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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1421424748' post='2661077'] Not really sure exactly what im looking for out of this thread. But im a little frustrated as i sound pretty good playing with effects, or in any sort of mix (with or without effects), and even with the washing machine on ive noticed i sound better. Playing solo with no effects i don't sound half as good. And i can hear all the little mistakes and overtones. Ive always wanted to sound good clean, ive always wanted to be a James Jamerson if you like. Clearly im not. Should i work on this or just use what im good at. As at the min im fighting against my natural style my ears want clean bass my hands want something different. I will admit im a little lost at what i should be doing. At this point im better and learning faster at working on basses than i am playing them. [/quote] Effects can camouflage a lot of ills and I don't think that's what you want. Practice until your solos sound cool clean, then carefully pick and or decide if you want an effect. I take one solo in out first set. After 50 years of playing I really think solos are better suited for the acoustic, up right or double bass. I was never keen with solos on the electric bass guitar and we had a lot of them back in the 70s. Blue
  2. I also think if it's a new pub for your band go there on a night a live rock band is playing and check out the scene. Is there a respectable amount of people there and more important are they responsive to the band and are they buying premium alcohol. And I'm not talking about these folks that will nurse a pint ( whatever that is, I hear you guys use that term all the time ) all night. Blue
  3. Here's another one some of you might have heard from pub owners unless they are completely different species than bar owners; [i]"I want to try some live music here"[/i] Over here your either in the live band business or not [i]"trying out"[/i] live music usually doesn't work. Most of the time the clientele doesn't want live music. Blue
  4. It's a tough call, however when a pub or a bar band knowingly takes a bad gig for the money only it could have consequences.For example what if the wrong person sees you playing a *"beat" gig. Blue * small to no crowd and those that are there are not interested.
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1421392269' post='2660625'] What is a "pub band vertical"? [/quote] The pub band vertical would be the pubs that cater to pub bands as opposed to your wedding, corporate or functions bands.. Look at it this way, it's that specific sector of business for pub bands. Blue
  6. Ok, not sure this thread will be of interest or benefit. But I'll start anyway. Here we go! [size=4][font=Arial]Not only veteran but new bands entering the bar band or in you guys case the pub band vertical run into problems and can end up discouraged to the point where right out of the shoot you have a negative perspective on gigging. This isn't good IMO.[/font] [font=Arial]Guys, keep in mind this is a difficult topic to broach here because your pub band vertical is significantly different than our bar band vertical in the States. The primary difference is the performance time, in most cases 2 hours for a pub gig and 4 hours for a bar gig. However lets not let that be the focus of this discussion.[/font] [font=Arial]So often we will hear guys say I dread playing here or there or I like that place or very cool place to play. I look back on 2014 and wonder why some of the new business we tried to work into never turned into anything, meaning the gigs was a dud and the band wasn't asked back.I am sure many of you have experienced this.[/font] [font=Arial]I think one thing bands have to consider when it comes to new business is, do your home work on the venue. [/font][/size][list] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Location, is it down town where a lot of people including your fans can access it[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Is it sitting out in the middle of no where [/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Does the Manager or owner have experience with live rock bands [/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Does the Manager understand his clientele [/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Do they have a history of having live bands at least once a week, do they book bands like yours[/font][/size] [/list] [size=4][font=Arial]Those are just a few talking points for us to work with. But how about this, has anyone in your band ever said, [i]" This is a new place , it's really small and I think it's going to suck for us, but lets do it for the money". [/i][/font] [font=Arial]IMHO playing venues that are not good for the band is not a good idea, not even for you newbie's struggling and will play any where just to get a chance to play. You veterans that know and understand the business should know better.[/font] [font=Arial]Well, I think you know the kind of discussion and exchange I'm looking for.[/font] [font=Arial]Share your stories and more important share you opinion whether you have been gigging for a year or 50 years.[/font] [font=Arial]Blue[/font][/size]
  7. I don't know how it's going to happen, however I am going move up into either a regional or national touring act doing 80 minute shows. Blue
  8. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1421253204' post='2658990'] I'm confused. From what you say I assume you haven't tried the Zoom, so are you basing your judgment of it solely on its cost, or not? If not, why mention its price 4 times? [/quote] Yeah,my opinion is based pretty much on cost. I just can't believe there is anything that would fit my standards for gigs that cost $76.00. I use a Korg Multi Effects unit at home and it sounds great for practicing but IMHO it's no where near the robust sound of a pedal, I would never gig with it. Blue
