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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Allons-y!' timestamp='1423446336' post='2684930'] My wife is on board with any of my musical adventures. [/quote] [i]"We have been playing every weekend and I think my wife gets annoyed with that a little bit."[/i] [i]?[/i] [i]Blue[/i]
  2. Some of it has to do with the drivers ( magnets) used on the speakers. I'm not sure it's always cab or speaker dimensions. Small club or big stage my GK RBX cabs seem to give me what I want to hear and feel. Blue
  3. My band is a bar band, however in the Summer we play several festivals and fairs usually big headliner type stages. For me, I guess I'm like the OP, my experience and comfort level is bars and clubs. I have never been comfortable on big stages with big sound and lights. Could be merely an experience issue. My response, maybe me an the OP need more time on the big stages. Blue
  4. [quote name='Iain' timestamp='1423435857' post='2684842'] This is great advice. Learning to be flexible, improvise and adapt will stand you in good stead. Anyone can deliver a flawless performance if they practise indefinitely. [/quote] +1 Blue
  5. [quote name='grenadilla' timestamp='1423403891' post='2684356'] If it has neck issues I would bet the current Contemporary Hofner Club would have a good neck, staple pickups, and cost less than $1000. [/quote] Probably, however I already have a German Made Hofner 502 Limited Edition Club Bass. I am only interested in German made. I am also thinking that since I already have a a German made Hofner Club, I might look at a 4001 Rickenbacker. See thread. Blue
  6. I think your at a disadvantage, in that it doesn't sound like you have been doing this long enough to know what's important to you or what you like. Your younger and for many younger musicians live gigging is not very important. I say, if your looking to grow musically, IMO that doesn't happen in the basement with friends.I think musical growth comes from live performance and a chance to play with guys that have already been through stuff your friends probably haven't. And you seem to have a bigger problem, if you like gigging and your wife is not on board with that, your done. Me, I make it clear to all women I become involved with; [i]" Music and gigging is number1, your number 2 "[/i] It's probably why I'm not married. Good Luck Blue
  7. Helicon, Digitech, Boss all these voice devices require more time and effort than I'm willing to give. I'll spend the $$$ on something else. Blue
  8. So what is Hofner saying, [i]"Off Is The New On?"[/i] Blue
  9. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1423275824' post='2683130'] Let another bassist use my rig tonight, at our gig in The Hope & Anchor, and am very pleased. He used the same settings I do, but with his Jazz bass rather than my Precision, and it sounded awesome. Said rig btw is an Aguilar Tonehammer 500 into a Barefaced Super 12T (with tweeter fully off). I could actually feel the bass thudding in my chest. So whilst I`m delighted with how good the rig performs, I`ll now be on a quest for a Jazz bass as was really impressed with the sound he got. [/quote] I have been playing bass guitar for close to 45 years and I have never understood why we attribute our sound solely to our bass. Doesn't the amp we use have an impact on your sound? For example, take a guy with a beautiful American Standard Fender Jazz Bass, however he/she is playing it through a inexpensive poor quality and poor sounding amp. I attribute my sound to my bass, my GK RBX cabs, my amp and whatever the sound person does to my signal. Does that make any sense? Blue
  10. Great stuff, I'm glad I'm from the generation of kids who had a big interest and loved the Meters and the genre as a whole. Now it's Zac Brown & Mumford (something or other),a couple of chords and lyrics that mean absolutely nothing to me. It's fun getting old. Blue
  11. This is the one I looked at today at Cream City Music, [url="https://reverb.com/item/455772-late-60s-hofner-500-2-hollow-body-club-bass-in-sunburst"]https://reverb.com/i...ass-in-sunburst[/url] It's presented as a late 60s model, I have a few concerns. I know in 1969 Hofner was not using a raised logo on the head stock.Those are indeed the PUs they were using at the time. Someone put a gold strap button on the upper back of the body. I don't think they used 2 strap buttons at the time. One of the volume pots is solid and one is loose. In the mid 60s Hofners did not have binding around the neck ( if my old Beatles Pics are accurate ) Other than that it plays great and looks great. I My guess is, it's a 1968. It's just that the $1,999.00 price seems low for a German crafted Hofner. Comments, is it a good deal, what should I offer? Blue
  12. This is the one I looked at today at Cream City Music, [url="https://reverb.com/item/455772-late-60s-hofner-500-2-hollow-body-club-bass-in-sunburst"]https://reverb.com/i...ass-in-sunburst[/url] It's presented as a late 60s model, I have a few concerns. I know in 1969 Hofner was not using a raised logo on the head stock.Those are indeed the PUs they were using at the time. Someone put a gold strap button on the upper back of the body. I don't think they used 2 strap buttons at the time. One of the volume pots is solid and one is loose. In the mid 60s Hofners did not have binding around the neck ( if my old Beatles Pics are accurate ) Other than that it plays great and looks great. It's just that the $1,999.00 price seems low for a German crafted Hofner. Comments, is it a good deal, what should I offer? Blue
  13. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1423213812' post='2682197'] Ah, Blue, if only we weren't divided by an ocean... :-) [/quote] My ex wife moved to The UK a year ago. Somewhere outside of London. I'm not sure, but I don't think I'm legally allowed anywhere near London. Blue
