, a bag of marbles ( good ones ) stacks of comic books and a pair of cowboy boots. Those were the days! My point, if you were 9 or 10 in 1964 it was the perfect age to become a fan. Blue * When my Dad talked about Glen Miller, Benny Goodman, Count Basie, Duke Ellington and others, I listened to him. When I talk to my kids about The Beatles, they blow me off.
  9. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1425576601' post='2708782'] So much of it has been documented that I don't really think it's that hard to get what the Beatles were about. (even as individuals) Edit to say.. same as the Stones for that matter. [/quote] If you have a genuine interest in this history, then with a little effort I think younger folks can easily get a high level idea what The Beatles were about. Problem is, most young people don't have this interest and again dismiss The Beatles as merely old peoples music. I say; [i]"If it wasn't for The Beatles none of us would be be playing electric bass guitars"[/i] A lot of us had never seen an electric bass guitar until they came along. And it was passed down to each pop music generation. Blue
  10. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1425548494' post='2708369'] Flipping heck, you make a lot of assumptions about people. I find that totally patronising and I think you need to give younger generations more credit. I am not yet 40 but spent my teenage years lapping up any Beatles trivia, titbit and eveything I could get my hands, ears and eyes on. I know plenty of people a lot younger than me who are more obsessed than I ever was. And yes, I watched all of the films, a lot. Even Hard Day's Night! We don't all fit nicely into little pigeon holes. That's why there is so much diverse music out there. [/quote] Do I make assumptions about people and patronize? [i]"Yes, under certain circumstances and situations with certain people"[/i] It's really great that you recognized,acknowledged and studied Beatles history, however I think your the minority. Most (not all) of your generation dismiss The Beatles as old peoples music and don't think any further. Much Respect Blue
  11. We briefly touched on the fact that gigging stopped for some due to personality conflicts, uncool band mates and band politics. Just throwing this out there, when you audition watch carefully on how the members interact and communicate with each other ( beware these guys are usually on their best behavior when auditioning). Going to one of their gigs is always a good idea. A few other things to look out for;[list] [*]Confirm their gigging history and future bookings [*]Their process for booking [*]Pretentious personalities [*]How long has the band been together [*]Personal changes, ( how long each member has been in the band ) [*]Experience level of band members [*]Are the members married with young children [*]Why is the spot open ( if they bad mouth the last bass player consider it a red flag ) [*]Know it alls [*]Your bass is questioned if it's anything other than a P or a J [/list] Blue
  12. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1425468320' post='2707565'] 1, Rubbish band-mates. 2, Rubbish gigs that were poorly paid. 3, One band played way too loud so it was uncomfortable to be on stage with them. 4, A general feeling that gigs were more trouble than they were worth. 5, Band politics. [/quote] Doesn't sound like gigging was ever really in the blood. For those just entering or have a strong desire to gig, all of the above can be avoided, however it will take time to find the right gigging band. Blue
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1425496166' post='2707963'] Better still: watch The Beatles Anthology, and get a real feel of what it must have been like at the time. Incredible. [/quote] There's so much out there. To me it's all relevant because I was there. Thing is even watching [i]"A Hard Days Night"[/i] could be of value to the right person with true interest in this phenomenal part of history. Unfortunately I can't imagine anyone under 50 actually 60 appreciating or understanding the film. To me A Hard Days Night is an unbelievable work of art, every frame. Blue
  14. [quote name='Jebo1' timestamp='1425455850' post='2707436'] Something to keep in mind is that Paul often played root notes whilst recording then over-dubbed the melodic Basslines afterwards. To understand what the Beatles were all about, go to your local library and get a few books. Revolution is a good one to pick up, covering all their tracks. [/quote] Astute suggestion. It's a history that anyone in rock should have some level of knowledge from. They happened, they were huge, still are and will never be surpassed and we will never see that level of mass appeal or success from any band again. Not in our life time. Blue
  15. [quote name='darren' timestamp='1425451510' post='2707401'] What are you unsure about exactly? and what is the point in going to Liverpool - It's 2015! Will they still get the Beatles in Liverpool? [/quote] You must not know the depth of the hard core Beatles fan. Liverpool, I would be in heaven just thinking about the history and breathing the air. Blue
  16. I been doing this for about 45 years. Here's my spin on the issue. To many variables to worry much about it. You could use the same amp, same amp position and settings and sound great at rehearsal and come back the next day without changing a thing and be disappointed in your sound. Blue
