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Everything posted by blue

  1. So far, if I look at all the responses here, the consensus at a high level is; To be in a band, you have to understand yourself as a musician and know what you want. That's where it starts. Then it gets into how to find or pick that band, then how to win an opportunity, and how how to be successful and stay in the band. Blue
  2. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1420628207' post='2651399'] If you cant find a band like this, then start your own, [/quote] I wish folks would qualify this idea. I'll say it again, it takes certain skills and resources to start a gigging band on your own. It's not an option for everyone. Blue
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1420670275' post='2652119'] For me whatever band I`m in must be a gigging band. From there I take the rest of it as do I enjoy the music, and can I get on with the people in the band. If anything else comes up further down the line I`ll deal with it then, but if the answer to those three isn`t yes then I don`t want to know. [/quote] Agreed, that is really where it starts for me. It's why I pursued the band I have been in for the past 3 years plus. They had an established book of business. When I started gigging back in 1966, that's what everything was about. Getting a rock band together and going out and making a fool out of yourself on stage and making money. Now there seems to be a population of musicians that could gig but chose to only involve themselves in bed room playing or basement "for fun only" bands. It's a good example of how things change. Now, what I am talking about is different from the guys with 40 years of gigging under their belt and get burned out and decide it's time to stop. Or guys that unfortunately run into health problems that put an end to gigging. Those are the worse stories for me to hear about. My point here is for some guys, not being in a band is how to be in a band. Blue
  4. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1420626712' post='2651375'] 3 bands for fun. I'd like some of the fun bands to gig more, but I don't get frustrated about it. I just like to play![/quote] Sounds good, especially since you balance the more fun stuff with a pro gigging band. I would have said the same things 30-40 years ago. I still love playing however at 61 I only want to be in 1 band, the right band for me. Multiple bands, would not work for me. And I do not perform free of charge. Point here is for me, in terms of "how to be in a band" is the realization that I'm a 1 band guy. Blue
  5. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1420198598' post='2646545'] The polite and considerate approach is to audition them separately, with enough of a gap that one can't hear the other while they're waiting.[/quote] +1 You definitely want to do this. Scheduling vocalist together where they can hear each others audition would come off as unprofessional. If I was auditioning bass and showed up and there were other bass players there watching I'd bail on the audition. Blue
  6. I have been playing bass guitar for close to 50 years. For 40 of those years I was "old school" plug a P bass into an SVT and that was it. Remember at the time there was very little out board effects for bass guitar players available. Well, over time needs, style, application and execution changes. I now use a fully loaded pedal board and I play several different basses. Just about any recording you listen to, the bass has some sort of processing in use even if it's very subtle. I could eventually end up at some point in time going back to where I started, bass to amp. [size=4][color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000][b]Bass Guitars ( pic attached )[/b][/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]Gibson Les Paul Gold Top Bass[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop Bass[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]Gibson 1991 Thunderbird Bass[/color][/font][/color] [font=Arial]Fender 1951 Telecaster Bass Re-issue *MIJ[/font] [font=Arial]Fender 1959 Telecaster Bass Re-Issue MIJ[/font] [color=#0000FF][color=#000000][font=Arial]G & L 1991 ASAT Bass (active pre-amp )[/font][/color][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]German Made Hofner 502 Limited Edition Club Bass[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000][b]Pedal Board ( pic attached )[/b][/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]Line Wireless Relay[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]Korg Pitch Black Tuner[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]MRX Bass Octave[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]Boss OB3 Overdrive[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]MRX Phase Shifter[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]Boss Synth Bass[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Dedicated Delay[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]EBS Multi-Comp Compression[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Chorus[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Hall Of Fame Reverb[/color][/font][/color] [color=#0000FF][font=Arial][color=#000000]MRX Pre-Amp DI[/color][/font][/color][/size] Blue
  7. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1420637439' post='2651570'] You can have fun being in a band but never be in a band for fun. I can have fun anywhere, but I'll be in a band for the satisfaction of doing the best performance/gig/set that I can, and playing with guys that can deliver the same. Luckily I haven't been without a band for over 25 years. IMO you can't beat the buzz of a great gig. [/quote] Agreed, I have a different twist on the verbiage. I say; [i]"I always have fun when I'm playing, however I don't play for fun, I play for money"[/i] I think some younger guys think if your being paid , it's more of a business and not fun anymore. I think the part these guys are missing is, it actually becomes more fun when your paid and you want to have more fun. Blue
