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Everything posted by blue

  1. I'm a single, older, aging, gigging rock bass player. These days, I hate to say it, most women don't [i]"get it"[/i]. I prefer to keep women out of my gigging life. Back in my day ( 60s & 70s ) there were plenty of chics that understood the whole rock thing or scene. And they were into it. If you were in a band playing an electric guitar you had it made with chics. Well that flew out the window for 3 reasons;[list=1] [*]There's no more scene [*]There's no more thing [*]I'm old [/list] Blue
  2. blue

    Line 6 G-30 Question

    Any ideas om whats going on with my G 30? Blue
  3. [quote name='acidbass' timestamp='1423002711' post='2679551'] In my experience - if I have to chase a gig, I'm already at a disadvantage. I'm very happy to let a promoter show their interest in my band and for them to make the first move to rebook. A manager/promoter will know what he/she wants, and if you are lucky enough to fall into that category then you will get work. For every promoter who loves your band, there will be one who is indifferent. Better off not wasting your time with the latter IMO. [/quote] Over here promoters, agents and tour organizers do not do business with bar bands,only functions/corporate bands. Blue
  4. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1422974829' post='2679030'] Yeah, I'm old enough to realise that we are not responsible for bringing in loads of folk, but one particular occasion, we had a great sound, people who might have left stayed and I think some folk got on their phones, because it turned into a really busy night and we were told it hadn't been that busy since so and so played. Everyone said they enjoyed it including the bar staff. The landlord said he would definitely get us back, then nothing! [/quote] Again, if we want business we have to get back to the LLs and Owners and have a strategy to get them to commit to a date or date. If we can all learn something from this thread, for most bands it's our responsibility to follow up with these LLs we can't sit idle and wait for their call. Understand there is good reason why they don't call us. If they call us it gives us leverage on price and they don't like that. Blue
  5. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1422533627' post='2673738'] Lot of comments about bass players not existing in a bands scheme of things.... If I got shoved to the back right corner of a stage, or given a corner of a grubby boozer to stand in, I would be off. [/quote] Some of are up front guys and I guess some of you like standing back by the drummer. Me, I've always been an up front guy, it's just my preference. Blue
  6. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1422950018' post='2678639'] I really don't understand when you are a new band, play a blinder, the pubs rammed, the owner raves about how much he enjoyed it, the locals all say that was the best night we've had in here for ages, and you never hear from them again. [/quote] That sounds more like what happens over here. As I mentioned earlier, some LLs and Owners don't attribute a packed club and big alcohol sales to the band. However, over here if you sit around waiting for these LLs and Owners to call you back, your band would be out of business. I think the pub business is a little different than the bar business in the States. I still say most ( not all) think a band is a band. The only way you might distinguish yourself from any other bar band is if your too loud, Don't get me wrong, there are some bars that only hire what I consider some of the better local bands. Blue
  7. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1422958082' post='2678733'] You know way more about what happens in the USA than me and you may have some insight which allows you to say such a thing with a degree of certainty, but over here in bad-teeth-cup-o'-tea-land I'm currently prising my eyebrow off the ceiling. I take it you don't tolerate any elephants in your rooms. [/quote] Not sure why I made that comment, the band pic looks so south of the Mason Dixon Line, maybe that was it. Blue
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1422960007' post='2678762'] You're being too sensitive. [i]Lots [/i]of bands accept Hofner players these days. Get modern. [/quote] I can always play one of my other basses, Fenders, Gibsons or my G&L. Blue
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1422957754' post='2678727'] You'd know what all this means better than any of us... but the gigs they showcase can look ok... The website is clumsy and not very pro, IMO, and neither is the recording but then they seem to have a good profile ..? I think you'd take it seriously if they paid you well enough but is it me...?? I can't see a gig list which would be the most important thing you'd put on a website..??? I can see thery have an up coming gig on a splash page but not a list of gigs..?? [/quote] I agree with you about the web-site. There is no pro photography and the recording is marginal. I also looked at some videos and saw at least one line up change for lead guitar. And yes, there was nothing on gigs which concerns me for a band that's been around this long. Blue