  9. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1421195130' post='2658437'] I was talking to an old jazzer recently while he was setting up for a gig in a bar near the rehearsal room we were using. He said he didnt think I was a real Bass player, Cos electric Basses dont count. Still, ypu dont argue with a guy who is still gigging at 82 do you ? [/quote] He might be right, it's why I never refer to myself as a bassist. To me that label is more for guys that play the acoustic upright or double bass. I'm a bass guitarist. Blue
  10. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1421225211' post='2658514'] Isn't using something's cost as sole indication of its sound quality rather like judging someone's talent by their popularity? [/quote] No Blue
  11. [quote name='2stringsmcginty' timestamp='1421234119' post='2658659'] I wish! +10 work full time married + toddler. Not managed to pick up my bass since Monday evening [/quote] Then based on the nature of the issues you outlined and that you haven't been able to pick up your bass in the last couple of days, I would give thought to whether this is the right time in your life to be studying the bass guitar. Blue
  12. [quote name='geoham' timestamp='1421159017' post='2657784'] For the past year or so, I've been exclusively using a Zoom B3 (I belive the B1Xon mentioned by the OP shares the same sound processing chips). It does everything I need it to. It's solidly built, easy to edit (even on stage!) and sounds great - you'd be hard pushed to notice a difference in sound between this and what it digitally models. It works just like three individual pedals, It covers all bases for both my function band and my originals band, both live and for recording (DI out with great amp sims). It's certainly not a bedroom toy. It's genuinely the best money I've spent on any gear - ever. Give one a try if you can! [/quote] I have to back up a little here, so you are saying that the Zoom B1Xon which is a $76.00 multi effects processor is no different than what I get from my pedals. Not that price means anything, but $70.00 wouldn't cover the cost of one of my pedals. I am having a hard time with how this inexpensive $76.00 Zoom B1Xon can provide the same or better "mojo" than my pedals. But like some of you guys say, I'm old and probably don't know anything. Any of you older guys want to chime in on this? [b] [size=3]Zoom B1Xon Bass Effects Pedal with Expression Pedal[/size][/b] List Price: $89.47 Price: $76.00 Blue [size=4][font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000][b]Blue's Pedal Board [/b][/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Line 6 Wireless Relay[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Korg Pitch Black Tuner[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]MRX Bass Octave[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Boss OB3 Overdrive[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]MRX Phase Shifter[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Boss Synth Bass[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Dedicated Delay[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]EBS Multi-Comp Compression[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Chorus[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Hall Of Fame Reverb[/color][/color][/font][/size]
  13. Unless I have missed this important part of the OP thread, how can you guys give opinions and suggestions if we don't know how old the OP is? If he/she is 12, I would have completely different ideas from what I would give a 40 year old. Blue
  14. [quote name='geoham' timestamp='1421159017' post='2657784'] Regarding both multi-effects in general and Zoom, I would have agreed with you a few years back, however today's Zoom multi-fx are light years ahead of where they were. I recall having Zoom 505 (when I was guitar playing teenager) and the 708 a couple of years later when I moved exclusively to bass. Build quality wasn't great, parameters were difficult to edit and the sound was passible at best. (This was in the late 90's, early 2000's) Up until recently, I'd been using individual pedals, but I found my board expanding more quickly than I liked - with some pedals not seeing much use! (I play in a function band, and I would say, add an octave pedal to play one song, then a chorus for one more, then add a second distortion to save me messing with settings mid-set) For the past year or so, I've been exclusively using a Zoom B3 (I belive the B1Xon mentioned by the OP shares the same sound processing chips). It does everything I need it to. It's solidly built, easy to edit (even on stage!) and sounds great - you'd be hard pushed to notice a difference in sound between this and what it digitally models. It works just like three individual pedals, and they can be combined how you please. I never use more than three effects on an an invidual song, so I just have a couple of patches that switch between. It covers all bases for both my function band and my originals band, both live and for recording (DI out with great amp sims). It's certainly not a bedroom toy. It's genuinely the best money I've spent on any gear - ever. Give one a try if you can! [/quote] I will, however, you haven't sold me yet. If there is any of that thin generic medicinal qualities in the Zoom B3 it wouldn't be a match for what I need to hear and feel. Blue
  15. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1421172062' post='2658027'] i could have double that amount of pedals and i still wouldn't be happy with my sound [/quote] To be honest the most used effect on my board is the Boss Overdrive. Blue
  16. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1421180469' post='2658202'] I wonder if in 20 years the thread will be called [b] [size=4]Over 80 & Still In The Game...[/size][/b] [size=4]There are a lot of us old gits still gigging, I thought I was past it and quit for over ten years when I was 30.[/size] [/quote] I hope so, however, I don't really see myself driving home at 2:30 in the morning at 80 years of age. Blue
