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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1424895635' post='2701727'] If Larry Graham played my bass through my amp, would he sound like me? [/quote] I would think he would sound like Larry Graham playing through your amp with your bass. And if it were the other way around, you would sound like you playing Larry's bass through his rig. blue
  2. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1424644003' post='2698780'] Recommendations please, folks ... I'll be in NYC for a wee while in October. I'm just wondering if anyone here knows of any goodly establishments where I can get down to some proper funk? [/quote] I don't think there is much funk anymore. Try turning back the hands of time back to 1970 when you land. Blue
  3. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1424807760' post='2700721'] Thanks for the input, here's what we're going with - [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]As[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]If you really Love Me[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Do I Do[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Sir Duke Living for the City Master BLaster Pastime Paradise Living it up by Jah Rule (samples Do I Do) I Wish Uptight Go Home Higher Ground As If you Read my Mind Please don't go.[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Will post video next month if anyone wants to see it![/font][/color] [/quote] I would have to see the caliber of the band before I could make a suggestion. Can't wait to see it. You guys must be very good. I don't know any bands at the local level that have the ability to pull off those songs. Matter of fact I watched a Stevie tribute on TV last week and found most of the performances and versions of Stevie's work very weak. And they were all major stars. Blue
  4. [quote name='RexDarr' timestamp='1424720198' post='2699646'] We had a bit of a hiatus. Each member had something on the go so we put the band on the back burner while we all sorted things out. We reunited back in July and we've played 4 shows since then. We're always getting asked by the bars to play future gigs. We've already headlined a gig and the bar was 120 people over capacity [/quote] That's still less than 1 gig a month. Sounds like the band is not a priority with all members, that's too bad because I think you guys rock. Blue
  5. [quote name='steantval' timestamp='1424712035' post='2699477'] Sounds OK to me. One concern would be you have only gigged 5 times since November 2013. You need to get out more, I'm surprised the band is still together with that very small amount of gigs. [/quote] My thoughts exactly, I like your band and your sound, but I don't get why you have only played 5 shows since 2013?That's a week a shows for some bar bands. Are you like some younger bands where gigging isn't important? Blue
  6. I am in the[i] "It's hard work to keep the gigs rolling in Camp". [/i]If your a new band it will be even harder, and if your an unrepresented bar or pub band even harder yet. Here are 2 other factors, is your band based in a big market area? If not I have no idea how you would be successful on the gigging scene unless the band is willing to travel. Another fact is, does everyone in the band feel the same way about gigging. Me, if I could gig 5 nights a week it would be heaven. There are some guys that want to gig, but only once a month. That's fine, but for me I would not really consider that gigging or a passion for gigging. To me that's more like [i]"I have other more important things in my life, I'll gig once a month if I can fit it in."[/i] I still don't have a good handle on forum members and where and how they stand on gigging. When I hear comments like, [i]" I haven't had a paying gig in 2 years" or "Once a month is all I can handle" [/i]I become completely confused. I know that some guys don't like gigging and never have. I don't understand it, however music hits us all at different levels and it's all cool. I could make an assumption and say if a guy doesn't like gigging it probably means he's tried it and it was to much work and didn't like it, health limitations or again, he doesn't connect with live performance or things in his things in his life that are more important. My apologies for going off topic. Blue
  7. [quote name='sharkboy' timestamp='1424818159' post='2700927'] My second wife loves the fact that I play in a band. She comes to pretty much every gig we play, and often tells me how proud she is of me when I'm onstage. She'd never do anything to jeopardise my band, despite it interfering with her plans on a number of occasions. That's when you know you've got a keeper! [/quote] Your a lucky guy. Me, I don't drink, use substances or womanize. I simply love gigging. If a woman can't handle that she is of no use to me. Blue
  8. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1424761548' post='2700031'] Plenty time mate, I had given up after years of failed relationships, then, at 48, met the best friend I could ever have. She supports my gigging too. I've struck lucky, so never say never mate. [/quote] I'm 62, is there really plenty of time? Blue
