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Everything posted by blue

  1. Along with 70 million viewers I saw McCartney for the first time live on American TV February 9th, 1964. I made my mind up that night I was going to play bass guitar. Paul McCartney has IMO a great melodic style that's useful across the board. I would say, you won't go wrong listening to any of his work. It won't be easy as I would think your to young to get what The Beatles were about. Blue
  2. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1425093890' post='2703914'] I don't like metronomes. I don't even like drummers or click tracks. Oddly, they make my timing worse. I know that sounds like I think I have great time when in reality, it's crap, and that my lack of ability to keep time with time-keeping things is just evidence of that, but no. I genuinely keep better time on my own. I march to the beat of my own drum, quite literally. It's not perfect, but it's better than it would be with a metronome. I don't understand it either. But I also don't do anything at 170bpm. [/quote] I knew after all these years my timing was not as good or as natural as I thought. When I started making money playing bass guitar I took everything a lot more seriously and timing is one of the things I'm working on now. The metronome will be one of the tools I use to get a better handle on my timing. I can't be sure what type of opportunities will come my way, whatever they are, I want to be prepared for them. Blue
  3. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1425133677' post='2704323'] That's what I was trying to figure out - no market for it, does that mean that originals bands still play but get naff all, or do they just not bother airing their stuff in public at all because no-one wants to hear it and no-one cares? [/quote] I would re-phrase what I originally said to "little to no market for originals bands" in Milwaukee. There's Frank's Power Plant, Garibaldi's, The Up & Under and Linneman's River West. There's the Rave, but that pay to play. Daryl
  4. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1425110334' post='2703962'] Man, it's all about the bottom line with you, isn't it? Also I find it really sad to hear stuff like "There is no local market for originals bands in Milwaukee." - you mean the originals bands get next to naff all money, or that there are no originals bands playing anywhere in Milwaukee? Originals bands getting f all isn't anything new. But a dearth of local originals bands even playing? I'd find that worrying and rather depressing. Where's the inventiveness? Where's the creativity? Aberdeen (Scotland) can be a weird place, but it has a decent number of venues putting on a decent amount of originals bands every weekend, and even through the week. You get paid a token amount, but at least you're gigging and getting your tunes in peoples' ear holes. [/quote] I think there are originals bands in Milwaukee and there is creativity and inventiveness and some of these bands are working and on tour. You might have missed the little nuance in my post, [i]"no local market "[/i]. Maybe I should have said the local market for Originals bands is very small. There are 4 originals clubs in Milwaukee, where the bands pay for the room and sound and charge at the door of these back rooms. The original bands are lucky to get friends and family members to attend. Usually the owners will not let you play if the band has played any of the other originals clubs within the last 6 months. I should also mention that some Milwaukee Originals bands get to play high profile charity events with the big stages with pro sound. But again these are no pay gigs. Here's Jail a Milwaukee based Originals band, however they tour nationally. Are they what you would call creative and inventive? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMN1-o0bsMs"]https://www.youtube....h?v=HMN1-o0bsMs[/url] Unfortunately the masses are still filling the clubs to hear a cover band play "Don't Stop Believing" sad but true. I have played in originals bands many years ago, and it was all rehearsals and maybe a few no pay gigs. At my age that route was a dead end. I like gigging to respectable crowds and getting paid a set fee. I found a band that provides just that, I was lucky, because openings in working bands are hard to find. The OP has to define what he really wants then determine if it's realistic in his part of the world. Peace Blue
  5. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1425076992' post='2703819'] Thank you. That's the sort of thoughtful, considered advice I was asking for. For me, this has been a difficult period. I'm the band organiser - Steve[/quote] Steve, Lot's of advice here, however it has to start with what makes you happy, what's fun and what do you want to do. I am sensing you looking for stability in a band and you want to gig. My advice, get away from band organization as it has not been good to you. Find an established band you like that has been together without a ton of personal changes with an established book of business and get out there and have some fun. Blue
  6. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1425031068' post='2703080'] Agree about too much rehearsing.....we only increase our rehearsals just before a gig to sharpen up but learn most stuff at home. It becomes a chore if you over do rehearsals imho. [/quote] Agreed, when I was scouting bands for myself back in 2009 if a band indicated they rehearsed on a weekly basis I would pass them by and would not entertain auditioning. Blue