  8. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1420627292' post='2651381'] What works for one person, at one time in their life, doesn't necessarily work for anyone else (or even that same person at a different stage in their lfe!). It's important to be honest with others and - most importantly - with yourself. [/quote] Agreed, I have learned a lot over the past 50 years. My approach to playing and what I want are obviously different now then what it was when I was in my teens and 20s. I would think and hope that would be the case for everyone. Blue
  9. [size=4][u][b][font=Arial]How To Be In a Band[/font][/b][/u] [font=Arial]Seems simple , well IMHO it's not and it's part of the reason many guys become disillusioned disappointed and end up in an endless cycle of being bandless or always in between bands, in multiple bands none of them going anywhere and never experiencing what it's like to be in a working productive band.[/font] [font=Arial]Most of us never define;[/font][/size][list] [*][size=4][font=Arial]What we are looking for[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]What we want out of band experience[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]The type of band we want to be in and if it's even feasible[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]The type of people we want to work with[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Do I have the experience needed for the type of band I want to play in[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]How far am I willing to commute for gigs and rehearsals[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]How important is gigging and pay to me ( If those things are not important your looking for a "for fun" only band)[/font][/size] [*][size=4][font=Arial]Do I know how to work well with others, can I be part of a team[/font][/size] [/list] [size=4][font=Arial]If you don't define these things and I'm sure there are other things you would want to consider, you are really asking for failure.[/font] [font=Arial]Take the guy that joins a start up and after 6 months, they only have a few songs down and no gigs in site. OK that would be most start up bands. So wouldn't you think, maybe I should stay away from start ups. Or the guy that loves metal and gigging, joins a good metal band but after a year all they had was 6 non-paying gigs. Is he going to say, well there really isn't much of a market for local metal bands here.[/font] [font=Arial]It's a lot of give and take and compromise.[/font] [font=Arial]Comments & suggestions;[/font] Blue[/size]
  10. January is a slow month for most bar bands over here. Blue
  11. It doesn't matter how fast you can play or how many scales you know. If you can't play or hang with the blues, you might as well hang it up. Learn the blues and then build on it. You can apply the the blues to every genre of music. Blue
  12. I have a PX4D and I use it every night when I'm wood shedding. I would also like to know if there are other options .I have had mine for years. blue
  13. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1420562524' post='2650672'] One thing I have noticed is that there are numerous posts in the 'Introductions' forum containing 'I used to play but gave up when...', so it would seem that bassists don't give up, they just take time out. [/quote] I've remained in the game for close to 50 years and the thought of giving up or slowing down has never crossed my mind. To me, I often think; [i]" If your giving up, were you ever actually in the game? "[/i] Blue * Keep in mind, I don't have a family or any other interests in life outside of music, performance and bands.
  14. Never been through anything like that. I have been in rock bands since 1965-66 and my spirit and enthusiasm for being in a good band and gigging is at the same high level it was when I was 11 years old. I pride myself on [i]"knowing how to be in a band" [/i]and carefully picking bands. I am rarely friends or emotionally attached to band members. I think it's why I get along with my band members so well.However, I do help create a positive fun working environment for everyone in the band. I receive a lot a criticism for this, however I think most guys, particularly older guys would be better off looking at bands as a business. It's not a bad thing and it by no means takes any of the fun out of it. Just the opposite I would say. I think a lot of guys pick the wrong bands to be in and some of us are looking for the wrong things in bands as well as being in bands for the wrong reasons. Look for a new thread from me titled [i]"How To Be In A Band"[/i] real soon. Blue
  15. For us, we keep band meetings to a minimum. Most issues are small in nature and can be handled during rehearsals ( which we also keep to a minimum ) Blue
  16. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1420521538' post='2650218'] Really gorgeous! But I'm a definite maple fingerboard person (esp. flame or any non-birdseye maple). I've a MIJ P bass - split coil variety, but with the tele style headstock. Currently waiting on a refret - but when it get's rockin' again. Japanese P necks do tend to be nice and slender. [/quote] Thanks for importing a larger pic of my MIJ P Basses. Show us a pic after the refret. Hope this example of value is helpful to the OP. Blue
  17. Much better pic. Just an example of value when looking at purchasing a bass. A few years back, I think 2009, I purchased both of these Fender Made In Japan Re-Issues for $500.00 [i]"US Green Backs"[/i] a piece with cases. I still think it was a good deal. I don't know why I don't gig them more often. They are good looking,great sounding and fun basses to play. BTW, these MIJ P's, at least my vintage, are great for you guys that prefer the thinner Jazz Bass necks. However, I'm sort of on the fence with the maple fret board. I'm more of a rose wood guy. I love the Tele style head stock, don't you? Blue
  18. [quote name='Cygnus x-1' timestamp='1420495941' post='2650095'] Take a look at this vid; [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Cd98DH__U"]https://www.youtube....h?v=x6Cd98DH__U[/url] I'm not saying classic vibes are the best basses in the world, far from it, but you can get a fantastic tone from them (I have two) ....during gigs, a few people have come closer for a look at the make and comented favorably on the sound. [/quote] Great video, I have two of the MIJ Fender Re-Issues. The Sting Bass and the Butterscotch one with the black pick guard. I plan on using them more at gigs this year. Blue
