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Everything posted by blue

  1. If the idea of still gigging and playing in your senior years is appealing to you ( If your 20 I don't really know how you would even know whats going to be appealing to you when your 60, if you make it till 60. Some don't). This might be 30-40 years out for many of you, I have one bit of advice. Choose the bands you work with very carefully, if you start developing a history of playing in bands that don't meet your requirements and always end up a disappointing experience chances are you'll put your bass to rest far before it's time. I am lucky, I don't know how I ended up with a 50 year history of what I can sum up in one word,[b][i] "Fun!"[/i][/b] Blue
  2. For most of us over 60 guys that started gigging back in the 60s & 70s still out there gigging in the trenches (bars/pubs) every weekend I think you gain a more realistic perspective on things. Gig issues and people that would have driven me nuts 40 years ago, *I can now take in stride. Have fun, nothing is a big deal. Blue One exception, don't show up to a gig with an electronic drum kit.
  3. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1422576501' post='2674368'] Hi Blue I think it was mainly the Ibanez and the electronic drums, the material was fine by me. If it had been an acoustic drum kit, and the guitarist had played a Strat or a Les Paul(for example) and didn't want to be Joe Satriani, then I would probably have said yes. Maybe that makes me shallow but it's like lonestar said in his post, the little things that irk start to mean more over time! By the way, my dad always called me Blue as a nickname from the age of about 2. I think he got it from a film. The Champ maybe? [/quote] Cool, You've been around for a while and it served you well. Picking up on "red flags" at auditions is crucial. For me, the electronic drums and the Steve Vai guitarists were definitely red flags. Blue BTW, I am not sure why I got the name Blue from. i only use it on this forum. My name is Daryl, that's a proper English name, right?
  4. Julian, In your thread opening you stated you were looking for a band or project to join? That can mean a lot of different things. Can you share with us specifically why you declined the offer? What was the deal breaker? Or was it basically the material, electronic drums and the new guitarist with the 80s Ibanez Steve Vai thing? All those those things would have been serious concerns for me too. Blue
  5. I think you made the right decision for 3 reasons;[list] [*]I'm always suspicious of any band that offers up the position that fast. [*]It sounds like this is more of a "start up" which means gigging would be way out in the future if it happens at all. [*]I am also suspect of the use of electronic kits even for auditions or rehearsals. [/list] I didn't know if you were looking to gig or not. If you are you are you might want to wait until an opportunity with a truly established band with gigs on books. You have a good audition under your belt and will help with your next audition. A lot of guys will say yes to anything their offered, you didn't. Nice job! Blue
  6. Easy is relative to the band collectively. Some bands have the talent to understand a song and cover it accurately in no time. Other bands struggle to learn new material. At a high level, I always say, " no song is easy " Blue
  7. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1422555708' post='2674096'] Any band can get gigs and travel for them and that is their choice [/quote] I think this came up earlier, any band can't get gigs. Someone in the band has to know how to sell their band, get and book gigs. I know of several really good bar bands that for whatever reason can't promote and get gigs and there are marginal bands that can promote and gig consistently. IMHO it can be said like this; [i]"being good alone does not guarantee gigs" [/i] Blue
  8. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1422554608' post='2674082'] You haven't answered the question, sir! lol [/quote] No, no and no. I think I'm much to young of a guy to be her father. Blue
  9. It might take a while before they get back to you with an answer. That's the part I dislike about auditioning. Blue
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1422529806' post='2673672'] People are very good with a diary but they will also have to prioritise. Some might say a diary and gig in it is one thing and they'll commit in principle to a date but if something comes in that they have to take, you are going to have to be quick on your feet and make alternative arrangements. You know the level of 'commitment' at the offset and you decide whether it is something you can manage. Some people can and some people can't but I start off from the premise that anyone any good is going to be busy and that is something you have to cope with... because they are too good to pass up..etc etc .. or their leads/opportunities could become your leads..?? [/quote] Good argument. However, I think you can prioritize all you want. I have seen it way too often. When there's a gig schedule conflict every band does not always have a substitute bass player waiting in the wings and one of the bands has to cancel or decline a gig. And that means somebody gets paid and others don't. I don't want to be involved in that sort of thing. Blue
  11. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1422529360' post='2673663'] Anyone any good round here almost always has other bands or priorities so whilst you can get a great lead singer, they are going to be busy elsewhere and probably have a touring and/or writing commitment which means they put those gigs first. If you don't, can't, wont aim for those, then you are on the next rung down along with everything else that comes with it.[/quote] Another great point and another good question to ask any gigging band your auditioning for; [i]"Are any of the band members currently in other gigging bands?"[/i] If yes, it would weigh heavily on my decision if I was offered the job. Blue
  12. A few weeks ago a guy came up to me during a break at a gig and asked me if I was our lead guitarists Father. I didn't like his question at all. Blue
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1422498401' post='2673495'] Now, now; you're exaggerating slightly, there, I'm sure. [/quote] Cool, sometimes I feel like I get a little on edge with the whole generation gap thing. Blue
  14. Great thread, And you know what's interesting? I can almost tell the age of some of you guys by what was available when you acquired your first bass. For example, I certainly could not have picked up a Fender Squire at that time. I remember, and correct me if I'm wrong at the time, 1965 for Fender there was only 1 P Bass model and one Jazz bass as well. Blue