  14. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1423256897' post='2682985'] I'm confused... you want to beef up your backing vocals, what difference does playing chords or notes make?...unless your mic picks up your bass and confuses the device? I have a Boss VE20 to help with our BV's its useful for me as I usually sing flat and it 'autotunes' me (sorta) at the same time.....never had any feedback issues with my bass though. I use an upper 5th and a lower 3rd setting which thickens up my voice really well. [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Boss_VE-20_Vocal_Performer/BOSS-VE20?CAWELAID=1830888725&CAGPSPN=pla&gclid=Cj0KEQiA6dGmBRC_3Mi-x_XywKsBEiQA1lcFPwGZGXfxYYT8kmpe9IHkgumbGqk3WutC_SI7-fFBqL0aAv5K8P8HAQ"]http://www.soundsliv...BqL0aAv5K8P8HAQ[/url] [/quote] I will check out the Boss VE20 Blue
  15. [quote name='BobVbass' timestamp='1423114901' post='2680884'] In a nutshell - no, it works from chord shapes and doesn't give good results from single notes. A walking bass line confuses the hell out of mine! You can set it to a specific key but that's not ideal for (for instance) songs with key changes or major to minor changes or even the chorus in a different key, very rough way for it to work. When plugged into a keyboard or guitar and with someone that knows what they're doing with their voice they are simply brilliant though. [/quote] Thanks Bob, Yeah, everyone has been telling me it's not what I'm looking for. I merely want a pedal to beef up a few simple backgrounds vocals ( think Beatles, Get Back). Blue
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1423214888' post='2682210'] If they don't consider the band makes a successful night, then why do they bother with a band at all..? Not sure I would really want to do their gig, tbh. I don't like playing to poor turn-outs so I'd knock that venue off the list. If we really liked the place, then we'd work it a little harder. There are a couple of town venues, where passer-bys might all come in around 2230 and that can be a good turn-out in the end, but we've finished by 2330 or so, so it doesn't really appeal.. [/quote] Their success might be attributed to several elements, It could be the live music they provide,how they promote themselves, drink prices, location or the fact that it's a nice bar. What I'm saying is, they generally will not attribute a successful night to that specific band. Chasing bar owners is the way it is over here. If you don't chase you don't gig. I'm thinking, as a rule many of our bar owners are not as logical as your pub LLs. Blue
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1423143445' post='2681321'] But over here, if that was all true, they definitely would. This is why we don't have to chase too many pub dates. I can't imagine a LL not doing that... Your market seems pretty strange to me...if they'd turn down such a gift horse..?? [/quote] I think it's a cultural difference. Over here we know that LLs don't attribute an exceptional night to the band. And they don't call the bands because they feel if they call they're at a disadvantage on price. Don't get me wrong, it can happen, the LL calling the band. But it would be the exception to the rule. blue.
  18. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1423150483' post='2681466'] No more 'thing'? Jeez, sorry Blue. I didn't know [/quote] Yeah, there is no more "thing" oh well Blue
  19. Helicon Harmony Singer, Will It Work With A Bass Guitar? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yunhdYUh1uE"]https://www.youtube....h?v=yunhdYUh1uE[/url] And is it easy to use? I want to use it live for simple background harmonies or maybe to thicken or double my voice. Blue
  20. This is a tough one I have 2 good friends both tour as side men with international veteran Stars. I have no idea what kind of money they make. I do know they are both a live still touring and neither has ever had to work a 9-5 traditional job in their life. They are both approaching age 65. Blue
  21. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1423094730' post='2680833'] I'd guess he's pretty near the top level. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurence_Cottle"]http://en.wikipedia....Laurence_Cottle[/url] [/quote] Agreed, however you could also say the bar band or pub guys that go out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday arrive at the bar or pub conduct themselves like experts provide a service and come home with respectable compensation would also be at the top level. Blue
  22. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1423092880' post='2680825'] You only have to look at someone like Laurence Cottle, there's no disputing that he's a pro, but he writes music for production companies/libraries, arranges for his own band and others (I think he did some arrangement work for the new Gavin Harrison album), records and teaches and is an in-demand side man. [/quote] I would say he represent a level of being a "Pro". There are other layers and levels on how we use the term. Blue
  23. I think the term pro can mean a lot of different things. Some say if you only play on weekends your a hobbyist, I don't subscribe to that definition. Just because for the most part you only play weekends does not make it a hobby. It's not like building model cars, golf,or fishing.I don't think ,as a rule you come home with money from any of those 3 things. With a hobby you generally not providing a service. I was able to pay my condo association fee and utilities from monies I earned from last weekends gigs. Does that make me a pro? I don't know, to me it means I was able to pay my condo association fee and utilities from monies I earned from last weekends gigs. Here's something to think about. A group of musicians see you a gig and admire your performance and several say; [i]"Wow! good band and did you watch and hear their bass player, that guy is a real Pro."[/i] Maybe that's a Pro, when that is how your peers recognize you. Blue
  24. I guess the way I see it, at the bar band level ( I can't speak for pub bands even though there are some similarities) a packed bar and over the top alcohol sales does not not mean the LL is going to bend over backwards to re-book the band. I don't think it's a good idea when a band has a fantastic night to sit back and say; [i]" Wow! did you how busy the bar was all night and the crowd was huge, I know the LL will be giving us a call"[/i] Blue
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