  19. If your not actively gigging, I would continue to save. Do you know basses, do you know whats a fit for your look and style? Answer those questions and make your choice. P basses are not the only basses in the world. Blue
  20. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1420471634' post='2649681'] I've met Al a couple of times here in the UK when he was playing with the Wailers and he is truly a superb musician and guitarist. I first heard him on the Natty Dread album and his tasty guitar playing influenced how I play fills when doing reggae. Do you know any of his non wailers albums that I could check out? [/quote] You know, I don't know of any off hand. He's played with everyone. I believe he did some recording with Peter Tosh, so there has to be something out there. Blue
  21. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1420464594' post='2649572'] I was lucky enough to meet Al, way back in around 2002 I think? I was working in Denmark Street at the time and he needed the truss rod on his electric guitar adjusted as he'd just arrived. I couldn't believe how lose he wanted the truss rod, everytime I adjusted it he kept asking for more relief, to the point where the action was seriously springy and the frets at the top end weren't happy. But, he's the man, super talented and he knows what he wants. He was verykind too, we chatted about the Wailers gig of theirs I saw the previous year or so and he was all excited talking about Family Man's immense bass sound. And what a girlfriend.....super sweet 20 something blonde from Sweden or Holland. Al Anderson = too cool. [/quote] Very cool, Albert is scary when it comes to truss rods. Truss rods are over my head and I won't personally meddle with them. i have seen Albert back stage not to long before a show with the neck off of his guitar. Somehow he can put every thing back in place in a short period of time. Albert is very gracious to the fans that have followed him since 1974. He said I can sit in on "Heathen" when he comes back to Milwaukee. A huge part of reggae history. The pics, the only thing that went bad that night was, my girl friend picked a fight with Albert. She's no longer my girl friend. It was completely inappropriate. BTW, if Albert hadn't pursued a career in music he would have been a Pro Foot Ball Star. Back in Montclair HS, when Albert had the ball, nobody could stop him. Blue Here is a High School pic, Albert is easy to find. The guy sitting on the floor is Billy Joel's drummer Chuck Burgi. Chuck also went to Montclair High School so did Joe Walsh. Those were good days. I included a recent pic of Chuck. Blue
  22. My friend and original Wailer, American born Albert Anderson ( Lead guitarist BL for The Wailers), We have remained friends since 1966. We played together , went to grade school through High School. Albert was light years ahead of all the guitarist even back in our High School Days. The pics were taken in front of Shank Hall ( referenced in Spinal Tap ) it's not a "Hall" it's Milwaukee's coolest small club. New clip. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrWDeq4yvUI[/media] Blue
  23. It's great to hear about some of you guys that are over 60 and getting back in the game. We need you. Blue
  24. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1420407267' post='2649106'] The last audition I had, the drummer was bloomin awful, the rhythm guitarist couldn`t really play and they were far too loud. On the way out, a keyboard player who was joining them said I was much better than the other guy and felt sure they would offer me the gig. They offered me it but I nicely declined. Always be nice and tactful with people as you dont know where they or you will turn up next. [/quote] I can be a little arrogant or over confident. At a functions audition I had to play Cheap Trick's [i]"I Want You To Want Me"[/i]. After I checked my volume and tone for the song with the band, I turned around and looked at the drummer ( at least 20 years younger than me ) and I said; [i]"You know the drum and the bass line really swing in this tune. When you count it off, I am going to take off and swing just like the live recording. Will you be able to keep up with me?"[/i] I don't think he liked my comment and no, he couldn't keep up and didn't have the ability to swing or execute the cadence required for this cover. Blue
  25. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1420408414' post='2649138'] It depends how serious you want to take but there are certain fits that you can't really ignore. We've been down this with music stands... and a metal band just wouldn't entertain them, for example... Some hotels that will pay top $ wont have leads all over the place, and they wont have them gaffered up the wall etc etc ...but this is mainly common sense and a degree of respect for the type of gig you are booked to do. A tatty old 412 with the cloth kicked in ..? no one will bat much of an eyelid in a pub but that is not good enough when people are paying £100 a ticket at a expensive function... So, you should know what is expected by what sort of work the band does.... but I would also expect that you'd ask that sort of stuff before you agreed to audition..? [/quote] Great point, how serious are you, do you really want this and why. if it's just a whim, none of this stuff really matters. When I have auditioned for high level *functions bands, I carry on like this; I show up in character and show them the product they will be getting with me from my playing, stage presence, hair color, down to my boots, accessories, my bass, amp and pedal board. I have been this way since I was 12 years old and started gigging. Blue * I have never won a functions band gig. I am not sure why, but I think it's because i come off as the older [i]"well heeled" [/i]60s rocker type. Younger folks don't get it or like it.
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