  10. Saturday night at a gig, I noticed the lights on my receiver looked amber instead of green. I don't know if it was a from the stage lights or not. No problem with the signal. Everything worked like a charm as usual? Blue
  11. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1422914755' post='2678429'] Striking while the iron is hot and sorting the rebooking on the night is always the best way and always try to get a years worth of bookings. [/quote] That can work, however, you can only do that if the iron is actually there. Over here, LLs & owners are usually not there. Blue
  12. I don't like making assumptions and I don't like bringing up a touchy subject, but here goes; These guys don't look like they want a "brother" in the band. Blue
  13. Part 3 This one looks good for the right guy. [i]LUKYN SKYWYRD looking for bass player in the style of Leon Wilkeson. Covering Lynyrd Skynyrd, Molly Hatchet, Marshall Tucker, Blackfoot, Allman Brothers, and other Southern rock bands. Band has been established for 24 years and has MANY great gigs coming up for the summer. Rehearsing in the Hartland area and covering the Southern part of the state, occasionally venturing a bit farther. Full PA and truck, not a startup. Looking for a solid bass player with no hangups, but must be crazy enough to play with us! COME JUMP ON THE SKYWYRD TRAIN!! www.NorthernBredSouthernRock.com www.facebook.com/lukynskywyrd[/i] [i]Blue[/i]
  14. I play several classic basses, I think I have most. However I do not have a Ric, if and when I buy one I want that model and color. That RIC is the [i]"bees knees".[/i] Blue
  15. If your doing this for fun and not money why are gigs an issue? Blue
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1422882062' post='2677804'] Around here, no LL will blew off a band that can pull very well...unless there is a personal conflict, so therefore LL's and pubs WILL chase the most popular bands. They know who works for them.. and in some cases, they just like that type of music so since it is their deal, they have to afford that indulgence... but basically the LL/venue need the gigs to work for them and that means the band needs to pull enough to sell alcohol. I keep an eye out for the numbers we pull in certain pubs as it helps us negotiate more money but we want the gig to be a good gig rather than a fantastic payer as pubs are loss leaders and too much work for the money, IMO..and the rest of the band. If we are the best draw the pub has..or one of them, we want the most money...but there is a ceiling and equation that needs to work all round. [/quote] Over here getting calls from LLs is rare. It does happen and it's usually when a band cancels and they need a replacement. Could be a cultural thing,we could have a great night, place is packed and the bar busy all night. Over here the LLs do not attribute that extra business to the band. Many of the places we play have what we call built in crowds. Meaning the club/pub does good business all the time regardless of what band is playing. Blue
  17. [quote name='BobVbass' timestamp='1422881139' post='2677790'] For new places we normally chat to the LL or staff on the night and see what they think then give them the chance to run before we chase them (if we want to). For existing places we'll book extra dates on the night and also offer a discount if they want to block book - i.e. 4 gigs gives them 10% off our normal rate etc 40's and 50's been playing pubs and clubs for 30 years or so.... [/quote] Those are the same methods we use. The problem we run into is, a lot of the time the LL or the decision maker is not at the club after a gig. Chasing LLs and Managers seems to be problematic. Many over here are not good at returning calls or e-mail. It's chase chase chase and hope that you will catch them at the right time. Blue (62,been playing bar,clubs, fairs and festivals for 40 plus years)
  18. I have had my son's come to gigs, 25 & 27. Thing is, they are a part of that generation that doesn't get, like or have any appreciation for rock or live music period. They think DJs are musicians. Blue
  19. Classics; [i]"You Guys Rock"[/i] [i]"I Used To Be In A Band"[/i] Blue
