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Everything posted by blue

  1. [list] [*]Why did you like about the band? [/list][list] [*]What are you looking for in a band? [/list][list] [*]Why is the position open? [/list] Outside of knowing and being able to execute the audition material flawlessly, here are a few other things you might want to think about;[list] [*]Are they auditioning friends of the band (friends can trump even the best player to audition. Me, I won't audition for a band if they're auditioning friends) [/list][list] [*]Auditions can be tricky, even good bands can run poor auditions. I don't know what it's like for function bands in the UK over here it's seldom about how well you play, its all about how you fit the bands image. So age and look can be weighed quite heavily. [/list][list] [*]The bass player with vocals and marginal bass skill is usually chosen over the hot bass player with no vocals to offer. [/list] Blue
  2. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1419896213' post='2643857'] We are getting paid very well but will have to complete a marathon 8 sets at the Waterhole in Amsterdam. Great venue though so it should be loud as hell and a lot of fun. The place holds around 300 at max capacity.[/quote] Major coolness, sounds like you guys will have a blast. Nice set list. Tear the place down. Blue
  3. We have a fun gig. We play the same club every NYE. Great hours, 2-7, so, If I want I can go out after the gig and enjoy NYE. We always have a great, respectful, and responsive crowd at this venue. It should be a fun night for the band and our extended musical family. Blue
  4. What's going on with NYE gigs? Who has [i]"super hot"[/i] fun gigs lined up, new business, new venues, different hours? If your looking forward or not looking forward to your New Years Eve gig, share your story. Blue
  5. After reviewing all the reply's, it's clear that there are a lot bass players here that are not in the active gigging side of the business. Seems like there are a lot of [i]"at home"[/i], [i]"non-gig"[/i] recording project guys and music students. Also there seems to be a small population of guys that were never really in the game at all? No criticism, because I understand why a lot of guys don't gig and have no interest in gigging. I think for many of the younger guys the scene has changed so much, [b]it's no longer cool[/b] [b]or fun[/b]. It's why I'm glad I got into this in the 60s, when it was the coolest and most fun thing, to be in a working gigging rock band. So if I haven't already said this already and you actively gigging guys will get this; for the band to have another fun & respectable gigging year ( 70 shows for 2014 ) and out gigging a minimum of twice a week. There are other things I want to do musically but gigging is my priority. Happy New Year Guys Blue
  6. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1419679613' post='2641809'] Totally agree, just pointing out that it's really hard to find bands at that level that look for musicians publically. If I were looking for a replacement bassist for my band, I would be after someone who already has years of experience playing covers. There are many reasons for this but it's mainly because playing covers at any level requires a different skill set to playing original music. A skill set that takes a few years to develop. Someone in the OP's position may find it hard to get function work because of this. Ergo, it'd be better for him to start his own band. IMO! Truckstop [/quote] Good point, and maybe the OP has what it takes to start his own thing. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/252068-your-musical-ambitions-plans-goals-for-2015/page__st__30 Blue
  7. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1419682575' post='2641840'] Well,if we're going GOLD I can contribute..... [attachment=179333:S5001205.JPG] [/quote] Nice looking bass! Blue
  8. I don't know much about them, however if you do it right, it's a fairly expensive acquisition and I think it works best when the whole band is using them. I'm [i]"old school"[/i] l can't see myself having a use for them. I have a dedicated powered Carvin stage monitor 15" and a horn that I can ear my vocals and bass signal through just fine. McCartney doesn't need them, so I don't. Good luck, I hope it works out for you. Make sure you know exactly what you need and how your going to use them before you buy a IEM solution. Blue
  9. Just so you guys have an idea on opportunities with bands, here are the only 3 current opportunities from Milwaukee Rocks; [b]Bassist Wanted For Established Band[/b] A bass player is wanted for an established band that plays in the Milwaukee and SE Wisconsin area. Some styles we cover include rock, pop. Fun and active band seeks someone who is reliable, and no drugs or drunks please. Good chemistry, enjoyable, fun. For more information, please email us! [b]Original Country Band Looking For Bassist[/b] Original serious country band looking for bass player. we will be playing out. [b]Metal Band Seeks Bassist[/b] We're a vocalist, guitarist, and drummer. Ages 30, 31, 31. We're looking for a bassist. You can check out Vocalist & Guitarists last project at *www.CrowningtheTyrant.com and the drummer's previous project on RevernNation searching for AWorldAblaze. Email for more info if interested. * Their web-site shows 3 gigs for 2014 and nothing for 2015. As you can see, not much out there. Blue
  10. Stuff is all over my head. Back in the 60s I don't think we had mids. Just bass, treble and volume. Blue
  11. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1419651918' post='2641632'] I'm delighted to say that I'm technically not yet old enough to participate in this discussion. lol [/quote] You can participate, it's just that there are some specific issues that impact the gigging musician over 60 more than some of the younger guys. Peace Blue Why the pic? Just a cool pic of my Gibson LP Gold Top.
