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Everything posted by blue

  1. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1420329626' post='2648245'] mmm.... not sure I could do much about that, my gigging basses are 36 and 47 years old. Whilst I wouldn't say they were "ratty" they certainly bear the scars of the battle hardened warriors they are. [/quote] That sounds more vintage than "ratty". Blue
  2. I've always loved fashion.It's part of the fun of gigging. I exercise, keep my hair professionally colored I always coordinate what I wear to each and every gig. And at 61 it's not easy. I know nothing about fashion, I'm still working on a sort of retro 60s look. Most guys I know, are oblivious to fashion and are perfectly comfortable showing up for a gig in their work clothes.Everybody's different. Blue
  3. Who here has auditioned for functions band? I am sure the OP would like to hear real stories about how you won or lost the opportunity. Blue
  4. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1420194055' post='2646469'] All good stuff so far. Just to expand on the 'bass image' theme, do you know what the [i]band[/i] image is? If this is a pub covers or functions band, this won't really matter, as everyone rehearses in their street clothing. If it's a band that may have a more focused image (e.g. death metal), first ask yourself whether you can live with this, even if you treat it as dressing-up; then make sure you don't go blowing it unnecessarily, e.g. Coldplay-fan-style beige trousers and loafers to a metal audition. Really this shouldn't matter, but probably does! [/quote] I am not sure using image and referencing death metal is relevant. My reasoning, in my part of the world there are no metal function bands no less death metal. [i]"Bass image"[/i] in the context of this thread means not clashing with the band. For example *I have auditioned for several functions over the years. I usually look at their gig videos and press pictures to get an idea of what their [i]"look"[/i] is . I will copy that look and that is how I will show up dressed for the audition. Is it necessary, probably not. But I'm not sure it hurts either. Look at it like it was a traditional job. The dress code may be business casual or casual, I'm still wearing a suit to my interview. Here's another rather harsh example, I've actually seen this. The 50-60 year old guy that shows up to audition with a trendy looking function band and the members are in their 30s. The guy shows up overweight, grey hair with the long pony tail ( could be a perfect match for some bands I know ) and shabby looking overalls and gym shoes. The guy can obviously play but has no clue why he wasn't considered. A lot of this really depends on where your at in your musical career, knowing what you want and how to get it. Sometimes we have to jump through hoops to get things we want. Blue * I am not in a functions band, I am in a respectable bar/club band. I have no function band experience. I have showed up to function auditions looking great, looking the part and playing the material better than the band. However i have never won function band gig. I believe the reason I have lost these gigs is age, I'm just too old for the bands. And I don't have grey hair.
  5. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1420325500' post='2648194'] Oooooh - just discovered this thread and I'm loving it!! Read it all in a one-er, so now I'm tired (65 in Feb) and emotional (lots of great memories got stirred). What's changed for me? The knowledge and experience I've acquired as the years rolled by. It's being able to draw on all that accumulated music stuff that makes up for the negatives (mainly physical) of the ageing process. What stands out as very special? Discovering that each new Beatles album was completely different from their previous one (or anybody else's!!) BUT EVEN BETTER; trying to figure out what bass Bill Wyman was playing; [/quote] I hope I'm still productive and gigging at 65. Bill Wyman, probably one of the most underrated bass players I can think of it. You might not understand why until you try and cover his bass lines. Blue
  6. If your bring your own gear, showing up on time and the ability to set up quickly usually goes over well. Also, I hate to be superficial but it will be interesting to hear what some of you have to say. If it's a high end function band showing up with well maintained good gear is always good. You don't want to show up with older beat up gear thinking it''s your playing skills that will get you in. It usually doesn't work that way. I remember when we were auditioning drummers and some of these guys showing up with old ratty kits with no cases was not impressive at all. Blue