  9. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1424758993' post='2700017'] Wouldn`t that be more technique than tone? [/quote] Maybe Blue
  10. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1424759615' post='2700019'] No offence Blue, but you obviously haven't met the right girl yet. [/quote] Agreed, and I'm not getting any younger. And everybody isn't relationship material. Blue
  11. In support of tone is in your fingers and how you execute your bass line. The Chris Squire example was very good. Here's another, if you picked up Larry Grahams bass played through his rig and started slapping, plucking and popping do you really think you would sound like Larry Graham. I'm sure Larry is doing things with his fingers I haven't mastered or even know how to do. Blue
  12. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1424689374' post='2699086'] TBH, I'd put your relationship first - if Mrs Flup is "the one", don't do anything to muck it up. It's difficult, especially as you're in a situation where the band is doing really well, but it's not the be all and end all in life.[/quote] It is for me, and it seems completely normal. Blue
  13. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1424642409' post='2698739'] My wife doesn't mind as long as I'm earning money to put in the joint account. We're looking to buy a house when we can and the £6,000 I've brought in from gigs over the last couple of years helps! But, the day she says she wants me to stay at home is the day I'll stop gigging. I'd much rather have a healthy relationship than pander over my own selfish desires. Some things are worth working for. [/quote] Were all different, gigging and rock and roll will always be more important to me than any woman. But that's me. Blue
  14. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1424689374' post='2699086'] TBH, I'd put your relationship first - if Mrs Flup is "the one", don't do anything to muck it up. It's difficult, especially as you're in a situation where the band is doing really well, but it's not the be all and end all in life. It's difficult for a female partner to be with a musician (unless the female partner has also been, or is in a band) as it is mainly unsocial hours, and there is a "trust aspect" involved as well. A lot of what Dadofsix says also applies. [/quote] The whole relationship thing in part depends on where your at in life and what music and gigging means to you. I am sure it means different things to young guys with young families than with older guys like me that live a life of liberty. The OP is in an interesting situation and will have to eventually make decisions I would not want to entertain. Me, I'm divorced ( 20 years ). I'm in a band that is busy with gigging. While I'm a weekend warrior It's far from a hobby for me. The gigs are important and so is the money. I'm a circuit guy, 4 hour bar gigs every weekend, rock and roll and gigging is all I have in life and all I want. I just got out of a year relationship and have no plans on getting into another one. I opinion that most women don't get the whole gigging or being in a band thing. A few years ago a woman I was dating said to me [i]" It doesn't matter to me whether your in a band or not to me."[/i] Being in a gigging rock band is my whole identity. I ended the relationship. I will tell any woman up front that shows interest in me; [i]"Cool, I think your cool too, however understand that music and gigging will always be number 1 and you will always be number 2."[/i] Blue
  15. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1424527652' post='2697338'] That's what being in a band meant to me when I wasn't quite as old as I am now, and I have to say there's still an element of it when we rehearse (no drugs I have to add, unless you include the rush of endorphins on the rare occasion that we all manage to nail the groove at the same time). [/quote] Well yeah, back when I was 16, 17 years old that was one element of being in a band, However even then we were focused on high school , church, YMCA and private parties to gig. Thing is, we see these [i]"We want To Be Gigging By April"[/i] ads all the time. They are not all posted by 16 year olds . Some are posted by guys in their 30s and 40s. It's usually a genre that has no market at all in Milwaukee. I strongly feel this ignorance to the scene and market is why 99% of these bands fold before they see their first gig. Blue