  20. [size=4][font=Arial]With gigs being tough to get and bands keeping their calendar full I thought I'd throw this topic out there for discussion.[/font] [font=Arial]While this pertains to unrepresented bar/pub bands, please everyone chime in.[/font] [font=Arial]For bar bands that want to make decent coin, you can't rely on "one off " gigs. You need to know how to re-book. [/font][/size] [size=4][font=Arial]I think, if a band could win 12 pubs and keep them on the calendar and in a proper rotation they would have it made. [/font] [font=Arial]Easier [/font][font=Arial]said than done. Over here, on this side of the pond you can have a great night in terms of the crowd and booze sales for the LL[/font][font=Arial] and still get [i]" blown off "[/i] by the LL or the manager when it comes time to re-book. I'm thinking LLs are the same in the UK?[/font] [font=Arial]My band, we like to book 3 dates at a time with LLs, I think that's reasonable. [/font] [font=Arial]I have seen many newbie's make this mistake. They play a gig and have a great night, good draw and booze sales. They leave happy and actually [/font][font=Arial]think the LL see's the night through their eyes and will call them to re-book. Yeah, sure I guess that could happen, it's logical. But, I would bet[/font][font=Arial] that every veteran pub guy on this forum would laugh and say; [i]"Sure,but don't hold your breath for that call."[/i][/font] [font=Arial]What are your thoughts an ideas for the working pub band to keep that colander full and everyone have that extra $200.00 - $300.00 in their wallet. I'm sure[/font][font=Arial] we have some folks here that have expertise in re-booking gigs.[/font] [font=Arial]I only ask that we keep the [/font][font=Arial][i]"I don't do this for money"[/i] or [i]"I don't need the money"[/i] out of the equation. For the sake of discussion everyone wants more money.[/font] BTW, knowing your age and experience level will help generate the best appropriate response. [font=Arial]Blue[/font][/size]
  21. I would go with something with room for expansion. A 16 channel digital mixer with as many sends as possible. My band also plays mainly bars, we still mic our amps and drums.And everyone ( 4 piece ) has a powered stage monitor. We feel it gives us a better sound and control over our sound. Bringing a PA into a bar does not necessarily mean loud. To me it means control and that includes volume. Blue
  22. Established and active can mean different things to different people. I wouldn't assume that this is a band that's been around a while and has a big boon of business. Blue
  23. Here is a another want ad. This band originally posted the ad on 1/19 and re-posted on 1//27. Very vague, Why? What are your thoughts; [i]A bass player is wanted for an established band that plays in the Milwaukee and SE Wisconsin area. Some styles we cover include rock, pop. Fun and active band seeks someone who is reliable, and no drugs or drunks please. Good chemistry, enjoyable, fun. For more information, please email us![/i] Blue
  24. [b]Off topic;[/b] Over here we have something called Pub Crawls. This where a bus or fab will take a group of people hopping from one bar to another all night. The name Pub Crawl makes me thing it's an idea we got from you guys.
  25. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1422536057' post='2673778'] A common problem I see...and this may be indicative of the age we live in.. is you get a young group and they think they are the bees-knees but that thought lives exclusively in their head. If they took the time to listen to any critique, they would have a different reference, and instead of sticking to their own little narrow bubble, could work off other ideas etc etc. When I was 17..which is considerably younger than the guys I am thinking of.. I went and joined a function band which could pay me to work it full time. Living at home, I didn't need THAT much, but I thought I was good enough to work with them. I may even have had a sneery attitude abouit one or two playing abilities, but I LEARNT LOADS from people who knew more generally about the way these things all work. The playing thing I could look after..as I'd got the gig, but the ability to read a crowd was an eye opener as was all the songs that I had to learn and I'd never heard of. It was WAAAY out of my zone, but I am glad I did it. It certainly burst my bubble and I put myself into those situations a few more times and got a few roastings..but the thing is, those roastings teach you. A few yong guns, I come up against have no idea and at 25, that is ok..they have potential. What is a waste is when they haven't moved a damn inch at 30...and that is wasted, IMO. Music is a constant learning curve so the biggest single thing I'd say to a young player is 'ditch your mates and move on'. [/quote] Again, astute commentary above. A lot of us guys that have been out there on the front lines of gigging for 50 years can walk into a pub or bar prior to a gig and sum up just about every detail. What the the room will be like in terms of your sound, attendance projection, and overall vibe and energy. And yes it's a constant learning curve. Blue
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