  7. Be excited and at the audition show enthusiasm, landing a gig with a gigging well paid function band would or will be very cool. All the guys are right about personality fits with the band. Last year we auditioned a drummer, he was really good, however he was so introverted with no personality he would have never fit in with the band. We eventually found a perfect fit, outstanding drummer, plenty of experience, meaning the guy knew how to be in a band (some guys don't) great sense of humor too. Even our fans commented on what a great fit the guys is. Blue
  8. If you can find an established band with gigs, it would be a lot easier than the time and frustration in putting a new band together. Playing to backing tracks and recording in the bedroom will never be an option for me. I've always been a gigging guy and I have no plans on stopping. Blue
  9. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1420250169' post='2647278'] I have been following this thread for a while now. Some great points have been made and no aggro, is this Basschat? I'll be 60 in 39 days and can't wait to get out playing live again after a long layoff due to health issues. Blue, if you ever get over to the UK, drop me a PM and I'd love to buy you a pint. You're a cool dude. [/quote] Thanks, ( I take this stuff way to seriously ) Very cool, getting back out there at 60 is cooler than most people think. The key is working on good meaningful projects with good people. If you can make a little dough that ain't bad either. I'm going to get to the UK by hook or by crook. I'd love for my band to do like 6 weeks of pubs and break even. I think it would be a blast. My ex-wife married a British woman and they live outside of London. But I don't think getting help from them is in the picture. Blue
  10. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1420253619' post='2647290'] I'm 57. I'm just about oldest in one band, in the other (currently hibernating) band I'm definitely the grand old man (the singer's mum is 5 years younger than me). I don't care. My first band played Glenn Miller songs. I play music from the 60s to the present. There were lots of crap bands back then and quite a few good ones. There are lots of crap bands now and quite a few good ones. There used to be lots of solo artistes playing all sorts of material of varying musical merit. There are lots of solo artistes playing all sorts of material of varying musical merit. X-Factor and The Voice have a lot to answer for. Opportunity Knocks and New Faces had a lot to answer for. There were more ground-breaking bands in the 60s and 70s because there was more ground to break. I may, of course, be opposed for this view, and indeed I may be wrong, but I would say that someone like Victor Wooten is not a ground-breaker. He is an absolute virtuoso, but he has taken skills that the groundbreakers have explored and improved and mastered them. He may well be nibbling at the edge of the unbroken ground but there's so little of it left that finding a bit that you can actually pitch your claim to is getting very difficult. [/quote] Well, for me,I'm 61, if there's any new ground to break or beak ground that was already broken, Ive always looked to the British to bring it to our attention even if the music is from the States. It's always been that way. For whatever reason you guys seem to see and notice things in music we don't. Blue
  11. [quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1420247433' post='2647272'] Very pretty Blue. I have the black version of your Goldtop. They are lovely. Will post a couple of pics tomorrow but my fave is the 76 Triumph in cream. Gigged with it tonight with a new El Dorado strap just delivered from the U.S. My dream combination. Andy [/quote] Cool, can't wait to see the pics. I have a pretty cool strap for my LP.As you know you need a substantial strap for these basses, they're far from light. I love mixing the combination of tones and volume for the neck and bridge PUs. We played a Jeff Beckish version of [i]"Going Down" [/i]on New Years Eve. I used a little Boss Over drive and a little Corona Chorus, very effective. The sustain was right on the money. Blue
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1420237767' post='2647146'] I'm not going to dial in a crazy slap tone for Bob Marley covers, versatilty is key imo and I am very versatile as is my gear I'm either going to get along with people and they will enjoy my playing or they wont, I've eaten my share of function band buffet food too but never to pay my mortgage, I dont want to do that either, I'm already losing half a days holiday for a wedding gig on monday night with work the Tuesday after. [/quote] I doubt I would ever make the grade for a big $$$$$$$ function band, but if I did I'd dial in whatever they wanted. Blue
  13. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1419682575' post='2641840'] Well,if we're going GOLD I can contribute..... [attachment=179333:S5001205.JPG] [/quote] How about Vintage Faded Cherry?