  7. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1425030652' post='2703065'] You've been really unlucky with the people you've met. You can't keep being this unlucky. Try originals for a change of scene/pace? C [/quote] I think the OP wants to gig and possibly be paid.If there are gigs for original bands in his region fine. Here in Milwaukee it wouldn't be the best route for those that want to gig. There is no local market for originals bands in Milwaukee. Blue
  8. [quote name='anaxcrosswords' timestamp='1425082610' post='2703883'] Blue - absolutely. Thanks to band FB pages and tweets, fans get to know even the tiniest (often totally unnecessary) minutiae. [/quote] All we had was The Hit Parade or Melody Maker and later The Rolling Stone. Blue
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1425082396' post='2703880'] Question, and I don't mean to hi jack the thread or start a war. *Us over 60 guys, with our Stones and Beatles. We knew who they were individually. We also knew who Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce were. Same with Zep and The Yard Birds. They were all stars individually. We knew The Beatles favorite colors and favorite foods. Does the younger generations know their band member favorites and how they might all be different as individual personalities within a band? Blue * Most of us60 + hard core fans will never back down on how those bands had an impact on us. [/quote]
  10. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1425067196' post='2703677'] It's probably as crap as any other period, but at least it's crap I understand. [/quote] Agreed, sort of like; I feel better with the devil I know as opposed to the devil I don't know. Blue
  11. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1425051638' post='2703450'] What gets me is when people say the music of the 60s and 70s was the best, period. That's regardless of age. [/quote] It was a different period, you have to remember rock bands were still a novelty in the mid 60s. If a bar had any kind of a band with guys with electric guitars and drums you would draw a huge crowd even if the band was awful. The music business was different and we had the opportunity to see artists develop and mature. For example the Beatles of 1962 was not the same as the Beatles in 1964 and The Beatles of 1964 were a lot different from the Beatles in 1968. Off topic, why were the Beatles so popular? A lot of reason but you I think the main reason was, they were likable. Blue
  12. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1424957220' post='2702301'] No and No. For me there's no golden era of music I like playing new original material and only really listen to stuff a that's a little off the beaten path; I accept that people on a night out want stuff that they know, but point to the last 50 years of electrified 'pop' music for inspiration to find stuff people will know without troubling the 'sacred cows' of the cover band scene. Looking at some of my band mates there is a gravitational pull towards older stuff, but this is due to it often requiring less work for them to play and fewer words to learn, but they're pretty good about it really.. [/quote] [i]"Some of the best new stuff I've heard evolved from and is based on the old stuff".[/i] How about that? Blue
  13. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1424947107' post='2702153'] I'm 57 and haven't really listened to anything 'new' for many years. I don't listen to the radio or watch tv (except for films). Most of the material my band plays dates back to the early 70s or before (long before in the case of the more traditional blues material) as that is what we like. Since Jenny joined us a year ago, she has been trying to introduce some more contemporary material but the rest of the band tend to resist it (including me) as it sits awkwardly with the rest of our set and we simply don't feel it. [/quote] I'm a product of the 60s and 70s and that's where my heart stays, however that doesn't mean that's where I'm stuck. Our BL is 32 and she is more into staying with the rock and blues of my generation then her own. Go figure? Blue
  14. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1424944071' post='2702116'] I think these guys think that playing the blues is their musical salvation from the pro day job. Some gtrs stick with a blue genre others cover all styles.. which is good for them, but rather waters down their blues credentials..?? Still, it is a fun playing gig. [/quote] For us it was a well thought out move. The band realized early on they wanted to gig and charge an appropriate market fee. So they decided to add a significant amount of clever covers with a blues rock edge. It's simple as this; at the local bar band level here in Milwaukee, you want to play straight up credible blues, you don't gig or maybe I should say you won't gig very much. So, we chose paid gigging over blues credentials. Works for us, might not for others. Blue
  15. From reading all the responses here, my age is a double edged sword. At 62 and single, my age excludes me from opportunities with some bands. So I'm lucky to be in a blues /rock band with a respectable gig schedule. What I like about my age is, I'm retired, my children are adults. Basically, it's the time of life when I can do what I want, when I want ( within reason ). In short I can gig all week I wanted to, and I do. Blue