  12. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1419623197' post='2641418'] I've come to the conclusion that I'm ready to take on a function band after spending the last 5-6 years trying to play original stuff exclusively, sadly I've had FAR too many changes to really make any significant progress, though I still want to be involved with original bands and to write and develop my own music. I've only ever done function/covers bands with mates before and that was a while ago now. Where can I find a dedicated and fairly professional function band? I've tried Join My Band etc as well as local music stores where else can I try? [/quote] "My Band" is a start but if the UK is anything like the USA, working function bands hardly ever post opening to the public. Go out and see some of the better functions bands and talk to them. Ask the bass player how he found the opportunity, stuff like that. also talk to the agencies that represent these function bands. They might give you a lead. Blue
  13. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1419624465' post='2641438'] Start your own and learn on the way! Might take a few years to get to the standard you want but you'll get there with enough investment and hard work [/quote] I see this suggestion, [i]"start your own"[/i] quite often. and it's thrown around like it's a viable option for everyone when it's not for several reasons. First of all most start ups never see their first gig, it's just the way things are. Second, it takes a lot of different skill sets to start your own working band. How are you going to attract good musicians when you have nothing financial to offer. Most good seasoned players are going to look at what a band has on the books before anything else. Most start ups have nothing on the books. A lot of newbies , might not have the experience needed for a working band. You have to have deep pockets,, resources, a large network of established musicians and incredible organizational skills to start your own band. Many of you have these qualities and that's great.But on the other side of the coin, many don't. Blue
  14. [quote name='Marillionred' timestamp='1419630445' post='2641510'] [url="https://www.facebook.com/TheTerminalFiveExperience"]https://www.facebook...lFiveExperience[/url] Ambitions for 2015: 1) Record a few of our better covers and an original or two 2) Play an outdoors festival (but more likely we'll end up playing in someone's back garden) 3) Play more paying gigs 4) Raise some more money for our favourite charities [/quote] I think many of us want to play more decent paying gigs. I think the hard thing for many bands is to turn down non-paying gigs. I personally think rejecting non-playing gigs positions you better for paying gigs. It might not show, but a lot of the seasoned older guys guys get that "[i]beat down/ is it worth it[/i]" feeling after giving away your heart and soul. Now, I know many of you guys love playing so much that getting paid doesn't matter to you. Keep in mind,you guys don't represent everyone. If you don't care about money and getting paid that's cool. Remember, while it's all about fun, this is still a business to many of us and many here and everywhere want to do more paying gigs. Blue
  15. [quote name='Gottastopbuyinggear' timestamp='1419629465' post='2641497'] I'd like to be in a band that doesn't implode after one practice! [/quote] Don't beat yourself up. It's hard to find good productive focused bands everywhere. Don't settle for just playing with anyone. It's hard , but if you can find an established band you like it might put you a head in 2015. I don't like throwing this out there but it's a good benchmark for those new to the business. [i]"99% of start up bands are not together long enough to see their 1st gig."[/i] Blue
  16. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1419388131' post='2639531'] It wasn't even an instrument cable, it was a power cord, from mains to amplifier! [/quote] Well, that makes things different. I use Speak-On connectors. Improved main to amp signal is something I'm always interested in. Blue
  17. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1419600475' post='2641168'] Right , now I can join in this thread as I'm 60 today! TBH it's sh*t, no gig and not one till NYE. Not sure I'm going to like my 60's.....! [/quote] Being in my 60s has been great musically and gig wise, playing more than ever. Musically your 60s should be anything you want it to be. Blue
  18. Our band of close to 9 (I've been with them for 3 going on 4 years) years played around 68 good paying gigs ( bars/clubs & festivals and fairs ) in 2014. Not bad for a blues/70s style rock band with young female lead guitarist front. Ok, for 2015, I'm in a good band already, as many of you know finding a band with consistent paid gigs is not easy. If you have read my threads you also know I'm an older guy and that I'm a 1 band only guy. I have no interests in multiple projects. I'm staying right where I am and hoping we have another good year for gigs. Now, if a great national touring opportunity came my way, I would consider it. I hope all of you have a great 2015 musical year, hopefully doing what you like in this fickle business. Blue
  19. Another thing about being 60 + and still in the game for me.I have been substance free for over 30 years. Everything is a lot clearer and a lot more fun. Things like song choice by BLs ( I play plenty of songs I don't really care for and I make the best of it ) or drummers inconsistent tempo no longer bug me. Just play the best bass you can, you have control over that. You really can't control that drummer. Blue
  20. I don't mind paying top dollar for good basic gear and accessories, but $149.00 for a cord, No thanks, it's a cord. I'll stay wireless with my Line 6 Relay. My tone is just fine. I'll buy a new pedal with my $149.00. I think the guy in the vid is full of it. Blue
  21. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1419371807' post='2639354'] I thought you'd like it and I do like it myself. It's interesting to see the development over the six years. [/quote] Yes, the other issue is how much help did these bands have at the time. State of the art production and the best arrangers, producers and technicians. Blue
  22. [url="http://youtu.be/XOCTI_BG6do"]http://youtu.be/XOCTI_BG6do[/url] This is not me, this guy does a great job covering Donny Hathaway's [i]"This Christmas"[/i] Blue
  23. Love it! Man, would I love to get my hands on a pin strip suit like Brian's. Blue
  24. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1419311577' post='2638602'] Amazing artists from an amazing time in the development of popular/rock n roll music for sure - love 'em. But they did all have the good fortune to have been around where signed artists were allowed to grow and develop over a period of years and albums, in a much smaller world regarding media outlets. By the time we got to the '90s, the music industry was a much slicker self serving machine that murdered bands with potential after an album if it didn't sell "X" amount. There wasn't as much risk taking or patience with artists by then. How many budding great artists disappeared into obscurity before they could creatively come of age? How many did we never even discover? (Sorry if this has been covered already, I'm only on page 2 of this thread.. ) [/quote] Good point, it's something I never thought about. Certainly makes sense. I also think that because the artists I listed had time and support from the label to develop and grow, it allowed the fans to watch these bands grow and evolve to full potential. For example [i]Meet The Beatles[/i] is quite different from say [i]Revolver[/i]. Yes, the other issue is how much help did these bands have at the time. State of the art production and the best arrangers, producers and technicians. Blue
  25. There are a lot of great artists out there. However there's a very special something called "It" and you have to have to make it big. Joe Cocker defined what having "It" meant. I remember his historical performance at Woodstock. Amazing! RIP JC
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