  14. [quote name='Bassmonkey' timestamp='1420210335' post='2646702'] At last another LP fan (I know Neipheed digs em too). Got 4 now but not the Goldtop. On the list though..... [/quote] I gigged New Years Eve with my Gold Top LP for most of the night. Fun bass to play and very cool looking IMHO. You have a Thunderbird as well. Mine might be a 93 too. It has the ebony fret board. Blue
  15. I think I already have every bass I've ever wanted except for a Rick. Amps I love my GK rig, If I ever buy another rig it will be some sort of configuration from Orange. Blue
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1420194693' post='2646480'] I wouldn't be asking for confirmation of them liking my tone or not?, volume maybe in a "can you all hear me ok?" But not the tone, I'd select the appropriate tone for the genre in question and more importantly use a playing style that works, if they don't like it fine I'd rather not have the gig than be told what tone to use thanks [/quote] You might not be the best candidate for a functions band at least not on this side of the pond. These bands usually are offering some of the better money to be made out there and they are positioned to call the shots for tone and volume among other things such as look, image, dress ect ect... Another potential barrier. Over here unless you have function band experience it's difficult to get in. Blue
  17. [quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1419985986' post='2644707'] Just be yourself .... [/quote] There's a lot more to landing a function gig than merely being yourself. IMHO Blue
  18. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1420112652' post='2645618'] Don`t play too loud - if anything hang back a bit and wait to be asked to turn up, not all bands like a really loud present bass.[/quote] I think that can go both ways. I have heard stories about guys wondering what the final decision was and getting a response from the band saying [i]" we couldn't hear you ".[/i] I say set up quick, (I prefer to bring my own gear unless the band has asked me not to) do a 1 minute sound check with the band to get approval on your tone and the volume your at in the mix. Ask the band if they can all hear you. Remember even the best bands have no real protocol when it comes to auditioning. Could be a cultural difference but over hear most function bands have guys lined up waiting in the wings? Blue
  19. [quote name='geoham' timestamp='1420045561' post='2645163'] As vain as it sounds - if you want the gig, try taking along a bass that matches their style. If you're not sure, a Fender type bass will fit most bands![/quote] Interesting point. I'm not auditioning, however I don't play traditional basses. Most of my basses are pretty much retro looking. For example you don't see a lot of guys playing Gibson's Gold Top Les Paul Bass or their ES-335 Bass or a GibsonThunderbird which is what I play most of the time. And my primary bass is a German made Hofner Limited Edition Club Bass. I would think a lot of younger guys would look at any of my basses and say [i]"what's that?"[/i] I do have a couple of Fender Telecaster Basses that would satisfy bands that have opinions on bass guitars. Blue
  20. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1420047332' post='2645196'] Thanks everyone so far, that's all good stuff! Shall I take a music stand to help me out? Just kidding. The two way audition thing makes good sense and I will be taking a P bass! [/quote] Just remember, if you get an offer be certain your working with mature, experience, fair and overall good people. While were not friends,I think the reason my band is celebrating 9 years of being together is because they are all cool/ good people and somehow we stay booked and make $$$. I have worked in bands with questionable types and it sucks. If you have experience these types are easy to spot. I wish you luck, here is another thing to keep in mind. it is a lot harder winning a job with a booked functions band than with most Originals bands for obvious reasons. Blue
  21. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1420047817' post='2645204'] Ask what happens to the gig money. Is it split at the end of the night equally ? Am I expected to buy anyone's equipment for them like the singers PA ? If the answer to these two dont tick boxes, why bother. [/quote] Good questions, however they are questions I wouldn't ask until I was made a proper offer. [i]"Proper offer" [/i]Hey, I don't talk like that. I have been on this forum too long. Blue
  22. Good to hear most of you had fun NYE gigs. I hope you all remembered to Re-book for next year. Blue
  23. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1420081622' post='2645474'] My gig was f***ing rubbish for a wide variety of reasons. Can't be bothered to list everything that went wrong and I think I'll be ringing the band leader in the morning to say that they need to pull their socks up if I'm to play for them again. Serious attitude and quality problems in that band!! Oh well, I've had a sip of sherry and a ham sandwich, off to bed now Happy new year everyone! Truckstop [/quote] Dang, I hate hearing about these train wrecks truckstop. I hope your BL understands where your coming from. Blue
  24. I'm back home too. Great NYE Bar gig, packed and lots of dancing. On top of our fee a very nice couple tipped the band $100.00 a piece including our sound guy. It's the 3rd time this couple has done this. I also met a super attractive lady, but I think she might be out of my league Blue
  25. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1419978846' post='2644634'] You sound like you're easily up to the job so just relax, if you meet the playing standard required then anything else is pretty much out of your control. good luck Les[/quote] Les, You basically mirrored my narrative, however you articulated it in one sentence. Blue
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