  17. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1425431922' post='2707388'] A misunderstanding here. RATM was complaining that, exactly because smoking forbidden in bars, the folks drift outside for a smoke, then come back in, then pop out again etc... It's difficult to engage with an audience that disappear, then come back, then disappear... [/quote] Yeah, we get that too, some venues more than others. Blue
  18. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1425428404' post='2707381'] I left live music in 1984 to raise a family and build a career. I came back to it quite by accident in 2006 when a friend, who was starting a group to play contemporary Christian music at our church, asked me if I could fill in on bass for a couple of weeks for the regular bass player. I did and liked it. The kiddies by then were pretty much grown and headed to college so I played for quite a while in that group while I attended that church. Then I got an invite to play bass in a local southern rock/country group. Had a laughable audition (that was NOT the music I was brought up on -- I cut my teeth on British rock!) but they were really patient with me and were genuinely good people. I'm still with them years later and work with two other groups as side projects. [/quote] Cool story, yeah and I hope a lot of you guys in your 40s with young children know that they will become adults before you can blink an eye. If it's in your blood once the kids are out on their own it's a great time to get back into the business. BTW, you mentioned something that I hope everyone really understands. [i][b]"Good People"[/b][/i], working with good people is tops always will be. For me it's the number one deal breaker for me. I can spot jerks a mile away ( learned over time ), how about the rest of you? If you can share a few examples and help out those that might not have your insight or instinct. Blue
  19. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1425423929' post='2707325'] Live where I live and you'd never play in a band without time wasters in it. In the last five years I've probably met about 2 people ( one guitarist and one singer) who had the right attitude [/quote] Is this perhaps a maturity/age issue. Most guys, well, most guys my age ([i]Methuselah) [/i]don't have any time to waste. Blue
  20. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1425424218' post='2707336'] Not exactly elite stuff, mainly just vanity project CDs for mediocre singer songwriters with more money than sense. [/quote] More money than sense? I need to meet more people like that. Blue
  21. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1425422684' post='2707300'] No, I "get what I need" from playing bass by doing occasional paid session work. Not that I really get anything from it at all anymore, bass playing has been very low on my list of priorities for many years now. If I play music at home or with friends it's guitar & keyboards, I go for months at a time without even getting a bass out of it's case. [/quote] Cool, I forgot about session work as an option. Your lucky, paid session work is reserved for the elite over here. Blue
  22. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1425366667' post='2706494'] We still gig, so I couldn't possibly say what I would do. I suppose if you have definitely given up playing and there's no chance of ever playing again, I might visit the possibility of selling, but I still like having a collection for looking at even if I wasn't playing them. I do play them all by the way. [/quote] I bought them, so I'm playing them all. All my basses are in gigging rotation. Right now I'm gigging with my Gibson ES-335 bass and my Gibson 1991 Thunderbird. I lost a 1957 Pre CBS Fender Precision after that I learned my lesson. Unless I'm starving I'm not selling off any gear. Blue
  23. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1425373684' post='2706554'] Well words were spoken, and sulking happened. Basically what I got from it was that a few of them aren't bothered at all about gigging or not (would you have guessed?) and my suggestion of cutting rehearsals went down like a lead balloon. So decision has been made and I will inform them I'm leaving after our last gig before the long break. Massively disappointed as I like hanging out with them all but I'm in a band to gig because thats where the fun and memories are for me. In other news, I've got an audition to be in a rock 3 piece on Sunday [/quote] Great, this was really a straight forward problem with an easy solution. I am sure there are others here on this forum in the same same situation. Your in a band and it no longer offers what you want and need. Good luck auditioning the 3 piece rock band. I hate to say this, but I will. If they don't have a gigging history chances are they never will. I would hate to see you have to go through another unproductive band experience. Blue
  24. [quote name='darren' timestamp='1425412783' post='2707115'] If people don't get stuff because they weren't alive to see / hear it first time around, how come painting by the old masters sell for so much - are they being snapped up by 200 year olds? [/quote] I see where your coming from, not sure paintings are the best support or comparison for your case. I don't know how, but I'm going to make it to Liverpool before my time is up. Blue
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