  17. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1421174313' post='2658066'] I have none of those things you mention & I still hate gigging. Playing music was all I ever had in my life, it's certainly the only thing I've ever had any kind of aptitude for, & yet I still find myself with little to no desire to do it anymore. I started playing when I was 14 & I just turned 50. Everything in my life has always revolved around being a musician & now there's a huge hole where that used to be & I don't have the first idea what I can fill it with. [/quote] I think we all out live our usefulness in any field at some point in time. That point is different for all of us. I will be 62 next month, I'm still good. I pray that what ever cultivated your hate for gigging never happens to me. I still love;[list] [*]Playing [*]The Music [*]Setting up [*]Tearing down [*]The Venues [*]The Crowds [*]My Band Mates [*]My Gear [/list] Blue
  18. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1421112836' post='2657370'] f*** that! Is every band run by Bruce Springsteen then? [/quote] No, however, we don't have the pub band protocol over here. If your a bar band, your doing an 8-12 or a 9-1a. We have one venue where it's 9:30-1:30? The plus side, it keeps the band tight. At some point I would love to get a gig with a touring headliner doing 70-80 minute shows. Blue
  19. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1421001131' post='2656047'] I think many of us would admit to hating the packing away. Some probably don't like the setting up (can't say I particularly love or hate it) or the travelling (I love driving so it doesn't bother me, in fact I really love driving home from a good gig in the wee small hours). So dreading those aspects isn't anything unremarkable or uncommon. But if you are dreading the [i]actual gigs[/i] themselves? Then yes, it's time for adios -- to that band anyway. Either that, or book the gigs yourself in future, at venues you don't hate. [/quote] I also love driving home from gigs early in the morning and returning to my empty condo. After 50 years I can't really say there's anything that bothers me about gigging. There will always be venues that are more difficult than others, but that's part of the job. Blue
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1421055519' post='2656508'] I In the past I've been screwed by guys I played with and I'll never have anything to do with them again. I know exactly how Larry feels. [/quote] Yeah, your right. I remember back in 2009 I did a gig where the band had a 10.00 a pop cover charge at Shank Hall in Milwaukee. We took in a $1,000.00. Band leader took off with the money and the band members didn't get a cent. It was the bands last gig, obviously. Pick out the D-Bag. Blue
  21. [quote name='andy67' timestamp='1421052928' post='2656481'] Sure are! were they second hand or new? If they were new when bought, the $500 is equivalent to £331 whereas we would have to pay around £800 each for the two fenders. [/quote] All 3 are used /second hand. I might be wrong, but I don't think you can touch a Fender re-issue P bass new for under a grand. Blue
  22. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1421077042' post='2656867'] Just an update. As I intimated in my first post, the Band I was with folded shortly after NYE after the drummer told them he was fed up playing in "what felt was in a spin dryer". Shortly after I got an email from the Bandleader saying to cancel the gig I'd organised in March for us. No thanks for the last 2 years playing for them, nothing! Moving on, I'd foreseen the band folding as we'd already lost our guitar as he was fed up playing medleys and to onerous parameters, so I contacted someone looking for a Bassist to do "Blues". Normally I'd run a mile but reasoned I'd been doing 2-5-1 rock n roll for the last 2 years so Blues could not be any worse! Was given a set list of Blues standards to look at then got an email saying he was inviting down a female singer he knew too. We got together last Weds Eve and I like the set list including "Hip Shakin Mamma, Your heart is as black as the night and Midnight Hour". So we'll see how it progresses, There's a blues harp player who sings in the lineup of guitar, drums, bass and vox ( and at the moment is blowing over everything so I'll need to have a word!) but it may have legs. So the first weeks of my 60th year show some promise..... [/quote] Very cool and good luck. What kind of band experience is a fit for you at this point in your life? Recording only, no gig for fun band, once a month gigging or gig as much as possible? Blue
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1421065844' post='2656678'] Yeah, but you're old, innit..? [/quote] I guess I would say I'm older, I'll never be old. And my age has allows me to observe about 50 of I'm a gigging guy and I have experimented with multi-effects devices for live performance and for me they don't have the mojo I need. I"ll continue to employ my pedals. [size=4][font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000][b]Blue's Pedal Board [/b][/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Line 6 Wireless Relay[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Korg Pitch Black Tuner[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]MRX Bass Octave[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Boss OB3 Overdrive[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]MRX Phase Shifter[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Boss Synth Bass[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Dedicated Delay[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]EBS Multi-Comp Compression[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Chorus[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Hall Of Fame Reverb[/color][/color][/font][/size] Blue
  24. I paid $500.00 a piece for these Fender MIJ P Re-Issues with hard shell cases and $800.00 for the 1991 Gibson Thunderbird. Were they good deals? Blue
  25. It ridiculousness that after 40 years Sly and Larry can't get it together. I know Sly will never be able to perform like he did back in the day. However there is no good reasons these guys can't be civil to each other. There are tons of videos with all the original members together and Larry is always absent. How many other 60s bands are there where all the original members are still alive? Not many. Blue As far as playing bass and vocals Larry is a once in a life time artist. So is that guy in Level 42.
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