  16. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1424903526' post='2701843'] If you thought they were bad it's probably best not to watch us then! [/quote] I'm interested. I actually liked the Phish video clip of [i]"Boogie On Reggae Woman[/i]" Blue
  17. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1424981420' post='2702645'] I have not one but TWO of the things, as I got tired of switching them from the small pedalboard to the big one... and I love that pedal. I generally use the multiband setting. It does change the sound, you're right. But it's a good sound, I find. I don't go for very drastic settings, but I like what it sounds like, it's an "always on" pedal for me and the fact that it changes the tone does not bother me. I only use the board about 50% of the time, so I still play a lot without compression... it still sounds good! But I like the slightly "denser" tone I get with the pedal on, especially when using the Jazz. I have tried a variety of other pedals, and some were much more transparent. The BBE Optocomp jumps to mind. It was very transparent, and it thickened the sound wonderfully, but I still preferred the EBS. [/quote] I have used mine since 2009. It's the first pedal I punch at gigs and I keep in on all night. I keep both dials set around 8:00. Evens out my sound. I have never regretted the investment. Blue
  18. I think it's a good idea to practice with a metronome. A lot of guys that I started out playing with back in the 60s have suggested I do it more than once. Blue
  19. [quote name='Bo0tsy' timestamp='1424854666' post='2701099'] If it is live funk you are after, try a place call The Groove, on Macdougal St. I think they have live funk and soul bands on 7 nights a week (or at least they used to). [/quote] Key words, [i]" used to "[/i]. Blue
  20. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1424855199' post='2701104'] Yeah, but you are like me. Young looking genes, so yes, there's still plenty time man [/quote] A little off topic. Thing is, for me at least. At 62 I have lost the ability to know if a young woman is giving you the sign that she's interested. When I was a young guy my instincts were a lot sharper. Last weekend at a gig, I helped a young cocktail waitress ( 26 or 27 years old ) lift a case of wine. She made some comment like, [i]"It looks like we work well together"[/i] Was I suppose to do something? Blue
  21. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1424907315' post='2701929'] The blues bands round here are going to have an exceptional gtr and they are just as valid than the 80's bands and they can work cheaper if they want.... I'll have a more up to date take on in as I have some blues dates coming up... not really my thing but will see how it goes. Some of the best players play in the blues pick up bands and they never struggle for people at the gigs. I think they struggle to pay 7 people but also they probably pull £350.. which is good round here in pubs. Since some of these guys normally only do pro dates otherwise, you can understand why people turn out. But sure, if it isn't done properly, it wont work. Maybe there is a bit of BS about the credibility of being able to play in a good blues band as well.... I'll enjoy if the drummer is funky, otherwise, a bit of a yawn.. [/quote] Were lucky to have recently replaced an unhappy drummer with a veteran "[i]in the pocket[/i]" drummer that is probably the funkiest I've played with since 1971. And this guy has no tempo issues which is really quite wonderful. Thing is, were a true blues/rock band and we mix things up. We have a funky version of Dusty Springfield's [i]"Son Of A Preacher Man"[/i], Nancy Sinatra's [i]"Boots Are Made For Walking" [/i]Jeff Beck's version [i]"People Get Ready"[/i] we do some Robin Trower, some catchy originals, and a lot of other stuff. Having a young female lead guitarist and vocalist also helps. I think you would all agree that if you want to do the blues band thing, it has to be honest, you have to understand the genre ( I grew up in the height of the blues explosion ) and you really don't want to play 12 bar blues progressions all night. People get bored with that. Blue
  22. I'm 62, I get where the Op is coming from. Thing is, and it's hard to argue, the 60s and 70s was such a prolific time for popular music and rock and roll. I don't think we have seen or will ever see as many once in a life time caliber performers and song writers. One reason, back then record companies invested in the artists career which allowed them them to mature and advance musically. I understand that record companies no longer invest in careers. Don't get me wrong there was also rubbish that came out of the 60s and 70s. BTW I'm watching a young band from Oxford right now, Glass Animals and I like it. Blue
  23. At the local level blues is tough. I still don't know why we do well with gigs. We play at least once a week and in the summer it's closer to 3-5 times a week with all the Festivals and Fairs. It might be our female lead guitarist which is rare in this part of the country. I think blues still has a decent market for those doing national and international tours. Eric Gayles, Anna Popavic and Samantha Fish and Sena Ehrhardt are good examples. http://www.ericgalesband.com/ http://www.senaehrhardt.com/ http://anapopovic.com/home http://www.samanthafish.com/ blue
  24. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1424888034' post='2701614'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7zM8mweGYo[/media] Get the Deep Impact out! (start at 0:25) [/quote] Not bad, not bad at all. Blue
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