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1422494203' post='2673486'] My Framus Star bass. The plastic on the original tuners had already broken off and these were the only replacements i could find. Shortly after this photo the pots began to fail. The bass ended up with the pickup being wired directly to the jack socket. I thought I'd removed the frets later but they look like they're gone in this picture. The strings were a set of Burns black nylon covered flatwounds. [url="http://s293.photobucket.com/user/chris_b_photo/media/CopyofFSBme2.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Still a "Kick Ass" bass and pic. I love semi-hollows. Blue
  16. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1422494060' post='2673485'] It's hard to say. There are established bands that will go out for decent money but might not gig every weekend. At a bar level, there are only so many times a band can play the decent local venues in any one year, so to work regularly a band has to travel greater distances (still at pub money) or people play in multiple bands! Personally I play local gigs (and the odd motorcycle rally or other bigger event) with a rock band, but also play bigger (but fewer) gigs all over the country with another band appealing to a niche market. This also leaves me free to play the occasional dep and to play with other bands when a worthwhile opportunity arises. Funnily enough I have some friends in Texas who have same approach, only much more so. All really good players and more like hired guns, they could be touring with a band or solo artist one week and when they get back, playing a couple of bars with two different bands the following weekend. [/quote] Yeah the hired gun thing is cool and most of the top notch players in Milwaukee do just that. Unfortunately it's a clicky bunch and I am not on the in. I have reached out to those guys, most are around my age and been rejected. *Screw em, I know I gig more than most of them any way. My band plays around a dozen clubs in rotation, We are always around 3-4 months before we return to any given club. And in the summer with WI being huge for festivals and fairs we get a taste of the bigger gigs with better hours. All averages out to between 65-70 shows a year. Me, personally I love triple header weekends, Friday & Saturday night and Sunday afternoons. For hustlers like me that meant last weekend I was able to cover my monthly condo fee, food and utility bills. Blue * Just curious, is it obvious that I take this business a little too seriously and have a bit of an attitude?
  17. My first bass, my Mom purchased a Beatle Bass copy for me in 1965. It was a Sekova from Japan in red burst, not sure the bass in the pic is it but it sure looks like it. In the 2nd pic, I'm 16 or 17 years old playing my Gibson EB-3. Everybody was picking up on the whole Jack Bruce thing at the time. Third pic, 50 years later I was finally able to afford a real German made Hofner. I am glad I don't have to deal with that Fro anymore. Blue
  18. I think one of the points I was trying to demonstrate with the ad was that opportunities with truly established bands with something to offer ($$$$) are really rare. I am not sure, but I'm thinking it's not much different in the UK. Am I right?
  19. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1422475833' post='2673237'] That’s kinda the problem of playing with only one band! If you are looking for other opportunities you need to play with more people, get your name out there and build up a bit of a reputation. Then your name is already in the frame when decent gigs do come up and someone is looking for a bass player… [/quote] Yeah I think that would make sense for some. Me, I'm not looking for any opportunities, I lucked out 3.5 years ago and found the perfect band for me.Those that have followed my threads,Know it's no secret that I have always been and will always be a [i]"1 band, the right band" [/i]kind of guy. Also it could be a generational thing. At times I even think gigging is a generational thing. I have yet to get an answer to, how does anyone play in more than one band without gig conflicts as in most gigs are on Friday and Saturday night. I would say 90% of the time when I ask these guys how they manage to be in , lets say 4 bands. The story is usually only one of the bands is an actual money making gigging band the rest are non-gigging bands. Blue
  20. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1422465847' post='2673069'] I love how you're not looking at her, like a moth trying to avoid being mesmerised by a bright light Having an attractive singer is such a bonus for a band. You've won half the battle before you play a note. It shouldn't be like that, but it is... [/quote] Yeah, I tend to agree with you. However, I would say you win more with an attractive female front at the bar/pub band level. Blue
  21. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1422465737' post='2673067'] TBH I'm a little bit surprised that you follow these adverts so closely - I don't think that I've looked at one for 30 years! I tend to find out about bands / new gigs through the grapevine and judge them on their reputation... [/quote] I know what you mean Pete. I'm not looking and my band is a perfect fit for me. However, I always like to know whats going on and who's looking.And sometimes I find opportunities that some of my friends/peers might be interested in. I'm not native to Milwaukee, my history is in New Jersey. I don't have access to the Milwaukee inner circle or the grapevine. Blue
  22. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1422462290' post='2673001'] Rock n roll. You get a sniff of the barmaid's apron and common sense goes out the window. [/quote] I have first hand experience with that.
  23. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1422458682' post='2672947'] That said, if I was a serious player and I saw that ad it wouldn't put me off. But I would expect to find out a lot more about them after the initial contact. [/quote] Good idea, everyone should do their homework and research before you make a decision on a band. Ok, then what are some of the things you would want to find out? Here's one of the questions I think any serious musician should ask; [i]"Are you looking for more than a lead guitarist?"[/i] If they are, it could be a band that's falling apart and someone is desperately trying to put it back together. Does that make sense? Blue
  24. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1422458682' post='2672947'] Its a bit vague. On that description alone I have no idea what kind of thing they really do, and I'm not entirely sure what they mean by lead performer. Is that a lead guitarist or a lead singer? That said, if I was a serious player and I saw that ad it wouldn't put me off. But I would expect to find out a lot more about them after the initial contact. [/quote] Unlike many ads, they included their web-site which says just about everything about who they are. Blue
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