  16. [quote name='paul j h' timestamp='1424179175' post='2693483'] Following on from the recent classic albums thread, I have revisited some of my colleagues suggestions and thoroughly enjoyed relistening to stuff I had not heard for many years. Anyway, I listened to the above track and thought that this (for me) was THE definitive bass tone. [/quote] Ok, I'm officially an old fuddy duddy. I have listened to the Strangler's track. No disrespect to the OP. I am concerned over the recent discussions around tone.Where it comes from and how to achieve the tone you want. I'm taking a hard stance that it does not come from the bass guitar. It has more to do with what you do with your fingers, your style, how you execute, attack and deliver your lines.For example, to me the tone of a pick user is a lot different from guys that use their fingers. If you don't make any connection in your playing between your attack, your control of finger muscles, your dexterity or aggression I think you need to re-examine your whole concept or philosophy on tone. My tone will be the same with any bass I play. I think or I hope this will probably resonate with the more senior players. Now processing and amplification is another discussion. Blue
  17. Maybe it's just me, I don't think a P Bass has any sort of unique sound or tone. Tone comes from the fingers of whoever is playing any bass, not the bass. I can tell the difference from , for example round wound strings as opposed to flats, but that's where it ends. Blue
  18. [quote name='Froggy' timestamp='1424284411' post='2694766'] Now then, other than jam/open mic nights, does anyone have any tips on finding a band? With my eclectic music tastes I'm not too worried about genre. [/quote] That's a good idea, being open to different genres especially if you want to gig. Most guys that will only play specific genres or only music they like and think everything else sucks usually remain bedroom players. Regardless of the genre it will still be you playing bass in your own style. Blue
  19. First Bass, if your on a budget, I would recommend any MIJ Fender or any of the Epiphones as long as the action is good. Blue
  20. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1424138161' post='2693144'] I just acquired this Gibson Thunderbird. It plays great! [/quote] Nice and nice pics. I also use a Tri- Pod stand for my Gibson 1991 Thunderbird. IMO, The Tri-Pod stand is the only way to go with Tbirds. Blue
  21. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1424160289' post='2693199'] Because I have 30 tracks to write down (or memorise) by Saturday. Most have simple structures and/or are interesting to play. Street Player is neither.Edit: If there's something that would make your job more efficient, you'd do it wouldn't you? BTW, starting a post "Not trying to be ..." invariably leads one to believe that the poster IS trying to be that, whether they are or not. [/quote] Your the one that agreed to learn 30 tracks by Saturday, not me. Good luck and I really was not trying to be a jerk. Blue
  22. Don't forget about Harlem, lots of great ethnic food. Blue
  23. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1424174628' post='2693391'] The one thing that playing in a 'bedroom' to backing tracks etc won't prepare you for is actually playing with other people...it can be a whole different ball game. You can learn a song at home, think you've really nailed it, get into a practice room with others and it'll sound 'different'...others may not be playing what you expect them to and you have to respond to that.[/quote] Very astute comment! I hope that folks new to playing bass with aspirations of playing in a band with others at some point understand, when your practicing and playing along to tracks in the bedroom, your playing in an ideal environment. Your actually being pushed by the track and your hearing subtle ques leading you into the changes. Plus you can stop and start over. In other words, your abilities might be jaded by how you sound in the bedroom. Playing live with other musicians is a completely different challenge. I can almost guarantee it will not be ideal. You can know a song inside and play along with the track flawlessly and then be completely thrown off when you play with a live band. Blue Blue
  24. [quote name='Mokl' timestamp='1182804234' post='23231'] G&L ASAT Bass: Ridiculously lovely translucent red finish and beautiful, slim neck. I still feel pain when I think of how I parted with this. Amazing slap tone, fabulous versatility, but the neck used to dive so badly and I just couldn't live with it :-([/quote] I have the Blue Burst G & L ASAT ( Tele Body Style with the pre-amp. I love it but I don't know how to use all the PU configuration options. I love the neck. Neck dive, I've heard the same thing about my Gibson Thunderbird. What's neck dive? I just put these basses on and play. Blue
  25. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1424148624' post='2693160'] Thing is mate, you have a bass, you've learned a couple of songs........you're a bass player! Don't let anyone tell you any different! As for ability. Everyone has varying degrees of it. Some people on here are awesome, some not so, but as long as you put the time in on practising, you can count yourself among the club that we are. Keep at it man ! [/quote] Agreed, were all in the same club. I have been gigging for 45 years. I talk a good game and have a lot of opinions. However, and let me be real clear, if you ask me how good I am? My answer is always the same, [i]I'm ok, I can hold my own and I have good nights and then I can have nights when i wonder why I'm even playing.[/i] Blue
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